Emerelda: About “I am not good enough”

Channel: A.S.


This is Emerelda again. I communicated a message to you last week, titled “Emerelda: Life can be hard, please be kind to yourself.” If you missed that message, please read or listen to that one first.

Like last week’s message, this message may be a bit intense and will mention psychological after-effects of myself having been captured, tortured and raped by reptilians. Those psychological after-effects are not the focus of this message, but I will mention some of them as they become relevant.

To start off, I would like to share some intel.

The dark side or the service-to-self side often lives in denial and often underestimates and doesn’t understand the light. Yet even the dark side has realized that they’re losing their grip on Earth humans. And because your DNA comes from many galactic races and because of your experiences with the light and the dark, Earth humans have a huge psychic potential. You have the potential to become incredibly powerful at some point in the future. And Earth humans are on a path that is going to lead to most of you ultimately siding with the light.

Because of this, the reptilians recently attacked, around Earth and elsewhere. Their primary goal was to take control of Earth. After all, we had chased away or arrested most hostile galactics from Earth. The people who are currently oppressing you are mostly Earth humans.

We successfully defended you and ourselves from these reptilian attacks. However, we unfortunately took quite some casualties in the process. One friend of mine died, and one person died who was somewhere between a friend and an acquaintance of mine.

Personally I did a few things of military value by doing some coordination work in the rear, but I contributed less than I would have liked. I guess I’ll have to remind myself of one of last week’s lessons, which is that it doesn’t make sense to compare yourself to some theoretical standard. After all, most likely that theoretical standard isn’t actually based on anything real.

I contributed less than I would have liked because these battles were psychologically triggering for me. The galactic confederation’s military defenses were very solid. Yet I was petrified for a time by the irrational fear that we would lose, that I would be captured once again by reptilians and that they would continue doing the things to me that they did the last time they captured me.

I also horrified my family when they read in my mind the firm conviction that if any of us were close to being captured by reptilians, that I would end my life or the life of whatever family member of mine was about to be captured. There is no way that I am going to allow myself or anyone in my family to be captured by reptilians, ever again.

Fortunately, the galactic confederation won convincingly and we beat back these attacks. We had some tactical setbacks and local retreats in non-critical areas, but we are currently reversing these. By the time you get this message, we will probably have mostly or fully recaptured those areas.

The reptilians are quite good on a tactical level, but they neglect the strategic and operational levels. Or to put it in plainer terms: they’re ferocious fighters on an individual level. They’re also quite instinctively clever about winning battles. However they don’t work well or coordinate well together on any scale larger than a battlefield. They don’t think well in terms of a bigger strategic picture, and they don’t spend enough time thinking about logistics and formations supporting each other and positioning and control of critical areas and about consolidating captured positions. If they’re not immediately successful, they also can engage in backstabbing and fighting among themselves. A group of reptilians can fall apart if their leader dies. How effective reptilians are depends very much on whether or not they have a strong, smart, cunning leader.

I personally have had some resistance to R’Kok ever since my capture by reptilians. Yet R’Kok is still a very smart reptilian who, before he turned to the light, operated at the highest levels of reptilian society. And I must say, R’Kok gave a lot of very useful advice that saved quite a few lives. The one time I saw him recently, he seemed less down on himself and more in his element than usual, at least in that moment. So that’s good.

Hakann also did well, in as far as I can evaluate someone who is significantly higher in the military hierarchy than myself. The troops also love him, for understandable reasons. And if a soldier has to fight, it feels so much better to fight when you believe that the military decision-makers above you are competent and are making the right decisions.

Now, to be clear, our successful defense doesn’t mean that we’ll land tomorrow. Still, if these attacks had been successful in destroying our fleet around Earth, then reptilians would have taken control of Earth. They would likely then have killed 90% of Earth humans within six months and thoroughly enslaved the rest. If they had won these recent battles, they likely would have had enough reptiles on the ground to actually be able to do that.

To be fair, if the reptilians had beaten us, maybe Source or certain non-physical, very high-consciousness beings or collectives would have intervened directly. Generally these types of non-physical, very high consciousness beings or collectives don’t intervene directly if it’s not absolutely necessary. They prefer to let physical beings such as us deal with matters of physical reality, if at all possible.

