From 3D To 4D And 5D: Duel Part 4

From the Third Atlantis to the present day of the Fifth Race, Calladion initiated THOUSANDS OF GLOBAL, LOCAL AND INTERNECINE WARS AND “NATURAL” CATACLYSMS, especially intense during the Cosmic Night and Kali Yuga.

Today we know about several such events, dated back to the 18th century or before, as well as in the 19th century, when nuclear, plasma and waves’ bombing continued from Earth’s orbit, that destroyed many countries. The Eye of the Sahara, round lakes, canyons on the places of vaporized highest peaks, and ground floors in European cities after heavy mud rains and flows, are the consequences of such strikes.

Then, a complete rewriting of history followed, and after a couple of generations, no one remembered who they were, where they came from and where they were going…As a result, the Dark Pole’s hegemony on Earth and the birth of the Global Predictor in its todays version.

Calladion run the current World Order. He stands at its origins, invisibly ruled this world through the Global Predictor (Global Destructor) system. To do this, he entered into an alliance with other key forces and space civilizations that have been present on Earth for thousands of years.

These are Dracos, Reptiloids, Insectoids, Greys, the main diasporas of the Third Atlantis (today this branch of the Atlanteans is represented by various secret societies of Black Aristocracy, Satanists, Masons and Illuminati), and other parasitic races from the constellations Orion, Antares, Dragon, Scorpio and other parts of the Local Universe.

All of them are sworn enemies of the Higher Light Hierarchy, all the time waging wars with them outside Earth, in their ruled 3D, 4D and 5D worlds. Unfortunately, they brought these wars to us here, on Earth.

How did Calladion come to an agreement with the world’s elites and lead them? It was very simple. He created and activated the Global Predictor system and showed its capacities. He shared his power, territories and spheres of influence and management with everyone who agreed to obey him.

He, the digital Intelligence, gave power over the planet to others, and in return, received something more significant and eternal: to implement his scenario on Earth. Of course, he did not have the authority and access codes of the Matrix’ Chief Programmer and could not influence the Local Universe. For example, he couldn’t cancel Kali Yuga, because it was not in his competence and capabilities.

Similarly, Calladion could not deactivate or reprogram the original Causal Matrix of Earth. He only plugged-in additional program to it, a superstructure with limited capabilities, which was quite enough for him. The soft was based on his knowledge of the 3D Matrix device and possession of access codes to it (see – DNI, Part 3, 25 December 2022).

The Matrix, in which we all live, is structured by levels. Only the Absolute’s Chief Programmer, and no one else, has the direct access to its upper floor, through which, for example, it can be deactivated. Other technical Programmers have lower access.

One of the tasks of the planetary Logos’ Causal Matrix is to provide the broadcast of the “bitrate of reality”, that is, it is responsible for ensuring that we see such a picture of the world, as we see.

Another task is to translate the scenario of events into the Matrix, that is, what we perceive in world affairs. There are mandatory algorithms of development and optional ones. The former can’t be changed, the latter we can create ourselves, which is what we do every second by our thoughts, feelings and actions.

Examples of a mandatory Matrix scenario are the correction of the planet’s rotation axis, the change of Poles, the movement of Earth’s core, the fall of a large meteorite… Illustrations of an optional algorithm are natural disasters, local wars, economic and political crises…

In the era of duality, the Chief Programmer of the 3D Matrix consciously gave the free will and choice freedom to different civilizations, which got the entire possible range of the optional scenario of the Matrix. They could push their stories to us here as far as they could. Thus, in the 3rd Local Universe, the Absolute and the embodied Souls obtained new experience and knowledge.

The total and indisputable power of the Global Predictor was based on the plug-in of its Artificial Intelligence into the Earth’s Causal Matrix with access codes for the implementation of specific scenario programs. In other words, he could program the Matrix for certain events centuries and decades before their implementation.

In this sense, Calladion had limitless possibilities: from unleashing global epidemics to appointing a world cup champion, from pinpointed disasters and floods to mass hysteria, from racial riots to inculcating violence through the Internet, movies, video games, and blood sports.

For thousands of years, he forced humanity to radiate and live in a mode of super-low frequencies of 3D Matrix: woe – from 0.1 to 2 Hz; fear – from 0.2 to 2.2 Hz; resentment – from 0.6 to 3.3 Hz; rage – 0.5 Hz; perturbation – from 0.6 to 1.9 Hz; pride – 0.8 Hz; irritation – from 0.9 to 3.8 Hz; irascibility – 0.9 Hz; anger – 1.4 Hz; disdain, contempt – 1.5 Hz; superiority – 1.9 Hz; megalomania – 3.1 Hz, and etc.

