Tunia: Best Wishes for 2024

Channel: A.S.

My dearest brothers and sisters,

This is Tunia speaking. I love you so very much.

I hope you have had a good Christmas. My family and myself would like to wish you a good new year, for those of you living with the Western calendar.

Also from all the people in my local community and from all the other people who have been channeled by this channeler in the past — R’Kok, Tourmalayne, Anos and others — our best wishes for the new year.

It hurts my heart that so many of you are still suffering. And it’s not looking like 2024 is going to be a very gentle year either.

Hakann will provide a geopolitical update next week. In short: we are very unhappy with the gray hats. While they are doing some things behind the scenes, we think they should have freed humanity years ago.

We also suspect that if we don’t do anything, and if the gray hats win, then they will simply become yet another shadowy group that controls humanity from behind the scenes. They’ll be a nicer shadowy group than the current dark controllers, and you would have better living conditions under their rule. However we would like to see you freed, not be controlled by nicer people.

It’s perverse that the gray hats are letting the people suffer, and then turn around and effectively say “well the people are stupid and uninformed and desperate. Therefore we can’t just come out, announce ourselves, present evidence, arrest the criminals and then lighten the load on people’s shoulders.”

Well, that would work just fine — our offer of support to you is still open if you want to do just that.

Also, maybe the people wouldn’t be so stupid and uninformed and desperate if you allowed them access to truthful information, if you stopped the brainwashing and poisoning programs and if you lightened their burden so that they have time to think and don’t have to be concerned with just surviving.

If you hoard the information and medical technology and financial resources for yourselves, of course you’ll be better informed and more level-headed than the average person, but that’s because you’re hoarding everything for yourselves. Furthermore, that’s the same logic that the dark controllers are using.

At this point both the dark controllers and the gray hats are using circular logic. They think they should be the ones to have access to information and money and technology, because they’re better people than the average Joe. And they think they’re better people than the average Joe because of the benefits they’re getting from the information and technology and money that they’re hoarding for themselves.

Now, to be clear, the gray hats do sincerely intend to lighten the load on the shoulders of average people. But again, us galactics would like to see you freed, not have a nicer group of controllers continue to direct you and make the important decisions behind the scenes.

As for us, the current plan of the galactic confederation is still to intervene in 2024 or 2025, if there hasn’t been a mass uprising by the common man or a solar flash or a substantial and productive move by the gray hats.

It’s hard to predict the future, but my best guess would be that either an intervention by us, or a solar flash, or a big gray hat move won’t yet happen in 2024, however that one of those things will happen in 2025. Although there’s also a small probability that none of these things will happen in either 2024 or 2025. If one of these things do happen in 2024, then it’s likely that they will happen either roughly around April (for energetic reasons) or near the end of 2024 (for energetic and US election reasons).

The galactic confederation decision-makers have formulated an intervention policy, and it depends more on energy and on the state of the world than on precise dates. However, that intervention policy is likely going to result in a 2024 or more probably a 2025 intervention, if there is no solar flash or a big and productive move by the gray hats.

That said, many galactics are feeling that this is too slow and too conservative, because the people of Earth are suffering too much and help is too slow to arrive.

Ideally Earth humans should free themselves, and theoretically you absolutely can free yourselves. Also, the more time passes, the higher the energy on Earth becomes, which means that an intervention in 2025 has fewer risks of creating instability than an intervention in 2024 would. So those are arguments from the decision-makers in favor of their current 2024 or 2025 intervention policy.

Still, many galactics and other beings are now feeling that letting the people of Earth suffer for another year is too long, and that ideally substantial help for you should arrive in early or mid 2024.

One example of this is Gaia, in her earlier message “Gaia: please help my children.”

It happens somewhat frequently that us galactics observe that there is a race of not yet fully space faring people somewhere who are experiencing a certain amount of suffering. Normally, we leave the decision on what to do to our decision makers. Nearly always, they make the by-the-book choice, which is to let those other people sort out their own situation to a certain extent before we openly land or openly contact them. While the exact conditions depend on the situation, often we want to see them be able to live together with one another in peace and have a majority of the population want to meet us. Waiting for that is normally better than us intervening prematurely, even if the people are suffering in needless ways — we know this from experience on Earth and elsewhere.

We have no law against intervention. We don’t have Star Trek’s prime directive. We just know from experience that letting people sort out their own situation is usually best for them in the medium term. We’ve hurt ourselves and other people before by intervening too quickly. Even with the best intentions, intervening too quickly can be counterproductive and can actually increase a people’s suffering over the long term.

Still, the Earth situation has become controversial in our society, because frankly your level of suffering is intense and it has been going on for too long.

There is also a bigger split on Earth than normal. On Earth, you have one group of awake people who want freedom and peace, and another bigger group of sleepers who effectively just want a slightly more comfortable version of the status quo. They’re mostly fine with being controlled, so long as that’s moderately comfortable for them. These sleepers are often fine with or even happy if the awake people get censored or otherwise have their free will violated. The awake people are not consenting to being treated this way and it’s also not optimal for their soul’s growth to be treated this way, yet it’s practically very hard for the awake to either free themselves or to make big strides towards freeing Earth.

It’s somewhat common for a world to be run by some group of controllers, with the population being unfortunately low-consciousness and wanting just a bit more comfort and a bit less harshness. And while we will free such a world if we have the military capability to do so, ultimately those worlds do serve a kind of purpose — souls can learn what it is to live in slavery and bondage on such a world. People’s souls want varied experiences to get soul growth, and so souls will sometimes actually choose to voluntarily incarnate in such worlds.

It’s also somewhat common for there to be a world run by dark controllers, but the population is relatively high-consciousness and it’s relatively doable for the people to free themselves. In that case, it’s fine for us to wait because then the people do free themselves, and that’s a valuable experience for them, and us intervening always carries some amount of risk of us destabilizing that world.

But the Earth situation is pretty rare, where the difference in consciousness between people is big, and the low-consciousness people often actively like it when the dark controllers go after the relatively high-consciousness people, because those are “spreaders of disinformation” or some other dehumanizing term like that. And so the relatively high-consciousness people aren’t benefiting from this situation in terms of soul growth, and they also have little practical ability to change it.

For example, poll indicated that 29% of Democratic voters would support temporarily removing parents’ custody of their children if parents refused to take the so-called covid vaccine. My point here isn’t that left-wing people are low consciousness and right-wing people are high consciounsess, it’s more complicated than that — my point is that on Earth, often the low-consciousness people support harsh authoritarian measures against higher consciousness people.

Now I personally don’t want to see anyone enslaved, but especially on Earth I can understand the perspective of the relatively high-conscious people who are basically saying: if the sleepers are fine with living in a world of censorship and control, fine, but we don’t — and we have no practical way to free ourselves from that. Yes, that is a fair point. While I also want to free the sleepers, the situation is especially unfair to the awake.

And yes, theoretically the people of Earth can free themselves, and certainly I support such efforts. However, it’s easy for someone not living on Earth to say “just free yourselves.” It’s another matter entirely for someone born on a world that controls, disconnects, poisons, gaslights and brainwashes them to launch a campaign that liberates their world. It’s possible, but it’s not easy, and it’s not really fair for someone not living on Earth to say “oh, just do something incredibly difficult” and pretend that that’s a solution. That would be a bit like a person born into wealth giving out-of-touch financial advice to a person born into poverty.

Hence there are increasingly many galactic voices who are saying that we should consider intervening in the next six months, even though that’s not the by-the-book decision.

On the other hand, most of the higher-up decision makers, including Ashtar Sheran, currently maintain that the best policy is what they previously formulated, which is intervening in 2024 or 2025 if nothing big happens before then. From their perspective, they are making the tough, unsentimental but necessary choice. And from a purely rational perspective, their stance is logical.

After all, if we intervene and remove the dark controllers, we might create a power vacuum that could actually lead to large-scale wars. Also, if we intervene, some other Earth humans might just take the place of the dark controllers. Whereas if you free yourselves, then we know the resulting society will be stable, and that you will learn all the lessons that you need to move forward together as one people.

So intervening in the next six months or so, versus intervening in probably 2025 could be seen as a heart versus rational mind discussion.

To be clear, our decision makers aren’t in decision-making positions because they happen to be rich or powerful. They’re our decision makers because they genuinely are the wisest and farthest-seeing among us.

On the other hand, the higher-consciousness that beings become, the more they tend to view suffering as simply another experience. And yes, from their level of consciousness that is true. If you take Ashtar Sheran as he currently is and subject him to pain and to tough conditions, then he is enlightened enough that he would just observe it and feel it, but not suffer from it. But of course, the people of Earth haven’t grown up in a society that helps them develop that level of consciousness.

It’s always easy for a person to say that someone else should bear a heavy load for some supposed greater good.

Now in normal situations, the higher-up decision makers would just decide on when to intervene, and that would be it.

However, for Earth specifically, a galactic court has gotten involved, because a large number of us galactics feel that the decision makers are being too coldly rational. This is a pretty unprecedented situation.

Gaia is one of the witnesses in the court case. A couple of lightworkers have also testified in their sleep.

