8 Replies to “Daily Message for 4/02/2024”

  1. Aki

    Thank you for the wide and deep insight, Formless.

    “Character is destiny.”

    I want to keep in mind the viewpoint that flying and Ascend are a state of consciousness in the future.

    “because it’s already there: you already ARE which you want to BE or to have.
    What’s left to do is to be in gratitude.”

    Thank you for the important reminder.

    1. Aki

      I was curious about the game character you use as an analogy, so I searched for it.

      Tales of Berseria
      Japanese RPG

      I’m late to notice because I don’t play video games.

      1. Formless

        I’m happy to have provided insights for you. I admit story-driven video games also played a part in shaping my moral compass and further expanding my insights about life. And yet you have people prejudiced about games when all they know are games with no story or character development at all.

        Video games that are story-driven are very effective in conveying various life lessons, philosophies as well as inspiration if the developers are doing the right thing, which is the case on most video games I play.

        Tales of Berseria I haven’t really played and experience the story yet to the fullest.

        And Honkai Impact 3rd, a Chinese ARPG (where Kevin Kaslana is from), is the one I played extensively; the philosophies, the message of the game, the characters and their development and all other aspects; the developers and story writers really implemented the right things, serving as a great aid for the personal development of the players who read and experience the story.

    2. Formless

      And indeed, it all comes down to our own individual choices; I myself always strive to remember that I have the power to determine how my life’s story would go, and not anyone else.

      I have “wings”, and I can “fly” if I want to (change my state of consciousness regardless of my surroundings), anytime.

  2. Formless

    “Why do birds fly?”

    This (philosophical) question has been answered quite a few times by the characters from stories of story-driven video games I played or encountered. Might glean some insights from:


    “Without flying, they couldn’t find food.”–Velvet Crowe

    “I think that birds fly because they must. Why else would they have wings if not to embrace the sky? I have wings too, weak as they are. That’s why I must fly! Now!”–Laphicet Crowe

    “Birds fly because they want to fly. They don’t need a reason. Even if their wings may snap and doom them to die. They don’t fly for anyone’s benefit. They don’t fly because they were ordered to. Birds fly because they want to fly and for no other reason!”–Velvet Crowe

    “I think birds are born to fly, so there’s no “why”. Birds fly because they want to fly. It’s the destiny they carved for themselves.”–Natasha Cioara

    “Do you know why birds can fly? Because they MUST soar into the sky… When the Meteor of Finality crashed during the Cretaceous Period, only the birds that flew freely could escape inevitable extinction.”–Kevin Kaslana

    “Why do birds fly? Of course, I too consider it to be an unnecessary question. They are born to fly, just like we are born with many instincts. They are gifts from god.

    But even then, we can only explain why birds can fly, yet we do not know why they wish to fly. But hear me out… Every one of us present here today was born with the ability to see, to hear, to travel, and to conquer. But it is a right, and we’ve seen many who’ve chosen to give up that right. But why… why have we never seen birds give up flying?

    So, this brings me to my point. Everyone… If we were lucky enough to return to the origin of the world and see the first bird, it was definitely without wings. What it possessed at that time wasn’t a pair of wings obtained from praying to the gods… But a heart as lofty as the moon which yearned to touch the zenith.”–Philosopher

    “Why do birds fly? Because they desire to soar into the sky. I’m going to tell you the story of a man named Icarus, and let you know that… Some fly just to fall.

    Icarus is commonly regarded as being conceited and people believe he lost his life in an unfortunate accident. But what if he’d dreamed of doing that for many years?

    When he was still very young, he once said — “I will soar into the sky and embrace my success by falling.”

    He wanted to prove something… “I’ve flown near the sun, a place that no one has ever reached. So, perhaps someone can surpass me.”

    Icarus did not fail. His descent was the result of his flight, and proof of another type of success.”–Philosopher in conversation with Kevin Kaslana


    The answers above are valid in their own way. The way I see it, at the end of the day, regardless of any “technical” or “scientific” explanation, birds fly because they just ARE/BE; some birds with wings do not–or cannot–even fly, they just ARE/BE.

    In context of individuals, whether to embrace their destiny to “fly” (Ascend) or not is up to the individual.

    Some individuals, despite having “wings” (potential) to “Ascend”, chose not to, whether through ignorance, or by conscious choice or for any other reason or desire; some tries to “Ascend” and fall and prove to others that “someone can surpass the heights I reached”; while some do “ascend” and “fly” freely through hard work or otherwise.

    It’s all a choice, because “Character is destiny”.

    “I want to coexist peacefully in harmony with Mother Earth.”

    Then already BE; start now.

    When you already have enough money in your wallet do you still want/desire money in your wallet? When you already have enough food on your plate, do you still want/desire food on your plate? When you already have roof over your head, do you still want/desire a roof over your head? No, because it’s already there; you already ARE which you want to BE or to have. What’s left to do is to be in gratitude.

    You do not manifest what you want, you only manifest what you ARE (IN your consciousness); persist with such consciousness, and your tangible, physical reality, actions, behavior and mindset will confirm the changes.

    “Character is destiny.”

  3. Aki

    Thank you for the words that are conscious of light.
    When I walk among the pine trees in the park, I feel wrapped in comfort and feel as refreshing as if I had been washed.
    I always wonder why birds can fly even in the rain or when there is no wind.
    Can birds fly because they emit a vibration of belief that they can fly?
    It’s not a propulsion like an airplane, it’s not a lift by rotation like a helicopter, and it’s
    surprising to me that birds can fly freely.
    I want to coexist peacefully in harmony with Mother Earth.

