Hakann: Various Q & A Topics

My dearest brothers and sisters,

This is Hakann speaking.

You have all my love and respect for how well you are navigating these times. Even if some of you are stumbling: most galactics would have broken their legs if they had been born in your situation, instead of merely stumbling.

I am happy and grateful that I am once again in a situation where I get to answer your questions.

Question: Dear Channel, dear Tunia and Hakann,

Thank you very much for your help and your kindness, it’s like a balm for me. I have two questions for you, one about our punitive system, the other about medical treatments we provide for so-called ‘mental illness’.

1. What do you think of our punitive system? Do you think it is inevitable at this stage of evolution of our consciousness, or can alternative systems already be proposed?

2. What do you think about what we call ‘mental illness’ and the way we treat it?

Thank you very much for your help.

Thank you Channel and thank you Era of Light.

Answer: Thank you for your question and for your compassionate heart.

As you may have guessed already, we are not fans of the idea of punishing people by locking them up in a small room. From our perspective, people need love, and the more that people so-called misbehave, the more love that they often need.

If one of our people intentionally murdered one of his brothers or sisters, then first we would restrain him so that he was unable to murder other people. Then we would seek to understand him, and offer him love and access to our healers and we would try to make sure that all his needs were met, including his social needs.

We would make sure that this person was unable to harm other people until we were sure that he would not do it again, but otherwise we would not harm or punish him. In practice this would limit his freedom to an extent, however we do not do this to punish him, but to protect other people.

We would offer the murderer the opportunity to talk to the family and friends of the murdered person, and we would offer the murderer the opportunity to experience being murdered from the perspective of the victim, which we can do either via techology or via psychic powers. We don’t do this as punishment, but as an opportunity to create empathy and understanding.

Likely the murderer would get his full freedom back once he does these things, because in almost all cases this ensures that the murderer will not do so again. We are mind readers, so it is easy for us to verify whether people are still dangerous or not.

To answer your question: we think it is regrettable that you are locking people up in small rooms, because you are them and they are you. In effect if you lock up or judge someone else, you are doing that to yourselves. In the vast majority of cases, people commit crimes because they did not receive enough love and did not get their needs met, and in most cases giving them love and making sure their needs are met is enough to solve crime.

That said, so long as many Earthlings have a relatively low level of consciousness and willing to commit crime and so long as Earthlings live in a scarcity-based society, the current system of punishment will probably largely endure. Perhaps you will move more to a Norwegian system than an American system, but we don’t think that you will truly make the leap towards “give criminals love and meet all their needs” so long as you live in a system where people need to work to survive.

We foresee that once you move to a post-scarcity society, and this may happen sooner than you think, that you can really start to reform your punitive system. Then it will start to make sense to just meet all the needs of your criminals, including material needs.

That said, we are actually in favor of the death penalty in certain specific cases, which I suspect may surprise people.

The reason for this is that all of humanity is connected through the same collective subconscious. Therefore if you have a truly evil person – not just any random murderer, but a truly evil person – then that person is constantly emitting very negative vibrations throughout the entire collective subconscious. Therefore they are holding back the liberation of humanity, just by their presence on the planet.

We have repeatedly said that the presence of lightworkers on this planet is crucial for the liberation process. Well, the presence of certain very evil people does the opposite of this and slows everything down. Therefore we support the death penalty for those people, if they are not willing to receive healing and are not willing to see and learn the perspectives of their victims.

Note that souls reincarnate, which makes the death penalty significantly less harsh than the death penalty would be if souls did not reincarnate. In some cases these people will be allowed to reincarnate, in some cases Source will actually decide to unmake their souls after their death, and in some cases they will go to the lower planes because they have literally sold their souls.

As for mental illness: unfortunately we think that your entire society is toxic. We think it’s logical that people develop so-called mental illnesses in such a society. Frankly we are surprised that not more people are mentally ill.

A lot of things that society encourages you to put in or onto your body are also toxic. It’s good to have a skeptical attitude, but in some cases these things are hard to avoid. One thing that helps very much is buying a water distiller, because there is stuff in tap water that we do not think is good for you. Crystals can also help with purifying water on an energetic level.