The court case took a few days and ended on 26 December 2026. The court’s verdict is: the decision makers will remain the ones to make the decision. However, every decision maker will have to either choose to not vote on Earth matters, or they will have to spend a certain amount of time every cycle (the time between two periods of rest, such as sleeping or meditation) observing Earth and feeling into the energies of Earth and feeling what Earth people are feeling. The court’s idea was that this may make the decision-makers less detached from the reality on the ground.

To be clear, the vast majority of the decision makers were already observing Earth and feeling into Earth’s energies, but not every single decision maker was doing that. Also, most decision makers who were already observing Earth weren’t spending as much time doing so as the court has now ordered. After all, they do have a lot of work on their plate already. Yet, spending sufficient time observing Earth is important too if you are going to make choices regarding Earth, as the court has now ruled.

So basically, our decision makers have been sentenced to having additional awareness. That is what our courts often like doing: sentencing people to having more awareness.

We’ll see if this changes the perspective of the decision makers over time. The court is also weighing up in a further decision if some version of this should just become standard for all such situations.

I hope that in some way, your suffering will be relieved soonish. I know that many of you are at the end of your rope. I also know that many of you feel that you may be able to technically survive for a while longer, but that if this situation keeps dragging on, then you’ll be so exhausted and damaged that you won’t have the energy and drive anymore to actually help build a new and better world. Which is what some of you came here to do.

You are in my thoughts. I will continue to do what I can on our side to try and help you.

Hopefully I will be able to meet you in the not too distant future.

With all that said, well… you have my best wishes for the new year.

Here is some music that may be a good companion for you in the new year. It is music by the artist Ajeet Kaur. You can find her music by searching for Ajeet Kaur on Youtube.

Your star sister,

For Era of Light


**These channelings are exclusively submitted to Eraoflight.com by the channeler. If you wish to share them elsewhere, please include a link back to the original post.

88 Replies to “Tunia: Best Wishes for 2024”

  1. Aga

    Witaj Tuniu! Moje zdanie jest takie: skoro śpiący ludzie tak wierzą w telewizję – to powinni zobaczyć i usłyszeć o tym, co Ciemni zrobili im, dzieciom, zwierzętom i całej planecie. Inaczej się nie obudzą lub będą się budzić bardzo długo, bo nie ufają nam – ludziom Obudzonym. Myślę, że uwierzą dopiero wtedy, gdy zobaczą na własne oczy filmy o działaniu Ciemnych Elit. A ja osobiście już nie mogę patrzeć na krzywdę dzieci, ludzi, zwierząt, roślin i całej planety. Czekam na DOBRO, pozdrawiam Twoją załogę Tuniu i życzę Wszystkim dużo radości!❤

  2. Sisko

    Im curious as to what the Earth spiritual hierarchy(ascended masters, planetary logos etc) say or their stance on this matter.
    And the same for our Agarthan relatives.
    I would like to see at least some kind of more mainstream assistance, even if it’s relatively subtle. Some suggestions would be large portions of land and perhaps some construction tech and food replicators/shields so that we could more effectively start planning/creating the towns and such, of this new era. That’s much less overt than creating a power vacuum. It allows for some acquaintanceship between our peoples on a small group basis.
    Something that starts introducing some increased disclosure in a still low key way.

  3. LCX

    (There seems to be a technical glitch and I’ve changed the network and wording)

    I wish everyone good luck and smooth life in the new year!

    Now please forgive me for sharing some of my unique insights straight to the point.

    Since the galactics can capture the dark leaders, they could also appoint temporary conservative leaders to fill the power vacuum. These temporary leaders only adopt conservative and slow reforms (except for the implementation of the most basic technological releases, such as medical beds, cheap new energy, cheap and fast public transportation, etc.), and their tenure lasts until the new leader passes a fair election mechanism was elected. And these temporary leaders cannot hold important official positions again for decades or even a hundred of years after leaving office, so that other bureaucrats and people will not have much complaints. Therefore, these temporary leaders can be filled by gray hats or even alien AI robots.

    It would feel a little weird if the galactics just captured the dark leader and then allowed the power vacuum and even the resulting mess to happen, or let the dark gray leader next to the dark leader fill the vacuum as usual, I feel like the attitude of galactic confederation towards Earth civilization should not be to humbly deal with strange new civilizations, but should be closer to regaining colonies. It seems that the galactics should show more control and a victor’s attitude. After all, the earth is closer to a familiar and long-term participating proxy battlefield for the galactics, rather than completely unfamiliar and fully sovereign states awaiting the establishment of diplomatic relations.

    Partly based on the above considerations, the galactics can also consider enforcing the following two measures:

    1. The galactics can provide the earth society with a neutral news system based on AI (it may not be the only news system), so that the frequency of each type of news is broadcast can relatively matche the frequency of the actual occurrence of that type of event (if the individual had not proactively explicitly set a receiving preference. That is, if a certain level of shootings is reported, then a corresponding level of court settlements or large donations incidents must also be reported. If there are indeed more shooting cases, then report shooting cases with a higher frequency.), and try to reduce fabricated fake news. News manipulation on Earth is maddening, just like if you look at a non-neutral city map, even at a large scale all the cafes will be shown 100%, but the barbershops will only be shown 1% .

    2. The galactics can establish a kind of fair election voting mechanism for Earth society, which is based on a step-by-step nomination and campaign process, as well as a convincing mechanical vote counting device and on-site vote counting process. I would say it’s one of the most basic things, and it’s now well known that the U.S. presidential election was so flawed, so crazy and so scary, that the last election was, on the surface logic, the biggest domino that led to the biggest military, political and economic woes.

    The above measures can greatly alleviate the distortion of the earth’s society, especially the manipulation of elections. As these measures are neither politically charged nor difficult for ordinary people to imagine and identify with, the side effects of forced implementation will be very small. If it is considered reasonable to appoint temporary conservative leaders to replace captured dark leaders, it is also reasonable to seek to properly end the temporary conservative leaders’ terms and avoid the continued occurrence of traditional election manipulation. These are hardly serious interventions in Earth society, as they do not cause the galactics to add anything new to Earth society, but only allow the internal factors of earth society to interact more effectively. The galactics may consider that if they complete some work instead of the earth people, it will deprive the earth people of the opportunity to learn and become independent. However, the above two measures are basically pale and taken for granted, and they do not contain much that can be learned.

    Thanks to EraOfLight, A.S. and galactic friends for your information work!

    1. the_complaint_department

      The notion that a victor’s attitude in war should involve any form of intervention is a paradigm that belongs to this war’s losing side. It’s arguably the very reason they have been defeated. Pursuing it would be offensive to the actual liberation efforts, we should grow up and support those of us already working on solving those problems.

  4. José Augusto

    Despite all the logically loving considerations made by Tunia, I still stick to my mother Gaia’s version. Much more love is everything. Whether it comes from the Galactics or even the Servants of Light on the field. The logical view is pretty lifeless. It dries up our already meager hope and increases our frustration. It confuses by clarity and exhausts our weakened energy.

    All of Mother Gaia’s words are extremely real in my heart. Intervention now. With all the love already achieved, whoever you are or wherever you’re from.

    And since there is no judgment, why so much excessive zeal? It seems more like lack of faith and trust in the Absolute Source and even in Gaia’s magnificent power and love.



    Apesar de todas as considerações logicamente amorosas feitas por Tunia, ainda opto pela versão da minha-nossa mãe Gaia. Mais Amor é Tudo. Seja vindo dos Galáticos ou mesmo dos Servidores da Luz em campo. A visão lógica é bem sem vida. Seca nossa já minguada esperança e aumenta a frustação. Confunde pela clareza e esgota nossa energia enfraquecida.

    Toda a fala de nossa Mãe Gaia é extremamente real no meu coração. Intervenção já. Com todo amor já alcançado seja lá quem for ou de onde é.

    E, já que não existe julgamento porque tanto zelo excessivo. Parece mais falta de Fé e Confiança à Fonte Absoluta e até mesmo na força e poder magnífico-amorosa de Gaia.


  5. Pamela Dennis

    The biggest problem I see is the continued suppression of truth be it history, the truth of who we really are or truth about Source and life outside of this prison. Every angle of our lives here is unfair. Free will is frequently discussed on this site. Is my free will decision to be with my star family and live a life of peace, love, etc honored???? We are beyond tired and exasperated, we just need truth, healing and help. We as a collective live on a roller coaster and despite pleas to the universe nothing is happening to end this nightmare. Another year? I have no words…..

