Twinflames Part 3: Separation

eraoflight twinflamesSeparation follows the swooning stage. The stage of separation occurs as a result of fear of the extreme emotions that accompany the connection shared between the Twin Flames. There are often unfavorable circumstances involved, which serve as an excuse to separate, but no matter what, the whole thing is that the separation never occurs because of circumstance, it occurs because of the fear and the circumstance is the excuse that the ego uses to dodge self-realization. Circumstances are placed so that each Flame can, in their own time, realize on their own that the circumstance was not to blame, but that it was their own choice to separate and they must be willing to fully see and understand the true reason behind why they chose to “Run”.  This is when self-realization would occur. This stage is also called the “Runner” stage. That is what all of you have labeled it to be, but as you all are evolving, you are coming to realize that there is no runner. The runner is only an illusion. A fabrication which occurs when the partner has more growing to do before unification can occur. You see, Twin Flames do each other a great favor in staying apart. They grant each other growth in a situation where the conscious mind is running wild with so many emotions. You must know that your higher selves are always communicating and there is never a mistake in this. Nobody is running from a perfect union. When there is growth to be completed, the Twins will be separated until the transformations are complete on both ends. The one who is appearing to run is simply playing the role. They are not really running. They are under the direction of the higher self, and in alignment with soul contract. This is why you can communicate with the higher self of your Twin Flame, but not the person in 3D. They love you, but they are under contract in the physical until certain limitations are overcome on both sides. Your higher selves are very good at projecting their love and they are always setting up synchronicities to remind you of the love that is being showered upon you, by the union. This is the reason that you feel good when you notice these synchronistic events. That is what they are for.


The purpose of Separation is so that Self-Realization can occur. So, this leads us to the stage of Self-Realization. This happens in many fragmented steps. As layers upon layers of that which no longer serves you are peeled away, It is a gradual progression. It seems that you keep growing, and you keep feeling ready to reunite, but only the soul/higher-self knows when it is time. Sometimes, it seems that one Twin will be ready for much longer than the other Twin, but this is not really the case. You see, the Universe allows time for you to truly become acclimated to your new vibrational standpoint to decrease the chances that you will be triggered and put back off balance when your Twin Flame returns. You must demonstrate that you can maintain your new state of unconditional love and enlightenment under any and all conditions. The Universe will give you many circumstances to practice on. Circumstances to shake you up. Circumstances that are difficult. Because the Twin Flame Union can be difficult if you cannot maintain yourself, and the Universe does not like inconsistencies. It wants for you to be fully ready. Sometimes, there is value in coming together and parting again, but otherwise, the Universe is trying to get you to a new vibrational baseline that you can demonstrate is easily maintainable, even in an environment which is not controlled. You must become unconditional. Unconditionally loving, unconditionally peaceful and unconditionally dedicated to fulfilling your purpose. Some of you keep yourself in limbo by becoming disheartened when your flame does not appear to you in the way that you want him to. This action in itself tells the Universe that you are not truly ready and the union can therefore, not occur. We know that this idea can be frustrating to you, but it is consistent with the idea of paradox that we explained in the previous post and remains true. We will continue to explain these concepts to you in as many ways as possible so that they may become engrained into your understanding and into your consciousness. Applying what you have learned is not always an easy thing to accomplish. It requires reinforcement of the idea that you are trying to manifest and the method to it. Dear, Twin Flame, do not despair. All that you need is provided for you and within your reach. Please know this and it will be true for you.

Part 4

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