I think in a lot of cases, the correct way to treat mental illness is through love, through physical detox and through a reduction in the stress and loneliness that people experience in life. In a broader sense, it would be good to make life on Earth overall less stressful and harsh, so that less people become mentally ill.

We think that medications and drugs are very much overused and overprescribed on your world, although in some cases they can help.

Also, Source loves everyone equally, including the so-called mentally ill. Often these people actually have a lot to teach so-called normal people. Some so-called mentally ill people actually volunteered to live such a life on Earth, to shake Earthlings out of their normal routines. Although other people did not volunteer for this, but they became poisoned or broke under the mental strain of life on Earth.

Question: Greetings beloved Souls,

Thank you so much for the opportunity to ask a question, I am infinitely grateful for all the helpful “nudges” of guidance you both provide in your channeled messages. My question is about the timing of “disclosure”…I am reading channeled messages from a few sources I trust, A.S. being one of them, and the general consensus is that disclosure will be coming “soon”, or even “very soon”. Knowing that you cannot provide a specific date for this to happen, is it safe to say that the “soon” you speak of is “Earthling soon?” For example, I would consider “within a year” to be soon, but “within the next 5 years” not to be soon.

Thank you so much for all the work you do to help us on our collective path toward 5D and beyond!

Answer: Thank you for your question and for the lightwork you have done. We are very grateful to our brothers and sisters in the ground crew, for they are doing a tougher job than we are.

You are right that we galactics perceive time a bit differently. One of the reasons for this is that we are usually at least several hundred years old, so a few years is a small percentage of our life, while it is a relatively larger percentage of your life.

So galactics sometimes say “soon” when they mean “within a few years.” Even though in Earthling terms, this is not “soon.” This was a lack of empathy from the side of the galactics, and Tunia and I are trying to keep this in mind.

Ultimately it is up to Earthlings to provide disclosure, and so they are responsible for the date.

A very slight form of disclosure has already been happening for some years, on your alternative media.

Mainstream media disclosure will probably happen within the next three years. It could easily happen a few months from now, but we don’t want to promise that because it might take a few years still. Unfortunately. We wish that things were moving more quickly on your world, and we understand that many people are suffering.

There is also a slight chance that mainstream media disclosure will not even happen within three years, but if the Earthling counterforces take that long, then we will start entering territory where there is a good chance that Source will tell us galactics to take over your mainstream media and broadcast disclosure directly.

We galactics don’t really operate on iron-clad rules. Ultimately we serve Source, and if Source were to tell us three years from now to forcibly take over your mainstream media and broadcast disclosure, then we will. If Source tells us not to do so, we won’t. It’s a balancing act between reducing Earthling suffering, versus letting Earthlings make their own choices and forge their own destiny.

Us galactics taking over your mainstream media has some very real disadvantages, as discussed in the earlier message “history of humanity.” We would prefer that Earthlings start broadcasting truth via the mainstream media, and at this point it is likely that they will do so somewhere within the next three years. Possibly quite a bit sooner than that. But unfortunately, we can’t promise that this will happen “soon”, in Earthling terms.

Question: Hakann recently said in one of his channelings that while humans do indeed have Free Will, the ‘director’ of our life movie is our soul – which cares less about comforts and joys and more about growth. At the exact same time, Hakann, and numerous other beings keep telling us that “you can experience anything that you so desire to” or “you are more powerful than you think” and other such teachings. But how exactly is it even possible if it’s only our souls that call all the shots (and what manifests and what doesn’t) ultimately? Isn’t that a glaring contradiction in and of itself?

Answer: Great question. I appreciate people who have clearly thought about what spiritual sources are saying and are not afraid to ask questions. Thank you for asking it, it’s precisely these questions that can lead to greater understanding.

Perhaps I should have been clearer here in the first place.

