Tunia: You Will Be Free

My dearest brothers and sisters,

This is Tunia speaking. I love you so very much.

A huge amount of people are suffering on the planet. I am so very sorry about what you are going through. I have been more frequently joining meditation groups where we send love energy to Earth. These meditation groups have already been going on for a few years. However, I know that these meditations only help a bit and that your suffering continues.

Hakann discussed that this current path is not the one that us galactics are preferring, in his message: “Hakann: Build alternate structures.” In it, he describes that the gray hats are moving more slowly than we expected or hoped.

Some people are saying that all is going according to plan. Well, I disagree with the notion that this current scenario is either Source’s preferred path or the preferred path of us galactics. We wouldn’t have chosen a path that involves so much suffering. After all, the whole point of this ascension is that Earthlings have suffered more than enough already. If our preferred plan had come to pass, the gray hats would have already done public mass arrests and already provided public mass disclosure, certain advanced technologies would already be available and your lives would be much better right now.

I think it would be insulting to you if I were to sit up here and live my life of luxury, and tell Earthling lightworkers that yes, we planned for some of their loved ones to die, we planned for them to become alienated from almost everyone, we planned for some of them to become homeless, for children to suffer tremendously and for people to be in so much pain that they are sometimes taking their own lives.

A significant number of lightworkers have already transitioned, or died in Earthling words. Those lightworkers did not always have a soul contract to transition this early.

There are spiritual messages out there that say that this is a wonderful time to be on Earth and everything is so beautiful. Yes, from one, zoomed-out perspective that is true. It is a special time to be on Earth, and you are attaining amazing soul growth. But from a more practical day-to-day perspective, people are suffering very much.

Of course I don’t need to tell you that your suffering is real: you know the daily reality of living on Earth much better than I do. Still, there are various messages out there that imply or state that this is all a beautiful time, and while that’s true from one perspective, it’s a very agonizing time from another perspective. Both of those things can be true at the same time. Both perspectives have a certain amount of merit.

It’s not loving to say to a person in pain that they should “enjoy the movie” or “enjoy the show” or something like that. That doesn’t honor the realness of their lived experiences. It doesn’t honor the realness of their pain and loneliness. Furthermore, often the person saying those words isn’t himself at risk of becoming homeless. It’s always easy to say that someone else should carry their burden and endure their pain if we ourselves do not have to do so.

A lot of lightworkers have been asking for more direct intervention by galactics. People like Hakann are regularly having meetings to discuss whether and to what extent physical interventions should be made. Regular galactic civilians are more frequently talking about that topic too and are sometimes invited to these discussions with our commanders and leaders. I have personally made public, telepathic speeches in favor of us galactics intervening physically on Earth.

More and more galactics are starting to come around to the view that perhaps physical intervention might be necessary. That said, there are still very valid reasons for us not to intervene directly, such as the fear that if we do, the resulting Earth society might not be stable and might once again fall, like Atlantis did. Whereas if Earthlings free themselves, then we know that the resulting society will be stable. Hence a direct intervention on Earth’s surface by galactics, such as a taking over of the mainstream media by galactics, remains quite unlikely in the near future.

So the bad news is that no one is coming to save you in the short term.

However, the good news is that lately, more and more people are realizing this and they are getting fed up with the lack of action by the gray hats and by the people in charge. Many people are no longer waiting to be rescued. We think this is a very good thing, both from a practical and an energetic perspective. Indeed, ultimately the solution to this current situation on Earth is for the people to take their power back. And a good number of people are doing just that right now.

Fundamentally, Earth lightworkers are not the victims who are there to be rescued by us galactics. Instead, Earth lightworkers are the cavalry who saves the day. You are the ones you have been waiting for. Or to use a more modern-day metaphor, you are the special ops forces sent in to save the people, and we’re the support. Some of the greatest souls of us galactics are physically incarnated on Earth right now. Some of them are listening to this very message. You lightworkers have all the answers you need inside you and you are much stronger than you think you are.

This sounds dramatic, but even just a small act of kindness, or some nice words, to someone else can have a huge positive impact. Improving your own life a bit, such as occasionally observing your thoughts and emotions as they come up, can also contribute hugely to the overall collective. You don’t necessarily need to take on huge projects to have a positive impact. Although if you do take on a large project, you will find that things just happen to work out for you in all kinds of ways.

The solution to this current situation is not to try and preach that one political side is correct and the other is wrong. For example, if we take the US, then neither the democrats nor the republicans are the solution to the situation you are in. Yes, from our point of view one side is slightly preferable to the other – we are not saying that both sides are equally bad. However, criticizing people of the other political side isn’t going to lead to a heart-centered society. Neither of the two parties are the solution.

Very many people on Earth are completely fed up and know that society is rotten and are just waiting for a plausible alternative to come along. More people pointing out that society is rotten and more people demonstrating against governments isn’t helping the situation that much, because people already know things are rotten – but most people need a plausible alternative before they feel like they can exit the system.

The time is ripe for a heart-centered person to stand up, call the situation as it is and present a plausible and realistic alternative way of structuring society. It is absolutely critical that this person does not engage in culture war issues and left-vs-right debates, not because those are not important, but because we think those things should be debated after we’ve structured society so that people have some room to breathe and relax. First make sure that people don’t feel every day like they are drowning.

You will also find that many of the topics that are currently being debated fiercely will simply be solved or no longer relevant once Earthlings come together and build a heart-centered society. For example, once you are free from the dark controllers, you will experience a great material abundance, and then economic issues will no longer be as pressing or as divisive. You will also experience an opening and softening of the heart and thus you will be able to come together to structure society in a love-centered and freedom-respecting way.

The Occupy Wall Street movement united people from the left to the right. This is something they did very well. However, Occupy Wall Street failed because ultimately it asked the dark controllers to be nicer, and this is simply a strategy that is not ever going to succeed. No matter how many millions of people ask the dark controllers to be nicer, they will simply refuse.

I feel like I have to stress and emphasize this point. Subconsciously, many light workers have the fantasy that if millions of people rise up and engage in peaceful protests, that the dark controllers would willingly give up their control. This is a beautiful fantasy, but it is ultimately a fantasy. This is not real and it is never going to happen. If every single person on Earth asked the dark controllers directly to get their freedom back, the dark controllers would still refuse.

Ultimately we think there are a few ways to resolve this situation. One is physically arresting the dark controllers. However, we do not suggest that average civilians try this, because very likely they will end up in a shooting match with police or soldiers or national guard units. This is the action that good-hearted soldiers or good-hearted police should take, once they have convinced enough of their colleagues to join them. But this is not something we recommend to civilians.

Now, what civilians can do is peacefully but persistently demand that soldiers and police officers honor their oath to protect either the people or the constitution, depending on the country. Don’t fight soldiers or police, don’t threaten them and don’t block their way. We suggest remaining respectful. However, we suggest that you do demand that they honor their oath.

