Global Transformation

By Ascension Lightworkers | Source

Many Starseeds are currently experiencing a surge in Ascension symptoms due to the profound shifts happening in our world. Factors such as ongoing solar storms and high levels of gamma ray activity have intensified these symptoms, manifesting as a range of physical and emotional sensations like purging, releasing, and upgrading all at once. This can leave many Starseeds feeling bewildered, fatigued, and out of sorts.

Amidst the global transformation taking place, Starseeds are also undergoing Akashic remembrance, deepening their sensitivity to planetary changes and their impact on their personal Ascension journey. This heightened awareness often leads to a realisation of the necessity for self-improvement, dietary changes, restructuring of patterns, and creating environments that align with their evolving frequencies.

The Ascension process can be a mix of excitement , confusion doubt and anticipation , while developing a connection to higher self ,spiritual realms and a heightened perception of self’s light team energies. A major challenge resides in discerning what changes are needed and navigating doubts and confusion that may arise. Accepting the journey’s timing and acknowledging personal ascension are essential steps in this transformational process.

Rapid progress, shifts, and multidimensional changes are occurring concurrently due to accelerated timelines, potentially causing stress and a demand for enhanced multitasking abilities. Starseeds are likely to encounter triggers, tests, and conflicts that prompt introspection and shedding of outdated beliefs and relationships to pave the way for new beginnings.

Increased sensitivity and disorientation may accompany the intense energy from the sun as collective Ascension unfolds. It’s helpful to remember that support and safety surround you throughout this challenging yet rewarding upgrading process. As we approach the culmination of this ascension phase, connection to the higher purpose ascending individuals are truth-seekers, and pioneers of the New Earth .

There have been massive changes in our world that have left many feeling confused and bewildered. Due to ongoing solar storms and high levels of gamma ray activity, the frequency of Ascension symptoms have rapidly increased. This includes various body sensations such as purging, releasing, and upgrading all at the same time. Many are also feeling confused, fatigued, and not quite themselves.

As our planet undergoes significant transformational changes, Starseeds are also experiencing Akashic remembrance and are becoming more sensitive and aware of how the planetary changes make an impact on their ascension journey . This is leading to higher realisations of the need for more changes in self , diet , patterns , environment and a deeper recognition of the need to move away from things that no longer bring in joy.

The experience of Ascension can be challenging at times, with feelings of excitement and doubt often occurring at different times. The connection to the other side is also starting to feel stronger, with an increased ability to feel the energy of your light team and divine realms . This will bring in some big changes in your perceptions and feelings of surrendering to this change.

One of the big challenges of Ascension is wanting to change things but not being sure what needs to change. This can lead to feelings of doubt and confusion, but it is about accepting that your Ascension takes time. Recognising all the changes that have occurred in Self so far is an important step in the Ascension journey.

Currently, there is a lot of simultaneous progress, movement, and changes taking place due to the accelerated timelines this may also lead to feelings of temporary stress and the need for more multidimensional multitasking.

The ascending have become aware of what no longer can be tolerated in their environment. Many are letting go of harmful vibrations, changing their approaches, options, and decisions. Preparing to approach what is honest in Self and in the heart space .

On the Ascension path , It’s normal at different times to feel sensitive or disoriented during phases of intense planetary energy shifts. Remembering you are not alone and always protected . The process of upgrading can be challenging, but we are nearing the end of this particular ascension stage.

Starseeds have a higher purpose on this planet , seeking truth and transforming darkness into light. They guide others on their ascension journey and serve as examples of self-love and healing. They are independent individuals, they are not found in mainstream programming , and are seen and recognised as valuable light leaders and pioneers of the New Earth.

Rapid changes are taking place on earth Many ascending are preparing for a major global transformational shift , this planetary shift is imminent, with preparations building momentum leading up to the end of 2024. The energy of 2024 is a distinct and separate energy from previous years, and 2025 is anticipated to bring even more profound changes. The energy shift in 2025 will be significantly different from this one as well as previous years.

In loving and devoted Ascension service.

6 Replies to “Global Transformation”

  1. Klaudia

    Yes Ray… I’ve had that a while back though… are you seeing “the red thread” (we say in germany) yet bc THAT lifeline is what’s taking you home 🚣

    1. Ray

      Thank you Klaudia. Did you 2 make it? I believe I see the “red thread.” I am growing immensely, and really working to control my emotions. It is painful and the most challenging, but I trust and surrender. I trust.
      Thank you

      1. Klaudia

        Yes Ray WE’ve made it althoug he doesn’t have a clue yet but fortunately it only took ONE to understand what we’d met for… PAIN is still REDICULIOUSLY bad (but only physically 🥵) whilst my emotions have long understood they got tamed FOR GOOD… (they’ve learned to very quickly surrender these days and I’m VERY HAPPY they trust me.)

        Thank you for making me say this 😍.

  2. frannloffler

    Where I live it is impossible to enjoy an environment of peace and tranquility.
    Quite the contrary, next to my house (which is semi-detached) it looks like a madhouse all the time and everything reflects on the side of my house. Yes, most of what is done there, I could say, are intentional attacks and provocations. But what do you do in a situation like this where you can’t have peace in your own home and can’t move to another place?

  3. Ray

    Is anyone else going through intense struggles with their significant other? Everything from the past coming up? Every single event, decision, mistake, and detail.