First of all, it’s not only your soul that calls the shots. For example, suppose your soul wants you to go to Japan. Then you will likely feel drawn towards Japan. You might see things about Japan pop up on your television and on your Youtube recommendations. Maybe your friends will start talking about Japan. Maybe you will be presented with a great opportunity to travel to Japan. Maybe there are things that push you away from your current situation and your current way of living, to further nudge you towards Japan

However, if you simply choose not to go to Japan, then you will not be in Japan, no matter how much your soul wants you to go there. Your soul is not going to teleport you to Japan.

So your soul can nudge you and push you and provide you opportunities and can make certain things easy or difficult for you, but ultimately you choose what actions you take. Your soul determines the context of your life, but you make choices. You can go “off-script” if you want and simply not do what the director wants.

That said, it usually leads to an ultimately happier and more fulfilling life if you do follow the director’s instructions.

Tunia and I are actually a bit critical about manifestation messages that are often spread in the spiritual community. Most people indeed aren’t able to manifest anything they desire at will. Tunia has spoken about that in her message: “How to manifest.”

As for being powerful: there is a huge lack right now of people who are showing bravery, who are standing up and speaking their truth, and who are saying out loud that the emperor indeed has no clothes. We are not saying this is easy or that you will not encounter resistance, but any regular citizen could actually accomplish quite a lot right now by just speaking out that this way of living isn’t working anymore.

So in this way you can accomplish a whole lot. You can also accomplish more than you think simply by being kind. And most people if they genuinely work towards their dream life, and accept that maybe they’ll trip a few times and will have to get back up a few times, will actually be able to dramatically improve their life.

We could also look on an even deeper level at the statement: “you can do nearly anything you put your mind to.” Here we are talking about the version of “you” that has integrated its soul. The “you” in this statement is not the person’s rational mind that is sometimes in opposition to its own soul. Rather it is a “you” that is one with its soul.

One example of someone who integrated his soul is the one you know as Jesus. Several other ascended masters have done the same. I think a lot of people would agree that the being you know as Jesus really could do almost anything he put his mind to. Indeed, he could and can.

As Jesus said, everyone can potentially reach the level that he did. That said, this is not very easy. An intermediate step is just asking your soul every day what it wants you to do, by thinking or saying: “my soul, what should I do today?” Only answers that arise immediately are from your soul. Your soul will answer in your regular inner voice, but the answer will come from your soul.

If you consistently ask this question and consistently keep doing what your soul tells you to, then over time you will integrate your soul more and more, and you will become more and more powerful. In time, the separation between what you want and what your soul wants will vanish. For me, Hakann, there is no difference between what I want and what my soul wants. The so-called part of me that’s not my soul, just wants to follow the director’s script, because I know that this is best for both myself as well as the people around me.

Personally when I think of myself, I think of my soul as being one part of that, just as I think of my hand as being one part of myself.

Of course the choice is yours. You don’t have to follow the directors script, or in other words do as your soul wants you to do. But that is what I am choosing to do, what Tunia is choosing to do and what the channeler is trying to do (although there’s still a gap sometimes between what he wants and what his soul wants).

If you choose not to do what your soul wants you to do, that is fine, but then your spiritual powers will be a bit more limited. That said, a lot of great Earthlings did not integrate their souls, and it is certainly possible to accomplish quite a lot without doing what your soul wants you to do.

Question: I am curious about RH negative blood lightworkers and children, is there any specific mission connected to us? Why does this mutation exists on Earth at all? I believe it is an outcome of a DNA research, but since this mutation involves a high risk for pregnancy I wonder how it is possible that there are still RH negative people existing?

Is there a way we can utilize the gifts connected to this mutation for the betterment of all people here?

Or maybe it doesn’t matter at all? 🙂

Do you Pleiadians have many blood types or just one?

Answer: Those are excellent and very perceptive questions, thank you.

RH negative blood is actually associated with reptilians.

People become wiser and more powerful if they have experiences and are touched by both the light and the dark. So from that point of view, having some reptilian-associated blood in your veins can be beneficial.

People with RH negative blood are not automatically evil or bad. Beings have free will – Earthlings certainly, but reptilians also. People with RH negative blood are still free to choose their own actions. There are also some reptilians who are on the side of the light.