For example, a hundred people with “remember your oath” signs outside of a police station or military base should send a message. Again, we do not suggest physically attacking police officers, blocking their way, making threats or doing anything like that. Just peacefully yet persistently demand that they start either protecting the people or the constitution. Because after all, they did swear an oath to protect either the people or the constitution, depending on the country

Note that the goal is different here. You are not appealing to the government to treat you better, because they will not. You are appealing to police and soldiers to honor their oath to protect either the people or the constitution, depending on the country. Let them decide what exactly that looks like. It is probably not a good idea to tell them what exactly they should do – if they ask, just point out general corruption and treason and politicians working against civilians in broad terms, and ask the police or soldiers what they think they should do. After all, they swore an oath to defend either you or the constitution, let them figure out how to fulfill that oath. It rarely works to tell people very specifically what you think they should do, after all.

One way to call on police officers and soldiers to remember their oath is to sign this petition: https://www.ipetitions.com/petition/oath . This petition is US-centric, but people can easily make similar petitions for their own countries.

Aside from signing this petition, we think sharing it is also a good idea.

If you feel called to do so, physically standing outside of police stations or military bases, and calling on those people to remember their oath, is one of the most effective things you can do. Even if you just do so for one hour, it is possible that you will shock police officers out of their current auto-pilot mode of existence. They might not immediately change their behavior, but you will have planted a seed. Moreover, the local news might pick up the story, and that might cause a ball to start rolling.

If you are looking for a new year’s resolution, that might be a great one.

Some lightworkers receiving this message might think that this will only work with a huge group of people, all with perfect signs and huge amounts of free time – and then proceed to not ever actually do this. Really, this could make a difference even if you do this just by yourself for an hour with a cardboard sign. Even if direct results are not achieved, it will plant a seed in the consciousness of the police or the soldiers seeing your sign.

If the police or soldiers tell you to protest against the government instead, we suggest refusing, because the government simply is never going to listen to you. Keep your protests directed at soldiers and police, with one simple message: you swore an oath to protect the constitution (in the US). Remember your oath. Remember your oath. Remember your oath.

That, by itself, can be your slogan, your rallying cry and your hashtag. Remember your oath. Remember your oath. Remember your oath.

Just keep repeating that, time and again. Remember your oath. Remember your oath. Remember your oath.

To any police officers or soldiers receiving this message: yes, I know that many of you are hoping that civilians will demonstrate and then eventually leaders will decide to be nicer, so that you do not have to make difficult decisions yourself. However, this is simply a fantasy. The dark controllers are never going to be nicer, not even if every single civilian were to demonstrate against them. Part of why there are relatively few protests is because not because civilians aren’t awake or don’t care. It’s because they know that protests are not going to change things. And they are right.

Many judges, too, are corrupt. In many countries the courts will not solve this problem either. In many countries, things will continue to get worse until the police and the military finally start arresting everyone who is harming the constitution or the people, even if those people are in high positions. Yes, I know this is a tough situation, but you took an oath.

Please remember your oath.

I will now address civilians once more. An alternative to the “remember your oath” approach is building alternative structures. Then once those structures are in place, you can exit the system, and if enough people do, the system will collapse.

Practically speaking, those alternate structures can only be built if enough people come together, preferably physically.

Someone in the comment section pointed out that certain lightworker projects have been stopped by governments. Yes, that is unfortunately true. However, every day the time becomes more and more ripe for projects like these to succeed. Moreover, even if these projects seem to get stopped by governments, the energetics that these lightworkers contribute to the Earthling collective subconscious is making a huge difference. Yes, even lightworker projects that seem to fail or get stopped are still contributing energetically to your freedom.

I don’t like sort of defending the current situation on Earth, but most of you are strong enough that you will be okay. You really are stronger than you think. Yes, some people will die, and that’s a tragedy and we don’t agree with the current trajectory of the gray hats – but ultimately it’s only the body that dies. The soul can rest, recuperate and then choose a new life.

Some lightworkers are also expressing doubt whether things will ever be okay. On that topic, I can be clear: yes, you will 100% certainly be free.

One of the most critical factors that we look at is the average consciousness of Earthlings, and it is rising very rapidly. More and more people are waking up, both spiritually and as to what is going on in this world. I would like to thank you lightworkers for your tremendous service, because you literally are pulling up the consciousness of all Earthlings by your actions and also simply by your high-consciousness presence.

While the situation on your world might look more grim than a year ago, and while people might be feeling more hopeless than they did a year ago, the average consciousness on your planet has actually significantly increased in the last year. While people are feeling less happy and hopeful overall, more people are awake than a year ago. And the level of consciousness on your planet keeps rising quickly.

Yes, you will be free one day, and one day we will be able to meet you, talk with you, hug you, sing and dance with you, make love to you and exchange stories with you. We have much to teach you but also much to learn from you, because you are much better at maintaining a good heart and moving forward in the face of darkness than many of us are.

If we galactics conclude that physical intervention is the only way to free Earth, then that is what we will do. Source has decreed that this amount of suffering on Earth must end, and so it shall. That said, if people wait on us galactics, then likely your freedom will come at a later date than if people take action themselves. The point in time when we galactics will do a physical, large-scale intervention is probably further away than you would like.

Still, you will be free one day. Us galactics are also very eager to meet our Earthling brothers and sisters. Some of us galactics have our twin flames there physically incarnated on Earth, and we are very eager to meet them physically. And in one sense, the entire galaxy can’t proceed with its integration and expansion until Earth is freed. We galactics will not abandon you. We will see this mission through to the end and you will be freed. That I promise you.

And I also very much hope that at least a few lightworkers pick up this idea of protesting outside of military bases or police stations, inviting soldiers or police officers to remember their oath. I really think that has the potential to plant some very important seeds.

I love you unconditionally and endlessly.


For Era of Light

**Channel: A.S.


**These channelings are exclusively submitted to EraofLight.com by the channeler. If you wish to share them elsewhere, please include a link back to this original post.

78 Replies to “Tunia: You Will Be Free”

  1. Always Light

    I would like to add another perspective. I don’t feel that much of this information is coming from the being Tunia per se, but rather the wounds and troubles of the channeller. I don’t say this as attack or judgment as this issue is a hot topic for many.

    However, there is another side to this that isn’t being addressed here. This is a vastly complex situation and I suspect that many publicly unseen threats are having to be, and have had to be, neutralized for the sake of the public good before certain actions can take place. This information above seems to be suggesting that the hold up is due to ineptitude or greed from those whose responsibility it is to take care of certain things. I disagree to a large extent. While many are whining and raging “come on, do it now, do it now, what are you waiting for”!!!. I believe there are those on the front lines of such action that have had to endure horrific sights that have damaged them for life, beyond anything those doing the whining could imagine. I believe they have had to take care of things that will maybe never be known to those of us who ponder what is actually going on.

    I believe this has to be done right and there are many who are perhaps pretending to play on the light side who need to be shown for what they are, this sometimes takes time. This is why I believe also certain things are allowed to play out to see who is really on the light side and who just claims to be. Because when the action does take place, the right people need to be in the right place with the right purpose. If this is rushed because of impatience, the situation could be far, far worse.

    I would ask people to let go of self orientated outrage and seek the truth within your heart. All is as it is meant to be for divine purpose.

