Terrorist Attack on Russia Has USA Fingerprints All Over It

By Greg Reese

Over a hundred people were murdered in Russia on Friday. Including women and children. Eleven terrorists were captured by Russian authorities as they attempted to cross the border into Ukraine. They are being interrogated and all roads lead to the US State department, who have been directing Ukrainian forces since their 2014 coup.

The attack occurred on March 22nd, or 3/22. 322 is the mysterious number used by Yale’s infamous Skull and Bones society. The official story is that 322 symbolizes the year 322BC to memorialize the event seen as the turning point which transformed Athens from a democracy to a plutocracy. A plutocracy is a society that is ruled by no other political philosophy other than the financial elite being in control of the people’s destiny.

The Skull and Bones is a grooming academy for the CIA. Such as, former director of the CIA, George Bush. And 322 is there calling card.

During the Tucker Carlson interview, President Putin was clearly speaking to the CIA. The CIA responded in a New York Times Article admitting that they are using Ukraine as a proxy to wage war against Russia. Weeks before the attack, Victoria Nuland repeatedly boasted that Putin was in for a nasty surprise.

On March 7th, the US Embassy issued a warning about the threat of terrorist attacks in Moscow, specifying ‘concerts.’ The British Embassy in Moscow mirrored this warning.

Days before the attack, Barack Obama paid an unexpected visit to the British Prime Minister at 10 Downing Street.

Within hours of the attack and without any evidence, the US government blames the attack on the Islamic State and says that Ukraine is not involved.

The next day, while Russians were grieving, CIA mouthpiece, The Washington Post, gloated how the US had prior knowledge of the attack, and people still died.

It has been noted that the terrorists were either professional assassins or trained by Western forces. For they were demonstrating NATO training methods such as shooting in small bursts, trigger control, and proper mag reloads

For anyone with eyes to see, this is the Modus operandi of the West. Al-Qaeda was famously created by Western intelligence agencies to fight the Russians in Afghanistan, and has since been cultivated by the US government and used as a catalyst for illegal wars and tyrannical laws against US citizens

Ukraine spy chief said three months ago, expect more attacks deep inside of Russia.

Dmitry said that everyone is asking him what to do. He answered that, those who were caught need to be killed. But it’s much more important to kill everyone involved. Everyone who paid, who sympathized, and who helped. Kill them all.


8 Replies to “Terrorist Attack on Russia Has USA Fingerprints All Over It”

  1. Guess who

    It also pissed them off that Putin opened the vault and told the world the true color of CHRIST and who the chosen people really are! Shtf moments are about to occur!

    1. Paladin

      The Biden regime is 85% Jewish. At 1.7% of the USA population they are over represented by a factor of 50 or 5000%.

      You are seeing the fruits of a non-human species that is Demonic and psychopathic in nature. They are only driven by hate, malice, greed and the desire to kill and do harm.

      Just look into the face of Victoria Neuland and you will see nothing but evil.

      1. Raksha

        I guess that the cabale (which I don’t think is Jew fundamentally, the names we know about are nothing) is goal-driven, they are not dumb. It was indeed on the ritual date of 322, but I guess, they had another goal in mind than just murder. They usually act for a number of reasons.

        Paladin, I think you misinterpet the jews being evil just because a lot of names we know, especially the bankers, have jewish origins. But you know those are the lower rungs of the ladder, no ? They are satanist, not jews, or even possibly something else.

        I won’t oppose you about Victoria Neuland.

        But you are playing in their hands by saying that random Bryan in the street is evil.

        1. jakesey54

          Paladin is synonymous with champion, fighter, heroism, protector, shielder. Why don’t you perhaps, try to open up to your (very admirable) ‘persona’ in the broader sense Mr Paladin?

          Your ‘name’ Raksha is also a word associated (in Sanskrit) with protection, to guard against evil, preservation, security. Also associated with the Hindu Goddess Durga, protector of the universe.

          Coincidences? I think maybe not!

          1. Raksha

            Oh, I am surprised that someone knows the meaning of this pseudonym. This is indeed so. But I discovered it later. At first, it was just a diminutive of “Rakshasas”.

          2. jakesey54

            Good choice of name though Raksha. I tend at times to look for hidden messages, meanings in daily verbiage; also, by using anagrams of certain names, places, words, there is an ‘extra dimension’ to be found.

  2. john

    Most of us are aware that this act of terrorism was played by the biden administration or at least by the agencies they control, what makes me laugh is that this act by an established democratic (yeah right) goverment makes even isis look credible, the us leadership really need to be taken out of play for it is my belife that most if not all the crisis we see today are funded by the us goverment. sad just do sad that free people have to suffer from tyranny today. love to all.

