Ashtar: We Have Not Forgotten You

Channel: James McConnell

I am Ashtar. I come to be with you at this time to bring a sense of hope. That is what I come for in these moments, to bring hope.

For you all to know that you have not been forgotten. You, as an individual, you as a collective, we are all so much aware of you, and so much in love with all of you. You are messengers, ones that have come here to bring the light, to bring the message of light, of love, of connectedness, of higher consciousness.

You all are the messengers of light, bringing the Christ consciousness down to the planet, connecting once again to the grid, the crystalline and Christ consciousness grid. All of this is connected together. We are all connected together as one.

You need to understand that as you keep moving through your daily lives, waiting, waiting for something to happen. But you don’t understand, or you don’t realize, that it is already happening. Briefing is already in process. The great sign, the great universal plan, the Creator’s plan cannot be stopped. It can be changed here and there, yes, certainly, but it cannot be stopped. So it is going at full speed ahead. This maybe not your speed, but the Creator’s speed. That’s what you need to understand. And we are all in this together, working on this together. And when we are not there physically with you, we are there in spirit with you always.

For you see, so many of you are our brothers and sisters, and our family. We have been together so many times before. I, as the Ashtar, I know each and every one of you in various ways, just as you know me. Just as you know Yeshua and Sananda, and you know Archangel Michael, and so on and so on. We have a connection together, families together. And your family, many of you, have families on the ship that are out here just waiting, waiting for the time that we can be together once again, knowing that this has been thousands and thousands of your Earth years when we have been apart from each other at a physical level, but never at a spiritual level. We have always been together at that level. And you and your Higher Selves are together with us. So it is just a matter of you, the one, the personality that is you, connecting again to your Higher God Self, and then you are connected to each of us at a more physical level.

So my friends, my brothers, my sisters, hope. Hope is everywhere if you but reach for it. It is always there, and know that. You have not been forgotten ever.

But continue to trust. Trust in yourselves, trust in each other, trust in all of us, all of us that are part of the great alliance that is here to assist mankind to move through this entire transition and through the ascension process. We are all here together to help you. Maybe it is not fully the help that you want, for all of you, most of you, at least, want to see it in the sky, want to know that we are there at a physical level. But still, as of yet, only for those that have the eyes to see and the ears to hear. But we are calling to you.

We have been calling to you in various ways, certainly on these calls each and every Sunday when we have come together. We are calling to you through various forces that come to you and bring these messages to you.

And what are these messages all about? They are about hope. They are about reaching higher and higher into the level of consciousness within you, the higher level of consciousness within you. It is all within your reach. You just need to reach for it each and every day, each and every moment. Reach for that higher part of yourself, for it is there. It is always there, always has been there. It is just out of your believing reach.

As you have heard many times, believe it, and you will see it. That is so true. But as you practice more and more to believe, and then you see, rather than having to see to believe. Because it is your friends, your family that are still in this having to see it to believe it stage. And as long as they are in that stage, then they do not fully see the light through the darkness. They only see the darkness. But that darkness is receiving even more and more, even to those that do not have the eyes to see. For their eyes, their third eye, is more and more beginning to open, just as yours has opened up more and more fully.

And the more your third eye opens, the more you are able to see beyond the physical reality of the third-dimensional illusion. Yes indeed, it is both an illusion and a reality at the same time. But if you fully believe that it is an illusion, and it is not the reality, then it opens you up to the reality of the higher frequency mentioned of the fourth and fifth dimensions. That is where you are all headed now. Open your eyes. Open your third eye to see beyond the veil, the veil that is in reality no longer there, only for those that still perceive it.

I am Ashtar. And I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. And that you continue to hold on to that hope. Hope that there are brighter days ahead for all.

