Rinus Verhagen: Dear Friends, Willy will be Bottom up

era of light alternative news connectionThe Lock Down is actually a gift from heaven. The whole world is bouncing off a work injunction.

People are forced to stop their creative gift and have time to come to their senses. Since we all have brains, we have time to think about what happened to us.

That raises questions, what about it, are we with over 17 million people trapped in an open institution?

People with more than one brain cell (provided they are healthy) let all the information act on itself.

It is astonishing the state propaganda that deviates completely from reality.

The people who want to come across as capable seem to have been bribed to tell a false story.

A policeman does his story, which the people have to swallow as truth, as if the man has real authority, talk tough about fine and 1.5 meters of coercion as if he invented it himself, while Adolf had been ahead of him for more than 80 years.

Too bad most NSB Police have an acute shortage of brain cells.

Could be the result of a large EGO and a small winkie, maybe bullied a lot as a child.

But the best man is proud to be a Fascist in the name of, yes, who he is.

We do not have a king, nor a legally valid constitution, and the invented fascist emergency laws have no foundation on an expired constitution of May 13, 1940.

After all, on 18 May 1940, an occupying power ruled, whose administrative structure is still used illegally today.

What did who do where, and what consequences did this have.

At first I am in favour of protecting whistleblowers, but that is not always a guarantee that this will also happen when you drop out of school.

Then you compare, Maxima, who told the Dutchman doesn’t exist, that was a good entry and made people think.

As a result, the truth was brought to light by independent people.

Would Maxima be the key to more revelations?

Maxima’s sister died from a doorknob ver-suicide, why?

Inés Zorreguieta, the youngest sister of Queen Máxima, died Wednesday evening at the age of 33 in Buenos Aires.


It turns out that we never get to read the truth in a newspaper, because when Inés Maxima’s sister went to clean up the garage, she found many documents of her father’s crimes, during the Videla regime, comparable to the current Rutte and Willy regime.

Jorge Zorreguieta

Last year, on August 8, 2017, Máxima’s father passed away.

Jorge Zorreguieta was 89 years old and suffered from a form of non-hodgkin lymphoma for a long time.

The funeral took place in private.

Máxima’s father was very controversial in the Netherlands because of the role he played during the dictatorial reign under General Rafael Videla at the end of the seventies.

Zorreguieta denied involvement and said he had no knowledge of the atrocities committed under the regime.

From this denial, the disappeared documents have resurfaced.

With the right attitude and humanity, Inés Zorreguieta handed these documents over to someone, that was worth a ver-suicide the Cabal must have thought.

Because a suicide on a doorknob at 120 cm will just not succeed if you don’t get help on your shoulders, it instinctively takes over to survive.

The current lube pipe of a Pope is very close to Maxima, so there are rumours about a joint lugubrious dinner ritual. (Something else like bite the cake)

The Pope seems to have been arrested.


What connects Maxima, her family and other world politics? Trump, Ukraine, Cabal and General Flynn.

Why was General Flynn taken out with false allegations?

He knew where the bodies were buried, this information he had received from Inés Zorreguieta.

These documents included the evidence against our neat prince Bernhard von Lippe.

His contacts with the Nazis in Argentina, in the paperclip period, and where he had hanged his stadholders.

But also all the crimes of Maxima’s father are painfully found in these documents with contacts to other Cabal Satanists all over the world.

I sincerely believe that Maxima was a victim of MK Ultra of the Nazis as a child.

Coincidental marriage is a phrase, because I don’t believe that two people who are linked happen to know each other in Spain.

Since the whole Cabal is linked by blackmail, the evidence and filming handed over by Inés Zorreguieta to General Flynn will be extremely explosive.

General Flynn became the security advisor to Donald J Trump, but he got in the way of the Cabal with his knowledge and evidence.

False indictment and the Fisa-Gate story to remove Donald J Trump were born out of desperation, from the Democrats Cabal members, where all attempts failed miserably.

Through the Ukraine, a story would be made up that Trump would have been bribed by Putin.

It is the same Ukraine that crashed flight MH370 with the Nazis and the CIA, making us believe this if it was the MH17.

The recording of immediately 20 minutes after the disaster shows people with an Asian appearance, and 6 children’s bodies. Which matches the passenger list of the MH370.

All the bodies ran out of blood, so I think there’s a good chance they had D66 treatment, and all their organs were stolen on the CIA island of Diego Garcia.


Go and see what interests were served with the MH370 in Ukraine, it was the interests of Shell, where Willy and his Pizza Gate spiritual Be-heb cooking wonder Bilderberg Trix own the most shares.

