Tunia: Hero – Villain Polarization

Channel: A.S.

My dearest brothers and sisters,

This is Tunia speaking. I love you so very much.

Last week I shared that pretty much everyone on Earth doesn’t have all their needs met, and that most people are trying to get their needs met in some way or the other.

And I empathize with you very much. I know Earth is incredibly hard. My heart goes out to you.

Today I would look to zoom in on one way in which people try to get their needs met. Namely, the Hero – Villain Polarization.

People have the need to feel that their life has purpose, and that they are the good guys — or at least that they aren’t the bad guys who are taking an acceptable situation and making it worse. Even service to self people will usually come up with some kind of narrative either why what they do is for the greater good, or that it doesn’t matter because everything sucks and nothing matters anyway. Or they think to themselves: “if I didn’t do this thing, someone else would do it, so I might as well be the one to do it and benefit from it.”

Now, someone could find meaning and get self-esteem by having a productive life and helping others. However, that is hard, and people are already at their limits.

So, what people often do to get their needs met is to create a Hero – Villain Polarization.

The most straightforward example is if a person on the left says: people of this minority are the oppressed victims. The villains are those evil racists or sexists or transphobes on the right. I am the hero who will fight the villain. This can lead, for example, to racial hiring quotas or to labeling a person racist just for opposing illegal immigration.

Or a person on the left goes: average people are the victims because they are getting financially squeezed by the rich. Rich people are always evil, selfish, greedy, parasitical capitalists, and they are the villains. I am the hero who will fight the villain.

Note the lack of nuance here. The person on the left pretends that people on the right are either dumb racists, or evil greedy rich capitalists who exploit their workers. Because if a person wants to fulfill their psychological need in this way, it helps to make your chosen villain completely evil.

But it’s not just some people on the left who do this. Some people on the right also create a hero – villain polarization:

A person on the right goes: average, normal, hard-working people are the victim because left-wingers are destroying the country. The villains are left-wingers, who are all destructive, narcissistic, virtue-signalling, gender-confused woke communists. I am the hero who will fight the woke villain.

Now, some people on the left are indeed behaving in a destructive way so that they can virtue signal and get their needs met. That is true. But not everyone on the left acts purely to virtue signal.

It’s also true that some people on the right are racist, and it’s also true that some people on the right really are self-interested rich capitalists. But not everyone on the right is either a racist, or a greedy selfish rich person.

The issue here is the complete lack of nuance in this hero – villain polarization. The own side is presented as the virtuous heroes who must fight the unrelenting evil on the other side, in order to protect the innocent. But reality isn’t so black and white.

It’s more productive to acknowledge that your political side probably has some imperfections and self-serving narratives, and that the other side has some genuine concerns that may currently be unaddressed. Perhaps the other side wants their concerns to be addressed in a way that would be a net negative, but even so, they may still have valid unaddressed concerns.

It’s much more productive to have a discussion if you view the other side as legitimate and having some valid concerns but overall being wrong, rather than viewing the other side as evil villains who must be defeated, and your own side as the heroes who must vanquish evil.

What makes this challenging is that people can be really emotionally invested, because indeed, the well-being of people does hang in the balance. But on the other hand, moral crusaders who pretend that the world is black and white, can also do a lot of real-world harm.

For example, one person might say that it’s absolutely crucial that if a teenager says that they’re trans, that they shouldn’t face any kind of questioning whatsoever, and they should have access to irreversible surgery as a teenager if that’s what they wish.

And the thing is, there are cases where that is exactly the right approach. There are probably cases where that approach stopped a teenager from killing themselves. And thus, it’s really tempting for some people to create a hero – villain polarization here, where they’re the heroes, trans teenagers are the victim and villains are everyone who is not completely on board with the “zero questioning, irreversible surgery available to teenagers” agenda.

But you can also find cases where you had a teenager who wasn’t actually trans, they were just trying out a new identity, or gay, or a tomboy, or the teenager felt unloved and unseen and the teenager saw how much love people get when they announce a new identity to the world. In these cases it might be disastrous to never question such a teenager about anything and to give them access to irreversible surgery.

Of course, people who are engaging in hero – villain polarization claim that this second group is statistically insignificant — because that’s what they have to believe to be the hero. But is this group actually statistically insignificant? The left isn’t very eager to have independent research on that topic, or to also give a voice to people who later regretted their surgery.