    1. Finn

      Thank you Always Light for your highly insightful perspective. All true what you’re saying. – Whilst the perpetual hold up has long since gone too far for the precarious Earth situation, and if our benevolent galactics are prohibited from intervention, and if benevolent Earthers are unable to prevail; then the much talked about Solar Flash might be the only solution left to contain the Dark and for us to succeed. – May the much anticipated Changeover materialize as soon as divinely possible.

    2. Raksha


      I don’t want to take side here, but I am pretty sure that A.S’s channelings never mentionned the fact that the “Gray hats” were just doing nothing. They did mention they were hard at work and did a lot of sacrifices already. Just not necessarily the way some galactics would prefer.

      Also, indeed from my perspective, a channeling is somewhere between the “channeled entity” and the channeler. I am not sure if a “pure channeling” is even possible at all. And maybe that is a good thing.

      Also, the situation is certainly very much complex, so it is normal in my opinion, that no articles or channelings could give us a full perspective. Still, I am glad to have some inputs.

      Finn : sometimes I think this is really the only way, a direct intervention from source through light.

  2. Hoffman

    Alpha males will always put their girlfriend first. The beta male will always put himself first and her last. Just letting you guys out there know that if you find a girlfriend either galactic or earthling you must cherish her like treasure. Make sure you take your girlfriend to her favorite places foremost. Since we are all heading towards interesting times, the best advice I can give younger men is to put women first. Even if at times she wants to put you first. The mentality of the alpha male must be unwavering and within our new world we men must make exemplary examples of how we enjoy her interests the most. For example: Where is your favorite place to eat? What is your favorite movies? What time would like to go for a walk? My dear, I would like you to wear your favorite dress to the dance? May I accompany you to the store and help you decide on new clothes? (tell her she looks good with all her options)

    When the alpha male constantly places his girlfriend within her own comfortable interests and reinforces them, the woman will constantly view her boyfriend as supportive. That will in turn establish a prolonged healthy relationship between the two. Remember guys she is essentially your other half. The other half of YOU that needs to be put first! See how I did that! LOL.

    Stay safe everyone.

    1. Raksha

      I disagree. It does not sound like a healthy relationship pattern in my perspective. Why would a man deny himself all his needs and desires ? And at the same time, deny the woman the right to be equally caring and loving ?

      A more balanced perpective would be to try to fulfill the wishes of everyone involved. And of course, for a person in love, it is a happy thing to make the other happy, even if it’s not his/her prefered option.

      To give is to receive (the hapiness of fulfilling someone we love). To receive is to give (the authorisation to the other to have this exact same feeling of joy when he/she takes care of your needs). Why would you prevent a woman of doing that ?

      Also, if a woman asks for my opinion if she does shopping, of course I would tell the truth, but of course she would be the one to decide in the end. Why lie to someone you love ?

      Also, I don’t consider myself to be the half of something.

  3. John

    How does the one person who has made the most sense of things, throughout this entire comments section get completely ignored? Did it just go way over your heads? Source Servant was just preaching to the choir? Nobody needs to understand anything further:

    1. GFL needs to personally or directly deal with the hostile regressive ETs. Period!

    2. Humanity on earth needs to deal with their own corrupt deep state/black hats/betrayers. Period!

    Lets get a move on folks. get it! got it! good!

    I am looking forward to my future paradise world.




    I do not care whose perspective your going to eventually choose. But most of you need to get on the real awakening bandwagon!

    Your like a turkey lost in the woods!

    1. Raksha

      Hello John. Since I talk a lot today I might as well get going.

      I don’t think that post was ignored. It is pretty sensible indeed. But don’t you think there is room for discussion ? And don’t you think that we could use a bit more help ?

    2. A.S.

      “1. GFL needs to personally or directly deal with the hostile regressive ETs. Period!”

      Agreed, and they are working on this and this is nearly completed. There is little hostile ET influence left on Earth. It’s mostly their remaining Earthling minions now.

      “2. Humanity on earth needs to deal with their own corrupt deep state/black hats/betrayers. Period!”

      The galactics agree and want the gray hats to take more and more visible action. The issue is that the gray hats are moving slower than the GFL and than most of us lightworkers would like.

  4. Arthur

    As far as I understand the rules of the game: the dark ones help in dark things, the light ones help in light ones.
    “Some Lightworker projects have been halted by governments. Yes, that’s unfortunately true.”-
    You yourself recommended these projects and promised your help: Build Alternate Structures. However, when it came to protection from the attacks of the dark ones during their incarnation, you merged. How are you better than “gray hats”? You accuse them of following their awareness: people are not ready yet, why help them, it is necessary that the dark ones torment them a little more. Then, on this very basis, I can blame you for not helping people when they start doing projects on their own, moreover, those that you yourself advised.
    This completely undermines a person’s faith in his own strength and the help of the forces of light, and he gradually becomes indifferent. You justify yourself with the same reason: people are not ready, if we intervene, then everything will be bad.
    “For example, a hundred people with “remember your oath” signs outside of a police station or military base should send a message. Again, we do not suggest physically attacking police officers, blocking their way, making threats or doing anything like that. Just peacefully yet persistently demand that they start either protecting the people or the constitution. Because after all, they did swear an oath to protect either the people or the constitution, depending on the country”
    And how is this action different from this:
    ” have the fantasy that if millions of people rise up and engage in peaceful protests, that the dark controllers would willingly give up their control. This is a beautiful fantasy, but it is ultimately a fantasy. This is not real and it is never going to happen. If every single person on Earth asked the dark controllers directly to get their freedom back, the dark controllers would still refuse.”
    “You are not appealing to the government to treat you better, because they will not.
    You are appealing to police and soldiers to honor their oath to protect either the people or the constitution, depending on the country.Let them decide what exactly that looks like. “-
    The president and the government also took the same oath. And also decided how it should look like. What is the difference?
    “This is the action that good-hearted soldiers or good-hearted police should take, once they have convinced enough of their colleagues to join them.”
    In connection with what is such naivety? The power structures are robotic entities that blindly follow orders.
    Who pays them? Citizens? So, who they are paid, they serve. In addition, they will always tell you that all their actions are aimed at security, service to the people and the law. By dispersing peaceful demonstrations, they will justify it by saying that the actions of the demonstrators threaten peaceful citizens and law and order. And also, the president and parliament can always pass any laws justifying any actions of the police. And, too, everything will be according to the law for the protection of citizens and the constitutional order.
    Why aren’t comments posted? Some kind of glitch or something else?

  5. Raksha

    Hello A.S, good te see you back in the comments. I am a bit late on the fun but I have a few points I would like some clarifications about. I would love it if you could share your own thoughts.

    1) This one you pretty much answered in the comments below, but maybe you can add. I think the pleiadian perspective about this whole situation has been pretty well explained by now. But I still don’t understand the real motivations of the Gray hats. Are you saying that since the top brass have a lot in their closets, they are no willing to go on with the plan ? Or are they waiting for more people to protest, more scandals, more upheaval ? What would be the acceptable conditions for them, do go forward with the plan in a more direct way ?

    2) I understand why the Galactics are cautious with direct intervention. What I don’t understand is why they are not more directly helping Lighworkers ? I understand they don’t want to be the ones to change human society, but why not help the cavalry (us) in a more direct way ? By that I mean localized and individualised physical encounters on earth. We could benefit from a hug, a healing, and some encouragments. Since many of us used to be Galactics anyway, why is this not possible ?
    If they can’t help all Earthlings directly now, why not help us to help them ? Sounds like a good compromise to me.

