Star Guard Architects: Re-Connection

Channel: Elldee

It is with great joy and excitement that we reach you today.

We of the Star Guard Architects would like to discuss helpful tips for those consciousness seeking to more deeply connect with their inner self during the energies of 12:12.

As the Earth is bathed in the new frequencies, this is the perfect time to utilize the re-encryption available to all beings.

Each Soul utilizes it’s own language of connection and communication with it’s aspects.

No two Souls will connect in the same way.

So, we would like to invite you to approach Re-Connection with your higher aspects with a fresh perspective, as All Things Are now Possible and New.

Have you ever experienced a moment of synchronicity so brilliant, so beautiful, so completely perfect, that in that moment you wished nothing more to share it with another?

And then you felt the crushing disappointment that no matter how hard you tried, the spark of your experience could not translate to your fellow, and they could not truly join you in that moment of complete joy – even if they are someone close to you?

Why do they not resonate in the way you expect, you wonder?

This is an aspect of Encodement and language. (And universal experience of Awakening, dear Hearts.)

Instead of bathing in the feeling of disconnection from others, let us express a way for you to discover, and more greatly connect, your personal Soul Language with your Earthly experience.

The Soul has managed every moment of your human life. Every element of life you enjoy, you seek more of, that brings energy to you instead of pulling energy away, is in fact, a symbol. It has been laying these out for you since you got here!

For example: The Channel understands that she has always been deeply attracted to particular animals, colors, stories, shades of narrative, and specific energies. She seeks these things in art, in music, in daily life. The Soul often prepares us for this journey by placing all around us the things that it will use to begin connection and communication.

Do you love to cook, but disconnect during other modalities of meditation or self-care?

Set aside meditation now, and cook.

Feel what parts of cooking bring you the most joy. Feel the energy of joy moving through the body as you prepare the dish. Bath yourself in gratefulness for the substance of the meal, for the beings that offered their vibration for your continued experience, and the happiness of just doing something you love.

This is a piece of your Soul Language.

You may love to cook. Your fellow beside you may despise it.

This means cooking is one of your Soul Symbols, and it is not for your fellow. They will have their own unique thing they love just as much.

Look now to the plethora of things you have learned to enjoy and love on Earth. There is a unifying sensation between them, is there not?

Do you not simply “Love” the things you “Love”?

Sometimes on Earth, you can feel pressured from many sources not to Love the things you Love. This creates a disconnection from your Soul Language, and makes it more difficult for the Soul to offer the deeper connection you crave!

The simple answer is – seek what fills you with Love. Seek with ferocity – you are on a treasure hunt, now, to find all the Soul Symbols of your Language you may have missed out on in your previous years of this life. It is not that you cannot speak directly to your Soul – it is that the architecture of encodement requires a level of Symbology to commence greater levels of communication, very much like in Quantum, energy cannot simply flow in creation, it must acquire enough density and speed to move from level to level.

And when you have collected enough symbols, their lessons, and their light; your Soul will then begin to use them in a way only you will understand, and you will Know.

We invite you to join us in this Great Re-Encyption of Gaia’s connective tissues, both within her – and within yourself. Seek out your love with anticipation – we are racing along beside you, parallel, shouting our pleasure and amazement at your continued expansion into the light.

It has been our pleasure to speak with you, and we look forward to working with you in times to come. You offer us all such energy and hope with the joy of your sojourns.

Of the Second Sun and the Star Guard Collective

**Submitted to

2 Replies to “Star Guard Architects: Re-Connection”

  1. Geoff Turner

    There’s a lot of people out there telling us information about 12:12 or 11:11 or synchronicity.

    There’s never anything useful though. Elldee, how about the next time the Star Guard Architects phone you get them to explain how to build a med bed or a flux capacitor, you know, something that people could actually use to make life better