Also, you don’t need to have RH negative blood to be an effective light worker. The channeler does not have RH negative blood, for example.

Not all RH negative light workers have the same mission. However, RH negative light workers are typically a bit more touched by the dark than other light workers, which give them an edge in certain tasks, such as directly researching or combating the forces of the dark. That said, I would primarily follow your own soul’s guidance – it will take into account your blood group and many other things.

Blood groups don’t have a huge impact on your life, but they do have a slight impact. Other blood groups have slight advantages too.

The RH negative mutation exists on Earth because lots of galactic races, including reptilians, long ago gave bits of their DNA to Earthlings. I describe this in my message “Hakann: history of humanity.” Since then, no one has interfered directly to eliminate RH negative blood, so it’s still there.

That is also why Earthlings look so different from one another. You have DNA from many different galactic races, and one Earthling has more DNA from one race and another Earthling has more DNA from another race.

Conversely, from an Earthling perspective, all of us Pleiadians look quite similar to another. In Earthling terms, we also only have one blood group.

Question: Can you see the change of our media narrative in the nearer future? By media I mean newspapers, radio and tv. We are staying patient in a shadow doing our work and raising the overall vibrations, but I believe media play a huge role in stopping people from waking up. I so wish for them all to understand the truth. Possibly it is much of a wish right now. 🙂
Many many thanks for asking the questions and for what you do.

Answer: Yes, this is a question that is on many Light worker’s mind. I appreciate you for asking what many people want to know.

Yes, it is very unfair and lonely and alienating that the media brainwashes most people.

However, we galactics are very hesitant to directly take over your media ourselves, for reasons outlined in the message: “Hakann: History of Humanity.”

What we hope is that Earthling counterforces will take over the media relatively soon and start broadcasting truth. From our personal perspective, the Earthling counterforces are moving slower than is optimal. Unfortunately, while some Earthling counterforces might be opposed to the dark controllers who want to control everything, this does not automatically mean that the Earthling counterforces are selfless spiritual masters. Some Earthling counterforces are motivated by greed or personal power or by wanting their specific country to succeed, more than they want all of humanity to be free. Some Earthling counterforces still like the idea of them being richer or more powerful or more influential than other Earthlings.

That said, from the perspective of the Earthling counterforces, we galactics do not understand the situation on the ground, and they are already moving as quickly as is practically possible. There is certainly some truth to the statement that actually living on Earth gives them a more on-the-ground perspective than we get in our luxurious crafts up in the sky.

That said, the sluggish pace of Earthling counterforces only slows down Earth’s liberation. It does not stop it. At one point, your media will start reporting truth and the vast majority of Earthlings will be united once again. This is going to happen, it’s just a question of “when.”

Also, the more that lightworkers help to increase the overall vibration, the closer that the point will come when media starts broadcasting truth again. Thank you for helping with this.

Question: Could you ask the Pleidians about the Star Wars movies. I have heard it is partly based on real galactic history. Do Galactics use light sabers?

Answer: Yes indeed, Star Wars was inspired by real galactic history. It is great that it and Star Trek have given Earthlings some soft disclosure.

I’ve actually sat down and watched Star Wars, as opposed to just downloading it into my brain as I do with many other parts of Earth’s culture. I liked it. I did not only enjoy seeing how real history was interpreted and turned into a quasi-fictional story by Earthlings, but I also just enjoyed the story for what it was.

You Earthlings are excellent storytellers. I think that once Earth is free, very many galactics will want to hear the stories of Earth.

In general, any work of fiction that strongly resonates with many people typically has some core of truth or some core of real hidden history to it. This doesn’t mean that every word literally happened, just that some of it was inspired by real events.

Light sabers were sometimes used, but more for sport or ceremonially or as a curiosity than for serious combat. From our perspective, your guns are very primitive, but even they would beat a light saber in a fight. If I gave you a light saber, could you win against someone armed with an assault rifle or even a minigun? Probably not.

