Keeper of Time: The Third-Eye Perspective

Greetings, dear ones.

I am the Keeper of Time. I join you this day with great pride, for it’s incredible for us to watch as you have moved so much energy in such a short time. And this day I’d like to give you opportunities to use a different tool. There are so many aspects that you can use to work your way through life on planet Earth. You can actually work with different things that are always there and we wish to share that with you today. We wish to tell you a little bit about what is coming, where you are, and how you can move past a lot of what is happening right now. You have several things taking place, all of which are at appropriate time frames. Keep that in mind, dear ones, for what is taking place is rather interesting. Yes, the planet is changing. Everything having to do with the planet is changing, because the next evolution is underway.

Divide And Conquer

Every time you go through these changes, there are difficulties and challenges that eventually end up residing within the physical being. As people look for answers, it’s also very easy to motivate people to choose a side. That has been very successful for people who wished to divide you into opposing sides. When humans are united they wield exponential power, and control is much more difficult if they have shared truth. That has been going on for eons of time on planet Earth. One of the key elements of aggression is the divide and conquer mentality. So, what we wish to give you this day is an opportunity to look at this from a different perspective.

That is an interesting piece, dear ones. First and foremost, you are creator beings first. Many times you can actually choose, then create or shift your perspective. That allows you to take your true power more fully, because you don’t get stuck in the illusion of limitation. There are many who benefit when you do not take your power. So, how do you avoid that? How do you avoid being driven into sides and separated by differences? Re-member, dear ones, you’re all spirits. So, what if you went back to that place? That’s the whole idea.

The Third-Eye Perspective

Today we wish to focus on the spirit perspective, because you have critical issues that are now coming up on your planet where this will be useful. A lot of them have to do with the Earth herself. We’re talking about decisions you will have to make going forward in your own life and in the connection with planet Earth. So with this, let us give you the tool. What if it were possible to jump into our space for just a moment to see what it is like when we talk to you? We’re simply going to call it the third-eye perspective. You’ve imagined that you actually have a third-eye growing in the center of your forehead, which can see everything from the spiritual perspective. But isn’t it interesting that your physical being has two eyes and your spirit only has one? Your spirit only needs one, for you don’t have duality at Home and as a result you don’t have all that division. To see things from the third-eye perspective means that you must pull back far enough to see the spirits playing the game.

Well, dear ones, that’s what we do. We don’t see the mistakes or decisions you’re making; we don’t see the path that you’ve chosen to take. All we see is you, your spirit from Home, as that’s where we know you from. Each of you have different paths and you are a product of your environment to varying degrees. But at Home, all spirits are connected as part of each other. We see your connection to each other rather than the differences you project in your body suits. If you can pull back far enough, you can see that each spirit is playing a part. You can either get wrapped up in the part they are playing, or you can see their spirit and then view them from that perspective. What if it were possible at that very moment to touch your forehead and move into the third-eye perspective? What would you see? You’d see exactly what we see with you all the time, spirits pretending to be human. Two spirits that have grown up with different influences, many of which were picked up from a previous generation. What if you could touch the third eye and move into that perspective? You would see another spirit that you know really well from Home. But now you two are on opposite sides of something and having an argument. Well, that’s the time to do it. When you pull back far enough, you see that you’re all spirits playing a game. And you also see that those games have a lot to do with what is in your field every day.

Light Influencers

You’re influenced by what you see all the time. You may think, “Oh, well. I’m just going be very careful about where I put my attention and what I see.” But what if you were able to simply pull back to the third-eye perspective and ask yourself, “What does my spirit think of this?” Now you’re in an interesting situation, because it’s really your spirit that’s behind it all and animating your physical body. Your entire experience on Earth is an experience for your spirit. So, what if you were to live your life from the third-eye perspective? What would it be like if you were a constant light Influencer? What if you were able to see that you were truly beings from the same place all having similar experiences, and yet you grew up in different places? You had different influences when you were growing up and you were taught about friends and enemies. You were taught all sorts of things, such as that there were people on the planet that you needed to fear. Although you were taught all of this with good intention, it served to only separate you even further. Yes, the separation is huge and it’s one of the most important things having to do with the evolution of humanity.

