The Powerful I Am

Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj.

The “I Am” statement holds a powerful energy, which lays the foundation for your reality, and starts anchoring you in the timelines which align with what follows after the “I Am.”

It is very important to be fully aware of your words, precisely when simply throwing “I Am” in front of anything. For those words and energy will begin to take shape and manifest, and become your new reality.

We hope this is clear for you.

You must do your best to practice and repeat positive mantras.

Pay attention and replace the thoughts of anything negative with its opposite positive. In other words focus on the opposite of what you fear.

One thing we hear often is people saying “I am sick of (enter situation, thing). Unknowingly contrubuting to the energies that may bring forth a disease which aligns to whatever you’re sick of. We kindly ask that you stop this. Shift your mindset, have a change of heart. And by this we mean trust more in your own power, in your divinity.

What you may face in any Third Dimensional experience begins to fade the moment you quit giving it your attention. The light and power you hold is much stronger than anything the current matrix can throw at you.

In every thought, word, and action, let love be your intention.

36 Replies to “The Powerful I Am”

  1. Klaudia

    Ty everybody who replied to my “negative little comment” exactly as you did bc only from your reactions I know WHY I said what I said.


        1. Diamond Lil

          I couldn’t reply to your 4-14-24 comment, so this one will have to do! Glad we’re still good, glad me and Formless had a conversation, the complaint department got in on it, heck, all my favorites commented! While I will never know why you say any of the things you say 😂, I know you’re no dum dum. I must run now, and put on some diamonds. jakesey54 wrote a poem for you! Formless, you have a sharp mind, hope to read more from you soon!

    1. jakesey54

      For Klaudia

      All make errors, t’is why we’re here;
      We came to learn to get free of fear.
      No need to cry or ask for mercy;
      God alone is judge, not me or Percy.

      Stop those tears, no need to cry;
      Nothing was born or ever will die.
      For all is connected, nothing is lost;
      United we stand, no matter the cost.

      Walk tall, be yourself at all times.
      Smile, you did well, it all rhymes;
      Look forward to happy times, friend;
      God’s unique creation, without end.


      1. Diamond Lil

        jakesey54, your poem strikes just the right chord. Clever, light, and to the point 😁. Very enjoyable!

      2. Paladin

        “To be is to do” Socrates

        “To Do is to be” Voltaire

        “Do be Do be do” Frank Sinatra

    2. Paladin

      Dear Klaudia, are you in the Lovebunny doghouse? Have you finally joined me in Isengard?

      1. the_complaint_department

        Bring a thick coat if you will, I hear it can get quite chilly on the top floor should you ‘elect the way of pain’. And maybe some weapons, because you know, ‘the trees are coming’.

      2. Klaudia

        Thx for joining the party dear Paladin… you put a sly grin on my face that felt really good.

        And thx tdc for validating “The trees are coming” … believe it or not THAT’S EXACTLY what I was told earlier today.

  2. Diamond Lil

    Hey, despite the comments taking on a life of their own, and speeding off in unexpected directions, to say the least! I found myself thinking “I’m sick of …” catching the thought, and after a quick brainstorming, realized “I’m ready for change about…” was really what I have meant in my heart all along ♥️ This is the first really personally applicable article, for me, that you’ve ever penned, Kejraj, it must have eclipse energy behind it! It’s nicely specific-this is an ingrained from childhood phrase, so drop it. Thanks ☀️🌑🌞

  3. Linda Rosa

    Thank you, Kejraj, this is heartfelt advice and what we need to be reminded of daily.

  4. Formless

    Good work Kejraj, you managed to lure out one of the possible conscious/unconscious Cabal Agents/Negative Astral Entity Organic Portal by the username of Klaudia/popgoestheweazle.