  6. Luis

    ***Much if not everything is an illusion, at least as much is perceived in 3D. In fact it is nothing more than a holographic projection, necessary for the maintenance of reduced consciousness. Many people still live in today’s third dimensional reality, which is not real. In fact, today’s reality is a consciousness trap. Who and what we really are is hidden from us. If people cannot see the past (erase the collective memories of humanity), they are trapped because it is an illusion that is not real. It has no bearing on reality or truth, it is nothing but a manipulated lie. The true prophets of our world, such as Jesus, Buddha, et al discovered the truth and broke through the illusion known as consciousness trap. They made humanity believe in powers from outside, in the powers of Gods, in the power of others, but they never told us that the power lies within each one of us. In addition to individual power, higher forms of consciousness can increase collective power immensely. All it takes is for a small group to unite around the same goal, to manifest it. They are trying to suppress the human population from progressing to a higher Light. Fear, doubt and attachment are still the main stumbling blocks that are holding back our transformation and ascension.
    ***We are being called forth now to begin a more complete and focused intentionality to move past the matrix of illusion that has held us in a place of limitation for lifetimes and to allow a repositioning of ourselves beyond the illusion. Our spiritual nature is our only true form (Gamma Light will now replace the Photonic Light to repair DNA and move into 5D,carbon-based body moves into the crystalline body). Remember, light is information and dark is lack of information! Focused on cooperation, unconditional love, respect and compassion for those who cannot pass the final tests. And that is the power of secret societies to make us forget, by keeping us trapped in their illusion. It is time for every citizen to understand how and why they have been enslaved. In the matrix — the medical system causes illness, schools dumb children down, law-makers are law breakers, the police protects the real criminals & yes many times, the fire dept starts fires. There is no Armageddon, there is no judgement day, the world is not ending. What you are seeing now in your world is the illusion collapsing. The false, man made matrix dissolving, which was powered by fear. And the emergence of a new world, a new divine matrix, that is powered by love. Covid 19 kicked off the Devolution of Government in the US.

    ***Anarchy is Self-Rule (self-government), but promoted as uprising. Rebel from religion, laws or anything else, this is a sign that your soul knows the only true laws, the Laws of the Universe. Wisdom and Responsibility Given Away to Corrupt Governments, then our freedom has also disappeared and essentially our life. The artificial timelines are constructed of lies, of lower vibrational energy which with technology can be used to manipulate and by using this technology to manipulate our bodies and our minds. We live in a world of lies, manipulated in ‘Belief Systems’. Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves. [Henry David Thoreau]
    ***We are in a battle between good and evil. They want your DNA and your SOUL that is why they have tried so hard to shut down your Pineal Gland, more importantly they want us all dead. We are taking back our spiritual sovereignty from them but to do that we must wake up to who they are, why they’re here and how they stay in control. This is why we’re here at this time in our history. We cannot heal our planet until we figure out how it’s been corrupted by this Archon Network and their synthetic reptilian machinery. This will be a major red pill for the Human race.
    ***The entire history of your soul is in your DNA (made up of 12 strands and there’s one strand for each dimension, those 10 strands are our inter-dimensional strands, this where all of our psychic abilities are, telepathy, healing abilities, time travel, that’s where your entire Akashic records are held, suppressing our Ascension and frequency (bombardment of low vibrational signals) and much more. With 64 Amino Acids as opposed to only 2 DNA strands and the rest dormant with 20 Amino Acids; with a potential for 64 strands, 72,000 pairs of DNA from the mother, 72,000 pairs of DNA from the father is 144,000 strands (the bible, Revelation 7:3-4), there also the 144,000 saints (who never intermarried), they are trying to keep these memories and information from us. This interference with your DNA is due to extraterrestrial powers and their technology. The stultifying of many souls’ intelligence capacity came when puppets of the dark forces put into dormancy 10 of the 12 DNA strands of weak, inexperienced civilizations. They are doing it through social and religious mind control, the poisoning of our air, food and water and vaccinations etc., it’s all to keep us in this heavy third dimensional consciousness. In this way you did not have access to the intrinsic divine self-consciousness. Also, information in your DNA triggers your Ascension. All your telepathic and psychic abilities and total knowledge of absolutely everything there is to know is pre-programmed in your DNA (divinity, god, humanness, powerful multidimensional, immortal souls). We the people are disconnected from, in order not to be able to see them (inter dimensional beings that are seen by their magnetism through Galactic Alliance combat suits), due to tinkering of our DNA. The pineal gland (seat of the soul) calcification is just another layer of nanites, Selenium dissolves this calcification through mustard seed, brazil nuts, homeopathic selenium or supplement and Boron (Borax) used in micro doses as a powerful detoxifier of nanites. The calcification allowed them (Reptilians/grey enslavement, using the illusions of operation paperclip, MK Ultra, locked humanity with nanites through their chakras/nantechnology/the virus can reproduce and hijack your pathways to infiltrate and invade, restricting creative source connection through the pineal gland) to be the voice in your head. The Galactic Federation consists mainly of the following five Star Nations: Pleiadeans, Andromedines, Serians, Arcturians and Lyrans are helping humanity right now in this 3D battle. It takes the nature of a CHRIST, KRISHNAS, or BUDDHAS to penetrate the thicket of delusion and find the true self in this all-encompassing illusion. Focus on enlightenment and detoxification of the mind.[John F. kennedy Jr, 19th vice president]
    ***Transparency and Truth Are the Remedy.
    ***Truth has a price – it is the end of lies and illusions on which people had based their lives. Truth comes with a price; It is the end of a period filled with lies, illusions and deceit, on which people have relied all their lives. The sickest people in society are closed off to truth.
    ***Jesus opened the seals simply because we are currently experiencing such a sinister assault upon the whole human race. For this reason and to make sense of the most current atrocities, it demands that we adopt a biblical point of view. What we are experiencing in the way of medical mandates, governmental overreach and violence upon humanity is world wide. Never before has there ever been such a coordinated political, medical, financial, civil and media frenzy to bring about change. The help you need to free yourselves totally from this world government lies in your divine power, in your heart, and many of you have understood this and no longer wish to bow to the desires of your governments. All are here on the planet to embrace Divine Soul Mastery (Awakened Soul/Alignment of higher frequencies/inner planes/Ascending Consciousness). All must orient now to the God Timeline. The most effective remedy is GOD! Get out of your fears, because fears are the biggest poison.[Sananda] This battle cannot be won with an unconscious humanity. [https://eraoflight.com/2023/11/20/the-telosians-the-great-wave-of-light-is-spreading/]
    ***Much of Awakening means remembering. We are rejoining with lost aspects of your consciousness, and even bits of our soul held in other realms (Q = questioning, intelligence quotient). You are all healing the fracturing of soul and heart-mind, suffered over the centuries. You get what you focus on. Humans will continue to be in chaos until they choose to live in unity and oneness. There is a grand spiritual warfare occurring for the entire planet. Our Consciousness and Oneness are at odds with Deep State social engineering programs. To feel separated from Source is also to feel the harsh ordeal of the struggle for survival. This is a battle between good and evil that has been going on for thousands of years.

  7. Gabor

    Dear Tunia & A.S.,

    Thank you for this message.
    Your hesitation is understandable. As long as Source does not give you green light, you’d be foolish to jump in and mix up the pot down here.

    Big part of your hesitation comes from your wish to see unity among ALL the ppl of Earth and at the same time you refuse to see that it’s a mixed salad down here to the point that the usual considerations (by the book) simply N/A.

    At the same time there is no way to put more weight on lightworkers or drag it out any longer. Intervene in 2025? Nope. Do not even bother considering… We are about to say goodbye to this lifetime and you can see that clearly.

    Source finally understood that it is OVER. Almost completely lost the lightworker grid down here and 80% of your ones are worn out ( pls relay our thanks to them, we know the feeling very well). So Source finally started to move before too late. But it’s actually a tad bit late, so 2024 will be intensive to bring everyone to conclusion.

    And here is my New Year’s Resolution: I am gonna celebrate every day the rest of 2024, because this is my last year on this planet in this physical form. I am going home in 2024, one way or another. Thank you.

    You see the situation right: ppl of Earth are divided into two distinct groups. Let us all live in a world which matches our desire. I want freedom, love and peace. Split the time-line and send the Event. Thank you.

    With pure heart: my best wishes for all of you. You are stuck in between two fires but Source has the key…


  8. József Kiss

    Tunia, for God’s sake, let it end 2024. Communicate with Ashtar. Tell him, connect the heart and rationalization .

  9. Collin

    Hi Tunia. I have enjoyed reading your messages and I am grateful the Galactic Confederation and other beings and collectives have taken an interest in helping Earth and her people. Life here is very challenging, and the people here need all the love and support they can get. My message today might seem contradictory, but I hope in the end it makes sense. Here it goes:

    I don’t think the gray hats are doing enough to help the people of Earth, and it seems they feel superior to the average person. They are slow to act, and they don’t show much compassion for the suffering experienced by millions of people. They are cocky, self-absorbed, and somewhat rude. I agree they should have freed humanity years ago, and if left unchecked would most likely become another shadowy controller group.


    I don’t think the average person does enough to help themselves either. People on average don’t take good enough care of their bodies, don’t inform themselves well enough, and don’t treat people with different views/opinions with respect. People are very harsh and disrespectful on social media, and many times bash others over the head with their own beliefs, ideas, and criticisms, instead of just letting people think for themselves and form their own opinions. People often look outside of themselves for help and point the finger of blame at others whenever possible. Many are also lazy and would gladly live off of welfare and the kindness of others then actually get a job and take care of themselves. Many have also turned to crime and lawlessness, and have resorted to committing acts of atrocity themselves.