So I guess it’s the old principle of “as above, so below.” Some of you want us to directly intervene on Earth in a big way, and so far we haven’t, and you’re suffering because of that. Similarly, on a slightly higher level, the same happens. Namely, some of us wished that non-physical higher consciousness beings would directly intervene to help us against the reptilian attacks, and they didn’t, and because of that we had quite some casualties.

On a positive note: “as above, so below” also implies that because destructive beings just lost on a more galactic level, they may very well also lose on Earth.

Of course, I am not saying that people should just sit on the couch and wait for other people to liberate Earth. I still recommend that you do your best in terms of your own inner work, and / or in terms of helping others or being kind to others. You can’t do more than your best, but you should do your best.

Meanwhile, we of the galactic confederation are not sitting still. We already were sending positive energy to Earth, mostly to raise your vibration and to raise the energy on Earth. Those energies had the effects of slowly awakening your dormant, so-called junk DNA, however that was more of a side-effect or a secondary benefit.

On 14 January of this year, we started sending energy to Earth that is directly and primarily aimed at awakening your dormant DNA, and thereby expanding your psychic powers and your inner knowing.

Because of this, the probability that Earth humans will actually free themselves in 2024 or 2025 has risen substantially. I’m not saying that this is guaranteed to happen, but I am saying that this is now substantially more likely. If Earth humans fail to do so, we still have our intervention plan ready.

Now, these new energies do not mean that everyone will be immediately fully unlocked. Rather, people will become more and more psychically unlocked over time. The great awakening, as it has been called, may accelerate even more.

For many of you, you won’t immediately be able to move objects with your mind, but you might notice your intuition or your dreams being a bit sharper. It may be good the coming months to practice listening to your inner guidance, if you’re not yet doing that already. Just make sure that you’re not confusing emotions with intuition, because while emotions are valid, they can also lead you astray. To distinguish between them, your intuition isn’t judgemental or fearful, while your emotions can be.

On the other hand, some of you are currently so emotionally blocked that this energy will take quite a long time to activate you in this way, and you won’t notice anything in the foreseeable future.

For those among you who are currently blocked, one good practice is to observe whatever comes up. And while this may sound obvious, few people do this consistently. Instead, people often go immediately inside the emotion or inside the thought without observing it first.

For example, a thought in someone might arise such as “John is a jerk” and that person will immediately take that as truth and start thinking about John indeed being a jerk. Instead, before immediately going into that thought and accepting it as real, it’s a good step to first observe that a thought has arisen that says that John is a jerk.

Because after all, it’s possible that John is indeed a jerk, and that is the proper thing to think about. But it’s also possible that John is a jerk, yet it’s still better to look inside rather than start pointing fingers at the outside world, even if justified. It’s also possible that John isn’t a jerk at all, and John just said something true that you emotionally didn’t like, and now your ego is projecting negative things onto John. It’s possible that John is indeed a jerk, but he’s also right. Or it’s possible that John is partly wrong but also partly right. Or it’s possible that John is a jerk, but you too were behaving in a bad way. Et cetera.

Hence, if a thought comes up, it’s more productive to observe that thought, and possibly observe the relevant context, rather than immediately accepting that thought as true and going inside that thought and thinking in those terms.

Also, when it comes to labeling others as bad or when judging others, it’s important to keep in mind that the natural state of people is to act with love and compassion and understanding towards others. It just doesn’t happen that a Pleiadian is raised in love and surrounded by kind people all his or her life, and then he or she randomly decides to start mistreating people. Hence, if someone else is not behaving lovingly, then there was some illusion or distortion or pain that they experienced. They may be wrong, they may be behaving unkindly or even destructively, but it’s also true that ultimately they have been hurt themselves and it’s good to keep that in mind too and have some compassion. This doesn’t mean that you don’t defend your boundaries, just that you also have compassion and treat the other person with as much love as possible.

After all, there have almost certainly been times when you acted in a less than ideal way because of pain or loneliness that you experienced earlier. In those situations, didn’t you want other people to treat you with love?

Admittedly, I myself sometimes have a hard time keeping this in mind. But it’s still true.

