Super New Moon; Super Important Energy Swirls

super moon eraoflightdotcom.jpgA super important energy swirls around us before we move into the Super New Moon tomorrow(today).

The Dark Moon is an incredibly important time to go within and reflect however with this being the Equinox New Moon, oh and a Super Moon at that, in the sign of Libra, the scales of balance, of justice, honouring this energy, fully, taking our time to flow through the realisations and releases is super powerful as we focus more on our light integration and frequency shifts.

I feel it’s fair to say we are all aware of the preparation we are working through, everything subtle appears so obvious, as though there is some form of urgency, to be honest there always was, we just held many shields of protection, blinded by the light, hiding from the sensitivity we felt and not even aware the very thing we protected ourselves from was the very thing we longed for.

But now we see, and not just this we see why…why there is urgency, why everything is now becoming super important, and by following the symbols, by retracing our steps and reaching our core we hold the ability to see the most likely of future collective timelines to present and we understand that now becoming in harmony with the All is the only way to not only survive but to LIVE, abundantly, to rejuvenate, to experience the miracles of life.

Today the sun is in opposition to Chiron and this will raise up the ego, raise up the programming, highlighting those seeking value outside of themselves, all of it linking into the masculine wounding, feeling unsupported where there has been abandonment, which is ultimately a reflection of where we abandon self and where you are not supporting self.

I have been sharing in the SOUL-AR Alignment group the importance of underpinning the spaces created to hold the new awareness, allowing old habits and ways to leave and creating new conscious activities that raise the physical body vibration in order to open into new fields of purity, of light and by doing so, by making these promises to self to raise up and out of the old ruts and rules releasing the attachments and unconscious ways we create a world of harmony, harmony within reflects out a harmonic field.

It’s really simple once we understand the behaviour and movements of light and yet complex for the ego who’s job it is to spread doubt and mistrust.

Deep within we go, releasing the control mechanisms, the manipulation and into the flowing energies of this Super New Moon tomorrow.

We are also due a G1/G2 solar storm, protons are currently high which means our energetic field is getting magnetised, we are in manifestation energies, pulling closer the mirrors to take an intricate look at self. Things get edgy, unconscious gets volatile and restricted and if this is your experience I encourage you to go deep within, where you will find the gentle flow of peace, it’s slow, it’s steady but it’s oh so loving and expansive.

There is purpose in the air for us to surf.

Sending so much love to ALL

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