US Congressmen Claim Bible Has ‘Pretty Clear’ Evidence of UFOs: Vatican Knows Aliens Are Here

By Vicky Verma

The Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) is not what many think it is. The reality of UAPs goes beyond mere flying machines and space aliens; it is turning into a rabbit hole. Every year, UFO enthusiasts and whistleblowers put more effort into unveiling the secrecy. However, instead of revealing the truth, a new branch of mystery unfolds, adding another chapter to the UFO enigma.

Missouri Republican Eric Burlison attended a classified UAP briefing this month but mentioned that it did not change his beliefs. He said, “There’s nothing that’s been said that’s changed my worldview.” He also added that he believes the claims of people who testified in public but thinks there might be more to the story.

Rep. Burlison has said that UFOs might be angels sent by God. Burlison, who heard secret information about UFOs, shared this idea on “That UFO Podcast.” He said, “They may not fit exactly the Biblical narrative, but whenever I use the term ‘angels,’ to me, it’s synonymous with an extradimensional being.”

In a podcast, Burlison shared his thoughts on UFOs, offering a detailed perspective on various theories surrounding these unidentified phenomena. Burlison discussed a theory he read in a public report by UFO whistleblower David Grusch who alleged that the government secretly recovered alien spacecraft and even dead “pilots” inside them. According to Grusch’s report, one theory suggests that what we are encountering might be beings that exist in higher dimensions, beyond our normal understanding of space and time.

Burlison used the analogy of living on a two-dimensional surface and being encountered by a three-dimensional object to explain the idea of encountering something from a higher dimension. In this case, he suggested that we live in a three-dimensional environment and could be encountering something from a higher dimension, where traditional concepts of distance might become irrelevant.

He expressed skepticism about the probability of being visited by an alien race from a distant planet, emphasizing the vast distances involved. Burlison questioned the likelihood of an advanced alien race traveling such long distances only to crash upon arrival on Earth. He leaned towards the idea that these phenomena are more likely to be extradimensional, existing beyond our usual understanding of dimensions.

Burlison explained that various scriptures, including the Bible, describe messengers of God or angels as existing in dimensions beyond our own. While acknowledging the visual evidence and testimony from pilots regarding UFO sightings, Burlison emphasized the most likely explanation, in his opinion:

“I don’t discount the visual recordings or the testimonies from pilots – I believe they are genuinely witnessing something. There is substantial evidence of these unidentified objects, and although we don’t know what they are, I think the most probable explanation might not be what everyone hopes to hear. It could very well be advanced technology under development and research, possibly involving new propulsion technology.

When discussing this topic, I often refer to the discovery of the Higgs boson particle about ten years ago. We identified the Higgs field, which essentially relates to gravity, and the particle is a wave function within that field. Looking back, shortly after the discovery of nuclear vision, scientists developed the nuclear bomb. This illustrates how scientific theories can be transformed into practical functions. I find it hard to believe that we haven’t capitalized on our knowledge of the Higgs field. It seems likely that our private sector industry and the scientific community have been working to find ways to manipulate the Higgs field for various purposes, potentially including advancements in propulsion technology.”

Burlison is not the only one suggesting a link between UFOs and religious texts. Representative Tim Burchett claimed in 2021 that UFOs were in the Bible, referring to the book of Ezekiel.

According to Mystery Wire, Rep. Burchett talked about UFOs being written about in the Bible, pointing specifically to Ezekiel. This reference is for Ezekiel 1:4-28, in which there is a description of seeing “an immense cloud with flashing lightning and surrounded by brilliant light. The center of the fire looked like glowing metal, and in the fire was what looked like four living creatures. In appearance their form was human, but each of them had four faces and four wings.”

“When the living creatures moved, the wheels beside them moved; and when the living creatures rose from the ground, the wheels also rose. Wherever the spirit would go, they would go, and the wheels would rise along with them, because the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels.” [Ezekiel 1:4-28, Ezekiel 10]

While Grusch has publicly discussed theories on UAPs that might originate from the higher-order dimensions theorized by physicists, those concepts do not appear in the unclassified version of his complaint.

The ‘extradimensional or interdimensional‘ hypothesis also does not appear in what has been made public from Grusch’s written statements first submitted for approval to the Pentagon’s Defense Office of Prepublication and Security Review (DOPSR).

But Grusch did talk about this theory when he was under oath, answering questions from Rep. Burlison during a public UAP hearing in July 2023.

Rep. Burlison said at the hearing, “It’s a bit hard to believe that an alien species advanced enough to travel billions of light years would come here and somehow not be able to survive.” He then asked Grusch about the “interdimensional potential,” saying, “Could you explain that?”

Grusch said, “No matter how smart you are, accidents happen, like plane crashes and car crashes. A small percentage of missions may fail, as we say in the Air Force.” Talking about multidimensionality, Grusch mentioned the holographic principle. It comes from general relativity and quantum mechanics. He explained it as imagining a 3D object casting a shadow onto a 2D surface.

He said, “You can be projected, sort of projected, from higher dimensional space to lower dimensional space… It’s a scientific idea that you can actually cross dimensions, as far as I understand. But there are probably people with PhDs who could argue about that.”


3 Replies to “US Congressmen Claim Bible Has ‘Pretty Clear’ Evidence of UFOs: Vatican Knows Aliens Are Here”

  1. Mister Green

    Who cares what the govt or the church thinks? You don’t need their mandate to be happy and live your life fully. You only need to aspire to a relationship with SOURCE.