I know that in the Star Wars stories, Jedis are supposed to be so good that they just stop or melt a swarm of bullets in mid-air, or dodge or parry that with supernatural speed. However anyone who can actually do that, could also just disable an enemy combatant with a thought, which is more efficient than charging them with a lightsaber.

Lightsabers are also not harder to avoid than one of our modern ranged weapons.

For combat in the real world, galactics use ranged weapons, psychic abilities and in a pinch their bodies. I am trained in what you would think of as a martial art, although ours uses the conscious manipulation of energy and incorporates psychic abilities. Alternatively, a reptilian could easily just rip a Earthling apart even without any kind of special training or a weapon.

That said, I cannot deny that light sabers are kind of fun and cool. If you want to handle a real-life lightsaber and we consider you to be careful and responsible enough for that, we could lend you one for a while. There are so many wondrous things we would like to show you once we have landed.

Question: When do you think the Galactics will begin contacting some of the lightworkers, physical contact? this is for Hakann.

Answer: A very, very few Lightworkers have already been physically contacted. These are primarily world leader or military commander or special ops Lightworkers, in order to coordinate and accomplish certain practical objectives. And in a few cases, we have physically sat down and talked with certain influential people, to give them information or to try and convince them to do certain things.

We have not yet visited most Lightworkers. For example, we haven’t physically met the channeler yet, even though Tunia and I and a bunch of other galactics would love to meet him. In fact, we would love to meet all Earthling lightworkers, just for the joy of connecting with you.

We have visited around 40% of light workers in their dreams, but often these dreams are not remembered.

It is hard to predict when exactly conditions will be right for us to start physically contacting the bulk of lightworkers. It depends on the choices that Earthlings make. There’s a good chance that this will happen between 2023 to 2026. But if Earthlings make choices that delay things, then it might only happen 20 years from now.

Question: I want to ask if the Pleiadian star system is mainly of what humans would consider “white” people?

Answer: Yes. From your perspective, most Pleiadians look like white people, with a nordic or Scandinavian appearance.

That said, there are other advanced, benevolent, human-like galactics out there who do not have a white skin.

Earthlings who look like us are not better or more valuable than Earthlings who do not look like us.

Question: Do Pleidians have pets? How is the relationship with their people? Also, are there wild animals there? In both cases (domestic or wild) do you have telepathic communication with them?

Answer: Ah, excellent questions.

We do not have pets. We do have animal companions on our ships. These are not the property of any one individual, although these animals may choose to mostly spend their time with one or more specific individuals.

The ship we are on is intelligent. The ship itself takes care of the animals.

The animals do not attack us, for we are loving and unafraid. The animals have different levels of wildness to them. Some choose to spend most of their time with humans, others choose to spend most of their time among plants and trees and other animals on our ships.

We can communicate telepathically with animals. Different animals have different levels of consciousness, so with some the communication is a bit more sophisticated than with others. It has happened that we travelled to a planet, some animals chose to come along for the trip and they then chose to stay on that planet. Of course, we let them. We have also picked up certain animals this way.

Sometimes we joke that our ships are in fact animal transport vehicles, which the animals use to get from one planet to the other.

We love animals. I actually have one licking my hand right now. We also think that certain animals are excellent at teaching certain lessons to our children.

Question: Is there a Galactic Federation of Worlds?

Answer: Yes there is, but it is more a loose cooperation of beings who serve Source, than a formal entity that forces people to do what it says. As I discussed in my previous message: beings who genuinely serve Source do not write laws for other beings who serve Source. At most they will write guidelines or suggestions.

So there is no set of laws that the Galactic Federation forces me to follow. That said, there are many beings in the Galactic Federation who have specific skills and information that I do not have. Hence I can better serve Source by talking and cooperating with fellow people from the Galactic Federation. This kind of cooperation is what makes up the Galactic Federation of Worlds.

We do not have a formal hierarchy that is enforced with laws and punishment, but we do have what you could think of as a competency hierarchy. For example, people recognize that I have certain skills, so I am accepted as a military commander, which is roughly the equivalent of an Earth general.

