Daily Message for 4/07/2024

The time has arrived for you to claim your freedom, power, mastery. For you to live as THE SOUL that you are. No longer will you allow yourself to be burdened by the 3D illusions. For as SOUL, you are limitless. Times of deviation have passed, time to focus on creating the new. ~Kejraj

4 Replies to “Daily Message for 4/07/2024”

  1. Aki

    The heart is a portal of the flow of love.
    The heart is the source of the magnetic field.
    The magnetic field is invisible light.
    The flow of love is important.
    It’s the heart that feels love and light.

    May the heart function as a portal of love and resonate.

    1. Aki

      It’s important to be filled with spiritual light from the high dimension entering from the crown chakra.
      Thank you for your much help and guidance.

  2. Jens Neustadt

    Yeah I can tell ETs are angry at me, they’re sending messages/synchronicities related to aging. Someone up in their ships must’ve busted a cap instead of properly reading my intentions.

