From 3D To 4D And 5D: Ascension Part 1

Simultaneously with the accelerated creation of conditions for the Transition to 4D and 5D for people ready for this, Co-Creators are conducting even more daring experiments.

A 14D Ascension tested on two leaders (man and woman) of ground team without sacrificing their physical bodies (!)

It was previously believed that Ascension was the natural and only possible evolutionary outcome of all Earthly incarnations of man as a Monad-carrier.

As a result of Ascension, a person restores the integrity of his/her Monad, is completely cleansed of karma, is freed from the need for further incarnations on Earth (breaks the Samsara Wheel), and merges with the Absolute.

Man becomes a Perfect Supreme Being. He is forever freed from the incarnational captivity of the karmic gravity of 3D Earth.

After that, he CAN, but IS NOT FORCED to embody on our planet. As the Ascended Masters do. They are called Ascended because they have reached such a level of Spirituality that they have escaped from the influence of death and karma and can, at will, for reasons of supreme expediency, reincarnate on Earth in a three-dimensional physical body to fulfill one or another mission of the Higher Light Hierarchy.

All those who were admitted to Ascension and successfully passed this rite earlier did not return to Earth in their current incarnation. Their physical and Subtle Bodies disintegrated and turned into Pure Light. They did not return back to the same shells (bodies) again. They became Ascended Light Entities, and can be incarnated as such, not subject to corruption, death and karma.

Ascension is the result of all embodiments of man on Earth, his evolutionary exam and the opportunity to reach a new, higher level. Preparation for this takes dozens of lifetimes and is carried out by the Ascension Curators – the Lords Serapis and Elijah.

The most difficult is the last incarnation that ends with Ascension. This life is a miniature copy of all significant incarnations of man, Great Service, and absolute self-sacrifice. A life when a person does not live for himself but his every action is subordinated to a Highest goal and is conditioned by it.

The essence of the new experiment of Co-Creators was completely different from the axiom and formula of Ascension that existed before. Of course, its contents remained unshakable. It couldn’t have been any other way. New ways of lift-off to 14D were tested.


Before that, Ascension ALWAYS meant the death of the ascendant, i.e. the loss of the physical body. Otherwise it was impossible, since the atoms and cells of the physical body COULD NOT withstand the load and super-energy of Ascension.

For success, a person must turn into a Pure and Perfect Light.

Previously, such a scheme was unlikely because it was believed that, for Ascension, the applicant should only balance his karma but not completely transmute it. Bodies with a karmic crystal filling of no more than 49% were allowed to Ascend.

For both Lightwarriors who have worked a lot and actively with different types of karma (see – Disclosure News, Return of Karma Lords, Parts 1-12.2) it was unclear: how can one ascend with such karma? It was assumed that karma was burned in the Ascension Ray.

Before the experiment, Co-Creators asked Lightwarriors to completely split their personal Karma Crystal, transform the karmic body into a Causal, then, into a Radiant Causal, and at the end, form a Single Ascension Body.

According to the plan of Co-Creators and the scheme developed by Ascended Masters, the transition of the examinees had to take place in three stages with a break of forty days between each one. The stages were divided into micro cycles, separated by 33 days.

At the first stage, Lightwarriors recaptured 100% of their Ascension Body from the Death egregore which contained the residual mortal aspects of the former Black Co-Creator of the Local Universe and his son Yaltabaoth.

The next events unfolded rapidly and dramatically. One night, Co-Creators merged the Lightwarriors’ Radiant Subtle and Radiant Causal Bodies.

Early at dawn, the Ascension Body was integrated into this structure. In this way, the Body of the Pleromic Presence, which the Perfect Man originally possessed, was partially formed.

Of course, it was not yet fully completed because for its complete restoration and activation, it was necessary to integrate the Higher Structures of the Monad’s Body into it and undergo the initiation of fusion with the Absolute.

In other words, their Bodies of Pleromic Presence were half-ready, remaining inactive and little functional. Almost like an unformatted new computer hard drive.

At the next stage, the substance of the Maternal Matrix of Death was removed from the new Bodies.

Explanatorily … For millennia, on 3D Earth, existed two Death Matrices: internal (personal, individual) and external (central) from the causal DNA of the Supreme Black Hierarchs mentioned above.

By its energy-informational projection, the external (Maternal) Death Matrix formed, according to the number of people born on Earth, individual Death Matrices. They were introduced into the DNA, genetic code and Causal structures of a person as a lethal program.