I got a phone call from a telecom employee to extend my subscription, and I thanked them festively, because in will no forced Genocide technique of 5G.

We got into a conversation and exchanged 45 minutes of information, including the MH17 lie of the NWO Rutte and Timmer Frans, NO the MH17 is really pissed off because there was family in it.

That may well be, but in the Ukraine never a MH17 was dumped, but the MH370 was.

Do I get a spontaneous question, Where is the MH17 then remained.

I thought that was a very good question and I hope to get an answer about that through General Flynn and the NSA soon.

It turns out that George Soros, bought the MH17 from Malaysia Airlines, and stored it in Israel until it would be used for a false flag attack.

Georg Soros and the fake Dutch royal family have an interwovenness in Perverse cooking class rituals that the Cabal likes to put into practice.

Mabel Wisse Smit, now Princess of Orange, has worked a lot for Soros, as has Maxima for the World Bank and the UN.

It is admirable what Trump has achieved despite the opposition of the democrats in the past 3.5 years.

Everything the Cabal has broken down he has turned and rebuilt.

The Corona Myth of trickery and deception of the Global Pedophiles in which Beatrix and the Pope are also involved is now coming to light.

What the stupid Satanists didn’t think of, the Lock Down is supposed to turn the world into a concentration camp, where stupid police and military forces have the elite carry out their orders, and people betray each other as if the Jews were betrayed before and during the Second World War.

Half-hearted left-wing schmucks are to report the 1.5 meter offenders, in the run-up to a compulsory euthanasia in D66 style, and freedom is restricted for those who do not allow themselves to be shot or chiped.

Disturbed Moroccan boy Klaver thinks to introduce a passport for children to record all vaccinations of children, he can go and enjoy the Bill Gates death prick himself, because Gates, and his family don’t take them themselves, that’s because they’re not crazy.

Bill Gates is now on trial in India for his Vaccination misery caused by this Satanist.

The Lock Down has caused a Greta effect, the desired economy is completely in ruins.

Which has caused the oil prices to sell below the production price.

This in turn has destroyed the Petrodollar.

The whole system is now on the verge of a Reset, with debt forgiveness.

The speed of this Reset depends on the awareness of the world’s population.

The people have the power without being aware of it, because if they don’t pay back their debts, banks and politics will have no basis to terrorize the population, and no money to pay their NSB Nazis to oppress the population.

It comes even better though Putin had given Trump a football in Helsinki and 160 Terabyte of information, which Trump gratefully uses.

It looks really bad for the paedophiles in governments all over the world, and especially in the Netherlands.

Child friend Joris Demmink the former secretary general of Justice is connected with the pedo king’s house.

So the info doesn’t come from Turkey, but from all over the world.

It is precisely the interwovenness, and information that all with each other in the crime against humanity has been committed that is now going to come out.

The flags at the UN building in New York are already gone, the WTO is a bankrupt club that can no longer treat treat treaties like CETA or TTiP.

The WHO gets no more money by unmasking their agenda and cooperation with Satanist Bill Gates.

Trump today, April 30, 2020, began actively arresting all Cabal and Deep State.


Angela Hitler, has been with Putin, and has been told that Germany must become Sovereign in order to ratify GESARA.

The unwillingness of Merkel and the NWO Cabal, now have no choice, because Putin wants to sign a treaty of Yalta to end the second world war.

This means that the German empire will be restored to its honour.

This is the reason why in Bavaria many police officers were dismissed, because they were aware of the Merkel Cabal, with all its consequences.

These officers are now under criminal investigation, because they no longer want to follow Nazi orders from Merkel.

Trump and Putin now clean up the whole Cabal, including in Europe.

Because if in the US more than 500.000 perverse NWO Cabal criminals are eliminated, Europe cannot stay behind.

The preparedness of 2 F16 aircraft of the Dutch Cabal in Volkel is a joke compared to the supremacy of the Europe Defender 2020 force.

Rutte and Willy, they are coming, strength, maybe you have the D66 pill or cyanide tooth.

Maxima is going to be put out of her misery, because if you have to go to bed every day with a moron with his teeth tanned by the sun, which also rubs out of his mouth, then I can well imagine that she says Willy turn off the light.

And when you wake up the next morning, you think he’s a little DUM.

I hope you have enjoyed this vision, which I have a very high expectation of, because I am an optimist.

It is our citizen’s duty to help the true liberators who will deliver us from the Dutch Nazis.

Immediately after the liberation, the 5G demolition work was thought of as a mast storm throughout Europe, as a persiflage of the iconoclasm or the book burned by Hitler.

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