Shifting The Form On The Pleiades

7741611The energy of the Sphinx. Representing the powers of transfiguration and transformation of frequencies. Changing the form. We do see a statue of the Sphinx in Egypt, yet the original design was feminine and of course with wings.

Wings representing the TRANSCENDENCE of the Earth Form merged with the HIGHER Self. Angelic energies. Divine Energies of TRANSFIGURATION. The power to literally CHANGE the form, to the ASCENDED form.

I would love to share with you one existence in particular, where I practised transforming my form, knowing that one day on Earth, I would be using those same gifts, here. Even this moment.

You may see this as the Sphinx energy or the Dragon energy, or whatever words you choose to name this. One thing is for sure, it is the ability to enter the higher dimensions consciously, and change the FREQUENCIES of the form in the lower dimensions.

The Creators of form, the Elohim, created the Blueprints that are used today, it is all light. And within the human DNA and Blueprint is the LIGHT codes and abilities within the DNA to TRANSFORM itself.

FROM one way, a human being in a form that appears solid, to THE Ascended Being ~ that may still appear here amidst 3D ~ yet not play with the same limitation rules of the third dimension. OF course at the higher levels, this is already occurring.

What you expand into, already exists.

YET the consciousness agreeing to experience itself through the lower dimensions that appears as stretching out through time, experiences a very real experience of existing separately or simultaneously in many or all dimensions.

Every day, dedicating hours of focus on the Pleiades to changing my form, from one way to another, as a practise.

This began with an encounter of a Higher Being of Light. This Being was an aspect of myself, in a future timeline, that appeared to me in Light with wings of Light. As I witnessed and spent time with this Divine Future Being, I awakened this transform within myself.

At that point (of consciousness) on the Pleiades, not everyone was aware that they were there to TRANSFORM also, one day.

After lots of daily practise and meetings with this future DIVINE Self ~ realm (a frequency not yet fully transformed into being conscious of in all moments) I would transform myself and be able to hold this frequency for longer lengths of time. Till I had fully mastered this, at will, consciously.

I knew that ONE day ( a frequency level) on Planet Earth, I would do the same and Transform my form again, that would be part of the Ascension experience ( the transformation of ALL FORM) for those on Earth. And the awakening of what the Sphinx energy. The TRANSFIGURATION energy and frequency.

Again, call it what you like. IT is still the awakening of the DNA that transforms from one way to another.

The awakening of these Codes of Light, within the human form DNA, was part of the entire plan of consciousness, since before the first civilization on Earth. What is held as energy and high frequency at different energy points on Earth. Is simply the energy frequency of this Transfiguration. The Ascension Light Codes.

The ability to transform MATTER.

Matter that appears as solid in one Dimension and transform the matter to MATCH the Higher Dimensions of Light.

Again, it already exists, the transformation and shift in the form, occurs when the HIGHER levels and dimensions (timelines) MERGE with the CURRENT aspect and dimension.

Call it what you will. IT is the Ascension.

IT is the embodiment of the HIGHER dimensions into the Lower dimension. Creating the ALCHEMY of what appeared as once, different.

NOW ~ Breathe this in. The ability to change form. The ability to shift DNA.

Inherent in ALL DNA. PROGRAMMED into all levels and dimensions.

SO that one day they would all consciously MERGE as whole once again.

The ORIGINAL Light and all dimensions LINKED as they are. Consciously completing the journey of Light. As all are consciously united.

Your Ascension.

Receive this NOW ~ awakening more and more of your LIGHT codes held within your cellular consciousness, awakening greater Union within YOU.

As Light that knows itself in the Highest and lowest dimensions. All at once. The master of FORM. To be that on EARTH. ALL now! I love you!

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