    So where does that leave us?

    I have thought about this a lot, and I truly believe the answer is love. We should love the gray hats, as I think we too might have become gray hats ourselves if given the right conditions. We should also love the average person, because in other lives we were that average person struggling to survive. We should also love the dark controllers, because they have given us all an opportunity to grow spritually and face obstacles and become stronger and wiser. With more love, I think the situation on Earth will be resolved faster and easier, and will open the door to miracles none of us could have imagined.

    So in essence…

    We should not blame or hate the gray hats, but continue to offer love, support, and prayers.

    We should not blame or hate the average person, but continue to help them become smarter, healthier, and wiser.

    We should not blame or hate the dark controllers, but continue to send them our love and prayers for reunion with Source.

    And lastly, we shoud not blame or hate ourselves, but continue to nurture our hearts and souls and always strive to be the bright stars we can be. We should not feel guilt but instead pride for what we have accomplished and will continue to accomplish.

    I truly believe better times are ahead, and again I thank you for your love, dedication, and support.

    Peace be with you.

    1. jakesey54

      J -ust-O -ver B -roke, that’s most jobs for you today. It promotes scarcity, not abundance. Money can’t buy true class, because that’s always an inside job. Yes money helps, but that’s a crafty set up.

      The (from cradle to grave) get a job, get a house get a car, get the holidays, ad nauseum (because we don’t know or care for anything actually creative) bandwagon is what got us in this Almighty mess today.

      Pleiadians get their resources freely given, that’s another story. Yes, Love is The Way, with better times to come. This realm of the “hungry ghost” will surely pass with oodles of Love in action, being that Solution.

  10. Heigo Petsi

    I cant express myself (idea) for thousands of people. Everybody understands my thoughts differently. But for myself is revealing of universal truth thru today’s internet post (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_dcBLqoTug&list=UULFu6J2wfm04HSKdhccqWIL3A). Today I was miserable, depressed and I read all these comments. I wrote a comment and it was beginning of big things: I understood the life more deeply. We must not depend on channeled messages etc. Channeled messages ARE A GUIDELINE, not resolution itself. THEY help us, but they don’t live our lives. This is fundamental truth. If you don’t understand this, you are in learning process. You must learn smth. Without understanding cannot be peace in your life. Without understanding your lessons and only depending in everyday life on solar flash, you never learn you lessons and you feel miserable. Read channeled messages if they are more like a support, not resolution. Live YOUR life, not MANKIND.

  11. Thinker

    Tunia explains in detail the pros and contras of their intervention. But most people are too impatient to even read it and the only message they get is “they’re still not doing anything. ” Tunia explains everything very logically though.
    The big question is, who will take over after a power gap arises. Most people underestimate this issue, although this is really the main issue. Will humans be able to build a fair society or will another oppressor take over? Not everything will be automatically good after the present oppressors are removed. The big question is, what happens after that, how can we rebuild our lives.
    Well, Tunia says if humans free themselves then we know it will be a stable society. Personally, I’m not even sure of this, considering average humans levels of consciousness. I wish I’d be wrong with this.

  12. Heigo Petsi

    Please read https://voyagesoflight.blogspot.com/2024/01/predictions-about-event-and-solar-flash.html. It is similar to other messages. There will be no solar flash. No ET-s, no GESARA etc. Please be realistic. Over 30 years we have channeled promises. Nothing is happened in real life on Earth, isnt it? What we can resume of all that? Dont wait anything, just live your life as it is. Nobody but you helps you. Right now I am depressed. So what? Can any channeled messages change it? No. I cant feel and think that I am in 5D, vibrate „high“ etc. I am depressed. Its a fact. White hats help me? I dont think so. We must realize that nobody helps us. Have you ever think that all these messages is false promises? This is a question of faith. And faith can not change the outside world (wars, politics, economy etc). When you realize this truth, you start to live your own life. Right now, every comment based on false belief that somebody will come and free us. Its not true and deep inside you know it. But we want to believe. And when we realize the truth, there will be a REAL solar flash and Armageddon, all scyfy what human mind have created in our heads. And in this moment you can feel very deeply that you don’t believe anybody but yourself. Your feelings and your thoughts is real. No whites or greys, no reps, no ET etc. You see the world with your own eyes and feel only your own feelings. Stop living in dreams or you are lunatic, you must think, do and feel your own feelings, thoughts and actions. Or you want to be starseed slave, depending on channeled messages? There is no difference: believing in governments promises or channeled messages. Result is the same: you are slave and you don’t think your own thoughts. You are Creator. Why you want depend on others? If you believe you are starseed, lightworker, co-creator etc, act like one. Good luck and happy new year!

  13. guill

    tunia thank you for the message of support I listened to the artist for the music it soothes the mind. gratitude to all our galactic brothers and sisters for the support on earth. we will stand for the liberation of the planet we were born warrior of the light. guillaume

  14. Codes

    tunia thank you for the message of support I listened to the artist for the music it soothes the mind. gratitude to all our galactic brothers and sisters for the support on earth. we will stand for the liberation of the planet we were born warrior of the light. guillaume

  15. WK

    Dearest Tunia, You are also Loved,

    your honesty reflects your commitment to the truth. Saying “act now” is acting on impulse without reflection. A wise person acts, only a imature person reacts (we know this by looking at children and parents).

    We, Earthlings, must acknowledge the fact that there are important reasons guiding your reluctance to act, including things that we cannot imagine, like encompassing dealings with other planets, other galactic wars, other civilizations that were trying to free themselves from evil. Let us not forget that you are a race that has existed far long before ours did.

    The full answer to our dilema cannot be answered without that information, which you possess. Nonetheless, we, Earthlings, possess the experience of life in which the dilema is unfolding. Without living here, being in our skin, you can never know completely the reasons and emotions that drive us to see no solution for the grey hats liberation.

    None of these two perspectives is complete without the other, and in that, may lay the answer. I mean our exchange of perspectives, as we are doing right now. It is like a puzzle that is only complete when both sides gave all the pieces to form the final picture. To this end, I would like to offer my own piece of the puzzle in the hope that it will fill another corner.

    The dynamics of collective of people in a civilization, as they behave and interact with each other, is not different from the dynamics between individual people. This interconnection offers the opportunity for an individual to bring the understanding of a much larger system into his own level, thus facilitating understanding. And all beginning of wisdom comes from proper understanding of what we are interacting with. Only after comes action, post contemplation.

    Consider the following analogy, imagine a woman (i.e., our average Earthling human) married to a man (i.e., the grey hats) living in a house (i.e., Earth). This man does not treat the woman very well. He lives at her expense, and considers her beneath him, and that she should do everything to please him. Nonetheless, the husband is not violent nor abuses sexually the woman, simply exploits her resources and labels her as victim and slave. The house is braked in by a burglar (via the bedroom, where the woman is) [i.e., the dark hats], who sees the opportunity to use and abuse the woman and all the goods in the house. The husband, being in the living room, senses there is something wrong. In the meantime, the turmoil coming from the bedroom alerted the neighbours, and they called the police (i.e., the Galactic Federation). The police has surrounded the house, there is no escape for the burglar. The husband moves to the bedroom to investigate, and finds the woman being abused. Two actions are possible: either he acts and saves her with personal risk, or he values his well-being more than the woman, and backs off. In the meantime, the police understands that the husband is closer, and has a better chance to overpower the burglar. Being instructed by the police, the husband is hesitant to act, after all, we may get hurt or die. In the eyes of the police, it is the dutie of the husband to save the woman (that is the vow he made when he married her). However, the real original interest of the husband was economical, there is no love involved. In the eyes of the police, the future well-being of that couple, of the husband proving that he takes care of the woman, of them having kids, of a beautiful future together, is at stake. In the eyes of the husband, its his well-being that is at stake, that’s all. What future can the woman have with a husband that simply does not care for her, and merely for his assured future (with her or without). Being cornered, the burglar becomes more violent, and with nothing to loose threatens the life of the woman. Threatens the husband. Threatens the police. Being cornered, he becomes irrational and animal like. Every minute the police spends in encouraging the husband to act is a minute the burglar spends in committing atrocities to the woman. If the husband does not act, then the police eventually will have to act to remove the burglar by force, and also the uninterested husband. Now the woman is alone (i.e., the power vacuum), and will she attract another violent or exploitative man into her life? Given the shock, I would think not. Will she find another man, maybe one that actually cares for her, probably yes, with time and with the right conditions. Will she find that with her current husband? Probably not.

    I acknowledge this story represents part of the reasons/dynamics involved in the entire scenario that lives the Earth human population. I would invite you to add your reasons (maybe with analogous characters) to the story, and see if that unfolding holds true, or if these new reasons outweigh the rationale. Only when both sides have given their pieces will the puzzle be complete, and a more clearer understanding of the problem emerge.

