Quan Yin: Path of Enlightment

quan yin eraoflightdotcomI am the Grace and Light of Quan Yin

I am the Grace and Light of Quan Yin. I come on this day to escort you into your holiness as you begin to fully emerge yourself in the 30 day dispensations of this past 2020 Wesak. You are my blessings and I come to help you remember the sacred agreement that you have made with your human body, with your mind, and with your holy spirit, For the trinity of you is so very Divine and blessed. You house the universe and all of its multifaceted levels. You stretch yourself to walk upon the path of enlightenment, a path which is often strewn with earthly perils and bodily pains. You are such a blessing to me because you try to fly against the wind when all others run in the opposite direction to safety. In your mind and heart you wear the winged feet of the Gods. You dear ones are a blessing to me because you continue to pray as I pray, against all odds.

This past Wesak gave to you entrance into the Void, A Place where all outcomes live. You were born with the gift of seeing through dimensions, you can see into your future, into the past and even into another’s heart and body. Look through these spectacles that give to you the ‘god lens of your soul’. The concave and the convex patterning show you the different highways and byways of choice that chase you like a swarm hungry midges.

Look at your human form as a ‘great universe’. The ‘god-lens’ will give you perceptions, abilities, and clarity of seeing beyond inborn understanding. You have pleaded for truth, for clarity, for love, and to see the future, and now that creation has landed in your field of dreams.

As you merge with the summer dimensional time waves starting June 21, 2020 you will escape like water that has been held in a jar too long and seeks the healing embrace of the ocean. You too are seeking, you too are becoming fluid in nature and future, as you allow yourself to be poured into new arrangements, geometry’s and divine drawings. Stretching yourself beyond what you have ever known yourself to be.

For the last several months humanity has constricted themselves as they have been instructed to isolate, Locked in the library of the past seeing only a dim future out a dirty window. People have been afraid to stretch their wings, to believe in the future.

This is a time for all of humankind to dispense with the retrenchments, to dispense with the fear, to dispense with the anger at anyone or anything.

Even though most people would finger point, to hate and blame others for their predicament the hate is turned inward and becomes toxic and contagious. Many spew and spit infectious angry words at each other like a virtual venomous snake. The pathway to the higher heart is narrow of proportion this is not a trip you can pack for. Know child all will be provided in the higher residences of light. These recent energies have ushered you into dark chasms and crevices of fear and doubt. You as a child of light are not allowed the pleasure of doubting. Dispense with what keeps you less than. Dispense with what keeps you from loving another. Stop using excuses to keep yourself immobilized in the safety of the present. These summer dispensations come as scrubbing bubbles that gather all that has toughened and become harmful. Grace will be assured and insured as you walk through the rest of the cleansing summer with a supreme knowing of peace. I am Quan Yin and you are my blessings.

» Source » Channel: Gilliam MacBeth