    3) Lastly, I find it a bit hard to believe that some Pleiadians would like to have sex with us in our current state. I mean we are full of toxins, chemicals, and negative energies. Not to mention we are probably far less handsome than they are. And we are not mind readers. How could we be attractive ?

    I hope you can share your thoughts. Thanks for all the work. I very much appreciate the honest, realistic, and grounded vibes of your channelings.

    1. Aidan

      Hi Raksha. Hope you are doing ok.

      A good article to read regarding physical contact with Galactics is ‘A suggested etiquette for meeting with Galactics’ from Ashian via Jennifer Crokeart. Google it.

      I agree with you though. Why not small targeted meetings/landings with for example, this community on this very blog? Why does it have to be the whole world or nothing? No need for media attention, no announcements necessary, no fuss. Just a ‘grassroots’ movement of disclosure.

      They know who we are, and they know we need help.

      Cobra recently said that the Lighworker grid had collapsed. I’m not surprised at all.

      p.s. You are very handsome! 😁😁

      1. Raksha

        Thank you Aidan. I remember this message. Good opportunity to read it again. I very much like Jennifer’s channelings. I can feel her sincerity.

        And yeah, you said it better than me about the meeting : “why all or nothing” ? I can swear an oath to not go mainstream with it if it happens to me haha.

        Kejraj : Thank you for giving my comments such attention, I did not expected it. And thank you for your sharing.
        Seems we all are in a mood to talk today 🙂

        I am waiting a bit for you to post A.S’s answers before I comment back, for the sake of clarity for everyone. Or maybe you could just update your post with A.S’s answer later (if he wishes to comment at all), and I can react already ? What do you think ?

        Also Kejraj, 2 weeks ago I sent you an email with a few questions/suggestions about the website which I thought could benefit everyone. No answer yet. I don’t know if you are busy or just did not get it (or just did not want to answer) ? May I post it in the comments, and then it’s up to you if you want to answer ?

        1. EraOfLight Post author

          You’re welcome.

          I will post A.S answers separately.

          Please send the email again.

  6. Ghost Rider

    As far as I understand the rules of the game: the dark ones help in dark things, the light ones help in light ones.
    “Some Lightworker projects have been halted by governments. Yes, that’s unfortunately true.”-
    You yourself recommended these projects and promised your help: Build Alternate Structures. However, when it came to protection from the attacks of the dark ones during their incarnation, you merged.
    How are you better than “gray hats”? You accuse them of following their awareness: people are not ready yet, why help them, it is necessary that the dark ones torment them a little more. Then, on this very basis, I blame you for not helping people when they start doing projects on their own, moreover, those that you yourself advised. This completely undermines a person’s faith in his own strength and the help of the forces of light, and he gradually becomes indifferent. You justify yourself with the same reason: people are not ready, if we intervene, then everything will be bad.
    “For example, a hundred people with “remember your oath” signs outside of a police station or military base should send a message. Again, we do not suggest physically attacking police officers, blocking their way, making threats or doing anything like that. Just peacefully yet persistently demand that they start either protecting the people or the constitution. Because after all, they did swear an oath to protect either the people or the constitution, depending on the country”-
    And how is this action different from this:
    ” have the fantasy that if millions of people rise up and engage in peaceful protests, that the dark controllers would willingly give up their control. This is a beautiful fantasy, but it is ultimately a fantasy. This is not real and it is never going to happen. If every single person on Earth asked the dark controllers directly to get their freedom back, the dark controllers would still refuse.”-
    “You are not appealing to the government to treat you better, because they will not. You are appealing to police and soldiers to honor their oath to protect either the people or the constitution, depending on the country.Let them decide what exactly that looks like. “-
    The president and the government also took the same oath. And also decided how it should look like. What is the difference?
    “This is the action that good-hearted soldiers or good-hearted police should take, once they have convinced enough of their colleagues to join them.”-
    In connection with what is such naivety? The power structures are robotic entities that blindly follow orders. Who pays them? Citizens? So, who they are paid, they serve. In addition, they will always tell you that all their actions are aimed at security, service to the people and the law. By dispersing peaceful demonstrations, they will justify it by saying that the actions of the demonstrators threaten peaceful citizens and law and order. And also, the president and parliament can always pass any laws justifying any actions of the police. And, too, everything will be according to the law for the protection of citizens and the constitutional order.

  7. Jared

    Dear Tunia,
    I love you very much and hope I can have a girlfriend like you some day. Thanks for the messages. Please send more if you can.

    1. A.S.

      She sends you her gratitude and love and her wish that you may find an amazing girlfriend you’re happy with one day.

      Speaking as myself, A.S.: my current plans are to keep posting one Tunia plus one Hakann message per week, for the foreseeable future. Tunia and Hakann would happily do more than that, but this is what I have the energy for at the moment.

      I appreciate that so you and many people are enjoying these messages.

      I think there actually will be quite a lot of relationships started between people of Earth (especially lightworkers) and galactics. Of course not every galactic is looking for that and I can’t guarantee any specific person a galactic partner, but a good number of galactics are open to that and the galactic population is large.

      So your wish might very well come about.

      Of course, the more developed you are spiritually, the easier it will be to date a galactic woman (or man).

      1. Jared

        Thank you for the reply. Is there anyone capable of assisting you in channeling more messages from Tunia/Hakann or other Galactics? I welcome more messages as they are meaningful and inspiring.

  8. InLovingService

    Dear Tunia Hakann and A.S

    I have sent a couple of loving supportive messages that haven’t gone through. I am assuming someone is stopping them for a reason. I’m using another device to see if the previous device is being monitored/manipulated.

    Tunia, Hakann and channeller A.S.

    I thank you and all other beings for doing all that you can to assist, I love you all very much.

    I read all comments and I can see both sides of the picture. My heart hurts for everyone. It cannot be easy for galactics having to sit back and watch this nighmare with hands tied. And, as a fellow human who has suffered greatly all my life, I know desperation, pain, depression, anger, loneliness and loss.

    Fellow humans:

    It is wise to have sceptisism of everything and everyone as we have been deceived and lied to all our lives so we must remain astute to other tactics. The messages that don’t resonate with my heart I move past, I can only trust my soul. If they inspire me I know they come from the right place, if not, I disregard. Some channelled messages I read do not touch my heart, maybe the message was misconstrued, maybe someone not acting from the heart, maybe manipulation, maybe a mistake… Who knows. But, other messages I can ‘feel’ the right ‘intent’.

    I feel your suffering and want to offer my deepest heartfelt love to you all. I too have wanted to give up and have begged for this to end all my life. This year was the worst of my long life and I can’t believe I made it through. But, as I have no choice, as I am still here, all I can do is pick myself up and continue to be the change I wish to see.

    If I can offer some advice and support… It’s okay and understandable to get upset, angry and frustrated. If you post angry messages that’s okay too, we are hurting and have to vent somehow. But, the kindest thing you can do for yourself is to not let it consume you. E.g. Okay, I had a bad day yesterday, I forgive myself, today is a new day and a fresh start, I will try again. I know you all have worked so hard at loving and assisting and I hope you don’t quit when we’ve come this far. Don’t forget to rest and give yourself the same love you give others.