    I hope this was helpful somehow.
    Your Earthling brother that continues to battle for Light now,

    1. John

      I would interpret the current specifics of this article within your analogy like this:

      There is an unusual divide of opinions pervading the police regarding the situation. Some think they should break in at once and save the woman because she is suffering. Others think the husband deserves a little more time to stand up for what he signed up for because in the long run, this would greatly improve his relationship with the woman and save him from having ANYTHING in common with the burglar, which he will likely BITTERLY regret later.
      Furthermore, these police people have ‘resolved’ their divide by having the ‘wait’ party feel the woman’s complaints on a closer and more regular basis. And the point I made in my earlier comment could be summed up to “why not have the husband feel the woman’s complaints on a closer and more regular basis instead?”

      Personally, while trying not to directly confront A.S. and the channelees’ “practical” middle-school perspective, I like to observe and work on the actual analogies people make, because ‘wholistically’ there is no actual separate observer in the equation. I am part of the woman trying to understand that she is somehow also the husband, the police and even the burglar.

      For instance, while acknowledging the relationship between those police parties is far far more harmonious and constructive than we are currently capable of, I see a connection between their divide and our divide. In a way, I understand they have lovingly ‘bought’ into a portion of our woman-husband distress in order to help us heal it. And while we currently lack a proper expression of gratitude, I guess we will eventually be invited to play the same police role in the future burglar’s house.

  16. WK

    Paladin, stop trying to control everybody’s opinion (by issueing a general announcement, like you just did) so you feel safer/better with yourself.

    People will make their own judgement of the situation…. simple !

    1. Paladin

      I’ll say what I want, without your permission. You are telling me not to voice my opinion so as not to influence others opinions…hmmm, sounds contradictory and hypocritical.

      People here have been complaining of growing weary of waiting for these Galactics to intervene, give them med beds, GESARA, spacecraft, Pleiadean girlfriends, world peace etc.

      My opinion is they should stop fretting over these Galactics. They don’t even know they exist.

      Whenever anyone voices their opinion it has the intent of making people see it their way or at least in a new way.

      I don’t need any anonymous approval from you or anyone else to validate myself.

      Are we clear now WK?

  17. Paladin

    Look everybody, forget this notion of these Galactics being on our side. It’s hogwash. If they were going to help or intervene they would have done it long ago. There are no pretty Nords loving us. What kind of intelligent woman addressing planet Earth inhabitants would speak so sophomoric and tell us she hopes something happens “soonish”. She sounds like a bubble head.

    AS’s Tunia character should stick to womanly advice on giving good blow jobs or how to be dressed sexy when their husband comes home from work so she can love him up good.

    We have Demon race of ETs here we can deal with quite easy enough. They’re a tiny minority.

      1. Klaudia

        “Childish” dear WK I’d call not HAVING THE GUTS (bc that’s all it boils down to… don’t like to sound rude but “truth is truth” 🤷‍♀️) to agree that Paladin COULD BE right, unless YOU CAN PROOF he’s wrong?

        And believe me or not I know HOW FRKN HARD IT IS to AGAIN&AGAIN&AGAIN give up on “ones last hope”… BUT “THAT MECHANISM”, once you get it, IS SOOO almost disappointingly LOGICALLY NEEDED…

        Yet “Once you get it” you ABSOLUTELY DON’T UNDERSTAND ANYMORE how you once COULD NOT get it… what’s “suddenly” right there, EVERYwhere… “the veil” seems to work both ways… CRAZY SHIT this is.


  18. Dorothy Shopland

    It is clear that people are fed up and suffering, and much is getting worse the longer this drags on. What ever happened to the end-of-2023 ultimatum to the Gray Hats to do what they need to do or you would intervene? I would have to say 2025 or 26 sounds depressing. I’m sure you’re doing your best, but I would agree with those who ask that SOMETHING be done. It doesn’t have to be an all-out save the Earthlings mission, but something that would help turn things around, like truthful public disclosure. I don’t believe most people are so fragile they would lose what marbles they have left just from being told the truth. A bit of a shock may be just what is needed to wake up those sleepers. Whatever can be done would be appreciated.

  19. Lilyrose

    You know what people? WE create our reality and there are MULTIPLE versions of Earth we can align with. While her message sounds like it’s given in love it also has an element of disappointment and fear. I’ve never really aligned with Tunia and her messages to be honest. Could be the cabal trying to make us disappointed and wanting to give up. Well love wins over fear. The cabal is scared and will use any means necessary to bring us down. I’ll admit the message did upset me, but WE are incharge of what version of Earth we want go align with and she’s failed to mention that. So chin up and let’s keep at it aligning ourselves with LOVE. What the cabal fear most. And if sh*t hits fan then at least we can say we tried. There is a lot of good news out there. We can do this. And there are good ETs helping us so I don’t know what the point of this depressing message was right on the cusp of a new year. We’re here to ascend, not depend. Which is what the cabal wants. So use discernment because they are desperate right now.

  20. Sander Shanadoh

    Dear Tunia, lots of love to your station. And thank you so much for your comments on our situation on Earth. It’s always very inspiring.
    I would like to comment on it. I’m from western Europa and I look at the war-crimes happening in Gaza and elsewhere with pain in my heart.
    I can imagine that intervention by the Galactic Confederation might be premature. However it depends a lot on how fast the truth is getting to the people, the unawakened ones who need education on that and real media covering. Or else it would take a long time before the gray hats get started coming out of their comfort zones and taking down the dark ones.
    Also to get decision makers to feel the suffering is a nice idea, but for the rational ones that would take too long.
    Also the idea of waking up the sleepers will take too long cause they are not really sleeping.. most of them made a clear decision to be on the lower density site.
    So what the Galactics can do in the meantime is to promoot the truth in any way possible.. Like supporting and protecting truth-sayers. Save them from being killed or ridiculed.
    Maybe even interfering and promoting media programs. Inspiring people to get to the point of ‘enough is enough’. Get the truth out!
    Thank you so much for supporting us, Tunia, Hakann and all..
    with Love and Light..

  21. Joanne (Moscatelli) Horlbogen

    I, and my lightworker friends, are at the end of our ropes! I’m nearing the end of my life, my body is failing and my trust that the med beds will bring physical renewal is fading. After decades of working tirelessly to grow in awareness and hold the Light on this planet, holding trust in my heart that I would be here to help build and welcome a New Golden Age on Gaia, I am losing my Faith, my Hope and my Trust…I sometimes feel like I’ve been played…lied to. I’ve lost more these past 3 years than I can bear…my beloved husband of 53 years, most of my family & friends, my health, my home, and financial independence! I think I speak for countless others when I say I am at the absolute end of my rope! Please help us, my beloved Brothers and Sisters…

    1. jakesey54

      I’m so sorry for you dear Joanne and Friends. I am Never….coming back, this is my last merry-go-round. I’ve lived several lifetimes in my nearly 60 years here. One part of me is eternally hopeful, and the other part is just tired of the BS daily dished out.

      I walk daily, now for decades and have never seen a UFO except when I saw something ‘blink out’ many years ago in daylight while waiting at a level crossing. Strange times currently Joanne. Hugs,
      John R

      1. Zuxa

        They are here, with us, all the time. I see them, I record them, I share them. But my message is shadowbanned too gaining no attention. But I try. Don’t feel alone, we never are, we are immersed in life. I hope all will see it one day. ❤️
        My nick on twitter is #sasanka_iam

        1. jakesey54

          Thanks for the binoculars tip. I failed to mention, I did see lights like ‘moving stars’ almost daily in the night sky with the family in the courtyard. I was then under 8 years old and the lingo was they were just “flying saucers”. Go figure..

    2. Maria

      Hi Joanne,
      We’re our own Savior.
      Search for what is available for now. I just discovered McDougal’
      Starches Solution to be very effective to me.

  22. Rosieleia

    Firstly, thank you AS for all your channellings, they have connected us Earth humans with new awareness of the diversity and scope of the Galactic Federation and it has been invaluable to engage with the personalities, perspectives and opinions of enlightened beings from different star systems, who we are now aware of as friends. This is especially significant for those of us who have not yet developed our own psychic skills and have been relying on faith for many years.

    As Lightworkers or ‘System Busters’ who chose to incarnate on Earth at this time to be a part of Gaia’s ascent into a higher dimension of consciousness, where freedom, peace, tranquillity, abundance, joy and unconditional Love is enjoyed by all her varied population; we surely must have known we would be part of a successful mission.

    At this unprecedented time in history, we also have powerful living Planets and Suns on our side, aligning and emanating unprecedented levels of light energies, which will awaken many more of us. Also there will be others amongst us, armed with significant information and renewed courage who will be inspired to share their knowledge for the benefit of all.

    Many, many people among those who are yet to awaken, have been so outraged by the genocide in Gaza that they are beginning to question the integrity, honesty, compassion and suitability of world leaders to remain in their roles.

    I am very doubtful that the so called grey hats described here by Tunia, will have any future role in controlling humanity, they seem to be motivated by the same greed, control and deceit as the dark hats have always done, perpetuating fear on this planet for so long that the population has totally forgotten that life could be any other way.