    This is one of the individuals I’ve been keeping my eye on, thus allow me to present what I have observed with Klauda et al, in order to raise awareness against such entropic ploys by none other than the Cabal, whether the individuals themselves realize it or not:

    -Whenever someone posts a self- empowering guide/PSA that informs people that they have the power to change their present situation through their own Divinity/I AM/Formless Awareness of Being (i.e. Manifestation Powers), this person and their ilk would then proceed to post a comment, sometimes in a passive aggressive way, with an air of “I know more than you” or “What you’re saying is impossible, only I know the truth”.

    -Any post relating to the limitless possibilities, power and potential of us who are Connected and are ONE with the Divine Source (which are also Us at our core) they contradict with limiting beliefs and mindset.

    Note: Operating THROUGH the paradigm of Us being also individual expressions of the One Divine Source (“We are all ONE”, “All is One; One is All”), is one of the most effective ways to break free from limitations, alongside no longer shortchanging ourselves by denying the power we already possess.

    -To add a hint of clownery, they also post incoherent drivel in a way that is difficult to understand through the standards of “Very-Simple-English” coupled with emojis that makes it difficult to take their words seriously.

    One would think they are either deliberately butchering their grammar or using a translator or both; possibilities include: it is a fault of their own language skills, or deliberately butchering grammar to add more confusion to the ones reading it.

    And, if someone is foolish enough to argue with them, they cannot win because Kaludia’s grammar is butchered while continuing to mount arguments under that cover, causing the one foolish enough to take Klaudia on an argument an incessant headache, confusion, annoyance and even anger(!), negative emotions that serves as Loosh for the Cabal and their Negative Astral Entities to feed upon.

    -From what I observed, Klaudia and their ilk relish upon attacking Non-NPC individuals with a connection to the Divine Source, by:

    A.) Gaslighting them into giving their own divine I AM power away and invalidating their limitless potential and power through pushing limiting beliefs and ideologies.

    B.) Sowing seeds of self-doubt by pushing arguments that presents the idea that what one knows and believes in is false and only Klaudia’s truth is the only truth (that being “you are powerless, you are NOT Source and you don’t know anything, I know more about Source/Love than you” as some of its gist).

    Hence beware: let it be known that the Cabal wants people who are connected to the Divine Source to:

    -Become disempowered and ashamed of their own power and authority, and give their own power away, as Individiual Expressions of the One Divine Source, through self-doubt, limiting beliefs and mindset, shame and fear.

    -Manifest their own powerlessness and limitations, essentially turning their own manifestation powers against them.

    -To blame their own respective negative situation to causes outside of their own manifestation, sowing divide and discord amongst individuals, alongside planting seeds of self-doubt through ideas like “you are powerless to do anything to resolve your own unwanted circumstances”.

    If you want to liberate yourself; an act of personal Deliverance, then acknowledge and accept that you and the Divine Source are ONE, and you are never separated from Source, because you are a Fractal of Source; what Source can do, you can do also, through “your own wonderful human imagination, which is THE ‘Christ’ within you” as Neville Goddard would put it.

    Remain steadfast, co-creators and co-authors of this Reality, and co-fractals of the One Divine Source.

    Never doubt yourselves and your limitless authority, power and potential to change the roles, script and events in this Divine Theater; to write and end your own life’s story the way YOU wanted.

    These are my observations and conclusions, take my info however you will, for whoever has eyes to see.

    1. jakesey54

      I had my suspicions too. When I was obliquely ‘told off’ for using emojis, me??? They they an inappropriate looking one that seemed a bit off putting in response to my post.

      Also they (Klaudia) “love my sense of irony”. Who on earth would “love” what someone (they never met) has to go through??? Love??

      They seem drawn to anything that opens doors to new ways of thinking/being, similar to a bloodhound towards its target.

    2. the_complaint_department

      I have engaged in arguments with Klaudia and many others and it felt anything but disempowering; I guess we all have different natures regarding what is perceived as criticism and how we respond to it.

