The Good News About Karma

By Owen waters | Source

Karma is very different from what most people think it is. The word itself, usually prefixed by the word “bad,” generates ideas of retribution or punishment for past misadventures. Somewhere in the heavens above, so people imagine, an accountant is supposed to be keeping track of your karmic balance.

I used to assume that karma was all about maintaining a balance, so therefore the universe contained some law that made it reflective in nature and therefore automatically self-balancing. However, I stand corrected by recent revelations from my senior guide and mentor, an archangel who serves humanity during these times of transition in the vitally essential office of Lord Protector of The Shift.

Karma is an effect of creation. There is no inherent reflective capability in the universe. The apparent reflections, which people sometimes call their karma, come from the ongoing patterns of consciousness which they have created.

Each of us has a karmic pattern, which is like a tapestry filled with a variety of cross-linked energies. It is held within the energetically magnetic aura that surrounds your body.

Each thread woven into your karmic pattern was placed there by your creation of a certain pattern of consciousness. Each created thread within the tapestry of your karmic pattern exists because you have given it life. It will continue to exist and attract circumstances to itself as long as you feed its existence.

The Law of Creation is invoked when intention and feeling are set into motion.

Intention is the yang component as it sets the frequency of consciousness. Emotion sets the yin component of magnetic attraction which, by its nature, attracts relevant circumstances into one’s life.

People often ask if their karmic pattern can be changed. Yes, it can. It changes all the time.

What has been created and empowered by an emotional charge will soon fade away when that emotional charge no longer supports it. In a more sudden fashion, a rise in consciousness can transform a karmic pattern.

For example, if someone were intent on jealousy as a way of life and then they experienced a sudden awakening which transformed them to a higher level of thought, their life could change at that very moment. They could decide to become loving and forgiving instead of continuing to feed the old jealousy pattern. That decision would be the end of the jealousy part of their karmic pattern. It would be taken out of existence by the transformation which made the person no longer interested in feeding that pattern of consciousness. The former creation would dissipate, its energy being released back to the universe, and it would stop generating karmic circumstances.

In Summary

The Law of Karma is an effect of the Law of Creation. Your overall karmic pattern is a collection of each thought pattern you have created. It can change as you raise your level of consciousness through spiritual growth but the Law of Karma never ceases to operate. It is always in full operation at all levels of Creation, attracting those patterns you have created through your intentions, feelings and actions.

Here’s the Especially Good News

The Law of Karma guarantees that when you give, you will receive. When you heal, you will receive healing. When you teach what you have learned to others, you will find that even greater insights dawn within you as a result.

If you decide with all your heart that you will succeed in fulfilling your soul purpose in this life, that adds a thread to your karmic pattern which will affect your present and future. Like a magnet drawing resources and circumstances toward you, this thread of intention will help you navigate through life to fulfill your wish in every possible way.

10 Replies to “The Good News About Karma”

  1. Klaudia

    Apart from “the Jesus bit” (which my brain refuses to understand) you translated EXACTLY what I thought I’d said 🤝🤝🤝 lol…

  2. Francis bacon

    This was a better explanation than usual, and I agree with much of it. I do have one issue though: The author of the text purports to know what most people think karma is. I doubt he does. There is an excellent explanation of what karma is and how it works here:
    The author of these symbols was an intuitive mystic, who wrote a series of books that (I kid you not) explain how the physical and superphysical universe (the world of consciousness or spirit, if you will) function, and the (main) laws that govern them, including the well known laws of reincarnation and karma (cause and effect).

  3. Kem

    Ridiculous! When you heal someone you will receive healing, this not 100% true, majority of people or almost all people fail in manifestation except for people who decided to have a strong character and positive attitudes and abilities pre-agreements before coming in this physicality, humanity right now are either in suffering or frustration. The good thing right now is that peace is chosen rather than war.

  4. Klaudia

    Hmm… VERY interesting but I’m not quite getting what Owen is trying to say… “Karma is an effect of creation.” ✅️

    But “There is no inherent reflective capability in the universe”?

    FOR SURE NOT “BEFORE” “life is OR AS a game” started, but isn’t it self-evident that this whole “experiment” was created so when THE SWITCH finally happenes EVERYBODY will (sooner or later) find out that “his or her world” might now FUNCTION DIFFERENTLY from “other ppls world” DUE TO whatever they’ve been thinking/believing about anything there is or even not is.

    In that way EVERYBODY has been the creator of what s/he’ll be presented with… ONE WORLD “that works for everyone DIFFERENTLY” is how “my AA” has summarized it a long time ago… but let’s wait&see. 🫣

    1. the_compliment_department

      Congratulations! Your third paragraph is officially the most complicated sentence I have ever read. 🏆

      1. Klaudia

        THANKS! tcd for the cup 😍… I really do deserve it FOR DEALING WITH THIS “complicated stuff” 24/7 NONfrknSTOP! inside of me 🤪😝

    2. the_complaint_department

      See, Owens just said there is no INHERENT reflective capability in the universe. He only means that this ‘karmic reflection’ type of Justice that people usually experience in their lives is IN ITSELF a reflection of THEIR OWN CREATION because they (usually inadvertedly) accept a certain notion of Justice as true; in other words, HOW you believe Karma to function is also a function of Karma.

      In Jesus’ “Parable of the Talents”, the master endows and charges his servants much like Karma does – can you earnestly see the Justice in it?

