The Numerology and Spiritual Significance of 12/12

sacred geometry eraoflightdotcomThe Universe wants to expand your consciousness and help you find new ways of experiencing life on Earth. As you go about your journey, you are being asked to be of service to yourself, humanity, and the planet. Do not allow fear of failure to keep you from walking along your path. Making mistakes is just a part of life and ultimately helps you learn and grow. It allows you to attain your highest potential.

Spiritual meaning of angel number 12:12

1212 symbolizes your spiritual growth, manifestation of your intentions, and awareness of your infinite being. This is one of the most powerful number sequences in the Universe and if you experience it, you are about to go through a major shift and period of incredible growth and abundance. 1212 showers us in optimism as it grants us the positive frame of mind that we need to steer our thoughts towards the realization of our ambitions. If we continue to exude unwavering faith in who we are and what we stand for, we will be blessed with divine energy and power. We are connecting to the golden light of the Universe as we heighten our vibration, activate new energy frequencies, and connect to the Universal Consciousness.

The three main takeaways from the 1212 number sequence are an assurance that:

  • We are on the right path.
  • A push to remain in a positive state of being.
  • A reminder that our thoughts have the power to manifest our dreams into reality. 

You are on the right track. Maybe you’ve made mistakes, maybe you’ve taken a longer path than you think you should have, and maybe you feel unsure of yourself and your journey. This powerful 1212 energy portal opening on 12/12 is here to assure you that you are exactly where you are meant to be and that you are doing exactly what you need to do to move forward and revolutionize your life.

We are receiving one final push from the Universe to trust our intuition, take a leap of faith, and align ourselves with our desired outcomes as we strive towards our highest good. By trusting in the omens and energy around us, we will start to see the answers and solutions that we have been seeking and will be blessed abundantly. 

The power of positive thoughts & feelings

This 1212 energy portal also serves as a reminder to keep a positive state of mind and to remain aware of the power of our thoughts. By channeling a positive state of being and moving with lightness and optimism, we will be amazed at what unfolds before us. The number 1 signals the realization or manifestation of our goals and dreams while the number 2 signals intuition and harmony. You have the power to create your reality.

The Universe is here to remind us of this power and asks us to embody complete gratitude. It is so easy to get caught up in what we do not yet have and to focus on the negatives. We are being pushed by the Universe to look at all of the growth we’ve experienced and progress we’ve made this year alone.

Remember those things you used to pray for that are now commonplace in your life. Take note of all that has already manifested in your life and feel your heart grow. Feel your mind clear, feel the weight from your shoulders lifted, and feel the incredible lightness of being where and who you are. When you are thankful, you attract abundance and success in your life.

You create the positive thought patterns that you need to continue to create positive outcomes. 1212 is a message from the Universe to continue to go forth with positivity and gratitude and is a reminder of just how connected to the Universe we truly are. We are both the created and the creators and once we realize our own power, we are limitless. 

“Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habit. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.” – Lao Tzu 

The Universe is constantly trying to give us signs of guidance to help us on our individual paths of self-discovery. By being aware of the meanings behind these numbers, we can begin to decode the Universe and awaken our higher consciousness. 

