Jeshua: Who Own Your Acceptance?

Channel: Jahn J Kassl

JJK: While reading lines from the Bible today, I came across this interesting letter to the Romans by the Apostle Paul on the position of state power:

1 Let every man be subject to the authority that has power over him. For there is no authority apart from God; But wherever there is authority, it is ordained by God.

 2 Whoever therefore resists the authorities resists God’s ordinance; but those who resist will receive judgment upon themselves.

 3 For the mighty are not to be feared of good works, but of evil ones. But if you do not want to be afraid of the authorities, then do good and you will receive praise from them.

4 For she is God’s servant too good for you. But if you do evil, be afraid; for she does not bear the sword in vain; she is God’s servant, an avenger to punish those who do evil.

5 Therefore it is necessary to be subject, not only because of punishment, but also because of conscience.

6 Therefore you must also give womb; for they are God’s servants who administer such protection.

7 Therefore give to everyone what you owe: the bosom to whom the bosom is due; customs to whom the customs are due; fear to whom fear is due; Honor where honor is due. (7)

That’s quite misleading, in my opinion. Or did Apostle Paul orient himself or have to orientate himself according to the established rulers at the time?

JESUS ​​CHRIST: Beloved people, not everything written in the Book of Books is to be taken literally! This epistle to the Romans should be viewed in context. In the context of the events of that time and the persecution that the first Christians had to endure and suffer at the hands of the Romans. With these carefully chosen words, Paul wanted to protect the first Christian communities from attacks by the Romans and consequently called for people to follow the laws. In the context of the time, this is very understandable.

Transferred to today, this only makes sense when you use the state’s current attacks as a basis for your assessment.

Submitting to the state, especially an unjust state, can never be a religious or spiritual discipline. However, it is appropriate when certain circumstances require it.

What if the state overcharges?

JJK: Give the state what the state deserves! But what if the state takes too much money from you?

JESUS ​​CHRIST: Here it is important to exercise discernment and adapt your actions to the requirements of the time.

JJK: When it comes to compulsory corona vaccinations, for example, the state has massively exceeded its limits. Letting the state do its thing here would have been completely wrong, especially now in retrospect. It was only because we rebelled against it that the worst was averted. This immediately comes to mind as a current example. My question now is: Isn’t it also a spiritual discipline to endure everything, to accept everything. Doesn’t peace only arise when you have truly accepted EVERYTHING inside and there is no longer any resistance? Accepting and making peace with everything is the solution? Just yesterday I had a short but inspiring email exchange about this with a dear friend.

The spiritual concept of acceptance

JESUS ​​CHRIST: This spiritual concept refers to the release of one’s own blockages, ideas, patterns or errors stored in the soul and psyche.

Accepting everything describes that you should accept everything in YOU – to accept everything that has spread out in you, full of light or poor in light, to accept you as you are now and not as you might one day be would like.

First, to find peace within yourself, to find balance, to calm down, to forgive yourself and yourself, because that’s what it’s all about, LOVEING UNCONDITIONALLY – loving yourself as you are right now, in this moment.

However, unconditional acceptance never refers to the injustice that blatantly awaits you all over the world. This idea is tantamount to mixing good apples with bad apples and is reprehensible. So you don’t pay any attention.

JJK: Exciting, exciting – but many esotericists will gasp now. Above all, people who do not want to face social problems and socio-political issues will now be left pretty much at a loss. It’s no longer possible to “meditate away” in the comfort of your own home. So it’s all about defending yourself, getting involved and questioning the authorities. So smugly putting your hands in your lap and waiting for a savior to float in the window isn’t a solution!?

Develop self-love

JESUS ​​CHRIST: It’s about learning to distinguish between the different levels of knowledge, recognition and action, and it’s about accepting and acting out your role and responsibility in this human “existence”.

Acceptance where it belongs, and it always belongs where you least look, where you mistreat and disrespect yourself. To accept your inner demons before saying goodbye – to love yourself.

To develop self-love and not to be ashamed of the unresolved issues still in your heart.

This is the spiritual acceptance that triggers the most profound healings. As soon as you unconditionally accept yourself in your “nowness”, there is no longer any resistance and your acceptance for everything that is grows immeasurably.

Only then will your view of all the authorities in this world become clear and only then will you be truly free to decide which authorities you trust.

What and who you accept and to what extent is up to your free will, it is your decision. After you have forgiven yourself and completely accepted yourself, you will gain an overview and it will be easy for you to make the right assignments.

Achieving inner freedom is a spiritual process and means being willing to overcome inner resistance. Achieving external freedom is a socio-political process and means being prepared to overcome external resistance. If you approach it from the inside out, then you will be ready for this world and prepared for any confrontation.

JJK: So you should do your homework first and if you get punched on the left cheek, shouldn’t you also turn the right one?

JESUS ​​CHRIST: You can certainly turn the other cheek, the important thing is that you are absolutely free to make this decision. Anyone who can say this about themselves has internalized the spiritual principle of all life.

Every decision based on your clarified heart is right!

Such a person neither longs for approval nor can rejection harm him. Because such a person is connected to himself and at the same time connected to the source of his existence; he lacks nothing. Once you have achieved this inner freedom, then you have overcome the worldly conditioning and spiritual fixations – and that is what being and becoming are all about.

We end our meeting today.

Be sure, everything is in GOD’s hands – man will be reborn and the earth will be recreated.

With infinite love

**Translation into English by


4 Replies to “Jeshua: Who Own Your Acceptance?”

  1. maroniadriano

    Lo sai caro GESÙ CRISTO
    quante volte mi sono chiuso in una campana di vetro “per vedere e sentirmi protetto ,
    Quante volte ho fatto passi in dietro
    Ma i problemi non si risolvevano,
    Anzi aumentavano
    Mi dicevo:è colpa mia
    Ma la stessa situazione si manifestava pure a tutti gli altri ,
    Chi prima e chi dopo.
    Ho una piccola preghiera MIO DIO
    A NOSTRO favore
    non lasciare questa volta che ti rubino LA VITTORIA ✌️
    A me non mi sono mai piaciuti quelli che usano “il bastone e la carota 🥕
    Il governamento dell’uomo fa acqua ”
    da tutte le parti.
    Cioè fa piangere, da sempre,e stavolta non è colpa mia.
    Grazie SIGNORE Gesù è un dono la tua esistenza . Madry65

  2. Matteo Brustolon

    To me..this is not authentic, not really Jesus.. turn the other cheek means turn the sight, both spiritual and phisical from what is no good, healthy or enjoyable for something better, like instead of watching the garbage in a corner look to a beautiful tree, for example.. even the sign, “Jesus Christ” it is not “his” name.
    Anyway .. details, there is something good even in this message of course.

