Archangel Ariel: Is Someone Who Meditates a Better Person?

Why do you meditate?

Are you more loving and compassionate after meditation? Are you touched by God’s wisdom during meditation? If so, you have captured the essence of meditation.

If meditation serves you as a relaxation technique or as therapy to avoid a feeling of despair, your practice is merely mental and not spiritual.

Make a choice and become aware of the way how and reason why you meditate. Is it the longing for God or mental concepts that cause you to take a seat on your meditation cushion? Both reasons are honorable in the eyes of God. But the distinction between the two is essential for you, so that you can understand the cause of your action and put it in the right context.

Nobody who meditates is per se a better person because of it. Nobody who meditates automatically becomes a loving and compassionate human being. For that, it takes a longing for God and the clear focus on God!

• Who or what is at the core of your meditation or your prayers?

• Are you filled with the longing for God, or are you still involved in humanity’s games and still floating from one shore to the next?

• Do you love meditation techniques more than pure devotion? Do you have a clear goal – GOD?

• How mature is your soul, how great is your longing, how deep is your yearning?

The answer can be found in the way you meditate. Have the courage to look inside yourself, because knowing where you actually stand is the first step to higher consciousness.

I love you endlessly,

**Channel: Jahn J Kassl


7 Replies to “Archangel Ariel: Is Someone Who Meditates a Better Person?”

  1. AzureLeaves

    PART 4/4

    >How great is your longing, how deep is your yearning?

    -Again, no point in deeply/greatly/obsessively “longing” or “yearning” for anything so much so that it makes one do stupid things. Just BE–do and strive to get whatever you need and desire with the confidence, assurance and mindset that you “already have” it: the “Law of Assumption”.

    All as long as you’re not harming innocent individuals in any way, shape and form, and as long as you’re not “stepping” on others and violating their Free Will/Choice in order to achieve something and experience Joy, all the while following the Golden Rule of “treat others the way you want to be treated”, and the Platinum Rule of “treat others the way THEY want to be treated” (using either one of them according to the right time and place), alongside general respect, love and compassion for oneself AND others, then you’re good to go.

    That being said, all desires are valid, for better or for worse as it’s always the “Will of the Divine Source/I AM”. Existence has a bit of a bias towards Negentropy though, so it’s up to you whether to deviate from that and go the Entropic path with all of its consequences.

    Up to you which “Role” you want to take in this Divine Grand Play: Protagonist or Adversary or Observer; the Divine Source doesn’t “care” because it loves all equally–Unconditional Love.

    “Nothing is True; Everything is Permitted.”–Hasan-i Sabbah, Grandmaster of the Assassins

    -That being said, there’s no point in longing or yearning for an “External God” connection, as we’re already it, and we’re swimming in its omnipresence.

    The only thing one needs to do is to go and focus within–to decree, notice, realize and ACKNOWLEDGE such connection with one’s “I AM”-ness/Awareness of Being, instead of denying it by having a mindset of “lack”, and thus become “longing” or “yearning” for it.

    The “connection” with the Divine Source is always there; it never went away.

    In any case, I just answered the questions in the post, as well as shared my PERSONAL perspectives, insights and realizations with the help of the teachings of the Heart Sutra, Neville Goddard, Book of Thomas, Hermeticism and so on–so I can add to the topic; maybe these can help someone in some way or another, or maybe it doesn’t, take it or leave it.

  2. AzureLeaves

    PART 3/4

    >Who or what is at the core of your meditation or your prayers?

    -The Divine “I AM”-ness/Awareness of Being within me and my connection with the ALL from its Omnipresence.


    >Are you filled with the longing for God, or are you still involved in humanity’s games and still floating from one shore to the next?

    -Again, no point in “longing” for an external “God” when the Divine “I AM”/Divine Source/God is already within me and around me; omnipresent and is always in abundance.

    -“Humanity’s Games” are part of the Divine Play/Drama after all; but one must always be mindful on which specific “games” one participates in, as dictated by their own will AND duties; balancing participation with observation, as it’s all just a Divine Play and there is always something to realize and to learn in either of those.


    >Do you love meditation techniques more than pure devotion? Do you have a clear goal – GOD?

    -I practice Unconditional Love and it is limitless and boundless; it’s not limited only to either meditation techniques or any form of religious devotion, for loving either of those constitutes Conditional Love or picking a preference. Love ALL instead.

    -A Clear Goal: of course. The oneness and Unconditional Love with the Divine “I AM”-ness/Awareness of Being within me, AND which is also omnipresent and exists in all forms of creation.


    >How mature is your soul?

    -I don’t know, I’m not the judge of that nor do I care to gauge that–for the journey towards perfection/maturity never stops, lest one becomes Stagnant, content with their “progress” foolishly thinking there is no more “greater heights” to reach–or not bothering to create new “heights” to reach.

    For me, constantly improving and reaching even greater heights in my path is the key, instead of being content after reaching a certain “level” of maturity or progress and then stagnating; evolution and expansion is a constant process–never stopping.

