Message from Hannelore: Other Spheres

How deep have you dived?

JJK: The days and weeks just fly by! It’s been over 2 months today since you returned to the light. Here on earth everything goes its way, everything takes its course. How far are you from your last life today and how deeply have you immersed yourself in the world of light?

H: Hugs, dearest Jahn! I am with you now and I am with you now who are counting your days on earth until upheaval, ascension or change. I am close to you, very close and I do my work in my spheres – in heaven as well as on earth.

Time doesn’t exist on my level, so I don’t look back on my last earthly life, but I see it as one life among many. It has a quality and reality that is unimaginable for a human being when one can experience oneself in all earthly existences at the same time. The closeness to my life as Hannelore exists through you, consists in the fact that many angels of our spiritual family are still in service on earth, have exposed themselves to time and subjected themselves to space.

This is an eternal and indestructible bond that remains in the Hereafter as well as in this world, no matter from which side one looks at the Hereafter and this world. Only when we, as beings of light, return completely to the source and experience the last of all hugs from God, do these intimate ties also dissolve.

So I dived deep into the world of my spheres beyond what is visible to you. At the same time, I am with you and with you, protecting, caring and supporting your life and our project. The light world project was breathed into life from heaven and it is the heavenly family who help shape and work on it on earth and in heaven.

JJK: From your current perspective, how do you view the fact that quite a lot of people actually don’t want to do any real transformation work at all. Immerse yourself in your own topics? Then, when it really matters, many people prefer to put it off. Does that have an impact on the developments that are now pending – or are things going to be the case, no matter how many people can now “get the curve”?

H: With love – everything is looked at with love, my perception is that of love. Quite the opposite of what I sometimes felt as Hannelore. Now an absolute inner peace has occurred when looking at all worlds and the conditions on these worlds.

Of judging and judging!

It was impossible for me as a human being to be free from judgment or free from condemnation. It’s just as difficult for you. Why?

Because you live in this energetic environment of judgment and condemnation. To always be aware of this and to be aware of it, to take the higher perspective, requires great awareness. No matter how hard a person tries, the closer a situation gets to you, the closer a person is to you, the more likely it is that at certain moments he will take sides, that he will judge and condemn. My good advice:

Do not judge yourself when judging or condemning certain acts. There are moments and events that evoke this human behavior – and neither should nor can you do anything about it.

JJK: But an enlightened one is above it – right?

H: As long as an enlightened one is on earth, he too has to deal with it. It is a rare art that hardly anyone can master – not getting wet from the water that surrounds you.

Even the enlightened always retain a remnant of qualities that are not usually ascribed to an enlightened person. This is done so that such people can exist on earth at all. This creates the necessary grounding or entanglement. Judging and judging might indicate a propensity to do so.

From my current perspective, healthy judgment is essential for a successful human life. Discernment and judgment are siblings that are mutually dependent.

JJK: In many messages it is pointed out that we should not “judgment”. What is that supposed to mean?


H: The solution is: Do not condemn man, but condemn an ​​act that is evil and produces evil.

Forgiveness comes after a thorough confrontation with the circumstances. For this it is necessary to look at what was and is. Forgiveness means confrontation – many people want to avoid this and forgive into emptiness.

Regarding the forthcoming revelations on earth: No human being can and will approve of the actions of a group sworn to Satan, which will become known to the world public in the near future. The road to forgiveness will be a long one.

People will condemn this and pass their judgment on those who have committed this. That has to be acknowledged. Love of enemies is only possible at the end of a process of knowledge. First you have to take the emotional steps and overcome the mental hurdles.

Love is not a feeling, but a state of consciousness that is imparted as grace at the end of all experiences.

JJK: There are indeed some indications of major revelations. How will people react?

Revelations like a bomb!

H: Shocked at first, then relieved and liberated – accompanied and carried by beings of light who are incarnated as humans like you, everything ends well.

The revelations must and will hit like a bomb! Only in this way is the collective energy of liberation released by mankind.

This is the sparking energy needed now to turn the earth and bring humanity back into balance.

JJK: So dress warmly and go!?

H: From my perspective – looking forward to what is to come because there is no need for fear or worry. Now it shows who has done their homework – and many, very many people will remember and erase the abysmal in sublimity.

JJK : … and not afraid of “judging”.

H: Be relaxed when confronted with deeply human emotions. Don’t be ashamed when feelings of anger or hatred come over you.

With what is emerging on earth now, it is impossible to always radiate the serenity of a yogi who never leaves his meditation cushion.

You are in conflict, struggles are being forced upon you, and you are faced with situations that most entities in the universe cannot even imagine. What unique service people perform and what powers we are surrounded by throughout life is reverent from my perspective today.

Give yourself love, especially when you are not “perfect” or do not live up to your own spiritual standards. What is possible on earth is unimaginable on my level, what is possible with us is unthinkable on earth.

It is important to recognize the different “levels of being” and to align oneself with the respective conditions.

The Army of Reconciliation

The ascension into the higher dimension is now taking place. Therefore everything is brought to the surface. The lie is defeated with the truth and the light penetrates the darkness. The first paralyzed, then angry, and finally peaceful people form the Army of Reconciliation.

People who have spent decades preparing spiritually and energetically for the cascade of planetary disclosures now unleashed are moving forward. You keep the overview and your nerves – stand in the light and remain in peace. One thing is certain: We will emerge safely from this storm, we are guided by our light and are accompanied by GOD.

As a farewell for today: take care of yourself! Love each other for being who you are now.

Live by your intuition, live by your conscience! What if you’re wrong? Who will judge you, who will judge you or condemn you – who but you?!

The journey goes into other spheres – to be loved because you are!

I bless you with all my love.

**Channel: Jahn J Kassl

**Translation to English by

