A Way to Perfection

25722-You-Are-Perfection-To-Me*A Way to Perfection

In this quote William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, uses the first commandment to show how following it can lead us to perfection.

The Council: To achieve the maximum in any lifetime, what you must do is totally accept that first Commandment, and that is, respect yourself enough so as not to have a false god within you. If you can respect yourself and respect your God, if you could look upon yourself as a true reflection in quality not quantity, but in quality, then you would realize that this would be your actual last reincarnation. You would more than likely, when you left that lifetime, would more than likely move directly into the Angelic Level [of The God-made Heavenly Realms].

So the key to perfection is respecting yourself enough so as not to separate yourself from that Divine Source through an artificial god. It can also be boiled down into something as simple as being wise enough to realize that if you live your life as a god, you will reach perfection.

The Fall of Man came from the fact that he decided he could do it his way, and that his way would be better or at least achieve the same as the Divine’s Way; he immediately found out that that was not the case. If you apply the principles of God or attempt to apply the principles of God to your everyday action, you can rest assured that this will be your last needed lifetime. So the simple answer is, respect yourself as a god and respect the God that you know. Conduct yourself in such a way so that you would be proud to stand in His sight. Conduct yourself in such a way so as to be able to say that you did the best you could. Now, again, these are all based on your own inner honesty, not what you say with your mouth but what your heart says.

Once you have achieved that, which is very simple, then you will have eliminated karma for yourself, you will have eliminated any additional lifetimes necessary, you will more than likely have moved at that particular transition or crossing or death experience, you will more than likely have moved directly into the Angelic Level. It is all that simple. It was simple 50,000 years ago. It is simple today. In fact, it is a little simpler today, because all you are asked to accomplish today is the sincere desire to do. Fifty thousand years ago, you had to do it. That is the simple answer. Keep that recognition that the Divine Way is the only way. Simple enough?