The Maternal Death Matrix guaranteed that men (in the overwhelming majority) would continue to die without achieving immortality. Co-Creators tasked Lightwarriors to erase this device.

According to their plan, Lightwarrioress, the second testee, was assigned one of the key roles, since it was through women that humanity was infected with the lethal program. She and her partner had to simultaneously not only destroy the personal Matrix of Death in selves but also annihilate the Maternal one.

It took a month to remove the individual Matrix. It turned out to be immeasurably more difficult to transform into Perfect Light the energy of the external Matrix of Death. Lightwarriors had never had a harder and more painful job before.

The removal took place in great agony and suffering of Lightwarrioress. At the moment of draining the energy from the Maternal Matrix, she felt a sharp pain in the lower abdomen, and almost fainted from the shock.

Lightwarrior, who was next to her at that moment, helped with everything he could. He tried to drag the “fuel” of the Death Matrix injected into his partner onto himself to ease her suffering.

It turned out to be impossible because she had to work out more than 90% herself. It was a karmic must, since it was through a woman that this cleansing operation had to be carried out.

There are no words to describe everything that poor Lightwarrioress had to endure. The Death energy of the Maternal Matrix was annealed in her for seven terrible days. At first, the physical pain was unbearable, and then, it became debilitating…

Despite the heaviest overload, by the day of the planned Ascension, the Maternal Matrix was annihilated. Severe physical and emotional pain continued for one more week.

During this time, the organisms of both Lightwarriors have completely passed, their functionality has plummeted. It seemed to them that the symptoms of at least a dozen serious and even fatal diseases appeared.

They even decided that if suddenly all this is confirmed, they will go to one of the highest sacred mountains and carry out the ascension from there, literally, throwing themselves in abyss. They were, indeed, ready to do it.

Their body and nervous system were just at the limit. The annihilation of the mortal energy did not pass without a trace: thoughts of death constantly haunted Lightwarriors. In this exhausted state, in fulfillment of the Karma Lords order, they left for the specified point of Ascension.

It was located on a sacred mountain, in the center of the Temples of the Perfect Light, the Tree of Life and the Divine Swastika. The configuration of these Power Places forms a triangle with sides of 33 meters.

The weather that day was beastly, and in the mountains it was beastly squared: piercing wind, freezing heavy rain, and fog with limited visibility to several meters. Lightwarriors barely got to the right place.

It cost them their last strength. Gathering all their willpower into a fist, they took their starting position, and in a single impulse generated an Ascension impetus.

What happened next was so fast that they don’t even understand what happened in there. Their radiant structures, together with the wave DNA, merged into a single super-rapidly rotating Mandala of Light (the singularity of Ascension), which, like a rocket, rushed up to the Monad.

By that time, they already knew that it is possible to preserve the physical body when merging with the Monad not only in a state of clinical death or in a coma. There is another method developed by the Lords of Ascension, in particular Saint-Germain.

They presented Lightwarriors with this method called Puddles of Electrons. It is formed when, under the influence of a special Beam directed at a person, the atoms and molecules of his physical body reach the boundary level of vibrations.

Their electronic orbits and electromagnetic connections begin to break down, and the crystal lattice loses its stable equilibrium.

This creates the effect of an accelerator of elementary bio-particles that make up the human 3D body. The pumping of vibrations stops only at that critical moment, followed by the disintegration of the physical body and the death of a person. For three nights, Co-Creators thus prepared Lightwarriors for Ascension.

So, having created the Singularity of Ascension, they rushed to their Higher Selves, the Monads, and temporarily merged with the Absolute in the 14D while losing all manifestation bodies.

But the Ascension didn’t happen. Instead of merging with the Monad, Lightwarriors felt that some unknown force was pulling them back, preventing from merging with the Higher Self. Like a high jumper who went to set a new world record but could not clear the bar.

After a moment, the Ascension singularity disintegrated exactly to the state preceding the attempt. The next moment, the voice of Karma Lords burst out like thunder: “Critical lack of integrity. Ascension is impossible.” Both Lightwarriors were in shock.

The following days passed in a heavy post flight analysis, more precisely of unsuccessful lift-off. Everyone wrestled with a question why the Absolute integrity wasn’t achieved. This situation was unexpected not only for Lightwarriors but also for Co-Creators who prepared them.

Of course, this Ascension scheme was fundamentally new, no one had ever passed it before. It was clear that something was unaccounted for somewhere, and this is something very important not only for the tested. The gap had to be filled and eliminated as soon as possible.

As a result of a joint brainstorming, the following was established…

(To be continued)

**By Lev