Your Light Is Getting Brighter

When things get difficult, dear ones, it is often human nature for people to simply point fingers rather than to look at themselves. When this happens, someone points to a problem and tells you that you’re to blame for your problems in life. But then once it’s resolved, your life’s going to be perfect. You humans have such fun ways of doing things. In the lower vibrations there is more room for inconsistencies than there is at Home. At Home everyone is connected and they are aware of that connection. Although humans are connected the same way, they are largely unaware of it. Thus, if one chooses to view a situation or person from a higher perspective, they are more likely to have an inclusive view.

If you can work with just that third-eye perspective, it is where the unity can be seen. You’ll start to see that there’s no right or wrong. That’s where the many different versions of things that you’re working with come together. And you now have ability to do that in every single moment, because your light is getting brighter. So, the question becomes how you use it. Are you going to pretend to play the game the same way that you’ve been playing it? Or do you dare to move into the third-eye perspective? That is where you start to remember all the beautiful things and people you know. You will also see that your greatest enemies on Earth usually are your closest friends at Home. In short, they love you enough to play the bad guy in your game.

Practice Makes It Easier

Breathe and feel that connection of light growing even further. Once you start to move into that place, you own it forever. In the beginning it is helpful to practice looking at everything you can from that perspective. In many cases, it will not actually alter your direction but will instead help you understand the world around you. The first few times you’re able to actually see someone from that perspective, going forward you will always think of them from that perspective. Even if that person steps further in the direction that’s opposite of you, you’ll still see them as you once knew them. You may disagree with them but you will understand them, and that is the key part of the relationship.

Take a breath and let it anchor every part of your being, so that you can feel it. Those are the connections that everyone can relate to. If you can pull back into that third-eye perspective and see that you’re the spirit, and your spirit is having an experience on planet Earth, you can find those connections. Connect into the third-eye perspective every chance you get, because once you do it changes from that point forward. You step out of duality and shift into something that’s much more important than a side of an argument. You are responsible for yourself, no one else. So, as people are pointing around saying, “Here’s your problem…,” just take it with a grain of salt.

Your light grows stronger every day, dear ones, and others will see it. Yes, some may fear it and others will try to put you in your place or separate from it. Often seeing your light reminds others that they have a responsibility to carry their own light. Sometimes people will even try to threaten you with your own light, but do not let them separate you. Let’s move into that third-eye perspective and see that you’re just spirits playing this beautiful game. Know that you’re never alone, for there are spirits of your energy all around you. Well done. Ultimately you’re playing the same game. Oh yes, you may be on different sides of a fence. But now it’s time to get rid of the fence. And you will connect in so many different ways. If you’re not able to connect over here, connect over here. Find the ways that you are alike and the planet will start to change very quickly. Now you have help not only from the other side of the veil, but from your side of the veil.

Unidentified Areal Phenomenon

There are beings that are starting to help and you’re starting to see them. You’ll have more and more reports of what you call UFOs or now UAPs, because they’ve actually changed the name of that now. You’re starting to move into that reality, because you’re not separate from them. You’re all part of the same game and just wait till you find that out. It’s coming fairly quickly now and many of the divisions are starting to move. So, if you were a being visiting planet Earth from another planet, what would you see? Would it be possible to move into the third-eye perspective? Yes, because it’s the only way they can do it. So, we ask you to do the same thing. Find that light, move into it and know you’re all connected. Plain and simple, you’re all part of each other. That connection is so incredibly strong and powerful, strengthen it and make it grow. Work together to create that energy and you will change the planet that you’re on right now. Well done, dear ones. Treat each other with respect, nurture one another and play well together.

I am the Keeper of Time and even time itself is beginning to change. We can’t wait to see what you do with it all. Welcome Home, dear ones, you are loved.


**Channel; Steve Rother


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