    I wish I could give you all a big hug. I’m with you until the end, regardless of whether we get help or not, let’s support each other. I am here for you, sending you strength, hope and love to continue to stand with me. I know we can do this. Look at what is happening now, they are being exposed. Never did I think I’d see that day. We have progress.

    It is summer here and I am noticing no chem trails lately. And, I see many beautiful nature spirits I haven’t seen for years, e.g. butterflies and dragonflies. There are more birds than before too, they are playing and singing joyously. The changes are subtle but they are there if we look. I asked to feel less lonely and I notice the nature spirits comfort me, e.g. a butterfly landing on my head and all the insect playing around me.

    I hope I have lifted your spirits. I too have my bad days and cry many tears … but I refuse to surrender.

    In loving service always to all.

    1. A.S.

      Thanks for your message and your compassion and your beautiful message to the other humans.

      Not many people express empathy for how hard it is for the galactics to watch us get brutalized and not do anything. I can feel this hurting Tunia, and I’ve occasionally been speaking to another Pleiadian woman (who I haven’t channeled or mentioned in these messages) who really wants to meet her Earth twin flame but can’t yet.

      I’m not saying the galactics are suffering as much as us Earthlings of course, but this certainly isn’t their preferred path either.

      And you have my empathy and love too, and those of the galactics. It’s indeed not easy, being here on Earth.

      Maybe remove cookies on your other device? I don’t know, just throwing an idea out there. I can’t guarantee that will solve things.

      1. InLovingService

        Dear A.S.

        Thank you for responding and for your very kind words, they mean a lot to me.

        It’s the least I can do to offer a few words in support. I also send out as much love and light as I can to help soothe and heal. I wish I could do more too.

        I used to think I was cursed that I could feel everyone’s pain but I recently learnt it’s a blessing. So, I am happy for the gift as it enables me to know who is hurting and then I can try my best to help. So, yes I know how the galactics feel. They are watching a horror movie constantly but with real beings not actors. I can feel they want to help and are helping as much as possible. I also feel there is a lot going on behind the scenes that they can’t share and if we knew we’d probably realise their situations better.

        And then as a human stuck in the horror movie I also understand how other humans feel.

        We are all suffering as a collective because of what is happening. We all want it to end immediately. I console myself at least there is an end in sight. I thought I’d go to my grave wondering why I was put in this insane asylum (Earth experience). So, I am thrilled to know I get to witness and be part of the end game.

        And, I know it is difficult for you communicating these messages, particularly the ones that are going to disappoint. I love the truth and transparency, I would prefer it any day to false hope. So, even though some messages are not so pleasant I really appreciate the honesty. You are doing a fantastic job in allowing us to have this connection with our galactic brothers and sisters and I really look forward to getting the communication. Thank you.

        Thank you also for the tip on removing cookies on my other device, I’ll give it a shot 🙏

        Wishing you some peace and happiness in this new year.


  9. Denise G

    So your comments are only welcomed here if you have no issues with how you’re being treated, is that it? She feels SO bad for struggling Lightworkers but if you ARE struggling you’re not allowed to comment huh?
    I don’t know WHY I’m surprised by that. Lol
    Don’t want everyone to know how bad they’re being lied to huh?
    Can’t say I blame you, I’ve been posting here for 3 years and never had a problem but first sign and comments not allowed? Lol
    I was right, you are all being played otherwise they would be HELPING Lightworkers in trouble instead of IGNORING THEM.
    No wonder we’re committing suicide.
    Denise G

    1. A.S.

      Everyone’s comments, including mine, are taking some time to show up. Is that what you mean?

      I myself have no control over comment moderation. For what it’s worth, I personally think critical comments should be allowed. A few comments down is someone saying “Excuses Excuses Excuses..That’s all I have to say Tunia.” so clearly at least some critical comments are getting through.

      The only thing I can say, speaking as myself (the human A.S.) is that I very much empathize, because I know that people are suffering. Personally I’ve also suffered quite a lot in the last year. My heart goes out to everyone, and yes I’ve also been annoyed that both the gray hats and the galactics haven’t been offering much tangible, physical help to us so far.

      Your feeling of “if you feel so bad for us, how about actually practically helping us” is very understandable. I’ve also felt that at times. I get where you’re coming from.

      1. EraOfLight Post author

        I approve 99.9% of comments. Only ones that do not get approved are ones who are plain and simple offensive and contain profane language for no reason.

        1. Silvia

          Well said. Our galactic friends have been doing a lot of work for us, unfortunately some of their soldiers died for us. Without them, the dark matrix would still be there, I understand the reason why most of them don’t want a direct action. They love us and they gained their lives in 5TH, 6TH and even higher dimension, they may have past similar situations, even if lighter than ours, millions of years ago. Landing here for them would be like leaving a 5 star hotel and get into a room full of shit and other crap.They will land at the right time. Silvia

          1. Silvia

            Expressing various points of view is ok but without offending and insulting others. Silvia

        2. Raksha

          Oh, so you do have to manually approve the comments ? So that’s why sometimes it gets published quickly and some others times it takes time since you are not always on the deck. Good to know.

          1. silvia

            Raksha if you write a comment, I think you know it already but remember to put your email too and click on notify me of new comments via email, you receive a message in your mail, then click it and your message is posted. I left three messages a couple of hours ago and I forgot to click on notify me me , so I had to wait a bit more. Silvia

        3. Raksha

          Oh thank you Silvia, I did not know. I am a novice with this things. Is that really how it works Kejraj (what Silvia said below) ?

          1. EraOfLight Post author

            Yes you can choose the option to receive notification for comments.

      2. Denise G

        It’s been waiting for moderation since last night and yet my other comments here are going through.
        I’m not a troll, I’ve been posting here for 3 years on this journey yet when I reached out in obvious crisis it’s blocked. Yes I’m angry and trying to work through it but clearly there’s is a problem in the Lightworker Community when you talk about suicides in your article and then ignore those in crisis.
        I don’t know where I go from here, that I’ll have to figure out for myself but what I DO know is that you can’t just ignore those who in crisis if you’re going to talk about the situation. It wasn’t right.
        Had I NOT been who I am I probably WOULD have committed suicide yesterday and while that is NOT your problem maybe it IS something that you should be aware of cuz clearly wanting to ignore anything that isn’t all fuzzy Light is NOT helping the Lightworkers.
        I’m NOT trying to be ugly on this, I’ve already decided to work at forgiving all of it even though that leaves me in this really weird limbo of where I go from here. I’m not a part of their world OR yours and I’ll figure that out in time but not everybody is as stubborn as I am so just maybe when they DO reach out you don’t ignore them next time, that’s all.
        Denise G

        1. EraOfLight Post author

          Denise, I am familiar with your username and your comments, which are always approved. However, I see no comments in moderation from you.