However, I and others recognize that for example Ashtar Sheran is wiser and generally more skilled than I am. So when far-reaching and complex decisions have to be made, his voice weighs heavier than mine. He is higher in the competency hierarchy than I am, and he deserves to be there. That said, even he cannot be everywhere at once and so he delegates some work to me.

Arcturians are generally more spiritually developed than us Pleiadians. When it comes to sophisticated spiritual questions, I am not that high in that particular competency hierarchy. So I will often consult with my Arcturian brothers and sisters on these matters. They have no formal authority over me, but they do have a recognized high place in that competency hierarchy, and it would be foolish of me to ignore that. I would not be serving Source to the best of my abilities if I ignored the advice of people who I know are wiser than me.

Often placement in Earth hierarchies is not determined by competence but instead by power or wealth or nepotism or corruption or physical characteristics or by having the right views. Of course, we agree that this is bad. However, hierarchies are simply necessary in order for society to function. Just picture an operating room where something unexpected happens, and the surgeon can’t act until he convinces the nurse that his act is the right one. Often the patient would just die in that case.

So hierarchies are necessary. You just need to make sure that placement in the hierarchy is based on merit.

Many of the problems that occur with Earth hierarchies are not present for us, because our primary concern is serving Source and not personal gain. Someone low in the competency hierarchy is not ashamed of being there, because he or she too is serving Source, just as people higher in the competency hierarchy are.

Plus we have a growth mindset. I was an ordinary soldier at one time, and now I am a commander. Many positions high in the hierarchy require that you have done some lower-position tasks for a time. We also live for many hundreds of years, so there is plenty of time to work our way up and try our hand at different tasks.

And we are all mind readers, so it is very obvious to every one of us where people deserve to be in the respective competency hierarchies. People with less inborn gifts are loved just as much by Source as people with more inborn gifts, so who are we to consider them to have less value as people?

This is also another advantage that positive extraterrestrials have over negative extraterrestrials. If someone at the very top of our hierarchy would die or get taken out, then we would very quickly find the most capable person and promote him or her to the top spot of our hierarchy. This would not have a big impact on the overall effectiveness of the Galactic Federation of Worlds.

Conversely, if the top person in a negative hierarchy dies or gets taken out or even just shows weakness, then often there’s paralysis in the organisation, or a bloody power struggle, or the organisation fractures into multiple new sub-organisations.

So in summary: yes there is a galactic federation of worlds. It is a group of like-minded beings working together so that they may better serve Source. There is no galactic federation of world leadership that forces people who serve Source to follow certain laws. However, if Source asks them, they may intervene in situations where people are being directly harmed by someone else.

Question: I often see a tictac craft on our skies. Is there any reason why certain people see alien ships or this is pure incident and there is no plan behind that?

Answer: We have indeed been saying “hi” to you in this way. We’re happy to hear from you!

We are able to cloak ourselves. Letting Earthlings see is us a conscious choice that we generally only make for two reasons, and you’ve seen us in both contexts. One reason is to wake up groups of people to the fact that we galactics exist, and to make people a bit more accustomed to our presence. For this, we choose to appear in places where that is beneficial for the people there to see us.

We do enjoy showing ourselves to Earthlings and energetically feeling their reactions, but we will only do so if we judge this to be beneficial for those Earthlings.

The other is to wave to one particular individual. We might just want to say hi, or to show that we haven’t forgotten them, or that they are not crazy and that we really do exist. Often this individual is a light worker and sometimes this individual has shared past lives with some of us.

Recall that most Pleiadians are many hundreds of years old. So it’s entirely possible that two adult-age Pleiadians are friends or lovers or family members. Then perhaps one of them transitions and is now an adult Earthling, but the other Pleiadian is still alive and still remembers their friend or lover or family member.

For example, the channeler in one past life was born as a Pleiadian. Then he chose relatively quickly to end that Pleiadian life in order to be born on Earth. However, his Pleiadian mother is still alive today and still loves him dearly. She would love to meet up with the channeler once more.

