Universal Mother and the Fairies: Cycles of Newness

time to wake up eraoflightWe are the fairies of old who have surrounded and support humanity quietly for eons, and we wish to have our voices heard once again; for all is unhinging and we like that analogy very much for as we see with open, awake eyes, we see that humanity has been asleep too long, locked up and away, isolated, in the prison of their own making and we see this as being ridiculous to continue this game and to allow the walls

The Arcturian Group: Illuminating the World

arcturiansGreetings once again dear ones. We are well aware of the troubling activities and chaos tempting many of you to fall into fear and doubt. Always remember that in spite of appearances, what you are witnessing is the exposure of old programming, secrets, and three dimensional creations. High resonating energies of Light are illuminating and paving the way for their removal because denser energies cannot exist in the higher more refined ones

It’s Not New: Pictures Show The Fight Against Vaccines Is Well Over 100 Years Old

vaccines killThe Facts: The struggle against vaccination, especially compulsory vaccination mandated by a government/industry coalition, was met with fierce resistance from people during the early history of vaccination over a century ago.

Reflect On: What does the pictorial evidence of opposition to vaccines from early in the previous century tell us about today’s

Energy Update: Fatigue Wave Arriving, Massive Insights and More

thebluerayBlessing Beloveds,

Suddenly today we have had an extreme fatigue energy WAVE arriving. I have not slept so long at night in a very long time as last night. When I was doing client sessions today, after my last healing session, I spontaneously feel asleep and I was not even tired! I suddenly woke myself up wondering what was going on, then realized it’s the wave we have coming in