          1. Denise G

            Apparently it must have gone through in the last hour or 2 since it’s not showing in moderation any longer which I do appreciate.
            Hopefully the others who come after me in crisis can benefit from all of this as I wish no one ill and never have. I just hope that actual help will be available to them because having to let go of everything at this point is going to be harder after having been torn down by this process for years.
            Feeling like nothing is the worst feeling you can have and I have to deal with the fact that it was the so-called Light side that brought me here when the Dark never could.
            I’ll figure it out eventually, I always do but others might not be so lucky.

        2. A.S.

          My heart goes out to you.

          If I speak for myself and not in the name of galactics, then yes, I’ve also been at times annoyed and at times felt despair about the galactics not actually helping us in a recognizable, day-to-day way down here. I know rationally that our lives would be significantly worse today without their help, but that doesn’t solve my direct day-to-day challenges.

          If you want someone to talk to, then you can get my email by mailing Kejraj at eraoflightblog@gmail.com and he’ll give you my email.

          As for why your message didn’t show up, maybe you used some word or expletive that caused it to be auto-rejected and not even show up in the moderation queue? I don’t know, I’m not an admin of this site and have no control over these things.

  10. Max

    Dear Tunia

    You have some sound and good ideas about protesting and sending messages to the Police and Military. However, it is those in higher leadership roles and part of the Military Alliance that need to change and get their act together. If not, then they need to be removed and replaced by leaders of “action”. Action is sorely needed and too many people are suffering.

    Gray Hats need to change FAST! You and the Galactic Federation have more influence and can get the ball rolling….

    What happened to the “PLAN”? There needs to be a short route as opposed to the long round-about-route that we are currently taking. Surely suffering is not part of this plan?

    The dark controllers resources need to be removed and splinter them into a thousand pieces (metaphorically speaking). Arrests and removals need to happen.

    Galactics are well aware of the strategy and we need help in driving the changes. We light workers on the ground level can help in certain ways.

    We as lightworkers, can advise and perform certain actions, but we are not the Military!

    As Q says: “Military is the only way”.

    Well, what are they waiting for?

    1. A.S.

      Good post, thanks for writing it.

      I’ll answer as myself, since that’s less tiring than channeling Tunia, but Tunia will correct me if she disagrees with anything. So Tunia didn’t author the following, but she also doesn’t disagree with it.

      Some parts of your question are already answered in https://eraoflight.com/2022/12/15/hakann-build-alternate-structures/

      In summary, yes, the galactics completely agree that the leaders of the gray hats should do more (they are already doing some things). The galactics have already contacted them and said as much, in a diplomatic way, but they’re still moving slower than the galactics would like. And the galactics are just very hesitant to take more direct action than that.

      Indeed, this much delay and this much suffering was never the galactics plan. That’s true.

      There’s a bit of a deadlock:

      – us lightworkers are more or less passively waiting on the military. (Tunia is trying to change that via this message.)

      – non-top-level military personel that are good-hearted are waiting on the leaders of the gray hats to give the command to go and execute public arrests and broadcast truth.

      – the top of the gray hat military, unfortunately, suffers from some combination of selfishness, indecisiveness, lack of faith, lack of courage, a desire to remain more powerful and knowledgeable and rich than average people, a fear that if all is revealed then their dirty laundry will be aired too; and a thought pattern that if civilians suffer, then they will wake up and start protesting and then things will be fixed (the galactics disagree with this thought pattern).

      To be fair to the top of the gray hat military, they are already doing some things. And going up against the dark controllers takes guts in the first place. But yes, they should get on with it.

      Speaking as myself, A.S., I agree that this is getting very exhausting and lonely. I do wish that either the galactics or the gray hats would get on with it.

      1. Beverly Young

        If the gray hats are aware of the galactics, why cant the galactics pressure the gray hats to “remember and act oath”? The gray hats, I’m sure, have much more respect/fear of galactic intervention then they do of earh’s civilians. WE NEED YOUR HELP TO PUT PRESSURE ON NOW. STOP THE SUFFERING ON THIS PLANET!!!!
        Thank your for monitoring, but we need your intervention.

    1. A.S.

      I just read all the comments under this article and under Hakann’s recent article and I feel blissful and blessed.

      Thank you so very much for all your kind words. You have all my best wishes in 2023.

  11. SourceServant

    1. Building alternative structure/civilization/community away from the regressive/hostiles. This will lessen their control over humanity and eventually collapse their system/governance/authority. They will simply lose control of people. Introducing QFS, Med beds, and free energy will further strengthen our resolve and begin the recovery process/new civilizational beginning.

    2. The white hats/grey hats/SOC/SOCG/Delta forces/JAG/special operations forces/space force begins arresting allied members of hostile regressive beings. These allied members can be identified/associated mostly within either liberal/democrat/WEF/WHO/Illuminati/freemason/Satanic organizations widespread throughout the world. Within republican and/or conservative establishments these individuals are called Rinos and Cinos. The ET regressive/hostiles will have to be handled separately by GFL. Matters that pertain to earthling/humanity must be settled by earthling/humanity otherwise known as Terran affairs. Our brothers and sisters should have never allied with the Orions, Draconians, and tall greys/zeta. They tried to sell out the three waves of chosen light warriors and mother Gaia. GFL will need to defeat the regressive/hostiles. They are in possession of advanced technology and higher intelligence. Earthlings were never meant to defeat the hostiles/ETs directly. With what? How? We were sent here from a future timeline to directly defeat our own Terran betrayers? Who told any of you Galactic’s that earthlings were to destroy both extremely advanced extraterrestrials and our own human betrayers/black hats?

    Do not ever tell me,

    Liberal/Socialist/Democrat/Freemason/Illuminati/Communists/marxism/left wing/
    Rino/Cino/NEO NAZI/KAZARIAN establishments are not allied with the regressive hostiles. Both the betrayers and malevolent ETs are easily identified by their deliberate movements against freedom, common sense, and equality. When you identify those who are trying to preserve freedom you will also find conservatives/patriots/republicans.

    This war must be won and not without facts/research. That I can assure everyone. Many of you are being deceived by thinking that politics do not play a role in much deeper spiritual occurrences. That is a very terrible mistake. Every individual who fights for freedom both politically, militarily, and through citizenry is apart of a very great spiritual war against the regressive/hostile controllers.