So as you can see, many of you Lightworkers have galactic brothers and sisters and fathers and mothers and sons and daughters alive today, who still knew you from when you shared a past life with them. And they sometimes “wave” at you by showing themselves in a ship.

Many of us Pleiadians don’t only see you Earthlings as our metaphorical brothers and sisters. Some of us Pleiadians alive today, literally remember spending time with you when you were physically living with us in one of your past lives.

The same goes for the other galactic races, such as Arcturians.

And yes, we are very eager to meet you once more. That time is coming.

Thank you all for your questions. I love you very much. In the medium term, very good times indeed are coming.

**Channel: A.S

****These channelings are exclusively submitted to EraofLight.com by the channeler. If you wish to share them elsewhere, please include a link back to this original post.

12 Replies to “Hakann: Various Q & A Topics”

  1. Jared

    I have searched for the article “Hakann: History of Humanity” and didn’t find it. Can you please repost?


    Isn’t this article a repost?

  2. Jared

    All legs are safe amen!
    I would prefer if you would use different analogy, referencing the one in first paragraph. Thanks

  3. Qaesitor

    I was contacted in my dreams in this way. I was shown the Pleiades in a dream, although at the time I did not recognize it. I was then urged to step through a doorway of light. I did so and entered a ship of white light with the stars on my right and sleeping quarters on the left.

  4. Svetlana

    I am very sorry that Hakann did not deign to answer my requests. I wrote a letter for Hakann to the mail of this site to the channeller A.S so that he conveyed my request to Hakann and he didn’t do it why? I wrote requests here and then in vain. The Pleiadians are not going to help us and do not want to heal anyone, they are indifferent observers.
    Many words and no help to anyone.

  5. ildfghz

    Do you want the red carpet of the “murderous government”, or do you want to rescue the sick and suffering people who no one cares about?

    1. jakesey

      One can ask till one is ‘blue in the face’, but still, they never lift a finger to help. Yes, Official Red Carpet treatment is what the Pleiadians desire on whatever level, it doesn’t matter.

      The nobodies, the no one’s, the forgotten, the downtrodden, the abandoned and frightened, the suffering? Nope, sorry no can do campers, move along now, you know the drill !!

  6. zdrhxd

    Hello,Hakann. We have millions of people who have been tortured by toxic vaccines and viruses. Among them, graphene oxide, an intelligent nanoparticle in the vaccine, continues to plague the blood vessels of countless people, but it cannot be eliminated through autoimmunity and existing technology. At present, the only way I can find is to change the body. Can you come down now and provide us with 1 million reatomized medical warehouses? Thank you on behalf of mankind!

  7. Tricia

    Thank you dear brother Hakaan and AS for your insight and voice of reason and to put life into perspective . It is hard being here on the ground among the consciousness of people around me it can be a challenge to remain compassionate, thank you for these messages it feels easier knowing someone somewhere shares similar views to me. WoW that’s so cool and cute that AS has a Mum still alive from his past life I be so emotional just wanting to go back. God bless love to you all and thank you for all you do 🙏💖❤️

  8. vikkybijekar360

    To dear Channeler A. S,
    Hello, I am Raj and I am 19 years old. The purpose of this writing is to get help from Tunia or Hakann if possible.
    Actually, My MOTHER is undergoing some serious problems during her sleep state. She is unable to sleep well from past 1 year and the cause is horrifying dreams. The dreams are very unusual and terrifyng to her and comes daily at night from almost 1 year now. Sometimes she literally have dreams of a person which is recently dead! We don’t know the actual cause of it like it is internal or some person did this to my mom(there are indeed possibility of such). Now she has also growing Body and chest pain. Her health is getting bad gradually because of it.
    I am aware that there exist some healing techniques to clear off the mental and astral bodies carrying toxic energies for ex. water and Crystal technique which
    I heard of previously!
    My Serious request to the Channeler is to try to ask to Either TUNIA or HAKANN about possible solutions or otherwise some of the HEALING TECHNIQUE they can suggest in order to release toxic energies from the MENTAL/ASTRAL BODY and can be helpful for my Mom as well!


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