Archangel Michael: Be The Light You Came To Be

aa michaelDear Ones,

Hold your faith. Now is a critical time for you to focus on the Triad of Affirmations I gave you. Remembering of course Positive thoughts, emotions and actions CREATE. Hold the CONSCIOUSNESS of Stability – where there is none.

Let your LIGHT shine brighter than it ever has before, you are so needed to shine right now.

YOU are Powerful – through your thoughts, words and actions you are changing your Earth.

Chaos is reigning around you, BUT you can stay in neutrality, holding the stability for ALL HUMANITY. YOU, are having an impact on all that is transitioning in and around you.

As Beings of Light, you are connected to the Higher Aspect of Self – your I AM PRESENCE, Higher Self, Over Soul, all “parts” of the larger YOU are working with your physical Being, to bring about all that you desire for yourself and your loved ones and all on Planet Earth.

The Earth and YOU ARE ONE. Creators YOU ARE!

Your words are vibration – they travel out and they create – anything stated within the I AM creates – positive or negative. Therefore use your words CONSCIOUSLY – listen to what flows out when you speak – are you adding to, or diminishing your Universe?

I AM present on Planet Earth to bring about –


Regardless of “what it looks like – out there” KNOW all is happening in perfect alignment with that which ALL HUMANITY has agreed upon.

Your Divine Blueprints are unfolding rapidly now and you are so much more than you ever allowed yourselves to

Everything you need is within you, always has been – ALL the tools, information, peace, wisdom, abundance, perfect well-being – YOU HAVE IT NOW!!!!

Time to once again claim your Sovereignty.

Stand up Dear Ones, look within for all you require – follow no one – BE WHO YOU CAME TO BE. Your uniqueness is unravelling more each day and you are witnessing the growth of Humanity because of all the challenges you are experiencing.

You are so much stronger and more resilient than you have ever been. You are beginning to KNOW YOURSELVES and what is unfolding is a JOY to witness.

As your Earth and YOU transition, so much more awareness of the “AWE” of YOU will be revealed.

We are not as surprised by this unfoldment as you are, because we have always KNOWN – Who you are – the greatest of Angels to EVER walk Planet Earth.

You are on a mission Dear Ones and your time has come.


Hold your heads high – look into your Higher Hearts and see what we see. Everything you have EVER required is available to you when you look within.

Dear Ones, we continue to walk this New Earth with you loving and supporting you every step of the way and we are in awe of what we see unfolding before you – and because of YOU.

Planet Earth is in good hands.

You are the Stewards of the New Earth.

All is well.

And so it is.



» Source – Channel: Leslie-Anne Menzies