    If each of us reading this message from Tunia were to envision the future we want to create, not what we are told will happen by our governments, media or corporations, but by looking inwardly to what our hearts would really like to create for our children and grandchildren to thrive in happiness, freedom and prosperity, that in itself would be enough to tip the balance of how quickly our beautiful future can be assured.

    Then perhaps within a couple of months, many more of our brothers and sisters will awaken, more governments will be replaced by enlightened groups with integrity, wisdom and honour, our food and water supplies will be returned to being pure and healthy without chemical additives and GMO’s. Surveillance systems will be demolished, there will be worldwide free trade amongst equals, war will no longer be tolerated and knowledge of free energy, building and healing methods beneficial to all, including mother Earth, will be shared freely amongst all people.

  23. John

    The court ruling seems adequate. To a certain degree you can’t perform surgery if you’re in the same pain as the patient, but it’s hard to commit to your own work without having experienced pain at all either.
    However, in this case, you seem to think the gray hats don’t grasp the full extent of the consequences of their decision making due to being in a circular reference… which is also a form of detachment. Wouldn’t it therefore be both more logical and humane to sentence _them_ to an increase of awareness rather than the galactic-intervention-decison-makers?
    I could be wrong, but I think disclosure of knowledge and technologies would come forth much faster if those withholding them were forced to experience immediate consequences of not having them.

    1. John

      Thanks for the music reference, BTW. I guess suggesting Enya on the same vein would be kinda obvious, so I’ll recommend ‘Letters from Earth’ by Ginkgo Garden, also easy on Youtube. Have a good one, all.

  24. nameless

    I use a translator as English is not my native language.
    Whether it’s 2024 or 2025
    I will endure it somehow with patience.
    It’s also harsh.
    Hmm…I’m worried about the dark’s actions for another year.
    In fact, if you leave the darkness unattended, many negative effects follow.
    I can wait for their removal, but I think simple neglect is dangerous.
    By this time, due to the negative influence of the planet’s darkness,
    Many living things suffered.
    The dark forces already know the thoughts of the human race through technological capabilities,
    It also penetrates into areas such as dreams and sensations.
    And the dark forces are sharing information with each other.
    In addition, brainwashing techniques, hacking, bullying, and torture are applied every second.
    The problem is that humans were being attacked by this technology.
    Many beings are not in their normal state.
    According to the Galactic Federation, the state in which humans free themselves is
    It’s good, but
    There are actually many conditions in which Earthlings cannot even fight.
    Earthlings are probably more likely to be in a state of insanity.
    Rather, I think that the people of Earth need to be healed.
    When you are attacked by this torture technique, you are forcibly given false information.
    We need to get away from misinformation, but it can be difficult for Earthlings to do it themselves.
    It is difficult for them to even distinguish between friend and foe.

  25. Zuza

    I used to support those messages, but I am tired. It doesn’t feel like coming from higher vibration being, I am not sure who is Tunia and others really. This all just doesn’t make sense, all those divagations about this or that, cmonn we are not THAT stupid.
    I believe in god and the divine plan, I believe in us on Earth, I believe in our power, in our light.
    Yes, we need help, drastically, but we won’t beg for it. I leave your decisions within your conscience. We have no real space, time and power to think as much as you do about pros and cons, we DO the work. Everyday. Even if this is mediation or processing the pain.
    Prove me wrong, or not. It doesn’t matter really.
    Love to you

    1. Thinker

      I think what Tunia says is very realistic. To me, this message is the most honest one, the opposite of all those “rosy, all is already good ” type of channellings. Those kind of messages are for stupid people, sorry to say this in a harsh manner. You are not that stupid, maybe, but the bigger part of humanity are, and also, they’re very selfish. They are simply not capable of building up a fair society and rule themselves in a way that serves the common good. As Tunia says here on Earth there’s a huge gap between the two basic types of humans, and the sleepers get in the way of the awaken ones. Everything Tunia says is very realistic and honest and I’m sorry if it gives you the feeling that it’s not coming from a high vibration. But we are actually living on this planet. Rosy- sweet messages are nicer to read but they actually don’t tell us anything real.

      1. Zuza

        I don’t expect rosy texts, I expect decisions and real help, not pages of text telling us nothing.
        I am in contact with a group of beings, I communicate with them only energetically, so there is no words I could share. I know they support me and all of us, I know they care, I know what they do to show me.
        Tunias explanation that they will just wait is simply a nonsense for me. Because they could do a lot, supporting awakened collective is one of them.

        1. 一个深爱生命的人类

          Agree. Even we cannot know this”tunia”is who by who written.
          We must empower ourself ,,,to everyone.
          I believe true beautiful things most human beings will know .
          No excuse.
          Excuse is excuse.

        2. Thinker

          Yes I agree we cannot wait much longer. BUT nobody answered the most important question. Who will fill in the power gap and take over running societies? I think most people underestimate this issue thinking once the present oppressor is gone everything will be automatically good. But it wont be automatically good if some other oppressor will try to take over or there will be a fight for power, and those who want the power over others are never the good and selfless people.
          Is humanity really capable of organising themselves?
          Much as I would like to believe in this, Ive gót doubts.
          On the other hand, giving humanity more time-how much?-still wont be enough. Maybe I’m too pessimistic regarding humanity, many people are the better kind, but they always seem to lose against the more violent ones. So the main question is still open for me.

  26. Vlad

    Tunia! I have an idea! What if you landed briefly tell the truth and also tell humans you want to help, but first we need to get rid of hatred, killing, lying, conspiring,… and then LEAVE. It would make the world think, make us want to live again, unblock the sleepers and force the white hats act? You could then observe and act further when you feel it´s appropriate. The situation is way too stuck.

    We cannot unblock the sleepers (they are too far away) and cannot move forward.

  27. Tammy

    Very little has changed to liberate the people of Earth in the last year and we seem to be in a epic lull of status quo and non action. Cozy for those in charge on both sides while they play their games with human pawns caught in the middle. Revelations have been promised but not delivered to awaken people to the true state of the world but instead we just endure the insanity on the hope the decision makers finally believe we are worthy of our God given rights to life and liberty.

    1. Jared

      Obviously Tunia 6 is better than the orb beings image, but I still prefer Tunia 2 and 3.

  28. Paladin

    The fact is we are still living under the yoke of slavery and dehumanizing tyranny imposed upon us by a non-human species. They are the Khazars or what is commonly known as Ashkenazi Jews. They are not human and have souls of Demons. They control everything. They own everything. They animated by the spirit of pure evil.

    So all these claims of non-human ET’s being removed in not true.

    As for these Gray hats…if indeed there are such things, “You are nether hot nor cold, therefore I spit you out”
    Revelation 3:16.

    Don’t talk to me of how you are trying to free humanity if you are dependent upon such creatures.

  29. Jared

    Fix Earth faster! Do it now!

    Merry Christmas Tunia!

    Eliminate suffering nowish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yes I like the Kaur ladies.

    Why don’t you check out PipeGuy Tunia amen.


    Happy New Year everybody!

    GESARA! Medbeds! Replicators now amen!

  30. Max

    Hi Tunia and the Galactic Federation

    There are so many people on Earth who are currently suffering for one reason or another. This suffering can be avoided and stopped by certain actions that need to be taken by those “Powers that Be” or Gray Hat as you refer to them.

    The Galactic Federation need to be more involved setting up timescales and plans of action for those “Gray Hats” to follow for 2024 and that includes healing med-beds and the financial changes which we are told are imminent. We are told there are “White Hats”, who clearly must exist. The White Hats need to come into the picture and be pro-active….

    We need urgent action to stop the suffering of all on Earth. If the Gray Hats don’t follow the plan then kick them out! The “sleepers” can easily be woken up with the takeover of the mainstream media and by showing and telling people about what is happening and telling them the TRUTH! Most should be able to handle it!

    Most of us light workers are sick and tired of hearing about “delays” because of this or that. No more excuses and urgent action needs to be taken.

    We await an URGENT plan of action with intervention if these plans are not followed and delays are now unacceptable…. Retire, remove and address any problems with “Gray” Hats, if necessary.

    We all seek real and true FREEDOM and not control from one set of hats to another set of hats!

    We Light workers are here to help and assist and even to lead should that become necessary…..

    1. Mark Baughman

      Please intervene, we have too many children suffering, especially, and many of all ages need to wake up, please 🙏🙏🙏 please please, from my heart and soul

  31. Zeoz

    Sevgili Tunia, Gerçekler medyada verilene dek birçok insan uyanmayacak, bir an önce ifşalar başlamalı..biz uyananlar , gerçeği bilen insanlar eski dünyadan artık zevk almıyoruz, bize işkence gibi geliyor genele aykırı yaşamak, insanlara gerçekleri anlatıyoruz ama medyada gördüklerine inanıyorlar..umarım en kısa zamanda başlar..sabır ve sevgiyle..

  32. jakesey54

    The media needs to be targeted, that’s the answer for years now. You are taking too long that my chances of being alive to witness the changes diminish by the year. The rising energies are at best, akin to looking out at a lovely view from behind stark prison bars.

