The One: Prophecy

Channel: Sophia Love

It is the One.

Thank you.

We will speak now on prophecy. For it is intrinsically tied to the method in which events are manifested. The strings of creation are long and tangled. We speak here of creation on a mass scale, and not so much of personal or individual events.

Global and regional events that impact and are witnessed by large numbers of people are, in turn, collectively created. There are stories and expectations and beliefs that all contribute to the carrying out of things.

What impact each has on the eventual outcome depends on both the intensity and the volume inherent separately and in combination. What this means is that there are always multiple possibilities of outcomes. Decisions for how events turn out can turn at the final second prior to manifestation. Literally anything is possible in this sense.

Numbers matter. It is why there has been a relentless push for a single, corporate controlled narrative. The larger the number of believers in the story, the more likely it is to become reality.

You are aware of this, of course. It is the intricate nature of prophecy and belief, as well as emotion, that warrants more discussion.

As emotions go, there are two that top the charts – fear and Love. Both are creative and equally powerful as tools for manifestation. They can be looked at as magnifiers, for they bolster the imprint for whatever is being considered when they are felt.

To say it a bit differently, the emotion of fear is as equally powerful as the emotion of Love when it comes to perpetuating an event. The difference, in a very practical sense, is that one expands while the other constricts. Your Universe is constantly expanding. Love, therefore, is the emotion driving that expansion. Fear has no such ability.

When prophecy is considered, and then determined to be a belief, it will more likely occur when Love is the driving emotion surrounding its belief.

It is a tangled web of necessary threads that determines outcomes. Each of these answers to someone or something impacted by and considering the prophecy. All contribute, and there is no way to predict exactly how, when, and what will manifest.

What can be said here is that you are in control of your part, which, when combined with everyone else’s, will produce the outcome. It will show up, whenever it does, as the most feared outcome or the most loved outcome. It has to. Emotions are the drivers of creation in every circumstance.

Choosing your emotional contribution is what you control. Choosing Love will guarantee that what you are imagining (with that view of Love) will only expand. It, therefore, holds a more powerful imprint.

You can see now, why your past controllers attempt so diligently to remove Love from your dialogue as anything useful. It helps their plan to keep you fearful. For, unaware and fearful beings are powerful contributors to fearful outcomes.

A constant attitude of Love may appear frivolous in the face of such perilous and frightening times. I can assure you that it is not. It is your secret weapon, and the ultimate force behind your success.

Those of you reading or listening to these words are here now with arsenals of Love to offer.

This is Truth. It determines the end of the story.

For there is an end, my dear, dear humans. It will occur at a somewhat unexpected moment and in a somewhat unexpected way. This is a guarantee. As you are human, and the way that your greatest stories are written demands that this be so. * It could be no other way.

You are the writers of prophecy and the actors in each event. This is, and continues to be, the greatest story every told. Your genius guarantees that this be so.

Remember Love as you consider prophecy.

That is all.

Thank you.

* This is a reference to “the hero’s journey,” which is our story. Here’s the definition in Wikipedia ~ “In narratology and comparative mythology, the hero’s journey, also known as the monomyth, is the common template of stories that involve a hero who goes on an adventure, is victorious in a decisive crisis, and comes home changed or transformed.”

