Mira of the Pleiades: Close to Ascension

Channel: Valerie Donner

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I’ve been working full-time with the Earth Council for the ascension of the Earth for many years now.

As you can feel, we are very close to the Earth’s ascension. Many have the sense that something big is about to occur. I know you have your eyes on the prize and your hearts in the Golden Age. The fifth dimension is far more than a temptation, it is a reality. It is your future where you will reside as your future self in all of your glory.

The Earth is being expunged from the darkness. The Earth is preparing to bask in her own glory. At this point, we are pleased to say that many of the dark elite have been stripped of their power and are in the process of being located where they deserve to be. Their minions are still attempting to be in control to little avail. They are doing negative things to stress the planet and humanity.

Most of the ground crew are already conscious and are residing in the fifth dimension. This means they are residing still in the physical form but consciously living in the fifth dimension and higher. This can be challenging for the physical body but you are adapting and adjusting with all of the assistance that can be given from the Light Realms.

Little by little, and faster and faster, you have noticed that life is no longer the way it used to be. The material world is not in sync with higher consciousness. This results in breakdowns and also the magic of breakthroughs. These come when you have stark realizations of more of your gifts and your abilities.

Your true power is rising in your heart from the Creator within. The light is formidable. Feel it and look into your heart. Trust what you feel and what you know inside. This is about releasing the past and speeding into the future. The old way no longer applies.

The entire populace of the Earth is beginning to see the truth and it is shocking. Much more of this truth is rising to the surface. They are in shock and are feeling anger and outrage. Some have felt despair, or are beginning to feel it. Our beings of light, the ground crew, are prepared to show the way. They can point things forward into the new era. They can remind others to not reside in fear.

We remind you to stay in balance and harmony. Please do not let forthcoming events and predictions throw you off or put you into fear. Focus on your power and your ability to adapt to whatever energies and events present themselves.

You were designed to be on the planet now. Please understand that you will get through this and that you are ready for things to change in the blink of an eye. I would say that you are more than ready for this change because you have completed what you came to do.

We are with you and are so grateful we are working together as a team. Soon we will be celebrating with the glory of creation.

We are together and I am sending you joy, love, peace, beauty, abundance, healing, strength and activating your power within. I am Mira.


19 Replies to “Mira of the Pleiades: Close to Ascension”

  1. Anselmo (Brazil)

    “As you can feel, we are very close to the Earth’s ascension. Many have the sense that something big is about to occur. ”
    Another indication that this is really so, Saint Germain in a message through the brazilian channel Edna Shoin:


    “Tell everyone that I wait for them and love them as I have always loved them”

    April 02, 2024

    “Dear and beloved Saint Germain students, greetings! We were at Mount Shasta where we participated in an important meeting with the Elders of the Last Days to evaluate this planet and all the life that inhabits this planetary orb, and of course the illustrious guest could not be missed nor could his lovely companion, and with much hope andjoy He opened this important meeting.He, the kind Jesus, talked about all the possibilities that could occur in their lives. Yes, beloved, many significant events – starting with Mother Nature – and the unfolding of the movements that the entire Cosmos is making, participating in this necessary Transition because a cycle always begins where another ends and this has a name: natural evolution of life as a all. You, beloved ones, are taking a long time to respond to our call because you are unable to take your eyes off your own navel to see the true situation of life in these final times of this Transition. It was decided – unanimously – that the Seventh Seal would be opened to accelerate this entire process as there is a lot of pain and suffering in all the Kingdoms, so I come to ask you not to be afraid of anything as the Light will do its work anyway , and I say that many beings have already beenr emoved and it will be a sequence of events, but the system will hide the entire Truth until the end.”

    ” It’s harvest time, why cry, if you were the ones who sowed?Hold on tight because the whole Earth will shake, the cleanliness must be total and impeccable, take the opportunity to bathe in the waters of Truth and no longer fool yourself into thinking that religions will save you, none of them are with the Truth, everything is a game which drives you to circle around yourselves .