      I also think it’s inevitable that we align with what we feel is most appropriate, and publicly labeling others with petty terms instead of actually addressing whatever they are trying to say to the best of your capability is a poor route for progress.

      1. John R

        Disagreements between commenters is not a good route towards progress. Here’s to focusing on the Positive, on Solutions!

        Healthy boundaries and the RESPECT it engenders, is a good motto to remember, and use here, Everyone.

        1. the_complaint_department

          Yes, now try conveying that point without disagreeing with me and see how far we can get.

          1. jakesey54

            Agreeing to disagree sometimes is more of an ‘upgrade’ me thinks! There is room to (genuinely) go further still.🙏

      2. Formless

        English is not my first language so posts that go beyond “very-simple-english” gives me headache; it’s stressful to even read and even try to decipher what the hell they are trying to say; even using the confusion their posts brings upon as a weapon and ad hominem attacks with an air of “see, you’re so stupid you can’t even understand me, I know more than you do!”

        I don’t know what counts as “actually addressing whatever they are trying to say to the best of your capability” to you, but I did what I could with my post above to present the results of my observations and draw conclusions from what I understood of Klaudia’s post and addressing it through my attempts at deciphering the intent behind it all to the best of my capability.

        And I found that their words on specific posts I’ve observed throughout several months on various articles and comments around this website are not progressive at all and has something more to do with gaslighting and disempowerment, or even the “I know more than you do, you don’t know anything” feeling from Klaudia’s words, just like their comment in this article.

        The observation started from the time since Klaudia still goes by the username “popgoestheweazle” or something of that sort. I barely even see you here at that time.

        I don’t know how you analyzed their words and what you gleaned from it, but that is my stance. And if you actually enjoy using your time to argue with these people, that’s not my place to judge, live your life.

        1. the_complaint_department

          English is not the first language of most people here. They don’t use ‘complicated’ words and concepts (such as ‘ad hominem’) because they’re evil and trying to confuse others, they do it trying to properly translate concepts that sound simpler and more natural in their native language.

          And naturally, when confusion issues, most people tend to react arrogantly (repeating the foreign concept LOUDER or transfer responsibility of understanding to the other party) because translating in or out takes a LOT of effort and most people are trained from childhood in the concept that ignorance is something to be ridiculed.

          This concept is indeed probably sustained by the works of ‘the Cabal’, but that is irrelevant because the solution is not ostracizing possible Cabal members or useful idiots, but creating an environment of tolerance where everyone feels welcome to be what they are.

          Because in the end, it’s really not possible to expose anyone other than ourselves.

          1. Formless

            I did notice that to be the case, wherein a person has to use machine translation to even participate in the discussion or an argument.

            And if one doesn’t have the self-discipline to control their emotions, ends up getting into fights while starting to neglect proper sentence structure that it loses its coherence, making them even more frustrated when the other party couldn’t understand them, or again, using it as a sort of leverage to make the other person look stupid while raising them up their own pedestal.

            I don’t know if I conveyed this well; what I presented are merely possibilities, because it’s difficult to definitively know if an individual is an actual Cabal Agent sent to disrupt communitues like this to do “evil” stuff, or innocently making the mistakes due to their own circumstances in life.

            Eitherway, I’m only hoping, just in case, that presenting such possibilities would either make the actual Cabal Agents know that someone is onto them so they better be on guard and tone dowm the clownery, or if not, reflect more on their actions and behaviors as to why some random nobody online is describing them as a conscious/unconscious Cabal Agent, encouraging self-reflection and hopefully help in becoming a better person.

            Then again my approach is not for everyone, and at the very least I would like to deter, however minor it may be (for this “phase”), the actual employed Cabal Agents, them being here is not outside the realm of possibility.

            Being different and who you want to be is indeed good and should be embraced, though the unfortunate thing is, there is always someone who will use it as an excuse to terrorize people, it’s a double-edged sword.

