Christine Day Message August 2020

new waves of light eraoflightdotcomHello,  How beautiful the summer has been up here in Grand Marais. I have been enjoying spending hours in the Portals and Gateway. I am aware of the essential role our land in Grand Marais is playing within the higher vibrational connection to the Network Grid. This Grid is holding an ever expanding essence of God light that is actively anchoring deeper on a daily basis throughout our planet.

My work is accelerating with the Pleiadians and the Galactic community. This time has been incredibly fortifying within my Heart connection. I have seen a revolutionary new vibration opening up throughout the earth plane. And this higher energy that is anchoring on the planet is highly electric in nature. I am aware of myself stepping into a more complete role as part of the Universal community more than ever before.

Our Galactic Receiving Station is building in momentum and I have been shown that there is to be a huge upswing of energy as it moves into its full vibrational potential. This will unfold as we move closer to the end of this year.

I am grateful for this time of stillness that has been created due to the Coronavirus restrictions. I do hope you are all doing well, letting go as you allow higher levels of yourself to be anchored within you. Remember the importance of aligning within your Heart to enable a constant unfolding of your Higher Realm nature to anchor within you.

This time is about witnessing your Ego mind’s story, not reacting to your mind. Witnessing as it engages in a dialogue to perpetrate a story of misperception and misunderstanding as your day-to-day life unfolds. We need to be focused on letting go and opening up into trust as the moments unfold in our lives.

Love and blessings,


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