Guide in Finding and Determining the Right Electricity Provider

hey share what you know eraoflightdotcomChoosing the right electricity and energy provider can be one of the most important things you can do for your family and household. Energy deregulation is following an increasing trend over the years in the United States, but still, a limited number of consumers know very little of it. Some may have only an inkling as to what it is but never get to take advantage of what it has to offer. Knowing can be empowering, and so getting to know the basic facts and steps for choosing the right electricity provider can help you in your decision making as an energy consumer.

You Have the Right to Choose

Whether your state has a deregulated market, you are moving to a state which has one or if your state is considering energy deregulation, you should know that one of the basic rules of deregulation of the consumers is the right to choose. Yes, they can choose to purchase their electricity service from a Retail Electricity Provider (REP). There will be more than one REP in your area, which gives the market a healthy competition. Competition among REPs can help create more choices for power rates, promotions and loyalty incentives to win the subscription of consumers. Most of these providers get their energy from the same source, but the difference comes in the packaging – how the REPs customize their services to fit the needs of different consumers.

Research on Your Potential Providers

As a wise electricity consumer, you should be aware that you should not just stop at knowing your right to choose electricity providers. Take the added step of doing research on the providers that you are about to choose. For better research results and resources, consult review sites that are reputable and specific for each state. Ohio has a comprehensive list of energy provider review sites, but choose one that provides apples to apples comparisons of the available REPs in the state. Also, consider the ranking method of the review sites. Select a site that not only has many ranking criteria, but also those that are relevant to your household and family needs.

Take into Account Your Current Costs and Consumption

Understanding the cost of the energy and the power consumption of your home or small business is critical for preparing for a new energy supplier. Review your most recent bills over the past 3 months. You can then determine how much is your average consumption and the amount you have been paying your current supplier. You can then make a comparison of the power rates of the REPs in the market and choose the one you think has a reasonable price.

Consider Customer Service Quality

One of the top priorities of consumers nowadays is the quality of customer service. Even in electricity providers, consumers are most likely to include the type of customer service as their criterion, and rightfully so. Choose an electricity provider that has 24/7 customer service and has a responsive and engaging service. You can check out the reviews from Facebook, Twitter or other social media platforms or ask your friends about their feedback on the customer service of their electricity providers. You can also check out the social media profiles and accounts of the companies to see customer satisfaction ratings.

Finding and determining the right electricity provider can provide your household and your family with many benefits. You can enjoy better power rates, better customer service and save more on your utility bills as a result. Just be sure to make thorough research not just on the providers that you are considering, but also on the rights that you have as a consumer in a deregulated energy market. After all, you always have the right to choose the electricity provider that works best for you.