Note that a few things can be true at the same time. It’s true that some people are making free-will choices that are harming others. It’s true that they shouldn’t do so, from a conventional every-day perspective. It’s true that people have free will. It’s true that people have personal responsibility. It’s also true that people who hurt others have been hurt or have been confused themselves. All of these things are simultaneously true.

Often it happens that someone will discover a true and valuable and genuine perspective, and then they proclaim that only their perspective is the one true perspective, and everyone else must adopt their perspective too. When in reality, just because one perspective is true, doesn’t mean that other perspectives aren’t also true. People indeed have personal responsibility, and also it’s true that people who hurt others have been hurt themselves. Both are true.

It’s not helpful if a person comes around and proclaims for example personal responsibility to be the sole useful perspective and if that person tries to bulldoze all other perspectives. Because if someone only sees personal responsibility as the one true perspective, they can become callous and cold towards people who are struggling. Or if a person only sees “if someone acts badly, they have been hurt themselves” as the one true perspective, they can become naive and start supporting feel-good policies that are ultimately detrimental. It’s best to see both perspectives, and more besides.

For me, spirituality isn’t about finding the one true perspective and bulldozing all other perspectives. Spirituality is about being able to look at things from more and more perspectives.

For me, spirituality isn’t about finding the one, most spiritual part of yourself and suppressing anything that isn’t that. It’s not about saying that only inner work has value and that everything else is pointless. Spirituality isn’t a binary choice between either focusing 100% inwards or 100% outwards.

For me, spirituality is about observing more and more unseen parts of yourself and accepting that you have those, thereby shrinking your shadow. It’s not about pushing so-called bad things into your shadow because you refuse to accept that they are part of you, or because you refuse to accept that you have those interests or desires.

This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t work on yourself. However, you can work on yourself from a place of love, or you can work on yourself from a place of resistance and inner judgement. Those are very different things.

So, that was the intel part of this message, plus I guess I got a bit carried away and I offered some of my thoughts about spirituality.

For the second half of this message, I would like to add something to my message from last week.

Many of you have the subconscious belief that you are not good enough or that you are worthless, unless you accomplish or have certain things. Or you have the belief that you are not doing enough, and perhaps underneath that belief is the belief that you are not inherently good enough.

Inherently, of course, you are good enough, you inherently have value, even if you don’t do anything. It’s why in spirituality we talk about your I Am presence and not your I Do presence. It’s why you’re a Being, not a Doing. I believe that “to be or not to be” is even a famous phrase on your world. A good question — and from my perspective, you are fully invited To Be. You are good enough as you are. You can just Be. You have value even if you don’t accomplish something.

Still, where does that subconscious belief come from that you’re not inherently good enough, or that you’re worthless?

Often on Earth, it’s simply been rammed into you, by society, that you’re not good enough. That happens in lots of subtle but effective ways. You believe you’re not good enough because that’s what society teaches you. That belief isn’t based on anything real, you’ve just been indoctrinated into that belief. You believe it because you’ve been taught to believe it.

And who has constructed society in such a way? Well, hostile galactics such as reptilians have had a major hand in that. Or claw — some reptilian subspecies have hands, others have claws.

Now, what kind of person repeatedly tells someone else that they are not good enough?

Well, yes, a mean or evil person. But also, a person who actually believes, deep down, that the other person is better than them.

That’s the dirty little secret. You’re constantly being told that you’re not good enough, by a society largely architected by beings who deep down believe that you’re better than they are.

It’s not just that you have more psychic potential than the reptilians do — which isn’t something that makes you inherently more valuable than a reptilian, of course. It’s more that being good-hearted and trying to live a good life, which is what most Earth humans choose, is a more difficult and braver and more fulfilling path than just being selfish, which is what most reptilians currently choose.

The reptilians are in this case right, the people of Earth are currently indeed better than them — not because of greater psychic potential, but because most reptilians keep making cruel, short-sighted, selfish choices that ultimately diminish themselves.

You’re currently better than most reptilians are because you’re choosing to be better.

So those bastards are trying to hold you down and hold your head underwater and tell you that you’re worthless — and they do so because they’re secretly terrified of you. They do so because deep down they feel inferior to you.

I know. I’ve looked into their eyes, I’ve read their mind.

Even as they were torturing me, all I saw were weak, insecure creatures, who buried their feelings of inferiority under a layer of cruelty and ego.

