Handling The Height Of The Lion’s Gate

lions gate era of light dot comThe height of the “Lion’s Gate Portal” is just several hours away on Sunday, August 8, 2021, and it will be an intensified frequency due to the Sun of our galaxy being in the same sign as the Moon—royal Leo (Tropical Zodiac)—and it will be a New Moon—a time of waxing and of climbing higher.

As mentioned in a previous article, the Moon is not always in the same sign of Leo as the Sun on the date of August 8th each year, and there is not always a New Moon on this exact date.

Therefore, this solar/lunar configuration carries a special message.

The electromagnetics of mind (consciousness) and emotions will be able to align, balance, and actualize in resonance with SOURCE for healing, protection of the auric fields, and elevation to higher states of awareness both spiritually and intellectually.

There will still be happenings in many arenas of politics, social structures, philosophical frameworks, science, etc. which will have a “business as usual” theme, but such occurrences will not waylay those who are “grounded” in the LIGHT of SOURCE.

Remember, the energetics of the height of the portal on the 8th will continue to pulsate for many days, weeks, and months to come.

Cosmic energy does not just occur on a specific day and then fizzle out on the same day.

Cosmic energy has a frequency cycle which builds, reaches a height, and then continues to stream forward, and finally it dissipates. However, at the height of any cosmic vibration, the energetics are at their most intense.

The “Lion’s Gate Portal” began to build when the Sun entered Leo in the Tropical Zodiac on July 23rd. “Light Activation Symptoms” (LAS) have also been intensified physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Many people have reported headaches, dizziness, painful muscles (mostly on the right side in hips, knees, legs, and ankles), heat surges (especially at night), continually awakening during the night, strange vivid dreams, feelings of irritability or depression, mild to powerful heart palpitations, and the ever-present exhaustion.

We must constantly remember that LIGHT is surging much more potently into the earthly realm than it has in past years and decades (even centuries) because dissonance is being removed from the planet, and this includes the cellular records of our ancestral and recent historical experiences of discord and trauma.

We must engage in self-care in spiritual and natural ways in order to be comforted.

If consultation with a Healer is sought, this should be a person who is naturopathically-oriented who does not engage in unnatural chemical medicines, unnecessary surgeries, or technological procedures involving harmful radiation.

Our bodies are “Temples of the Living God” and must be cared for as the precious vessels of SOURCE LIGHT that they are and are becoming again.

Of course, there are times when surgery is required, but these should be considered as extreme cases–not the usual fare of medical procedures.

A “temple” is not constantly torn down and then re-built.

It is, however, always kept clean and “lighted” as the sacred place that it is.

To handle the intensified energy of August 8th, the following is recommended:

1.) Consider the day as one of retreat and relaxation. Be less involved with others than you may normally be on a Sunday, and wear calming cooling colors in the blue and purple family for the entire weekend.

2.) When you arise on Sunday, draw down the “Pillar of LIGHT” from the Great Central Sun, to the Sun of our galaxy, to Earth/Gaia, and then into yourself with your arms outstretched. Envision your entire physical vessel enveloped in bright LIGHT. Breathe deeply as you do so. Take a bath or shower, and rub down with essential oils such as Frankincense, Jasmine, Lavender, Rose, or Sandalwood. If you are experiencing any “Light Activation Symptoms” of aches and pains, a combination of Peppermint essential oil and Black Pepper essential oil helps wonderfully well.

3.) After the prayers of your specific path during the day, follow them with the “PRAYER OF THE GALAXIES” sent in yesterday’s article (Thursday, August 5th). Envision the planet and the entire galaxy filled with LIGHT, and recite the mantra “AUM HARI AUM” explained in the article entitled “THE MANTRA MOVEMENT”.

4.) Eat organically (which should always be done) of fresh fruits, veggies, nuts, grains, and legumes during your meals.

5.) If the weather permits, sit outside and bask in the sunlight. Read; gaze out at Nature, write in your journal; nap; perform “Mantra Yoga” with your “grounding” prayer beads of either Amber, Boddhi Seed, Lotus Seed, or Sandalwood (or you may wish to wear the very calming gemstones of Amazonite, Blue Tiger’s Eye, Chrysocolla, Lapis Lazuli, or Turquoise).

6.) Perform Yoga, Tai Chi, or Martial Arts.

7.) Meditate.

At this particular space/time, the technology that usually gives us the “Schumann Resonance” (“Power”) readings of our planet have been “blacked-out” for over 39 hours.

Sometimes there is a glitch in the equipment which can occur with anything that mankind constructs, but sometimes it is because SOURCE LIGHT as it is soaring into Earth/Gaia is so powerful that it cannot be registered in the typical manner.

However, it is sensed psychically as well as physically and emotionally.

We are the best “spiritual technology” that exists.

As we individually as well as collectively elevate to higher levels of “Soul Realization”, our clairsentience (ability to “know” or “sense”), our clairaudience (ability to “hear” Divine sounds), and our clairvoyance (ability to “see” beyond the material realm)—all increase.

SOURCE allows us to develop various devices as a way of generally analyzing our environment and its daily shifts and turns and as a way of communicating.

This is necessary in our modern world. However, our Pineal Glands (the GOD PARTICLE of each of us) is being steadily prepared to become the true “technology”, the real “device”, of knowledge acquisition.

Let us be grateful for the equipment that is being used in a righteous manner such as that which is shared with us via “Disclosure News Italia”, and let us continue to elevate.

Enjoy the “Lion’s Gate” day of heightened LIGHT.

**By Dr. Schavi M. Ali


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