A Glorified Body

lightbodyIn this quote from William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, we receive some great advice on how we can reach our highest spiritual potential here and now.

The Council: All those who are in the material manifestation now. If you want a glorified body, if you want a spiritual body, such as talked about in the Bible, develop your character according to the present belief system. Now your character is not what you manifest on the outside. Your character is made up of your intentions, and your intentions are made up of your affections or your love. That is why you are told to love yourself in a godly manner, and that is the first step. Forget your spiritual guilt; forget that you have separated yourself from the Divine Father and think only of your return. Realize that you are separated and realize that now you can continually separate yourself from the Divine by your actions. Change that desire to re-unite yourself with the Divine and begin on a conscious level to develop those affections that you know are godly. In so doing when you consciously put an effort forward, the soul in itself even through its guilt knows its rightful place, but in this guilt it seeks, because of the guilt, to move itself away as a form of punishment, as a form of, shall we say, being ashamed of the rejection of Total Love, so it is a self-chastisement which is not necessary. On the conscious level, change your affections to godly ways of action in service to mankind. Your soul in its very essence is constantly trying to break through the guilt but you must help it. You are given guidance, you are given help by the Divine through your relationships in the material manifestation. The stronger help the weaker. If you have one facet of your personality that is weak, there will be someone around you that has that facet strong, and they will attempt to influence you into activity or into strength, if you allow it. But what happens in most cases is that when you see the strength in others that is lacking in you, then your tendency is to move away from that individual because in that process you are made more aware of your shortcomings. If you truly loved yourself as you should first, then you would learn from those and try to develop the same strengths.