Does The Tarot Really Tell the Future?

tarotHave you ever heard someone say, “I’m too scared to have my Tarot cards read. They might tell me something I don’t want to know, like something bad is going to happen!”

I sure have. Maybe you’ve even thought it yourself, before you knew anything about Tarot.

Every time I hear a statement like this, it breaks my heart. It means that people who feel this way are missing out on one of the most powerful tools available to us as intuitive beings – the Tarot. And instead of seeing themselves as creators of the future, they’re becoming victims of the future.

In this post, I bust the myth that Tarot tells you exactly what will happen in the future. Instead, I show you how Tarot can empower you by showing you what could happen, and how to create the outcomes you most desire.

“Tarot Tells the Future!”

One of the greatest misconceptions about the Tarot is that Tarot tells the future. The cards will tell you exactly what will happen, no matter what.

For example, the cards might tell you that your long-term relationship will come to a crashing end, or a job offer will fall through at the last minute and you’ll be jobless for years to come. And worse, there’s nothing you can do about it. There’s no escaping it!

No wonder many people are frightened to have their cards read! And some even believe that if these things are seen in the cards, then they will manifest no matter what, so it’s better not to even consult the cards so that bad things will never happen.

Oh dear.

The trouble is, these kinds of beliefs assume that as a human being, you have no free will and that the future is set in stone. No matter what action you take, your fate has already been decided for you, down to the most minute detail.

Does that feel right to you? It certainly doesn’t for me.

What the Tarot Really Tells You

If the Tarot doesn’t tell you the future, then what does it tell you?

Here’s what I believe…

Tarot won’t tell you exactly what will happen – for example,what will happen in your job, the exact date you’ll meet your future husband or the first name of your first child (so please don’t ask!).

But it can predict what could happen based on your present circumstances. And it can show you what action to take now to manifest your goals in the future.

This quote from Paulo Coelho’s book, The Alchemist, captures this sentiment perfectly:

“When people consult me, it’s not that I’m reading the future; I am guessing at the future… How do I guess at the future? Based on the omens of the present. The secret is here in the present. If you pay attention to the present, you can improve upon it. And if you improve on the present, what comes later will also be better.”

Say you want a harmonious relationship with your beloved but the Tarot cards indicate destructive arguments in the near future.

You have a choice. You could give up there and then and end the relationship in anticipation of these foreseen arguments because you believe they will happen no matter what.

Or, you could say, “You know what? I hate arguments. What could I do to avoid the arguments or mini mise their negative impact?”

Draw a few more Tarot cards or do some internal work, and you’ll have your answer. Implement those strategies, and you’ll avoid the negative consequences.

Now, does it mean no arguments whatsoever? Maybe, maybe not. The important thing is that you’ve been proactive now to minimise the impact of an undesirable out come later.

Be the Creator of Your Future, Not the Victim

You get to choose – are you going to hand over your power and be a victim, believing that you have no control over the future? Or, are you going to empower yourself, accept free will and personal responsibility, and become the creator of your future?

I know which one I choose!

If you’re ready to say “Yes” to empowerment as you read the Tarot, then follow this easy steps when consulting the cards:

  • Decide what you DO want. What’s the most ideal outcome for the situation at hand?
  • Understand the present. What energies are surrounding you right now?
  • Predict the future based on the present. What could happen if you were to stay on your current path?
  • Make positive change. If you foresee a future that is not in alignment with your ideal outcome, then identify what needs to change in the ‘here and now’ to manifest your goals and dreams.

Tarot won’t create your future for you – it’s completely up to you. And isn’t that a beautiful thing!

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