This kind of hero – villain polarization also leads to accusations that the other group is some kind of bigot, or it leads to a lack of common sense, or to a lack of logical consistency. For example, it’s not logically consistent to say that a teenager can decide to undergo irreversible surgery, while a teenager isn’t allowed to drive or drink or vote. But hey, we must be the hero, those people must be the villain, so let’s disregard everything that doesn’t fit our worldview as statistically insignificant or transphobic or whatever.

People can also engage in hero – villain polarization by making their side or their candidate into a hero. For example, some people on the right think that Trump is a hero whose every action is a genius 5D chess move, except for a few unfortunate forced moves that couldn’t be helped, such as Operation Warpspeed.

This also lacks logical consistency, because Trump has actively promoted boosters even after leaving office. Why did he do so? Some people say that wasn’t Trump, that was an evil double. Okay, but in the worldview where Trump is still alive and just in hiding, why doesn’t the real Trump just release a video to the internet where he warns against boosters? If the only Trump that’s interacting with the real world is an evil double, then are people going to be voting for evil fake Trump in November?

In reality, the late Trump was preferable to Hillary and Biden, but not someone whose every action was a genius 5D chess move, or an unfortunate forced move. He did some good things but also made serious mistakes and was a clearly flawed man. But, it seems that it’s psychologically more pleasing to some people to think of their guy, Trump, as an amazing hero who is going to fix everything.

So, if you find yourself painting everyone in a group as pure good, or everyone in a group as pure evil or completely wrong: be wary that you are not engaging in hero – villain polarization. Yes, there absolutely exist examples of where one group is mostly right and one group is mostly wrong. However it’s almost never the case that one group is completely right, or that one group is completely wrong and has zero legitimate concerns.

Similarly, you also have some people on both sides engaging in hero – villain polarizations with regards to Israel. Some people on the far left claim that it’s ok for Hamas to kill Israeli civilians, which is a pretty extreme position. Some people on the right claim that what Israel is currently doing in Gaza is justified, which is also a pretty extreme position. In both cases, I think someone is labeling one side as the 100% evil villains, and reality isn’t that simple.

My heart goes out to everyone currently on Earth, because I know there’s a lot of suffering right now.

What would ultimately be the solution? It would be for the people of Earth to get their needs met, so that they don’t feel the need to create these hero – villain polarizations in order to get their needs met in a more sneaky way.

This again underscores the point that has been made in previous messages: it is an important spiritual practice to meet your needs. If you don’t meet them, you might end up meeting them in indirect and potentially horrible and very damaging ways.

It’s so rare for people to say “I was wrong, I am sorry” because most people are already struggling so much that they can’t bear that additional psychological burden of also saying that out loud.

And yes, this does mean that listening to people and being kind to people is a great service indeed.

I hope this was helpful.

I love you so very much.

Your star sister,

For Era of Light


** These channelings are exclusively submitted to Eraoflight.com by the channeler. If you wish to share them elsewhere, please include a link back to the original post.


13 Replies to “Tunia: Hero – Villain Polarization”

  1. scotth9510

    With all due respect to tunia how can she empathize with us down here when most if not everyone on the planet would change places with her in a heartbeat. If she wants truly empathize with us why not try surviving a week among us tunia. But you won’t give up your comfort and happiness aboard your ship. Why not just go back to the Pleiades and your wonderful carefree life.

    1. the_complaint_department

      Hey show a little Gaian pride, will ya? We are overbooked for decades, nowhere else in the Galaxy you can get this kind of soul growth! Who needs weirdos in space pajamas anyway: they don’t have a scarcity-based economy or helmets in bathrooms or chocolate!

      So flex that sexy soulceps and be proud of your coupons.

      1. scotth9510

        I should mention complaint department im only part gaian. I am a sirian/gaian hybrid 😊

    2. Paladin

      Do we really need another bubble headed bimbo down here?

      You do realize she is not real anyhow?

        1. the_complaint_department

          Rejoice, Tunia will always be as real as your ‘due respect’ or your empathy for Jared’s heart.

  2. Collin

    Hi Tunia. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this topic. You mentioned that it’s rare for people to admit they are wrong and say they are sorry, due to that being perceived as a psychological burden. I agree with this assessment completely. I believe many people think that if they say they are sorry or admit they could be wrong about something, then either the “evil” people win or a person’s own psychological pain is worsened. I admit I have adhered to such a notion in the past. I have come to believe such a notion is false.

