The Pleiadians: Awaken Within This Dream

output_bqU4zdAs a species of life, you are poised at that moment when you are required to make a leap of faith.

We tell you stories from which you can evolve. You can choose whether to believe them or not. However, if you believe them, be willing to let go of them and recognize when they no longer serve you.

Our entire approach and purpose at this point in time is to confound you into clarity and create unsolvable contradictions within the patterns of thought that occupy the cells of your beings. By considering our words, you change. The days before you will be filled with majestic splendor in the same way that your physical world once offered pristine beauty for you to explore.

You are creating an opportunity to transcend third-dimensional reality and to enter the corridors of time, where worlds and realities have more variety and flexibility. Your task is to heal yourselves on a treasure hunt through the corridors of time. We have shared many keys with you, and left as many unannounced.

You must transform yourselves as the sum total of the force of existence, poised in your moment of the ever-expanding now.

We speak to you as evolving humans – as ambassadors of light.

Channel: Barbara Marciniak

Book: Keys to the living library