They Claim The Time Travelers Are Living Among Us Now

John Alexanderson is a time traveler who was born in 2043 and is currently on Earth. Alexanderson was a former employee of the International Center for the Observation of Black Holes and tracked a fraudulent trail to the top of the command line.

He discovered a top secret effort to manipulate small black holes that were only a few meters in diameter, to open a portal into past. He found evidence that temporal criminals were using the portal. Alexanderson flew away after he was caught and landed here. Alexanderson wants to change the timeline so that both the IOCBH criminal cell and its criminal cells do not exist.

Roger J. is new to our ranks. R.J. is an agent for The Briar, which was founded in 2047. R.J.’s mission it to find and arrest a temporal escapee from justice, a fellow time agent that abandoned the Briar and went off on his own.

The model number M411 refers to the temporal displacement devices that they use. Each model can only be used once, so they have one jump each. R.J. is obligated by his quarry to follow him back in time and renounce any possibility of ever returning to his original time.

Gilberto1, a man from our time, traveled to the year 2131 from his home and returned with information from Tokyo’s future metropolis. He used an EMF device commonly used for investigating paranormal events across the street. After sensing an electrical field near an oak, he found a temporal vortex. Gil visited Japan’s capital, The Future City. He witnessed two amazing new world wonders.

The first was a space elevator that rose 1,000 km into the outer atmosphere. It was used to transport people or equipment to lower Earth orbit. To build the second wonder of the world, the Tokyo Tower of Babel, the Japanese used the same technology. The penthouse at the top of the tower is so high it rises above the clouds. A knighted servant to King George the Fifth in 1920 appears as a traveler from his past.

Lord Henry Chatterton reached his destination using the Chronos Valocipede, an innovative invention for which he provided financial assistance.

Its name implies a common velocipede. However, Lord Henry points out that the Latin term can also translate literally into English as “the very fast time machine”.



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