Jupiter in Retrograde: Let there Be Joy

era of light astrologyRetrogrades have gotten a bad rap.

Their purpose is to internalize and integrate the meaning of the planet, degree number and astrology sign affected by the change of direction.

Later today Jupiter turns retrograde. In this case we have LOTS to celebrate

Jupiter is in Scorpio at 23° at the moment it stands still and changes course.

What a lineup we have in store for the next four months!

  1. Jupiter embodies Joy! You are invited to internalize happiness by focusing on what makes you feel good, positive and energetically expansive?
  2. Scorpio, a water sign, deepens all experiences allowing the FEELINGS to integrate subconsciously – where they impact you most.
  3. Number 23 is the “Royal Star of the Lion” vibration symbolizing great promise, success and rewards in your personal life and career.

The combination of Jupiter, Scorpio and 23° (the degree that the change of direction takes place – a powerful indicator of the net four months) indicate a big shift in how you process, create and activate JOY in your life.

Scorpio purifies so you have instant and constant access to your Soul…

  • What if you focused only on what your SOUL desired?
  • What if every decision, word, action originated from your heart?

If you listened to the part of you that is purely connected to Spirit, to the eternal Universal Source of Love… then your decision process would be effortless, often instant, and your outcomes blissful.

What is meaningful to you?

Is it developing your mind or the body? Yes, to live on Earth it is suggested that you enhance your understand and nurture your mind and body. But not at the expense of living a divinely inspired life.

Soulful living is at the core of joyful living.

Jupiter governs wisdom. The greatest LOVE you have ever known and will forever know is experienced when you guide every moment from your SOUL.

Egoic living will separate, soulful living will unite.

And if you are concerned about raising the energy of the collective consciousness of humanity – well, the good news is, you accomplish that INTERNALLY!

Raising YOUR vibration will automatically raise the vibrational frequency of ALL.

You are one with All!

All is one with YOU!

Take your divinely inspired goals and put them into practice now. Ask:

  • How can I best help others achieve their dreams?
  • There are infinite ways to help, inspire and uplifts others – what is MY WAY?

Follow your gut feelings – the thread carrying the answer of that question – and you will invite your heart to join you every step of the way.

It’s time to let there be Joy!

Love and Joyful Blessings,

Tania Gabrielle.



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