    Once and for all, the game is over, the lights of this theater of horrors have gone out, there are no more canes, no servants and no people considered “saints” as all the masks will fall apart. Alone, barefoot, without blindfolds, you and your souls, like this, without anything, come! Come as victors, come as victors, conquer yourselves! Let go of everything, be free, you are free now! I leave you my Love and my Heart, this is my greatest treasure. I leave a longing hug from the Great Master Jesus and his sweet words: “Tell everyone that I wait for them and love them as I have always loved them”. Gratitude! See you soon!


    To read the complete message just search for “Edna Shoin”, it is easily found.

    It is in Portuguese but it may be easily translated by any device.

    COMMENTARY; It is not the Seventh Seal, but the Sixth Seal, a big earthquake shaking the whole Earth.

    This is the style of these messages, the Masters there like to hide somewhat the real information in the text. El Morya said that. The Truth there is between the lines.

  2. Anselmo (Brazil)

    Not really, Diamond Lil. These are good sources. But New Agers are not familiar with them, the old religious contents repel them. But there is truth therein, many times lacking in New Age messages. I study both, and discard some outdated concepts in Evangelical and Catholic sources and discard also B.S. in some New Age sources. The result is a coherent scenario.

    1. Peppered Beef

      Absolutely laughable. You come across as somebody who has all the answers about ascension because you’ve read some channeled messages. Like your source is better than somebody elses.
      Maybe your new around here but this week alone there have been contradicting messages from two separate Jesus Christs’. And that’s just THIS week.
      Nobody knows the facts Anselmo. Nobody.

      Thanks Mira

      1. Anselmo (Brazil)

        I agree, nobody knows what really will happen, and how things will unfold. I suspect that not even the Masters know for sure, since many things are subject to the Human Will, always unpredictable due to Free Will.

        All I try to do, as student of the matter, is to form a coherent scenario of what the Masters are saying more recently in several sources, not excluding any, and discarding messages that don’t fit the overall scenario presented by most good sources.

        I’m new posting in this blog, but I have been following it for some time, and I know some of the sources here for much time.

        I think that there is little discussion about these messages here between the students, all there is is “thanks” “much love” and not serious discussion about what is being said.

        For example, the two Jesus contradictory messages posted only this week that you have mentioned, I think that students should be able to perceive what probably is the true.

        Maybe with more discussions a coherent scenario would emerge. There is not much gain in reading the messages and coming to the conclusion that “nobody knows what will happen”. This shows that the messages are useless as source of information about End Times, Planetary Transition and Ascension.

        I like the old books too. They are much better than modern messages, and for me they are the fundament of the information, modern messages are just an update.

        1. Diamond Lil

          Hey, me too, Anselmo! I’ve read era for years now. I didn’t have the energy to comment, however, until recently. I find very few reply to my comments, perhaps lacking energy, disinterested in my perspective, or have been isolated too long, so be it. But when we speak to each other, I notice the conversation takes on a life of it’s own, with the actual channeling just becomes a launching pad. Thank you for responding at all to me, #1. And thank you for compiling sincere, simply stated thoughts, no complicated new age lingo, #2. You even got a second response out of Peppered Beef, pretty cool! It’s a real treat to speak my mind- anonymously 🥸

          1. Anselmo (Brazil)

            Thank you, Diamond Lil. I think that Lightworkers should interact more, it is a beneficial thing, since usually we don’t have opportunity to discuss these subjects in our usual circles.

          2. Klaudia

            Hey Diamond… I’m quite sorry I’ve only now read your comment where you mention that jolt of energy bc of limited internet access lately… ALSO I’ve often FELT LIKE wanting to react MORE to your comments but always got “NOT YET” from inside… 🫡🫡

            NOW I can even say “IF YOU LIKE lets talk at pop-goes-the-weazle@web.de” and TO ME that means a lot (as in REAL PROGRESS!!) ❤️


    Most Beloved MIRA – Pleiadians and VALERIE
    We are grateful for this updating/instructive message.
    Until we meet
    Much of love

  4. Anselmo (Brazil)

    ” I would say that you are more than ready for this change because you have completed what you came to do.”