So, what is the appropriate reaction if you’re in an abusive relationship with someone who repeatedly tells you that you’re worthless?

It is: “F you, I am not worthless. And you will never lay a finger on me ever again.”

Well, F you reptilians. The people of Earth are not worthless. And we will make sure that there will come a time when you won’t lay a finger on them ever again.

So, can you now see that your possible belief that you’re worthless, that you’re not good enough, wasn’t ever based on anything real?

It was never real. It was all just indoctrination that was architected by beings who felt inferior to you, and they felt that way because they kept making choices that diminished themselves.

That’s it. It was never based on anything real.

You are good enough, inherently and unconditionally. And I love you.

Your star sister,

For Era of Light


**These channelings are exclusively submitted to Eraoflight.com by the channeler. If you wish to share them elsewhere, please include a link back to the original post.

19 Replies to “Emerelda: About “I am not good enough””

  1. WK

    Dearest Emerelda,

    From an Earth Human’s perspective, it is not uncommon to consider suicide or assisted death of family in case of potentially imminent capture and torture from sadistic entities. I myself would have tought and acted in the same way as you did, when confronted with the potential tought of being captured and/or the capturing your Loved-ones. It is also perfectly normal that your family is shocked by this.

    We act and react based on our experiences, and they have not had your experience, so they can never know. You, on the other hand, have been on both sides, so you know why they react the way they do, and also you know what would happen to them if captured (and I don’t mean knowing in the theoretical sense, but yes in the quite literal experience of life sense). There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. In fact, your experience on both sides, has made you a unique being that will never be idealicaly good, nor blindly consumed by evil. You have the experience of both sides, and your family is fortunate to have you to see things beyond their bubble. I am not diminishing them, just that beings that have not experienced evil in the skin, can never fully understand what it is to be diminished, tortured, raped and essentially filled with evil energy until you get lost.

    Concerning the confrontation that is going on, I, in the name of the subconscious of Earth Humanity, would like to extend my gratitude to the Pleiadian Humanity for protecting us, at the cost of very dear ones. It is my belief that, when Earth Humanity is energetically unblocked, and mantured enough to assume the control of our inherent power responsibily, that having us a allies will payoff greatly on the long run. No matter how twisted our (Earthlings) journey has been, we are in a way a gift from Source to shift the balance of power decisively to the side of Love and Light. There is only one comment that I wish to conclude. The situation of Pleiadians confronting repstilians, and Earthlings confronting the dark ones, is my view, cannot completely be considered analogous. Pleiadians are technologically and mentally advanced to the point they can match (and surely surpass) the capability of the reptilians. Unlike Pleiadians, Earthlings have been a slave race for many millenia, and we do not have neither technology nor the mental discipline/will/coordination to confront our captors. While Earthlings have alot of power, it is dormant, and in many ways the mind of the average Earthling is somewhat like a child that is confused and reacts to its environment, rather than acts in an inteligent and liberating way.

    You are brave. You are my heroine. Your story, whilst painfull, is a beacom of strength to women in general. You are a survivor. You were tested, and you still ARE. I commend you (!)

    Your Loving Eartling brother,

  2. David

    Thanks Emerelda and A. S.

    Regardless of all opinions, I am truly thankful for this post.

    Namaste 🙏

  3. John

    I’m always enticed to learn more about how the reptilian aspects of our hybrid culture reflect the mindset of our so-called controllers. In a way, one can only submit others to a control system that is based in their own lack of sovereignty: fear, greed, hate… just name the game and it’s toppled.

    It’s interesting that they don’t even need to make up elaborate lies to conceal the truth; our minds make them ALL up simply based on the subconscious energy of collective deceit that permeates all aspects of our society. In my research, I found the ‘mother of all lies’ to be aptly resumed in the predicate “too good to be true”.

    It sounds like a harmless ‘murphyanism’ that some use to sustain lazy skepticism; but by employing it, one is inadvertently limiting their beliefs to a certain degree of misery, and hence their receptiveness to any aspect of a better reality. Anything outside those strict limitations is perceived as utopian optimism instead of what one’s soul acknowledges as a destiny to be sought.

