The Solstice Energies

By AscensionLightworkers  | Source

The Solstice Slow Down on June the 20th marks a time when we slow down before moving forward into the journey around the sun. It may make the ascending feel heavy, uncomfortable, sluggish and fatigued. Heightened sensitivity, heightened metaphysical awareness. These symptoms are part of the energetic shifts happening during this time and may impact individuals ascending to higher levels of consciousness.

During the June 20th solstice, those ascending may also experience increased clarity, intuition, heightened conscious growth, and a stronger connection to higher realms and dimensions. The ascending may also feel a greater sense of alignment with their purpose and a deepening perspective of the ascension journey.

The Solstice Slow Down on Earth is a celestial event related to our planetary orbit around the sun. Atmospheric conditions do affect weather patterns and climate changes on Earth, such as air pressure, fluctuations in temperatures, and wind patterns, all play a direct role in the Solstice Slow Down on Earth, as it is primarily a celestial event related to our planetary orbit around the sun.

This planetary phase acts as a balance point before transitioning to the Planetary New Year (July 26) and the Lions Gate (August ). The ascension aim is to evolve quickly to be aligned in the New Earth timelines, working from a place of love, light, and truth.

The Ascending will always be urged to heal inner wounds, to consciously be present and focused on New Earth, to embrace the role as Human masters and Co-creators of transforming Earths Reality. The human body is self-healing , intelligent and strong enough to sustain all changes taking place .

This Solstice Season is activating Solar energies and Diamond Light Codes are activating in many , to assist in the healing processes now taking place , this planetary energy is reminding the conscious self of it’s Sovereign Light on this planet , preparing the ascending to thrive in authentic expression in new earth energy.

During the Solstice Slow Down in our planetary orbit, we experience a deceleration and a shift in our trajectory as we prepare to transition to the next phase of our journey around the sun.

For the planet and individuals consciously ascending, the changes during the June 20th solstice lead to a collective and prominent shift towards higher consciousness, evolution, and alignment together with the planet’s energy. It offers new opportunities for personal enhancements , growth, healing, and contributing to the overall elevation of planetary vibrations.

The attunement to these frequencies create powerful healing and supports the ascension process, preparing us for the upcoming June 20th Solstice . The ascending are currently moving through multiple timelines, cellular memories of past events surface for clearing and full release.

This convergence of timelines opens the gateway to higher dimensions, allowing more photonic plasma to penetrate through the gateways as the Schumann resonance continues to spike. As a result the ascending are embodying crystalline consciousness on a planetary level.

We are going to see and feel an energetic quickening, a speeding up, more opportunities to take quantum leaps forward into Self’s multidimensional nature. Everything is beginning to open up and expand into a new Earth conscious reality.