            Discipline without freedom is tyranny; freedom without discipline is chaos. Hence, for me, being guided with wisdom and a benevolent moral compass is paramount for a harmonious “being who we want to be” environment.

            Anyway, this one should be enough though. I did what I could do for this current “phase”. It’s time to move on for the next type of “work”, which won’t involve comments as much, if at all.

      3. Formless

        Addendum: with regards to “petty terms”, it is understandable that you see it that way at first glance. Hence, allow me to offer clarifications:

        “Conscious/Unconscious Cabal Agent”, “Organic Portals for Negative Astral Entities”, for me, are not “petty” in the sense of it being an insult or an attempt to belittle the individuals I identified as such; these are descriptive terms to make it easier for me to designate them in terms of their behavior–of the way they are ACTING in this Divine Theater, which is similar to how the Cabal wants a person to act, especially in communities like this to sow discord and divide.

        My years of observation is over and it is time for me to act, thus, I like to call out people who are acting the way the Cabal wants them to act for negative/entropic purposes in order to shed light to the possibility that they are planted Cabal Agents on communities like this, OR, to point out and make them aware that they are unconsciously acting in a way the Cabal wants them to act after being subject to whatever hardships they are going through, in which the Cabal and their Ethortan-infiltrated negative side of the Galactic Federation as their cohorts, also have a hand in, to some degree; this is me hoping it helps them in some way to notice what they are doing and encourage them to stop, think and analyze their actions thus far and its effects on the public and their own consciousness in their own respective journeys.

        If they don’t like those descriptive terms, then don’t ACT like one.

        Let it be known that if I actually want to be petty, I would use literal low-blow insults and toxic attitude just to mess with someone, in the same air as to how a certain someone on this website would go on and on about a certain type of animal whenever a certain channeled extraterrestrial woman talks about sex.

        Hounding the articles she is in incessantly like a creepy celebrity stalker-hater and a flamebait; almost always there in the comments, to the point of being annoying and cringeworthy at this point, like they don’t have anything better to do with their time, instead of meditating and raising their consciousness and energy, alongside wittingly/unwittingly doing the work of the Cabal as well through posts of “who-did-what-to-whom/X and Y country” from the present to hundreds of years ago.

        Doing those is beyond me; it is cringe, it is a waste of time, it is immature and childish, and I don’t like doing things that other people do that I find annoying.

        1. the_complaint_department

          Yeah… I think going down that road goes a bit against what KejRaj was trying to convey in the actual article, but don’t let me keep you.

    3. Diamond Lil

      Oh dear, Formless, oh dear, I wondered about a thing or two… basically, I know I’m not funny or interesting enough, to have picked up a website friend that fast… although I def never felt any ill intent from her, either. Lotsa laughs

    4. Diamond Lil

      Also, Formless, I’m feeling surprised and puzzled by this whole development! This is the first negative comment I’ve seen from Klaudia. Sometimes people can be in a mood when they comment, yikes, I’ve done that! I guess I’ll remain puzzled, and just let the water go under the bridge .

      1. Formless

        Then you might be in for a surprise with all the gaslighting (from my own analysis) that Klaudia does from time to time to various users here on this website.

        And I don’t know if you’ve made friends with them as “Klaudia” or when they are still using their older username “popgoestheweazle” or something of the sort, they certainly were quite unsavory from my experience.

        But don’t let my perspectives and negative observations get to you. If you genuinely see this person as a friend, then by all means cherish that friendship; I’ve observed that they seem to mellow down when they talk to you, and we all need that positivity in our lives.

        Who knows maybe you can be one of the individuals who can help them get out of whatever negative stuff they’re going through that causes them to behave in a similar way as to how the Cabal wants people to behave, unwittingly doing the work of the Cabal for them.

        1. jakesey54

          I see very many people like that in life, often ganging up, doing the work of the cabal (divide and rule) for Free.

          Protection rituals and a safe physical distance is my prescription for such behaviours/attitudes.