    This refers specifically to the First Wave of Ascension.

    Those in the other two waves still have some work to do before Ascension.

    1. Anselmo (Brazil)

      How do you know it is not close enough ? We don’t know since this is a secret. But some sources say it is imminent. At least for the first group who will Ascend, the First Wave of Ascension.

      1. Anselmo (Brazil)

        “Please understand that you will get through this and that you are ready for things to change in the blink of an eye. I would say that you are more than ready for this change because you have completed what you came to do.”
        These are the key words, ” in the blink of an eye “.

        An example of what Jesus is saying through some channels:

        Message of Our Master Jesus for Earthly Humanity.

        Rio Grande do Sul, March 31, 2024.

        In love, always!

        Good morning beloved everyone,

        Behold, I come to talk to all of you again to tell you that everything will change very soon, in a sudden way, suddenly and in a more serious sense, in relation to the events that will take place on Earth.
        From Behold I Come I Am Calling You Now


        Message received Dec. 30, 2023


        “My design continues to unfold according to My plan and what has been ordained. As I’ve told you before, although it appears the darkness is winning, and in some cases has won, this is the illusion in the matrix that is manifesting at this juncture and point in your time for a very important reason. I am measuring hearts, and souls are choosing in the very last moment, before I act, on which side they will serve. One cannot serve two masters, and ALL will make a choice where they stand, before I come to transform the first group.”

        1. Anselmo (Brazil)

          From Behold I Come I Am Calling You Now:

          Saturday, March 23, 2024


          Please take this dream to the Holy Spirit for interpretation. I had a dream on March 18, 2024 where I was with my husband and a very small group of people. It was in a mountainous area which was fairly remote and I saw rolling hills and larger mountains in the distance. We were in the process of setting up an outdoor venue for a presentation of some sort. I was not aware what it would be, but we were building stands and hanging tapestries and things like this when suddenly a man came running from the road, yelling that we had to leave now and come quickly, that it was “TIME”. My husband and I dropped what we were doing and ran to our vehicles with the other small group we were setting up the venue with. Someone yelled to us, “Hey! You can’t leave in the middle of the set up!” We quickly replied, “Don’t worry, we’ll come back soon!”

          Our small group then all followed in procession down some windy roads that were taking us closer and closer to the larger mountains. The weather was very overcast with many storm clouds all around us, and I could see that a very large and strong storm was approaching quickly. Suddenly as we were driving, we noticed the scene in front of us changing. Not only was the scene changing, but our bodies were as well. The mountains and scene in front of us was becoming alive, and undulating like a wave, and becoming multidimensional instead of 3D. It was becoming multifaceted and interdimensional at this point. As this took place, our bodies were changing from inside our hearts outward. My husband and I felt a swelling inside coming from the very core of our being, which then resonated out into the rest of our bodies the more we moved in the vehicle, and the closer we drove towards this mountainous region. The colors of the mountains then went from the dark and gloomy stormy scene, to an array of shimmering jewel like molecular structures. As this happened, our bodies continued to resonate with the scene in front of us until we became completely transformed into this new, illuminated and perfected substance! We started praising Yahushua and yelling to each other, “It’s finally here!!!!! This is IT!!!! We’ve been transformed!!!!” And I remember a sensation of total and complete peace and joy flooding our beings.

          End of dream.

          1. Anselmo (Brazil)

            Regarding the Second Wave of Ascension, if Operation Terra info still is valid, it will come immediatelly after the First Wave, spanning some months, then the Tribulation period of “less than 3,5 years” according Jesus to John Leary and then the Third Wave of Ascension.

            This is the Classic scenario. But in case of Nuclear War, then an emergency evacuation will take place, with ships appearing in the sky and offering rescue, according to Ashtar in Rio Grande do Sul – O Semeador do Evangelho (Brazil).
