Our 5th Dimensional Solar Spine and Twelve Solar Chakras

By Patricia Cota Robles | EraofPeace

The first step of the preparation the Company of Heaven and our I AM Presence is now guiding us through will assist our 5th-Dimensional Body Elemental to greatly accelerate the Divine Alchemy taking place within our Earthly Bodies. This alchemy is Transfiguring our carbon-based planetary cells into 5th-Dimensional Crystalline-based Solar Light Cells. As a result of this Divine Intervention our nervous systems and our physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies are being strengthened and recalibrated to withstand higher frequencies of the Twelve 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Aspects of Deity.

This Celestial Light from the very Heart of our Father-Mother God is the Holy Breath. It is literally our Life Force which flows through our 5th-Demintional Crystalline Solar Spines, our Twelve 5D Solar Chakras and our Twelve 5D Solar Strands of DNA. It is through our Holy Breath that our I AM Presence is beginning the process of enhancing our multidimensional Creative Faculties of Thought and Feeling as well as our Physical Senses of Sight, Sound, Touch, Taste, Smell, Intuition and Imagination.

During this stage of our preparation, the Company of Heaven wants us to know that with every Breath we take our Father-Mother God are Breathing through our Earthly Bodies the highest frequencies of the Twelve 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Aspects of Deity that Cosmic Law will allow. With every Breath this scintillating Light is now flowing through every person’s Crown Chakra and descending down our 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Spine as it recalibrates our Twelve 5D Solar Chakras to withstand more Light.

Along our 5D Solar Spine each of our Twelve Chakras pulsates as a sphere of Light that is radiating all Twelve Solar Aspects of Deity simultaneously. Our Twelve Chakras are aligned along our 5D Spinal Column from our 5D Crown Chakra at the top of our head to our 5D Root Chakra at the base of our spine. This week, the Beings of Light from our Grand Central Sun are going to help us Breathe brand NEW frequencies of this scintillating Light through our Twelve 5D Chakras.

In our quiet time and our meditations, we are being asked to consciously Breathe the Twelve 5D Crystalline Solar Aspects of Deity, one-by-one, through our 5D Chakra System as we focus on the NUMBER and the COLOR of each Aspect. If you have the Heart Call to participate, please join with me and Lightworkers around the World for this activity of Light. And we begin.

I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of every Son and Daughter of God on Earth. As One Holy Breath, we join our Father-Mother God and the Beings of Light from our Grand Central Sun for this Holy Endeavor.

Now, one-by-one I visualize each Aspect of Deity as it descends on my Holy Breath down my 5th-Dimensional Solar Spine. As this occurs, each Aspect of Deity gently recalibrates ALL Twelve of my 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras.

1. I AM now Breathing in the 1st Solar Aspect of Deity which is Sapphire Blue. This Sacred Fire descends down my 5D Solar Spine and recalibrates all Twelve of my 5D Solar Chakras with Sapphire Blue Light.

2.I AM now Breathing in the 2nd Solar Aspect of Deity which is Yellow-Gold. This Sacred Fire descends down my 5D Solar Spine and recalibrates all Twelve of my 5D Solar Chakras with Yellow-Gold Light.

3.I AM now Breathing in the 3rd Solar Aspect of Deity which is Crystalline Pink. This Sacred Fire descends down my 5D Solar Spine and recalibrates all Twelve of my 5D Solar Chakras with Crystalline Pink Light.

4.I AM now Breathing in the 4th Solar Aspect of Deity which is White. This Sacred Fire descends down my 5D Solar Spine and recalibrates all Twelve of my 5D Solar Chakras with White Light.

5.I AM now Breathing in the 5th Solar Aspect of Deity which is Emerald Green. This Sacred Fire descends down my 5D Solar Spine and recalibrates all Twelve of my 5D Solar Chakras with Emerald Green Light.