          All have their own timetables for Awakening. No one is left bereft of help in some form.

          1. Formless

            Indeed. It is even more difficult if these kinds of people are something one has to deal with in-person, as opposed to just online.

            Setting up metaphysical protective measures are a good way to go, alongside helping them through proper means to wake up and realize that they are unwittingly doing the work of the Cabal for them (if they aren’t conscious of doing it and is not a planted Cabal Agent of this moribund 3D Matrix).

        2. Diamond Lil

          Well Formless, I hope you keep commenting when you feel like it. You struck a nerve, but so did Klaudia! It got us all talking, disagreeing , this is a loose knit family. Sometimes I wonder if I’ll keep commenting, too. But I appreciated your noticing and pointing out things you don’t like…it feels good to speak your mind, doesn’t it? I hardly ever speak my mind, ha. I keep the peace, instead. Klaudia now has the freedom of seeing where the chips are falling. Nothing wrong with that, nothing at all! This was much more useful than dull luv and light, over and over🥱.

          1. Klaudia

            The thing is “Klaudia” has hardly anything to do with all this dear Diamond… BUT “the energies” that came out VIA what at least you could appreciate were “obviously” needed to come out at this point in time and RUN thru back&forth my body like crazy so bad I could only reply to them a few hrs ago 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵😥😢😭😭😭 and each comment made clear WHERE in regards to “POP” (respectively me) they want “to end up” so all is good.

            Btw. YOUR energy I aaaalways perceive as most REFRESHING 🙏🙏🙏😍

        3. Diamond Lil

          Formless, correct, I don’t recall pop goes the weasel, just Klaudia. I’m so glad you spoke your mind…your comment got us all noticing, and speaking to each other. Perhaps you’re right about me, I like to keep things light 🌝, (while using common sense daily)👍. I think I see us all understanding each other better now, win win. Thank You ☺️

    5. Klaudia

      Dear “Formless”:

      Please don’t think I or “pop-goes-the-weazle” are ignoring you or what you’ve said because the opposite is true. Yet you have CRUSHED me so thoroughly that the dust you turned me into had to first settle again, so to speak.

      “That crushing” though is part of the process I’ve been experiencing for years and it’s ALWAYS reallyreally bad, but this time it obviously had to be even bigger or worse. EVERY TIME I soon after understand why it had to happen, or what it was for. THIS TIME though made all the difference I’d almost given up hoping for. And that’s why I said I’m THANKFUL for each comment.

      Now I can guarantee you that all your worries towards “me or pop” are unfounded or groundless, but I certainly can see where your ressentiments are coming from.

      I hope this could help clear things up a little for you, if not maybe Kejrajs article “Thank you for the triggers” from today can.



  5. Klaudia

    How disappointing Kejraj. Not even you 😉 can outsmart “this thing” OR SELF by QUICKLY “REPLACING a negative thought” “with its opposite”???

    This is such bad advice… not only bc of 1. THE FEAR behind TRYING to 2. DENYYY what you’re actually convinced of bc 3. negative thoughts CAN’T just be replaced because “blablablahhh”…

    Badbad advice Kejraj… maybe you’ve been hacked? IF SO pls accept my apologies for being so blunt, but I had to. 🫠

    1. the_complaint_department

      Really? Your comment on a post about not focusing on negative thoughts is focusing on a negative aspect that is barely there?

      How about offering positive correction instead?

      Yes, Kejraj’s sentence ‘In other words focus on the opposite of what you fear’ was poor in the sense it might convey ‘not facing your fears’; but the sentence immediately before makes it clear he used ‘fears’ meaning simply ‘things you prefer not to happen’; as in ‘focus on climbing and not the gruesome details of what awaits you should the rope slip’.

      Gosh, you leave ten lightworkers in an ascension elevator to take the stairs, and when you reach the top you find that none of them made it there because they couldn’t agree on who farted and started killing themselves!

