May One for All

output_4qsx8GMay One for All and All for One.

International Workers’ Day. A beautiful day, celebrations world wide like every May First in the past, and sometimes demonstrations, protests world wide on this very day. Nontheless, it is always exciting.

This year however, will be different. Perhaps, just MORE excitement for GOOD reasons.

The different sources from around the web; Political, Intel Guru’s, and Spiritual sources; From our world to galactic transpiring events, all are pointing to May First. May First for the release of the RV/GCR.

May 1st, It will be a Sunday. Monday May 2nd, we can expect banks to be closed and for the following three days. UNLESS the transition has all ready been made behind the scenes, and we are not aware of it. It may just take 24 hours or less for it to all go into effect globally, as some have been pointing out. Which would mean no bank blackout days. Sunday May 1st or Midnight May 2nd/Monday 12am, ALL goes into effect. We would be able to exchange on that day or we would receive 800 numbers on that day to set up appointments.

Of course this is not set in stone. It is a simple THOUGHT. But if you put all your energy into that thought, it WILL manifest.

*Let Love Be Your Intention.
*From Heart to Heart KejRaj.