Close off That Chapter and Start a New Story

By Victoria Cochrane

We all have a story that is behind who we are and why we behave the way we do. Some of us use past trauma and hurts, mistakes or tragedies as lessons to help us to grow stronger, more resilient and, sometimes, even as a means to help others. Other people, however, literally get stuck in the story, rehashing it over and over, never being able to get past it. It becomes what defines them and, for many, what keeps them in misery, anger and resentment for a long time and, sometimes, even a lifetime.

In my time as a spiritual healer, I have come across many sad and tragic stories. The lack of love, respect and empathy that many of my clients have suffered at the hands of ex-husbands, lovers, family and friends is mind-blowing, and the events of the past have left some of them unable to move on. It is very difficult to help anyone when all they can do is to retell the story of what has been done to them and how it has affected them. In a few cases, the client’s refusal or inability to let go of the story has blocked any attempt by me to help them and they have remained stuck. In addition, their anger at God and the Universe has become a blockage akin to the nail in the coffin with glue to keep it shut for eternity.

As a  healer, it is important for me to get out of the story and to just focus on finding the feelings, emotions and beliefs that are behind the person’s inability to let go. Hearing too much story is like wading through treacle – it is heavy and confusing and can mask the underlying causes of the person’s pain/ illness/problems. My focus is always on empowering the person to regain their power of perspective without the story weighing them down.

The Universe is working for us, but we need to believe in ourselves as co-creators. Otherwise, we’ll feel like everything is done to us and we’re out of control in a runaway bus. We are all powerful manifesters and co-creators, able to change our future through every thought, action and decision we make. We cannot change the past, but we can change the way we think about the past and how we use adversity to create positive change and even blessings in our lives. Every thought creates our reality, so creating change in our life can only happen when we change the way we think. When we’re immersed in the story it can be so hard to see things clearly, so finding help to resolve the issues of the past is an important first step to closing the door on the old to allow the new you to emerge.

No-one ever said it’s easy, but to move forward and to bring in the new, we must close the door to the past. Forgiveness can be hard, but hanging onto anger, hatred, feelings of abandonment and betrayal can mean a lifetime of misery. Let it go! Start a new story, one where you are in control and the master of the script.

