Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn, July 4th/5th, 2020; Dimensional Portals & Timelines Revelation

sacred geometry eraoflightdotcomBeloved Ones,

We find ourselves immersed in the powerful energies coming from the Lunar Eclipse at 13 degrees of Capricorn. We are in a very important passage in our evolutionary journey, as we have a conglomeration of many energies from all the eclipses, together with many other sources that constantly pour new frequencies into our Planet.

It is vital that we move from our human perspective, even planetary one, and feel beyond our human senses, the many benevolent energies and their wisdom and that surround us, at this time. We are literally within a Void, as Guides shared many times during these past days, in which endings and beginnings merge, it is there where we have the opportunity to create, focusing only on that which is going to be our next life experience.

If we take this eclipse from a total earthly perspective or astrological one, then it will be all about the integration of the sacred masculine, and its balancing with the feminine, due to the other frequencies that help us to work on this inner task. This eclipse will also help us to create structure into our lives, something that must come first from the inner balance we hold within.

The Lunar eclipse trine Uranus, and opposite Mercury which at the same time square Mars. These planetary encounters invite us to master our anger and impulsiveness before taking important decisions, or express our feelings, and begin to move into a more loving space, before rushing into the creation of something new or before expressing our hearts.

Expressing who we are, at all levels, is one of the most important messages from these events that accompany this eclipse, it is part of our double mission as starseed and earthseed souls, to express ourselves and soul creations, with love and respect. For we not only came here to enjoy this realm, and clear the many issues that we may have accumulated during the many lifetimes lived on this Planet, but to serve as well, and one can only serve Creation, if one expresses oneself, as one is, without filters, without masks, for it is not about us, but about God choosing to express Itself through us, what truly matters.

When we rush into things we may fall into disregard, because we often take only ourselves into account, and this is what these events are inviting us to observe, in a more earthly perspective, to calm down before we speak and act. The energy from Capricorn is very powerful, as it is a sign that likes to make things tangible, to act and to organize it all.

However, together with Uranus, which invites us to create change in the things that no longer resonate, and Mars, whose fiery impulse can make us fall into desperation patterns, we need to use this inner fire to create something stable, but with the proper determination, especially at this time in which we are immersed into a void, as all we create, will be our next reality.

With all these different energies, we all need to witness our personal ascension journey to see where we are. It is the only way in which we truly can discern if we are at a time when we need healing/clearing, closure of old chapters, or if we are under the process of transforming our entire life. For others, this will be about a totally different thing, as they may be already settled into a wonderful life experience, as they already gave birth to their desires, when the time was right for them. It is all what we need and where we desire to go next.

This space that Guides have been emphasizing for a while as the Void, is one of infinite possibilities, a zone outside of our human time and space where we can finally meet our inner creator and begin focusing on the creation of what our soul truly desires to experience next. If we enter into this void feeling sad or worry about our past or about where we are going next, then we will be creating a mixed of our past and future worries, rather than something that we really wish.

If we use this time to focus only in the creation of something that is going to benefit us, not egoically, but in a soul level, then even though we may not truly know how our inner vision will be descended into the physical, we will be satisfied, as we are here to master the art of deliberate creation, and we may not always obtain exactly what we wished, and then we need to begin again. However, we will obtain something that is more aligned with who we have became, more than old scenarios and relationships that we no longer wish to experience.

The unknown is only as such, if we have not previously done wisely the work of conscious creation. When we do so, then we may of course co-create with other people and energies that we may not know about, but for sure, we will know the totality of what we have formerly envisioned in the ethereal.

This is a unique and very special moment for those who have been working on manifestation, as the many timeliness available to us, according to our unique frequency, will be revealed. This can come in form of a strong feeling, which is inner knowing and it is as valid as when we physically receive a sign, or it may come throughout dreams, or other signs.

What is important is that we step out of all expectations to receive. When we hold expectations, we will create these same expectations, and then it will be something we have manipulated within our own reality, more than something that we are receiving. It is what happens for example with Mercury retrograde. When we create the belief and hence expectation, that when Mercury is retrograde, many negative things will occur, then we are creating, and expecting them, and so they come. Not because they are real but because of our power as creators.

When we use this power to send the universe a pure vision of our desire, and then rather than having expectations about how exactly things and people have to be, release it, then we will receive what we asked for, if this is for the highest good of All, and even in a greater way than we were even imagining. The importance of letting go, once we have sent out a vision is pivotal to receive something that is pure and has not been previously manipulated by our egoic self.

When we are in the process of creating something that is now aligned with our current state of being, we may feel as if we were stuck, lost, without receiving guidance, and confused. This is why it is so important to know ourselves and personal path, to know where we are, and if this is something that we are already experiencing, as we are moving into a new direction, or it is because there is something we still need to dissolve that is confusing us.

When we feel in the void we may indeed feel lost. However, we need to remind ourselves that what is truly happening is that we are in a space where we are being soothed, protected, and healed, whether we realize it or not. It is as when we were in the womb, it is simply a space where we shall remain at peace, focus on the process of BEing, rather than in the many things that will come once we step out of this void.

Once you regain balance and know where you truly desire to go, enter without fear into this space, and once you are there, no matter how challenging it may be, stay there, hold always a pure vision of where you wish to go, and above all, love yourself unconditionally.

You are being reborn again, there is nothing to worry about, as this time, you do remember, on the contrary that when we born for the first time, the visions that you have for your new reality. Hold this vision, keep faith and surrender to the opportunity to be loved and nurtured within this sacred cosmic void.

I wish you a loving and blessed Eclipse, Beloveds

In love and light,

Natalia Alba