    Once in the disembodied state, I will Vow to never return to embodiment no matter how exciting the ‘show’ is; you guys can have it to your heart’s content! Astalavista

  33. dove of peace

    A letter from Misra and the Bear Child

    Hello brothers and sisters, you come to help us. There is an unknown danger in the future. If you don’t take action, it will affect our learning in Earth courses. Many bad people, even students in school, are in danger now. We hope you can help us and save more students here from danger. We all feel terrible. We need water and food to provide more people who suffer from hunger, At the same time, we need more help and also need your help. We need more space to accommodate more people’s living problems. We hope you can help us solve these problems. Thank you.


    After reading Tania’s article, read this first

  34. cirno reed

    whether what it will be like
    continue my dedication, until it is done
    Wish I aware all that should I
    Wish I accelerate as the fast of light
    For my beyond desire

    with more wise dide
    And self decline

    Wish I find the love of twin light
    WIsh I have the will to say
    And more time for light

    That’s my wish for new year!!Love you!!

  35. Maysaa

    Hallo Tunia and tank you.

    I believe that the Gray Hats will not make any significant movement until the end of 2024. We cannot wait for them until the end of 2024 or even 2025. The dark Hats have been carrying out genocide in Gaza for three months until now and the world is ending 2023 and begin 2024 with a high risk of a big war in the Middle East and there is no an important measure to stop them by the Gray hats. I have lost trust in them and we can’t wait anymore. The Galactic Federation should step into the surface more clearly starting in 2024, which I think would be the best option.

  36. R

    Today, after your message, I feel like everything is such hard work: relationships, work, parenting, money, dealing with world affairs, personal development, all of it, none of it is flowing (that is not totally true, but today it certainly feels like it). It feels like every movement is like moving through sticky mud. I do feel tired and sad today. It would be so much easier if the information would be a bit more freely accessible to the main crowd.

    Knowing that the gray hats won’t do all they could to actually facilitate that, and even are judging the sleepers for not knowing the truth, while they have top level clearance, is hard to hear. They know how to squander the faith we have in them. Like the Q-clock which is on the internet, I followed it for a while. It was supposed to end just after Christmas, but nothing happened. All this Q-related which is coming out, is vague, drumps up excitement, but doesn’t seem to deliver. Now to hear that they haven’t even got up on your offer and the other things you write here about the gray hats, diminished my faith even more. At this point, I’m not expecting much from them.

    At least you’re clear on delivering expectations, but it doesn’t seem you’ll be coming any time soon.

    Today, it feels like I have to do it all on my own, which isn’t fair to other hardworking light worriers, and the lovely people and intergalactics who do support me, but today it feels like it.

    I’ll keep moving. I have some clear and some vague goals, which I’m dead set on reaching. My kids are a good motivator too.

    Thanks for listening to me.

    I’m wishing you all strength, braver and above all love for 2024.

  37. Keith Webb

    Thank you for your posting. Before reading I was expecting a message of hope and much encouragement. Firstly, I love your compassion. What is neededhere is action. Too many people are suffering and dying. I thought the white hats were given an ultimatum until the end of 2023. It now appears they have been left off the hook again! It feels like the galactics are on their side while humanity suffers!!! So much much for my optimism for 2024!! I am so so disappointed! I have been awake for 10 years and am exhausted as are millions of others. Another 2 years of this unabated control and oppression which gets worse each day?
    I hope we get more encouraging news from Hakann or R’kok or I shall stop reading these posts. With love and compassion, Keith Webb.

      1. Ranthia

        I would like to offer my perspective on this topic which contains ideas that I havent seen in the thread yet. The topic being alien intervention to rebalance the playing field on earth that’s reflects and supports us Lightworkers.

        First, what’s been going on here on earth with an inherently parasitic system with a few controlling everything at the expense of the masses has been going on at least 20,000 years minimum.

        To even get on the playing field in such a system, nevermind get “ahead”, requires a person to become a parasite too, devoid of morals, ethics, and go against everything the higher awareness youve worked to achieve tells you. Anyone clever enough to get on the field with higher awareness intentions is always discovered then summarily and brutally removed.

        A 20,000 year old abusive and parasite system in place is quite some time and it’s clear that if there was an intervention to remove this system with outside help or alien intervention, as it’s been discussed in the recent decades, it would have happened well before and it has not. Therefore, it’s not likely to happen as people are hoping in the future. Stop wasting time with this notion as it’s obviously not an option.

        If anything, you could say the outside intervention has occurred and continues to occur, however the intervention is of the variety of the negative orion greys and alpha draconis reptiles that’s been so long standing, that there must be a much higher reason for it occurring than surface appearance discussions get into.

        Clearly, this is the place for brave souls to learn the consequences of what happens when “what not to do” and “how not to live” is the order of the day. You can’t get this type of learning any other way and that’s why the earth still and will continue have this system in place.

        The best advice I can offer is go within, refuse to fall into a victim mentality, and work with what you have the best you’re able. Start with you, stay centered, as your inner vibration is reflected back to you, stop worrying what the outside mirror is doing.

        1. the_complaint_department

          Good points and good advice, but the time argument not so much: yes it’s been the same for 20K years but there is a cosmic due-date pushing things along. The frequency jump is fact not opinion, this system can’t last much longer in the planet like ice in a furnace.
          It won’t disappear, it’s just being transferred somewhere more comfortable for the evolution range that was optimal in the space zone earth has been in the past 20K years.

    1. A.S.

      They were given an ultimatum until the end of 2023, and they haven’t done enough, and now the galactics do feel that they have the right and may have the necessity to intervene — but that doesn’t mean they’ll intervene immediately. Likely they’ll intervene in 2024 or 2025, as mention in Tunia’s message.

      Speaking for myself, yes, I also really want an intervention, ideally this week.

  38. Oltion

    Sa cikle jete duhet te kalojne,qe 1 shpirt te krijoje pervojen e duhur te urtesise se tij?Nuk mjaftojne 450.000 vjete?Pse dhenia e vendimeve duhet t’i lihet nje grupi krijesash,qe s’kane idene e nje jete te veshtire skllaverie? Nuk e shoh nga vendimet qe marrin per Token,se jane ne nje nivel te larte shpirteror,nuk pres ndonje shpetim nga ta.

    1. EraOfLight Post author

      Pershendetje Oltion!

      Kjo mund te ndodh me dy ose tre cikle, ose per njemije cikle. E gjitha varet nga personi, se çfare mendime, fjale, e vepra zgjedh nga dita ne dite.

  39. john

    Patiently waiting tunia but i have come to realise that every rope has an end. love to all.

  40. Tricia

    Hi Tunia and A.S thank you for bringing this message to us today. I appreciate all you do and I hope for you A.S on this calendar here I wish you all the best for the new year 💖. Where I live in the UK at the moment the last few weeks people are getting very difficult to be around and triggering a lot of anger inside me that basically makes me feel like inflicting severe violence on them and This statement here sums up why
    ’poll indicated that 29% of Democratic voters would support temporarily removing parents’ custody of their children if parents refused to take the so-called covid vaccine’
    Who the FK do these people think they are … GOD?! I am sick of people with this attitude. How distressing for children to be removed from their parents and for the parent too … I have researched this social services in the UK a few years ago and it left me feeling a lot of trauma for these children and parents it took a long time to shake it off it really affected me. That is our future right there the children and the parents raising them!!!
    I have done nothing but try with everything I’ve got to try understand these B*DS! Have compassion for them etc. etc. I do not have anything left for this scum attitude. Instead my love and compassion is for the most VULNERABLE of this society which is the children, elderly people and animals. I’ve seen the worst around me the last few weeks and I’m done with these scum bags. I’m sick of seeing the vulnerable and sensitive people of this world being beaten down while the scum manipulating people coming out on top.

  41. Francis Bacon

    Tunia is creating a false dichotomy between intervention and non-intervention. The space people have been intervening since this planet got intelligent life on it, it is only a matter of how much intervention is done. Also, negative ET’s in incarnation are – as far as I can tell – the main source of the problems on the Earth, esp. the reptilians. Were they not here – intervening and trying to control the planet – the light energies would dominate much more. If one wants to better the situation on Earth, one could just keep nudging the right spots. It is a huge problem with the negative control of the media, and this could be remedied or influenced by superior technology. The space people showing their light ships to more and more people would also strongly affect humanity’s consciousness, and this is clearly being done by many channels who are in telepathic contact anyways, so what’s wrong with setting up a Pleiadian TV channel? The option is there, but it is not being used – why? People have free will and could choose not to listen to it if they prefer to remain controlled, as some clearly do. I happen to KNOW the space people through direct intuitive and telepathic contact, and I know Ashtar’s energies, but even so it is difficult to believe that they will intervene in 2024 or 2025 – I have waited all my life for it. I wonder what would be the perspective of the non-interventionists if they were incarnated on this planet, but I have a sneaking feeling they lack the moral and physical courage to incarnate on this planet. I find the argument that an intervention would be “dangerous” somewhat amusing, since I wonder how an intervention could possibly make things worse. I welcome a later geo-political analysis from Hakann, esp. on the subject of when and why and intervention could be expected, and what form it could take, and would like to add that I think that channeling info about the Pleiadian society at large is a waste of the channel’s abilities, while information about the overall spiritual, geopolitical and galactic situation is useful. AS must be aware of the millions of starseeds in incarnation on the planet who are trying to cooperate with the Ashtar Command etc.