  3. AzureLeaves

    PART 2/4

    >Are you more loving and compassionate after meditation?

    Yes. Unconditional Love is easy to realize once you realize that “All the world’s a stage and God plays ALL the parts”; that nothing in this whole Divine Grand Play is serious nor casual, or even “Personal”–it’s just “IS/BE”.

    There’s no point in being more loving and compassionate ONLY after a meditation; once you realize what needs to be realized, you WILL be loving and compassionate regardless of before, during or after meditation.

    There’s only Joy, Duty, Love and Unconditional Love.

    No reason to fear, to hate, or feel and think of anything negative because it’s fundamentally pointless as we’re all just Co-actors, Co-scriptwriters, Co-directors and Co-creators of this Divine Grand Play. Wanna change something for the better? Change it; no need to feel any hatred or negativity while doing it.

    Because I AM you and you are ME. Cue “The Egg” Short Story by Andy Weir.


    >Are you touched by God’s wisdom during meditation?

    Yes. As the connection between me and my Divine “I AM”-ness is much focused during meditation or just in a relaxed state of mind while doing other activities.

    Meditation should never be confined to just sitting still after all; it’s all really about one’s consciousness more than the physical state of the Body.

    Nor is being “touched” by God’s Wisdom be confined when one is in a meditative state only, as the wisdom of the Divine “I AM” are realized at every moment if one is only to become more receptive from it.


    >For that, it takes a longing for God and the clear focus on God!

    What is there to “long” for when the Divine Source/God/The “I AM”-ness/Awareness of Being is already within me and at the same time is all around me in all of various Creations and Forms?

    To “long” for something indicates “lack”; which is pointless when we’re already “swimming” in Divine Source and being Divine Source fractals ourselves; it’s just “IS/BE”.

    “Focus” within you–your Divine “I AM”-ness/Awareness of Being and hence be connected to the All.

  4. AzureLeaves

    PART 1/4

    Sharing my perspectives here to add to the topic, should it be welcomed. As well as answering the questions on the post.

    >Is Someone Who Meditates a Better Person?

    Not necessarily. Even evil-doers/Entropic-side individuals do it. It all depends on what you use such a neutral tool for and the intent you have while using it, as with any kind of tools.


    >Why do you meditate?

    -To experience Oneness and the Joy of “coming back home” with the Nothingness from which all creation came forth: The Void/Sunyata and cultivate connection with my Divine “I AM”-ness/Awareness of Being/God that exists within me, NOT outside of me or any “External Creator God”, in preparation for the challenges of my everyday life once I “set out” once again.

    -To further help in cultivating Expansion of Consciousness and further Personal and Spiritual Development.

    -To further cultivate loving connections in various forms with my nonphysical Guides, Friends, Allies, Guardians, Families and even Lovers of various “Forms”, from lifetimes after lifetimes in this Eternity, and receive valuable wisdom and knowledge from them to aid in my own personal journey of Personal and Spiritual Development, or even work together on various Metaphysical Workings for myself AND the collective.

    -To achieve a clear and serene mind, heart, body and spirit, free from waste and unwanted energies of any shape and form, in order to clearly receive Wisdom, Knowledge and answers to my questions.

    -As a preparatory procedure before conducting various metaphysical work of balanced Service to Self (Self-development, Self-healing etc.,) and Service to Others (metaphysically helping others and other forms of existence, through the foundations I cultivate from my Self-development exercises. Can’t fill other’s cup if mine is empty after all).

    That’s all at the top of my head right now.

  5. AzureLeaves

    >Who or what is at the core of your meditation or your prayers?

    -The Divine “I AM”-ness/Awareness of Being within me and my connection with the ALL from its Omnipresence.


    >Are you filled with the longing for God, or are you still involved in humanity’s games and still floating from one shore to the next?

    -Again, no point in “longing” for an external “God” when the Divine “I AM”/Divine Source/God is already within me and around me; omnipresent and is always in abundance.

    -“Humanity’s Games” are part of the Divine Play/Drama after all; but one must always be mindful on which specific “games” one participates in, as dictated by their own will and duty; balancing participation with observation, as it’s all just a Divine Play and there is always something to realize and to learn in either of those.


    >Do you love meditation techniques more than pure devotion? Do you have a clear goal – GOD?

    -I practice Unconditional Love and it is limitless and boundless; it’s not limited only to either meditation techniques or any form of religious devotion, for loving either of those constitutes Conditional Love or picking a preference. Love ALL.

    -A Clear Goal: of course. The oneness and Unconditional Love with the Divine “I AM”-ness/Awareness of Being within me, AND which is also omnipresent and exists in all forms of creation.


    >How mature is your soul?

    -I don’t know, I’m not the judge of that nor do I care to gauge that–for the journey towards perfection/maturity never stops, lest one becomes Stagnant, content with their “progress” foolishly thinking there is no more “greater heights” to reach–or not bothering to create new “heights” to reach.


    >How great is your longing, how deep is your yearning?