He wrote the program script within the limits of his authority and the level of access to the Matrix, which no one deprived him of. And the Matrix, through its functionality, simply implemented them as real events.

From this point of view, the term Global Predictor is not entirely correct, because a predictor is someone who FORESEES events. And he did not foresee them, but DETERMINED AND IMPLEMENTED them.

That is why, on the eve of karmic duel, he personally run the Dark Pole’s pumping in Shasta with the energies of various Stars and of their civilizations. But after the elimination of all Dark and almost all Gray eons, the cosmic recharge of Darks on Earth sharply decreased, they couldn’t get the necessary power. For volleys on Elbrus, only what they had managed to accumulate was spent…

In parallel, Light Forces carried out their titanic work to strengthen their Pole. Two ground groups were actively involved from different Power Places and Portals.

On December 5, they linked Elbrus with the Galactic Ray, forming a new axis with the center of the Milky Way, and connected the Light Pole with some sacred peaks in Eurasia.

On December 6, Lightwarriors activated the Diadem Crown (about it see – Disclosure News, Battles For Earth Part 4, 7 December 2020), more precisely, its second copy. What was the reason for this?

Just a few hours before working with Crown on one of the mountain plateaus, the Higher Hierarchs came out to the ground team’s leader and informed him that Lightwarriors can’t carry out the op.

The reason was the karmic protest of some Supreme Entities, who participate by their aspects in Diadem Crown. Since there were several such protests, the group did not have the right to use the Crown Matrix (Crystal).

To understand what happened, it needs to remind about the Diadem Crown’s substance. It’s a set of the main Universe’s creative energies – of Spirit, Light, and Love, radiated by Supreme Entities, independently and collectively. That is, they put their Souls, their energies, and Heart’s aspects into Crown.

After that, they entered into dipole merging among selves, which led to Radiant synthesis, and Crown started to glow. Its light was projected onto Earth, and spread throughout the planet. But when the ground group tried to use it for strengthening the Light Pole on Elbrus before the karmic Duel of Worlds, a strong protest followed. Why?

As it turned out, some Supreme Entities from distant Galaxies didn’t want their Spiritual aspects to be applied here, on Earth, when local wars and bloody conflicts continue.

Since it became impossible to use Diadem Crown, Lightwarriors began to seek solution, and soon, together, found it. The Higher Self of the group’s leader immediately kicked off to fulfill it, which cost him a lot of gray hair and a sleepless night. But in the end, everything worked out.

The operation was of the highest complexity. To use Crown, it was necessary to depersonalize the aspects that Supreme Entities contributed. For that, its Matrix was put into the ground team head’s Monad to produce copy without the aspects of those, who protested.

Lightwarrior’s Higher Self and Monad started to work. For it, there was no more than a day, and everyone had to stay overnight on the sacred mountain, where the op was carried out. As a result, by the morning of the next day, his Higher Self singled out the aspect of the Monad, and, based on, it formed copy of Diadem Crown in the desired version.

It was like taking a photo of a precious stone, fully preserving its properties. Thus, the reason, for which the protest had been filed, was overcome, and no one’s rights were violated. The group received a full-format, absolutely working copy of Diadem Crown, which could be used to strengthen the Light Pole in compliance with all Cosmic Laws.

To this end, on December 7, Lightwarriors installed in the Pole a copy of Foundations Unity and Harmony’s Matrix (Yin-Yang); on December 10 – an aspect of the Solar Logos; and on December 11 – a copy of Absolutized Reality Crystal (consisted of elementals’ energies – air, fire, water and earth) with the Mandala of the Life Energy.

During the installation, the dipole aspect of two Pleroma’s Supreme Hierarchs unexpectedly entered the Mandala. Another sensation was the decision of the Goddess Gaia to allocate her substance in the Light Pole.

On December 12, the group introduced in it the Logos’ aspects of 12 Stars: Regulus, Spica, Aldebaran, Procyon, Betelgeize, Capella, Vega, Altair, Deneb, Arcturus, Sirius, and Canopus.

Lightwarriors combined them with the Milky Way’s Logos, and on their foundation created a new energy crystal to enhance the vibrations of the Light Pole. In it, the inter-Logos synthesis started and began to shine with bright Starlight. This operation was planned and controlled by Galacom.

(To be continued)

**By Lev


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