  12. Denise G

    I was given a gift of sorts today when I realized we’re just a HUGE Cosmic joke to these people. It’s the lies that did it.
    They talk about watching us like a movie or TV show just as we do here however the huge difference is that WE do not watch ACTUAL suffering people, just ACTORS. They tried to convince us that’s what WE are for THEM, their little storylines they like peeking in on.
    They tell us about ALL these wonderful gifts we have which conveniently never materialize. Most people have a problem with the lack of time frame, I never did, I understood it would happen when it happened. I listened to what I was being told and did just like I complain about the people who believe every single thing the Media and their Celebrities tell them to.
    I explained away inconsistencies to myself, the things that never happened as MY fault somehow just like they told us but this time they messed up, they lied about the ONE thing they never should have, they said you can’t go BACK to the beginning and that was a lie.
    I couldn’t figure out WHAT was going on the last few days, everything was OFF and it didn’t make sense, I was becoming MORE 3D by the second and suddenly today I realized that deep awful vibration was BACK in my chest, the one that disappeared when this all first started and I knew then that they lied.
    I’m a Scorpio, always been the vengeful type until I got SO sick of all of this anger and couldn’t stomach it any longer which was why I was SO grateful when it left me. When all this occurred today I got angrier than I had been since this started but what angered me even MORE was that I didn’t even WANT vengeance for this, I just want them to GO AWAY at this point. I kept getting their ringing in my ears as all this was happening and they would NOT SHUT UP so I had to tune them out finally.
    I probably would have let them keep leading me around like a dog on a leash had they not lied about that ONE thing so in a strange way I Am grateful for that much at least.
    I have no wish at this point to even associate with those who take SO much joy in the suffering of others as they do, their favorite Show, people in pain.
    I don’t know where I’ll go from here and I really don’t care at this point and yes, of course suicide crossed my mind but like I said, I am a Scorpio and swore to them I would give up my need for tranquility over vengeance before I EVER gave them that satisfaction. I will go scorched EARTH before I let them torture me any longer.
    Say what you will, I’m thrilled your experiences have been better and really do hope they stay that way for the rest of you but I am sick as shit of being treated like I’M the one who’s not good enough. This whole show you all this wonderful stuff only to shut it down right after smacks of mind control but I’m done.
    They don’t even bother answering PRAYERS, instead you just watch as everything you’re pray for others just gets WORSE, like they’re actively giving you the opposite of what you pray for, it’s a JOKE that we happen to be the butt of.
    Luckily for them they have plenty of extras as they play their games.
    Best I’ve felt all day was when I told them to F*** off.
    They disappear and tell us it’s OUR fault we can’t get it right, work through all you crap they say and it will be sunshine and roses they say, “one day” anyway but if things aren’t working right it’s YOUR fault.
    I’ve worked through every last thing I can remember, MULTIPLE times but supposedly it’s MY fault right?
    Good to know, since it’s MY fault and there’s nothing LEFT to “figure out” that means I can go about watching those I love suffer so they can have their jollies but I do NOT have to be a part of it any longer, it is a choice after all.
    I hope all of you can hang in there to hopefully light the way cuz this world definitely needs some light but I won’t be praying for you since apparently that only makes it worse.
    Feels weird, going to bed for the first time in YEARS without praying but I can’t keep hurting the ones I love that way any longer.
    For the first time in my life I don’t want vengeance on those who hurt me but I do want them to stop doing it and go away, it’s not like they help anyway, I’ve been blocked by a literal brick wall they put in my psyche my entire life, unable to meditate like other people so this has not been an easy process for me trying to work around that. I figured at some point it would disappear but it hasn’t.
    I no longer care about their “story” I just want peace.
    Good luck to All and I hope you put on one hell of a show for them!
    Denise G

  13. Jared

    I think the best group to stand outside of a military base or police station would be former military or police people. Someone they know and respect. Or people can just tell people they know in those positions to honor their oath by a text or conversation. You need to have some form of connection not just be a random person doing it unless you have a decent size group. Thanks Tunia. Please come and help. Love you mwah.

  14. white rose

    It sounds like you have been listening to my rants. As a light worker I have been working to end darkness for50+ years. It is getting very wearisome. I understand humans need to win their own freedom but we could use a little more backup.. I would be very heartened to KNOW for sure that someone had my back..I know you step in to save us from death so we can fight another day but it takes a lifetime to put the pieces together. Any help would be greatly appreciated 🙏

    1. Denise G

      She’s listening to nothing, she refuses to post comments of Lightworkers in distress even after commenting of them committing suicide. Unless you’re praising these beings they don’t want to hear from you. When the time comes just know that these people who enjoy treating our suffering as their favorite TV Show will NOT be there for you, they will shut you down and IGNORE you, apparently while enjoying your suffering.
      Don’t worry, she won’t let this comment post either so you’ll never find out about the lies. Lol
      I sign my name to everything I post because I’m not ashamed of calling them out which is why they aren’t posting the comments.
      Denise G

  15. jakesey

    Thank you Tunia. Very many in the police and army will never grow a spine in time by placard waving civilians, petitions, naming/shaming. Why not influence them in their dream states to help them awaken a conscience? Time is clearly of essence here!

    Please protect us in these precarious days as we go about our duties down here. You Pleiadians have sacrificed a life recently for us. He will be Remembered here.

    1. A.S.

      They’re sending lovelight to Earth daily, which helps a bit, but what you say is something they consider to be too close to violating someone’s free will and they’re not going to do that. They’d sooner take over our MSM than do that (which is also not something they’re planning to do in the very near future).

      Yes, from a personal perspective, I agree that it’s taking very long. Speaking as myself and not for the galactics, I’m exhausted and lonely and wish that either gray hats or galactics would get on with freeing us. Although I understand that the responsibility is partly mine and I’m doing my part too, with these channelings and in other ways.

  16. Terry

    Please stop calling us earthlings!…..we are Earthers….not children…..we shall overcome with or without your help!
    The little death awaits us all …..no fear….onelove

  17. Christed

    Hi Tunia beloved, what do you say about several military coups de etat, some as happening in West African countries, or several national coups de grace, supported by galactic federation entry in the fray. The galactics are merely pussy footing by saying they cannot intervene! How cowardly this sounds! Will intervention make them lose their comfortably aloof positions in their space ships and reincarnate as surface humans? And why should this scare them so shitless? Atlantis, Atlantis, they keep crowing they don’t want a repeat of Atlantis. But Source has said “Enough!” So why can’t they honour Source and show themselves? It is so disheartening at this stage in world history leaving information to western materialist science and their fake media telling us there is no sentient life in space and the galaxies. Isn’t this enough bullshit to make the galactics reveal their space ships and freeze all the war mongering and sabre rattling and violence, then end the Babylonian money magick and debt slavery for all eternity? Can you imagine the gigantic leap in consciousness for humans to discover there are higher cousin species around us who can call any dark hearts and minds to order and restore the teachings of Source to be kind and helpful to one another on any planet of existence not just earth? A higher galactic justice system that all ones can appeal for resolution?
    Tunia, who are these fellow humans we should be asking to remember their oaths? If we need to prod our own fellows before they can do the needful then what does this say about their consciousness? Wouldn’t that still be the same gambling chess game of uncertainty in quicksands? Help humanity by rousing your cousins to visible action on Gaia! That is our feedback to you on this message.

  18. Christed

    Several military coups de etat, some as happening in West African countries, or several national coup de grace, supported by galactic federation entry in the fray. The galactics are merely pussy footing by saying they cannot intervene! How cowardly this sounds! Will intervention make them lose their comfortably aloof positions in their space ships and reincarnate as surface humans? And why should this scare them so shitless? Atlantis, Atlantis, they keep crowing they don’t want a repeat of Atlantis. But Source has said “Enough!” So why can’t they honour Source and show themselves? It is so disheartening at this stage in world history leaving information to western materialist science and their fake media telling us there is no sentient life in space and the galaxies. Isn’t this enough bullshit to make the galactics reveal their space ships and freeze all the war mongering and sabre rattling and violence, then end the Babylonian money magick and debt slavery for all eternity? Can you imagine the gigantic leap in consciousness for humans to discover there are higher cousin species around us who can call any dark hearts and minds to order and restore the teachings of Source to be kind and helpful to one another one any planet of existence not just earth? A higher galactic justice system that all ones can appeal for resolution?
    Tunia, who are these fellow humans we should be asking to remember their oaths? If we need to prod our own fellows before they can do the needful then what does this say about their consciousness? Wouldn’t that still be the same gambling chess game of uncertainty in quicksands? Help humanity by rousing your cousins to visible action on Gaia! That is our feedback to you on this message.