**Source 1 2

20 Replies to “Ashtar: We Have Not Forgotten You”

  1. Lilyrose

    Well, I certainly was forgotten by God and condemned to Hell by him while he let me be spiritualy attacked while in 4D conciousness when I had a kundalini awakening. He thought it would be a great idea to have my tf activate me, while im a nervous person to begin with, and in a committed longterm relationship. I was sucked into the Earth Phantom Matrix after an intense panic attack, into the A.I. avatar they had of me (theres one of everyone) thats underimposed everyones bodies. So after being cut off from Source and my Soul Matrix, I get to spend the next 2-400 billion years rolling with literal Demons in this Phantom Matrix until it implodes, then get turned into stardust! And not just regular stardust, phantom matrix stardust. So i get to be a space rock, yay. Never evolving up, just down. Never seeing anyone I love or the Other Side ever again. Oh! After I live out the End Times timeline too. Yea, God and all you spirit people sure had MY back. After that being thrown on me. I dont get to see my kids grow up, or protect them in the higher timelines because IM stuck HERE! MY freewill was taken from ME! I didnt WANT that activation. I was happy being normal ascending like everyone else. OH and my tf was an egotistical pansy man who was vaccinated, how the hell would THAT have worked? I was/am (for now) with the person I loved! All the lives Ive lived, on this planet and others. ALL my eons of Service to God and THIS is where IM left. Yea, THANKS, I sure feel forgotten. When i pass from this A.I. Phantom World, Im demon food. So forgive me for sounding and being bitter. I die even more inside watching my children (simulation of their 3D timeline selves, because this is an A.I. simulation of Earths end times timeline) in this Phantom Matrix knowing THEY didnt deserve this and neither did I!

  2. Kris

    Thank you Ashtar, for this beautiful message. We will never manifest the 5D world until we tap into our intrinsic freedom from within. We all possess this power. We have so much help and love from the benevolent galactics, but if they were to ‘save’ us how would we ever learn that we are only victims when we see ourselves as one. That is how powerful you are as an individual– whatever you believe, you become. Hope is not wishful thinking, it is the very knowing that you are not a victim, being able to see beyond the surface level. At our soul level we are all divine light with free will, creating our own realities.

  3. Paladin

    Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man.

    Friedrich Nietzsche

    Don’t talk to me of hope. We don’t need your help or your hope. After this river of blood and death gets flowing we will hang every last one of these Khazars and their followers.

    1. AngelsSingFire

      lol why are you here if this is your outlook on what’s to happen? This site’s content, and general vibe, is mostly polar opposite of rivers of blood and death and hangings and what not

      1. jakesey54

        Exactly. He should hang out with people who are planning exactly this. “Big fish in very small pond” comes to mind.

      2. Paladin

        Yeah, I ask myself that. I mean honestly, you love bunnies are going to end up in the cannibals pot. You’ll go on loving the beasts of this world even as they tenderize you with meat hammer.

        I’m of the opinion now that this spiritual rhetoric is a cover for weakness and cowardice.

        So yeah Angel boy, you have point.

        Drink wine, don’t exercise and get massages, this way your meat will be nice and tender.

        WAGYU Love Bunnies ready for the roasting spit.


    2. Karwoch

      Revenge will only keep cycle alive. Understanding reason, and forgiveness, will make You free.

  4. Aga

    Wdzięczności za te piękne słowa Ashtar💜🤗Widziałam wielki statek na niebie ukryty wśród chmur⛅🌌Wiem, że Jesteście i że dużo się dzieje🌍💫😊Cierpliwie czekam na Nową Ziemię🌍💜i na Was👥💜💫😊

  5. john

    Thank you Ashtar, and yes i belive all will be well when the time comes even the unbelivers will look out and say ”how did i not belive this why was i so blind” the answer of course is that they did not love everything including themselves, they only see judgement where there is none. love to all.

  6. Jean-Christophe

    Perhaps it is we who are going to forget you, dear Commander, so surrounded are we by darkness, struggling every day not to drown in this vile unreal Matrix. Perhaps, in a burst of lucidity, we will recall the happy memories of a time when we believed that the angels of heaven would come in their fiery vessel to snatch us from this madness, but then our old bones and brains will weaken from too much poison, which is in the food, the water and the air, and we will probably die thinking how stupid we were to believe in such fairy tales…

  7. RuanonX

    Sim, este e Ashtar!!! Gratidao a James pela capacidade de
    Nao interferir com seu Ego. Nesta mensagem senti o profundo Amor e a segurança do retorno a Casa. O esclarecimento e a esperança. Fortaleci a minha promessa de nao desistir, aconteca oque acontecer. Senti a presenca do meu Eu Divino e o forte abraço de minha familia Estelar.
    Obrigada Amado Ashtar!!
    Eu Sou!💫

  8. AngelsSingFire

    Well then, maybe you could not forget me a lil more and come scoop me up to the paradise ships. Come on, coach, just give me a shot!

