Action Alert! Tell Your Elected Officials: NO MANDATES!

Children’s Health Defense Launches Campaign Targeting Mayors, City Council Members, Governors, State and Federal Legislators Regarding Government Mandates.

In the midst of increasing propaganda designed to instill fear and panic while falsely elevating the safety profiles of COVID vaccines, the push for vaccine mandates is at an all-time high. In response, Children’s Health Defense (CHD) is launching a letter-writing campaign directed to elected officials at local, state, and federal levels spelling out why mandates are wrong for people and wrong for America. This CHD advocacy portal makes it easy for citizens across the nation to contact elected officials at every level of government. Send the letter below to all of your elected officials with just one click.

If the form is not working for you, try this page.

Some additional information is requested by your representative:

Subject: Mandates Violate the Constitution and Basic Human Rights

I am writing to ask you to vote against all vaccine mandates. Vaccine mandates violate fundamental human rights, notably the right to prior, free and informed consent for medical interventions. In a free society, everyone should have complete power and control over their own bodies. I urge you to do all in your power to ensure a return to the democratic principles upon which this country was founded.Should employers/schools be able to mandate a medical procedure to their employees and then not pay for an injury should it happen? Though vaccines injure and fail in real-world conditions, legislation passed in 1986 left U.S. children and adults with a striking absence of legal protections from vaccine injury. Therefore, if any school or employer mandates vaccinations, citizens have no recourse to recoup lost wages or pay for medical bills. Why expect people to take on all of the risk of injury and lost wages when vaccine manufacturers don’t back their products? And especially when the chances of survival from COVID is 98.23% for adults and even higher for children at 99.985%.

President Biden’s announcement last week of coercive measures to vaccinate government workers and others including children was a red flag to all who value freedom. Not only is his plan a violation of our Constitution, it also violates the Nuremberg Code, designed to ensure informed consent for any medical procedure upon humans.

It’s time to end the use of COVID-19 as a pretext for governmental coercion and mandates. The public is waking up to the cascading negative impacts upon society from elected officials wielding unprecedented power over the citizens of this country. As your constituent, I urge that you:

— Do not support any legislation or directive coercing people or mandating medical interventions–including vaccines

— Do not support any legislation or directive requiring people to wear masks

— Do not support any legislation or directive that deprives people of the right to congregate

— Do not support any legislation or directive establishing lockdowns

— Do not support any legislation where employers can enact coercive tactics to overrule a person’s rights to body autonomy

Most importantly, I ask that you defend our Constitution as you swore under oath to do when you took office. President Biden said that 164 million American adults have received the COVID vaccine. With 333 million adults in the U.S.,that means over 50% of people in America have not gotten the vaccine. This group is becoming a substantial voting block guaranteed to be paying attention to the actions of all elected officials.

No healthy adult or child should be injured or die from a vaccine imposed upon them by their government. As an elected official, you realize that the next election cycle is always right around the corner. Your constituents will be watching closely to see what actions you take and don’t take in the coming weeks.

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One Reply to “Action Alert! Tell Your Elected Officials: NO MANDATES!”

  1. Kevin Stallcup

    when click the link to other page , it seems to be saying it will go to only joe biden ? furthermore does not seem to be a way to send it from this page ?