    -Again, no point in deeply/greatly/obsessively “longing” or “yearning” for anything so much so that it makes one do stupid things. Just BE–do and strive to get whatever you need and desire with the confidence, assurance and mindset that you “already have” it: the “Law of Assumption”.

    All as long as you’re not harming innocent individuals in any way, shape and form, and as long as you’re not “stepping” on others and violating their Free Will/Choice in order to experience Joy, all the while following the Golden Rule of “treat others the way you want to be treated”, and the Platinum Rule of “treat others the way THEY want to be treated” (using either one of them according to the right time and place), alongside general respect, love and compassion for oneself AND others, then you’re good to go.

    That being said, all desires are valid, for better or for worse as it’s always the “Will of the Divine Source/I AM”. Existence has a bit of a bias towards Negentropy though, so it’s up to you whether to deviate from that and go the Entropic path with all of its consequences. Up to you which “Role” you want to take in this Divine Grand Play: Protagonist or Adversary or Observer; the Divine Source doesn’t “care” because it loves all equally–Unconditional Love.

    “Nothing is True; Everything is Permitted.”–Hasan-i Sabbah, Grandmaster of the Assassins

    -That being said, there’s no point in longing or yearning for an “External God” connection, as we’re already it, and we’re swimming in its omnipresence. The only thing one needs to do is to go and focus within–to decree, notice, realize and ACKNOWLEDGE such connection with one’s “I AM”-ness/Awareness of Being, instead of denying it by having a mindset of “lack”.

    The “connection” with the Divine Source is always there; it never went away.

    In any case, I just answered the questions in the post, as well as shared my PERSONAL perspectives, insights and realizations with the help of the teachings of the Heart Sutra, Neville Goddard, Book of Thomas, Hermeticism and so on–so I can add to the topic; maybe these can help someone, maybe it doesn’t, take it or leave it.

  6. AzureLeaves

    >Is Someone Who Meditates a Better Person?

    Not necessarily. Even evil-doers/Entropic-side individuals do it. It all depends on what you use such a neutral tool for and the intent you have while using it, as with any kind of tools.


    >Why do you meditate?

    -To experience Oneness and the Joy of “coming back home” with the Nothingness from which all creation came forth: The Void/Sunyata and cultivate connection with my Divine “I AM”-ness/Awareness of Being/God that exists within me, NOT outside of me or any “External Creator God”, in preparation for the challenges of my everyday life once I “set out” once again.

    -To further help in cultivating Expansion of Consciousness and further Personal and Spiritual Development.

    -To further cultivate loving connections in various forms with my nonphysical Guides, Friends, Allies, Guardians, Families and even Lovers of various “Forms”, from lifetimes after lifetimes in this Eternity, and receive valuable wisdom and knowledge from them to aid in my own personal journey of Personal and Spiritual Development, or even work together on various Metaphysical Workings for myself AND the collective.

    -To achieve a clear and serene mind, heart, body and spirit, free from waste and unwanted energies of any shape and form, in order to clearly receive Wisdom, Knowledge and answers to my questions.

    -As a preparatory procedure before conducting various metaphysical work of balanced Service to Self (Self-development, Self-healing etc.,) and Service to Others (metaphysically helping others and other forms of existence, through the foundations I cultivate from my Self-development exercises. Can’t fill other’s cup if mine is empty after all).

    That’s all at the top of my head right now.


    >Are you more loving and compassionate after meditation?

    Yes. Unconditional Love is easy to realize once you realize that “All the world’s a stage and God plays ALL the parts”; that nothing in this whole Divine Grand Play is serious nor casual, or even “Personal”–it’s just “IS/BE”.

    There’s no point in being more loving and compassionate ONLY after a meditation; once you realize what needs to be realized, you WILL be loving and compassionate regardless of before, during or after meditation.

    There’s only Joy, Duty, Love and Unconditional Love.

    No reason to fear, to hate, or feel and think of anything negative because it’s fundamentally pointless as we’re all just Co-actors, Co-scriptwriters, Co-directors and Co-creators of this Divine Grand Play. Wanna change something for the better? Change it; no need to feel any hatred or negativity while doing it.

    Because I AM you and you are ME. Cue “The Egg” Short Story by Andy Weir.


    >Are you touched by God’s wisdom during meditation?

    Yes. As the connection between me and my Divine “I AM”-ness is much focused during meditation or just in a relaxed state of mind while doing other activities.

    Meditation should never be confined to just sitting still after all; it’s all really about one’s consciousness more than the physical state of the Body.

    Nor is being “touched” by God’s Wisdom be confined when one is in a meditative state only; as the wisdom of the Divine “I AM” are realized at every moment if one is only to become more receptive from it.


    >For that, it takes a longing for God and the clear focus on God!

    What is there to “long” for when the Divine Source/God/The “I AM”-ness/Awareness of Being is already within me and at the same time is all around me in all of various Creations and Forms? To “long” for something indicates “lack”; which is pointless when we’re already “swimming” in Divine Source and being Divine Source fractals ourselves; it’s just “IS/BE”.

    “Focus” within you–your Divine “I AM”-ness/Awareness of Being and hence be connected to the All.