    First of all, the main thing “evil” people need is for the masses of people to fight amongst each other and be divided. This serves to strengthen dark agendas, and there are certain people with negative agendas that take advantage of this and use it as leverage to gain more power and control. If people have no problem with saying they are sorry and trying to understand other points of view, then this helps bring people together and effectively hurts the ambitions of genuinely evil people. If this was the case, our news and politics would look completely different, and more positive things would be accomplished. It would also make divide-and-conquer strategies ineffective, which is the main objective of genuinely evil people. Furthermore, people would see that the people they thought were evil were just other people with unmet needs, and the number of perceived “evil” people in the world would dwindle.

    The second main point I want to make is admitting you are sorry or wrong about something is actually incredibly liberating, and in reality does not worsen psychological pain. It improves it immensely. Carrying around hatred, pride, and false beliefs is actually very painful in the long run. You are not hurting the person or group of people you are mad at. You are actually hurting yourself by carrying extra baggage and restricting the flow of life force energy. I know what this is like. It seems like you are victorious in the short term, but in the long term it only creates pain and suffering.

    I hope more people come to know the incredible and possibly life-saving liberation of being able to admit when you are wrong, say you are sorry, and forgive not only others but more importantly yourself.

    Thank you.

    1. John

      Very well said.

      Something about your first point boggles my mind though: ‘divide and conquer’ tactics are once again attributed to a ‘genuinely evil’ group of people; and to me that feels like yet another polarization.

      And then your second point refers to a relief, you note that the REAL psychological burden comes from NOT saying you’re sorry out loud, regardless of any perceived ‘struggles’.

      I attribute this relief to a level of inner acknowledgement of how this polarization was a only a virtual partition existing primarily within the the in-divide-ual – like you said, “you are actually hurting yourself”.

      So in a way, you only have one point: It’s only natural to fall victim to external divide and conquer games if one’s own psyche is already divided to start with, and being sorry for that is ultimately the only real struggle.

  3. Samandra

    Divisions are being intentionally fueled and stoked. MSM and the insidious oligopoly have been playing all of us for a very long time now. Lying to us! Dehumanizing us! Demoralizing us! Demonizing us! Generating all these negative psychological stories and fomenting false oppressor-victim narratives: to divide and conquer. So we focus on each other instead of the wealthy controllers and puppet masters. This is how religions have been used in the past and even now! It’s always the Us vs Them trope! While those who we don’t even see, generate chaos and fear so they can plunder, pillage and philander! People must use their divine power above all else! This war will not be won on social media! Or by calling other people names etc. Ultimately, that is a low-energy, low emotional game! We must minimize and make alliances across all lines of difference. Our minor differences have been exploited against us. And many have been too easily caught up in this trap! I recommend we utilize our divine awareness and divine truth as much as one possibly can. It is something that requires healing, transcendence and claiming our divine rights as representatives of G-d in form! xo

    1. Linda Rosa

      Thank you for these words, Samandra. The powers and principalities of negativity are no match for loving, caring human beings who join together for an uncommonly beautiful cause.

  4. Q’uo

    For what Tunia said, how many times did it happen on his Pleiades or Arcturus? Hacken and his Arcturans completely denied it, believing that Trump had died long ago. Trump was actually a substitute for the shadow government, known as the fake Trump. Cobra had mentioned on his blog that Trump was a gray hat and Biden was a black hat. Simply put, Trump had only one. This exclusionary behavior and irresponsible remarks, in a vicious cycle, were like karmic retribution. Even with similar rules such as the Law of Attraction and the Law of Hypothesis, if society becomes complex, the 5D chessboard becomes the same. In a zero sum game centered around one’s own interests, it seems that there is a certain degree of selfishness and greed, and the combination of self and service itself is a game. Therefore, many people should know that this world is a trap composed of a system, where there are many deceptions and frauds, as well as the increase in uncertainty and instability of this system. To be honest, they do want to see themselves in social experiments, planning to start from the first step, to the second and third steps, In fact, they want to trap humanity on the material level, seeing that humans have been able to accumulate wealth from selfishness and greed, plunder resources from the Earth, and achieve their experimental goals.
    So, do you think someone will stir up the situation or fish in troubled waters
    Behind this may be a scam or lies
    Welcome to answer


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