China Caves; Announces Willingness to Seek Calm End to Trade War After Markets Crash

era of light alternative newsPresident Trump yesterday announced that the US will increase tariffs on China and then ordered all US firms to begin seeking alternatives to doing business with China! The Chinese regime is in a perilous position and has only two choices. The regime can either give the US what it wants or perish.

President Trump recognizes that China is in an all out war with the US in regards to information and economics. For years Western leaders have done nothing but negotiate into weak positions, never standing up to the Communist regime. Former US Presidents treated China like they did Russia 50 years ago, as their superior always giving them what they wanted and never standing up to their abuse and criminal acts.

It is different with President Trump. The President knows he has the authority and ability to inflict a fatal blow to the Chinese economy. The US is arguably in its best economic period in history while China’s economy is its weakest in 30 years.

The President knows that now is the time. China cannot handle the US tariffs while their economy implodes. They are on the brink of a massive economic collapse, so colossal that the regime is in danger of being dethroned!

The President retweeted the following post bringing attention to his action to designate China as a currency manipulator, further challenging the regime:


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