    (BTW, stating that ‘John is a jerk’ SEVEN TIMES to showcase a DIVERSITY of possible scenarios may not be the best approach to it)

    I’m quite confident that future missions in planets and timelines bringing us all back together will greatly benefit from the knowledge and wisdom being gathered here and now. Namaste!

  4. Seth

    I really love Emerelda and her messages. I so appreciate how she communicates with us on a very personal way without pretense.

    Too often spiritual messages get cluttered with long, confusing rhetoric and metaphors that end up losing everyone but that’s not the case with this one. I feel her integrity, courage and love and that means a lot.

    To those of you who feel the need to be critical, that is certainly your prerogative. However, it is my belief that these messages have been significantly stepped-down for a 3D earth human mind so that we can comprehend without being overwhelmed.

    It is also my belief that these individuals are thousands of years advanced beyond us and are intervening at every possible level with an interest in seeing us ascend.

    There is much that is kept from us for our own good because we do not possess the intellectual strength to comprehend those issues at the moment. However, this may change in the future. It’s not a put down but reality.

    I can only imagine the sacrifices that have been made on behalf of mankind and Mother Earth over the years and many that we are completely unaware of.

    I’m sorry that there were losses in this recent battle and send love and respect to all of those involved and their families.

    The most heartfelt thank you to Emerelda and the Light Forces for your support.

  5. Francis Bacon

    Another question which may and may not be relevant for A.S. and the Pleiadians to comment about. There’s a higher picture here: What will happen to the aggressive reptilians and their society after the battle of Earth is finally over? I sense the light is increasingly winning in all parts of the Milky Way. It is itself a chakra in a larger being composed of 7 galaxies, and the balance of light and darkness in the consciousness of this (quite large) being is decisive for what happens in the Milky Way (and this being is obviously working towards greater light in its current cycle – as above, so below). There are beings in the councils of the Pleiadians who know this very well (beings with cosmic consciousness). Hakann et al must sometimes be in consultations with these.

  6. Francis Bacon

    This was an interesting message. I have also enjoyed Sharon Stewart’s channelings of the special forces soldier “Soren”. From many sources I consider very credible, I have the understanding that “reptilians”, combined with more intellectially refined (less violent, but still selfish and very manipulative and intelligent) beings from Orion are a major source of this planet’s problems. I would ask A.S. if he is aware of books (or channelings) which give a somewhat accurate account of the galactic war, into which the Earth is obviously inserted and in which it is an contested object?

  7. Melinda Siebold


    I had already heard that 300 million etheric reptilians had come through a jump room underneath a temple in India and been put into cloned physical bodies. From there they spread to Africa and beyond, including the solar system. I understand the Galactic Federation suffered heavy losses in the ensuing and ongoing fighting. I was saddened to hear this.

    I got an immediate intuitive hit when I learned that had happened, and at the same time I was reminded of thoughts that had gone through my head while reading yet another of Hakanns messages explaining why you all had once again chosen non action and non intervention.

    When reading that message from Hakann, I looked out my large set of windows onto the street in front of my house. I imagined myself watching as a woman was being raped by a gang of men, or a child was being attacked by a pack of dogs. And I knew that without question, I would immediately react and rush in to help the victim without fear of consequences or my own safety. And I wondered what was wrong with the Galactic Federation that they could be so callous while expressing empty platitudes about how much they love us and care for us. Your words are hollow without action.

    And I also thought about Hakanns often spoken thoughts about how the reptilians and their hybrids, clones, and minions are the Earth humans problems to deal with. And how I argued that negative extra terrestrials that were not native to Earth were not a natural Earth human problem. And that there were a lot of galactic races involved in harming the Earth and humans who need to be involved in its resurrection and restoration – if they care about their soul growth.

    So my intuitive hit – and I know I am right, was that Source had allowed the Earths problems to become the galactics problem to teach them/you a lesson.

    You thought you had your reptilian problem trapped here on Earth and you were fine with letting us humans try to deal with them. With a contingent of grey hats at the lead, no less. Good luck with that.

    So you galactics found yourselves hoping for rescue from beings that are more advanced and more knowledgeable than you. I would say Source gave you a good idea of how it feels to be a human on Earth at the mercy of soulless beings and monstrosities. And what it feels like to not have your calls for help answered.