  19. DianeArtemis

    The unconsciousness is not limited to those on this 3D plane. Other levels, Galactics included, are unconscious in their own way. They are limiting themselves and, thereby, impacting their intervention and our horrendous experience as witness to the continued pain and suffering.

    It’s no wonder that 3d lightworkers have left the 3D as it appears that they have been forsaken. Will more follow?

    Unconsciousness begets unconscious behavior, at all levels. Healing is needed on all levels.

  20. A Lightbearer

    Intervene NOW!

    Our lives what we live now is pointless. Nonsense. Compared to the life we deserve, and we lived once. We want our lives back!

    Who the f… cares about how long will last the new society… Just start it!! With all the good stuff and without the dark parasites I don’t see the problem. Why shouldn’t last it for an eternity?

    Terrible to see your decision mechanism is how slow and how bureaucratic… Slower than even on Earth!!! Tragic… And we are waiting on you.. If we continue to wait for You, liberation will be in 2070.. ALL of us will be dead..

    Yes, we are fed up with the rotten system. But I think, many of us starting to fed up with YOU, and the decision making paralysis.

    Once we overload with this feeling, I fear we will join the dark side and be the new threat.. The disappointment can be so huge that it transforms the subject. And for example I’m already disappointed in all of You for your lame and slow decision making.

    I discussed this in other words at Hakann’s last channeling.

    1. A.S.

      I actually think “Honor Your Oath” is even better than “Remember Your Oath” as I suggested. Great post, thank you.

      (I don’t get the messages word-for-word. Instead I get energy and concepts and I use my own mind to translate those into English. Hakann and Tunia are looking over my shoulder to make sure that the words I’m writing match what they mean to say. However in this case I think “Honor Your Oath” is better than the “Remember Your Oath” that my brain suggested.)

  21. Jared

    Someone good needs to take over the media and proclaim the truth. I’m not concerned about good world lasting. We have to make the world good first. Then we can discuss it lasting.

    1. A.S.

      I agree, and the galactics agree, that that would be a very good thing.

      But the galactics themselves are not currently planning on doing this in the near future. They’re hoping that people on Earth do this.

  22. Finn

    Guaranteed Tunia; on our planet; if you or anyone else stand outside a police station or a military base with a cardboard sign; you will either be laughed at or ignored or outcast. That will simply not suffice. – Guaranteed Tunia; physical intervention by benevolent galactics is the only way to free this Earth. – See you real soon !!

  23. Mickwordman

    Powerful and straight forward. And it makes sense that they’ll never willingly give up their control, no matter what. We need the police and military, it’s true, to fulfill their oath. If enough of us do such demonstrations, it just might create a ripple effect that leads to some concrete actions.

  24. Hiromant

    I agree that the gray hats’ plan is taking way too long. Years and years of permanent crisis is wearing everyone out instead of waking them up. We’ve suffered enough, it’s time for decisive action.

  25. Silvia

    Dear galactics friends, would it be possible, even if it sounds strange, for evolved earthlings with super powers or you 5th dimensional galactics to de-materialize all richness or machinery belonging to dark controllers so that they cannot control anyone anymore, also preventing them from creating new richness or machines? That done, the news of these ex controllers could it be spread in the Internet, avoiding the censorship, most people would know it and the situation would change quickly. Hugs from Silvia.

    1. A.S.

      I like the way you’re thinking, Silvia.

      The primary issue is still that the galactics choose not (yet) to intervene, in part because they fear that if they just hand us an amazing society, it may collapse as Atlantis did. Whereas they think that if we create an amazing society, it will last.

      The galactics are absolutely capable of decisively turning the tide here on Earth, if they choose. What you’re saying may be one part of their plans. If they were not considering your approach before, they are now, but I would not count on it being implemented say next week. (I’m not privy to their exact plans.)

      1. scotth9510

        Hi a.s. as a additional idea to Silvia why not beam as many of the dark ones and there human minions too as well as these gray hats and replace them with light oriented beings who can get the proverbial ball rolling. Later on the gray hats can be outed for there hesitation and complacency in not doing there duty and service to humanity.

        1. Silvia

          Hi scotth 9510, replacing the gray hats who don’t accomplish their tasks it is a good idea, in my opinion. I think that some gray hats may be afraid of risking their lifes, so they need more protection, extending it to their families too. The gray hats who want us to suffer longer to wake up but don’t live our harsh experiences or the gray hats who are more dark oriented, I mean they don’t want us to have 5th dimension technology because they want to keep it for themselves or are afraid to loosing workforce for their industries, firms etc should be replaced quickly, they represent a big obstacle for the rest of earthlings, just like the dark controllers, they could even have in mind the idea of replacing the dark. It is my personal opinion but when advanced technologies are released to earthlings, most people will leave their jobs. Only those who do like their jobs would go on, like writers, cooks, fashion stylists artists who don’t use adrenochrome etc.

          1. scotth9510

            It definitely makes you think how these gray hats think there any different or better than the dark ones if there holding back technology and information that can be best used to help humanity instead of holding us back.

        2. silvia

          Scotth9510 I am not going to judge the gray hats, it is difficult for them too, dark hats were really dangerous and not everybody has so much courage to face them. I hope that those gray hats who don’t want to help other earthlings anylonger, leave and can be replaced by any volunteer hat who can take the lead and move on. I hope the gray hats still working for the light can receive any good possible protection for themselves and their beloved ones an go on. We could meditate and focus on freedom.

      2. Silvia

        Hi galactic friends, thank you for replying. Another idea for speeding up the liberation of earthlings and de-materializing the richness, the weapons and the mind controlling technologies of the dark controllers would be a kind of focused meditation. Without your direct action because of the free will respect, you galactic friends could simply provide to all awakened earthlings the best date and time so that we can focus on that dematerialization. I read in a book by Greg Braden or another scientist whose name I don’t remember now, that years ago there was a kind of special hospital in Cina, now closed, where people focused on the perfect health of someone in that hospital with problems (even cancer) and after short the cancer or another desease were no more and all was proven by a sonography. I know that it is not so simple but we could try. A big hug from me. Silvia.

  26. unionylibertad

    Thank you Tunia…I agree that peacefully we can achieve more…Once one person starts showing up many more will follow…Many blessings and much Love to you, to Hakann, A.S. and all Galactic beings of Love and Light…

    1. Douglas A James

      We are your brothers and sisters yet you sit in spaceships and watch the darkness and suffering and tell us to get some signs?? Where I live they wld laugh at us ..what do our signs says arrest an actor playing Biden? Wait it’s all a script remember??

      1. Zbigniew

        Przykre są te wypowiedzi.A ja czekam na obiecywany MedBed.serdecznie pozdrawiam Tunię i całą załogę “Nowej Jerozolimy” – zbig.