  42. Francis Bacon

    In the event that this message and others from A.S. can be taken seriously – and he (the channeler) will be the judge of that, I would like to comment that there are many stages between intervention and non-intervention, and that the Pleiadians et al could probably and easily increase their level of intervention to nudge things in a positive direction. Lord knows that many negative beings are constantly nudging things in a negative direction as best they can. I think A.S. is using his good mind to make up these stories, but if that is not the case, I would like him to ask his connections in the inner worlds why they are not just stepping up the nudging instead of arguing about whether to intervene or not? I would intervene if I could, and I consider it moral cowardice not to – at the very least. There are many criminal codes on the planet that criminalizes it when you do not help people in mortal danger, even if you have the ability to do so without risk to yourself. I believe this is a universal principle, and in my opinion the “space fleet” is very close to transgressing this universal principle. Also, it is VERY, VERY difficult for me to see the difference between their actions and that of the “grey hats”. They could – for starters – be more forceful in nudging the great hats instead of lamenting about their non-action, while themselves not acting.

    1. A.S.

      You’re free to not believe me, of course. I’m not selling anything, so it doesn’t matter much to me whether people believe me. Frankly, if everyone suddenly decided I was making these messages up (which I’m not but suppose everyone thought so), then I would be happy to stop spending a good chunk of time every week on these channelings.

      Well, one part of the answer is that they value the medium and long term more strongly than we do, and that they have more of a “suffering is just an experience / suffering can cause soul growth” perspective than we do. They simply don’t have quite the same worldview that we do (which I guess is to be expected).

      I can see the perspective that their “we’re not yet intervening” policy makes little sense, but it’s obviously true that the galactics aren’t intervening / landing openly at this time. So there has to be some reason for that. Thinking logically, I think either they can intervene but choose not to (Tunia’s message here), or they can’t intervene (which seems really unlikely given that they can trivially easily fly UFO’s in our skies). I don’t really see another option.

  43. Jean-Christophe

    “I also know that many of you feel that you may be able to technically survive for a while longer, but that if this situation keeps dragging on, then you’ll be so exhausted and damaged that you won’t have the energy and drive anymore to actually help build a new and better world. Which is what some of you came here to do.”

    Yep,this is me. I’m so fed up with Earth’s energies that I want to move on and return to my stellar family, whoever and wherever they may be. I’ve had enough of Earth and Earthlings.

  44. Lilyrose

    I believe some intervention needs to take place. More people are going to die. In Canada how can we free ourselves when our government ignores us? They’re taking away our food supply by over taxing farmers and spraying the skies with chemicals to cause climate change. Our government is bringing millions of people in from across the globe. Introducing UBI which will bankrupt us, bringing in Digital Currency to enslave us. And we’re supposed to say no. How will we survive? People are losing their homes living in tent cities. We’re going to lose our food supply. By the time you intervene we’re going to be dead! Violence is increasing and we have no way to defend ourselves our government wants our guns. If they ACTUALLY listened to us, that would be one thing. People are getting beaten down and tired. The daily grind is wearing them thin. SOMETHING needs to he done. More disclosure, SOMETHING. People won’t believe something unless it’s on the television. Please give us something to boost our spirits and help us along this battle. The energies help, but it doesn’t put food on the table or pay the bills. And I realize othe places have it worse. They need help as well. Nobody should have to live in fear and suffer for as long as we have. I see videos of protests from other countries, while they are inspiring, are they actually accomplishing anything? Do the governments listen? Doesn’t seem to be. Elections are stolen, there’s constant fraud in the court systems. It’s a uphill battle. Our country offers assisted suicide now because they’ve made life so unbearable for many. The longer you wait the more people will die.

  45. urga

    Dear Tunia

    You keep talking about quick intervention, but never for the slowest one, which you Galactics certainly prefer.
    Not only you are late, but it looks like you will NEVER be ready for it!

    This is what we mean when we say that you have taken on the karmic debt of your NON act, which is very much like an act of indifference. (If we chose this life with free will, then do the math on what you choose now, always with your own free will)!

    By intervening too late it is like letting all those who envisioned a better world to die.
    The rest of the humans who will remain alive can simply live in a world of a better surviving mode and nothing more.
    If you delay even longer, you will find only rocks. So human life will have to start all over again.
    Just remember then to send more “Ashtar Sherans” ready for tough conditions, because sensitive humans have a lot of trouble surviving.

    (about mother “Gaia: please help my children.” Never mind of her, what does she really know?)

    I don’t know if I want to live with such Galactics in this universe anymore, with so much logic but with so much apathy too.
    It reminds me of Protestants here on Earth who let people starve, just because it makes sense accounting and financially.

    Of course there is another solution that no one is talking about!
    You could individually help each powerless awakened person either financially or in other ways of support, so no more drastic process would be needed, but what do I know?

    Once again, what a waste of energy this life was!

    PS “The court case took a few days and ended on 26 December 2026”

    So I wish you a happy 2024 or whatever date you use,
    because for us down here on Earth, things will only get worse!

    1. Gheorghe Anghel

      Mă bucur că pot citi și astfel de informații… în fiecare noapte cu cer sewnin mă rog la frații de sus să-mi trimită un umil semn că mă văd și-mi inteleg apelul de a veni mai repede pentru că A ASTEPTA CA OMUL SĂ SE RIDICE SINGUR IN CONSTIINTA ESTE DE A MAI ASTEPTA INCA 100 DE ANI DE ACUM INAINTE. Numai un „bum” puternic de trezire il face pe om mai grabit. dacă inaltele energii care vin de sus nu activează si natura interioară a omului degeaba il face fizic mai sanatos .de cind e omul pe pămint a avut un EGO puternic, mult mai puternic decat VOCEA INIMII ! Voi cei de sus frații nostri stiti, puteți si dacă va uniti vointa puteti schimba totul intro singura noapte. Asa a spus si COBRA …VENIȚI PINA NU E PREA TARZIU- CEI CARE SUNT AI LUMINII VA VOR URMA ,CEILALTI vor face dupa cum sufletul lor ii va indruma . GeorgedeDrobetaRomania

    2. bob

      I saw that date of 2026. Not a typo? Hoping it was. In that case nothing for 2 more years. Many times l get the feeling that we are just being duped again only by another group. What the fuck do they think?? Don’t they realize that if we-the awakened ones had proper guidance and financial support and technology to organize ourselves that we could have been moving to to get this resolved years ago in the best interests of every good person on the planet? It seems their words are mostly empty-void of any substance.

      1. Thinker

        The tragedy is that we’re so divided on this planet, almost like two different species forced to share one planet.
        A disclosure would be utmost important to make the not awakened a bit more aware of what’s going on.
        Meanwhile, we’re being poisoned from every direction. Our lives are being made difficult for us. I don’t know for how long I can still take this. On the other hand I understand what this message says because I don’t think humanity is ready to organise themselves. So who should fill the power gap then? Maybe the “good ones ” could have organised themselves. But again this is not so easy. I know not awakened people who are good persons, maybe that’s why they can’t believe the evil around us.
        A disclosure would be one of the most important things to help humanity to be more on the same side, instead of arguing about what’s true, what’s conspiracy..

    1. Raven

      This little scam you two are running is shameful. Be aware there are powerful starseeds watching you. Francis Bacon wrote that he “knows Ashtar’s energy.” That is a fact, I know it too, and this little game of mischief fakery to disable wavering starseeds will not be overlooked. Cease and desist.

  46. Harrrie

    Thank you for all this information.
    I think perhaps your spaceship should land on the White House lawn, or in Central Park NYC, or in the water outside Chicago. After all the security agencies like HLS, police, FBI, military, etc have all settled down, then one of your female diplomats should announce via loudspeaker so it can be heard across the entire USA, the announcement that you are from the Galactic Federation and are our friends. You have been our friends for thousands of years and now is the right time to tell the world about our friends and our ongoing friendship with people from other planets, Pleiads, Orion, Sirius, etc. Mention that you are humans too and want to welcome Earth to the Galactic Federation as we have advanced far enough in many ways to be accepted in this Galactic group of friends and associates.

    (I strongly believe that the ETs on the ship needs to stay in the ship during the loudspeaker announcement, because you will not be safe outside until during a future disclosure, when our security forces have figured out how to keep you protected from Earth humans with guns.)

    If you can holograph yourselves above your spaceship, that would be great.

    Explain your intentions to help Earth people in various ways and that we will always be safe and never in danger from ET friends.
    Tell Earth you will be visiting many times in the future with a list of places, dates and times. During each visit you will provide new information with intentions for Earth to be freed from the Cabal.

    Of course there will be Earth people who are too scared to accept any of this but the majority will be thrilled to have human friends from other planets.
    We will all be at the edges of our seats looking for our chance to personally meet Tunia and the rest of you.

    I welcome all the help NOW from the Federation, please.


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