6.I AM now Breathing in the 6th Solar Aspect of Deity which is Ruby-Gold. This Sacred Fire descends down my 5D Solar Spine and recalibrates all Twelve of my 5D Solar Chakras with Ruby-Gold Light.

7.I AM now Breathing in the 7th Solar Aspect of Deity which is Violet. This Sacred Fire descends down my 5D Solar Spine and recalibrates all Twelve of my 5D Solar Chakras with Violet Light.

8.I AM now Breathing in the 8th Solar Aspect of Deity which is Aquamarine. This Sacred Fire descends down my 5D Solar Spine and recalibrates all Twelve of my 5D Solar Chakras with Aquamarine Light.

9.I AM now Breathing in the 9th Solar Aspect of Deity which is Magenta. This Sacred Fire descends down my 5D Solar Spine and recalibrates all Twelve of my 5D Solar Chakras with Magenta Light.

10.I AM now Breathing in the 10th Solar Aspect of Deity which is Gold. This Sacred Fire descends down my 5D Solar Spine and recalibrates all Twelve of my 5D Solar Chakras with Gold Light.

11.I AM now Breathing in the 11th Solar Aspect of Deity which is Peach. This Sacred Fire descends down my 5D Solar Spine and recalibrates all Twelve of my 5D Solar Chakras with Peach Light.

12.I AM now Breathing in the 12th Solar Aspect of Deity which is Opal. This Sacred Fire descends down my 5D Solar Spine and recalibrates all Twelve of my 5D Solar Chakras with Opal Light.

This NEW higher frequency of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Aspects of Deity than I have ever assimilated at a cellular level, is now secured in my Earthly Bodies through my 5th-Dimensional Solar Spine and my Twelve 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras.

Beloved Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven, Beloved Beings of Light from our Grand Central Sun and Beloved I AM Presence, I thank you for the assistance you are giving to Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth during this momentous time. And so it is. Beloved I AM That I AM.

God Bless you Dear One, I look forward to being with you next week.

You can watch the video here:  https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=412540078191364

2 Replies to “Our 5th Dimensional Solar Spine and Twelve Solar Chakras”

  1. the_complaint_department

    There are different ways to perceive the mathematical reason of seven and twelve, as all numbers progress and derive from each other in delightful coherence.

    Astrology work with 7 traditional planets ruling 12 signs, the logic being that each planet rules a ‘day’ sign and ‘night’ sign – except the Sun and the Moon because, as ‘planets’ obviously, they are ‘day’ and ‘night’ in principle.

    Same with Alchemy, but with 7 metals and 12 operations, since the operation to revert a metal to it’s previous state is different than the progressive one, and the starting and ending states (lead and gold) are dead ends (can only shift into one further/previous state).

    If you apply the same principle to the Rays, you’ll get that 5 of them have some kind of reversed polarity and 2 of them represent the polarities/extremes themselves, totaling 12.

    The logic behind colors/frequencies/rocks/people/chakras/animals that best represent the abstract principle for each one is a lovely debate that I will skip for now, but I WILL share I believe both Archangel Michael and Master El Morya belong to the same First/Blue Ray of ‘God’s Will’.

  2. Pheonix Journal 7: Rainbow Masters

    The colors are the exact same as stated in the Pheonix Journal no#7, Rainbow Masters.
    El Moyra of the first ray of God’s Will
    Lanto of the second ray of God’s Wisdom
    Paul the Venetian of the third ray, of Love (As a scientist and an artist)
    Serapis Bay or Hatonn as the fourth ray, of purity (crystal refraction)
    Hilarion of the fifth ray, healer and invoker of the third eye (inner sight)
    Lady Nada of the sixth ray, of reflection and identity.
    St. Germain of the seventh ray, of alchemy transmutation.

    I have not any understanding of the further lights with the exception of the aquamarine light being of St. Micheal. If anyone else can please confirm or clarify further insight I would be most exalted. Thank you.