    So the question is, have you learned your lesson? Did you get the message from Source? Since you are still waiting and doing nothing, I presume the answer is “no”.

    Source; who I AM, we have a problem. Some of our Self claim to be enlightened and know we are One, they claim to be of service to others through service to Self. They acknowledge I as Source have declared an end to the suffering on Earth, yet they continue to let Earth humans and Nature suffer.

    I have tested them to spur them to action and they have chosen inaction.

    So, dear planet Pluto, this day you enter Aquarius. I ask you to shake this Earth and it’s rulers and kingdoms. Tear down their governing structures. Destroy the financial system set in place by demons. Remove the riches from the wicked and lawless. Bring forth the Aquarian Age and the Nova Gaia, Terra Christa. So be it. It is so. Now Now Now. I ask for this or something better for the greater good of ALL. 54321

    Melinda Siebold
    333 Key Holder

    1. the_complaint_department

      “Just make sure that you’re not confusing emotions with intuition, because while emotions are valid, they can also lead you astray. To distinguish between them, your intuition isn’t judgemental or fearful, while your emotions can be.”

      When you looked out your windows and imagined that situation, did that really come from an emotionally safe ground? Because it seems like a very hard thing to do!

      Also, if you failed to help the woman being raped by a gang of men or the child being attacked by a pack of dogs, would you be as straightforward to express your respect to Source for teaching them/you a lesson?

      1. Melinda Siebold

        By protecting the vulnerable of Sources creation, I would be honoring Source. Source is love and compassion. Source is love in action. All else is a temporary aberration that will disappear like vapor and be uncreated.

        1. the_complaint_department

          Well, I didn’t mean failed in your INTENT to help (which I agree, is loving and compassionate); I meant failed in your actual ACTION. As in, you confidently and honorably die trying, failing only in the strict practical sense – is there a lesson in it? (Unless you meant the dangers are like, not real, and will disappear once you reach the street, because that was only a moral test by Source.)

          Otherwise the analogy that lead to those conclusions seems induced by emotions, since all articles you referred to actually DO emphasize the “woman/child”’s capacity to fight back and become a little less vulnerable; which is perhaps a better interpretation of Source’s design as it is more inclusive – and doesn’t require the attacking dogs to be ‘vaporized and uncreated’.

          1. Melinda Siebold

            To not help in the first place is an automatic failure.

            Source is energy in motion. Source is never at rest. Source is not a dispassionate observer. Dispassionate observation is entropy caused by fear – which is the lack of love – which is the source of all error.

          2. the_complaint_department

            Well, I think that if It can trigger a Solar Flash and chooses to let some people suffer just so It can test other people, that’s kinda what It is doing.

          3. Klaudia

            Thank you Melinda for adressing sth very important.

            “To not help in the first place”:

            I’m kind of banging my head at how big that issue has gotten amongst every day life, at least on german streets. The “normal” peoples behavior in that last decade has changed sooo drastically from not only not automatically helping themselves anymore, MEANWHILE “normal people” ARE ATTACKING first aiding medical staff on the street or in hospitals!

            I am being guided to look at this or that around that matter but either way I find it creepy, at least for my little human brain.

  8. Tricia

    Hi A.S and Emerelda, Thank you for todays message. It is one to come back to and read again when you feel all hope is lost 💖 and I thank you Emeralda and the Galactic Federation for putting your life on the line every day to fight these negative Galactics to help free earth, I felt really sad for the two soldiers that lost their life in the recent conflict 💖🙏 my heart goes out to their families and friends.
    I always appreciate the guidance you offer and I hope soon I can start to use some of the suggestions to help myself, every day now I feel like a overloaded processor just taking everything in, much more lately, and it’s difficult because my emotions are everywhere and it’s hard to figure out which emotion is mine I get really low for no reason and I don’t know why? But there is much worse things than that, I just feel quite on edge. I hope to get this problem out of the way soon and hopefully will be able to talk to you, I would love that… just to be in the communication with kind caring people would feel like a dream come true and a relief.
    Sending love and blessings to you Emeralda and A.S

  9. Jared

    I am good enough amen!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks Emmy!

    The appropriate reaction is: “Bye!!!!” and walk away from abuse.

    Love you Emmy!

