Tunia: Nazism was left-wing

Channel: A.S

My dearest brothers and sisters,

This is Tunia speaking. I love you very much.

Today I will be arguing that Nazism was a left-wing phenomenon.

To be clear though, I am not saying that left-wing politics is bad and right-wing politics is good. It’s more complicated than just “one side good, the other side bad.” Next week I’ll be discussing an important problem that the right is overlooking to a large extent, but the left isn’t.

But today, let’s talk about Nazism.

My previous message was: “Tunia: Defining left-wing and right-wing politics.” In it, I argued that left-wing politics seeks a large amount of government or communal control over the economy, for some perceived greater good. This applies to the Nazis. In the Nazis case, this greater good was a strong German People’s State, as Hitler called it.

Some people will already have reasons in their head why they think the Nazis weren’t left-wing. Before I make my case why they were, let me debunk some of these reasons in advance.

First of all, some people would argue that nationalism, imperialism, genocidal policies and being opposed to a specific ethnic group are all right-wing. As I discussed last week: I disagree, because Stalin was a nationalistic, genocidal imperialist who specifically murdered Ukrainians. And Stalin was a communist and therefore undeniably left-wing. So yes, the left can be nationalistic, imperialistic, genocidal and interested in killing specific ethnic groups.

Others would argue that Hitler allowed private ownership of the means of production, therefore he is right-wing. Now, yes, Hitler did allow private ownership of the means of production. But if that makes someone right-wing, then Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden and modern-day China are all right-wing too. All this argument proves is that Hitler wasn’t far-left and wasn’t a communist — and indeed, he wasn’t. But you can be on the left without being a communist.

Others would argue that Hitler privatized some companies. Well, first, he nationalized companies too. And second, this again only proves that Hitler wasn’t a communist. Hitler’s left-wing ideology wasn’t that he sought to own the means of production, it was that he sought to control the means of production.

That is still left-wing, even if it’s not communist.

To control the means of production, the Nazis used central planning boards and price controls and a four-year plan that everyone had to follow.

The Nazi view was that it was fine for individuals to own companies, so long as they were working for the benefit of the state, and if they weren’t then the state nationalized those companies. Professor Peter Temin of MIT gives an example of that here: https://dspace.mit.edu/bitstream/handle/1721.1/64262/sovietnazieconom00temi.pdf .

In that writing, he also argues there that “national socialists were socialist in practice as well as name.” Furthermore he states that Soviet and Nazi economic planning was “essentially similar.”

Professor Temin writes: “In order to tie farmers to the land, the Nazis prohibited the sale of agricultural land. In order to maintain stable prices and still control production, marketing boards were given monopoly rights to agricultural output. There were quotas for delivery of specific products to the marketing boards at fixed prices. The boards served to keep prices up at the depth of the Depression when lack of demand (and a good harvest in 1933) threatened farm incomes. The boards then kept farm prices down during the industrial expansion of the middle 1930s. While farm ownership remained nominally private, the ability to make decisions and to claim the residual income was taken away.”

Additionally, Professor Temin writes: “The standardized [resource] allocation form described above included penalties for noncompliance. It declared that, “Acquiring materials except for Four-Year Plan purposes will be regarded as economic sabotage.” Under Nazi rules, this language threatened death or a concentration camp for any manager who pursued his own ends.”

Does this sound more like a planned socialist economy, or more like free-market capitalism to you?

It has been said that Nazism is a form of fascism – discussing that is beyond the scope of this message. And it has been said that fascism is corporatism. Well, if fascism is corporatism, who controlled German corporations? The Nazi state did. Which effectively makes it more like a planned economy than like free-market capitalism.

Youtuber TIKhistory has also gone into great detail about the topic of Nazi Germany being socialist, and he has provided a great deal of sources for this topic too. For example, in his video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0q16cq25SCY&t=470s debunking specifically the “Hitler privatized some companies” argument, he says the following:

“There are multiple sources showing that heavy social regulations were imposed on every industry. The Reichskommissar for prices, Josef Wagner, was trying to set all the prices in the economy throughout the Reich. In addition to the price controls, goods were centrally distributed. That’s right, materials could only be bought with certificates which were obtained from one of the central planning boards, which distributed those materials.”

If you don’t trust a youtuber, then fair enough — but the source is provided at the bottom of the screen. And if that still isn’t convincing to you, then I refer you back to professor Temin from earlier.

I think that sufficiently debunks the “Hitler privatized some companies, therefore he isn’t left-wing” argument.

Another argument is that Hitler must be right-wing because he opposed Marxism and communism. Well, Hitler opposed capitalism too, which he saw being Jewish in origin. If opposing communism makes you right-wing, then opposing capitalism makes you left-wing.

So it doesn’t really work to say that Hitler is right-wing because he opposed communism. This is yet another variant of the “Hitler wasn’t a communist, therefore he was right-wing” fallacy. After all, you can be on the left without being a Marxist or a communist.

Nazi stands for the German words for National Socialist. And it’s important to understand that national socialism was, indeed, national socialism. As in: Nazism is a nationalistic form of socialism.

Nazism isn’t Marxism, which is a more international form of socialism, and something that Hitler saw as being Jewish. Instead, Nazism is nationalistic socialism. And indeed, Nazism opposed Marxism and communism — and also capitalism.

Having debunked these counter-arguments, I now will make the case that Nazism or National Socialism is left-wing. This is actually surprisingly easy, now that we have all this confusion cleared up.

We have already quoted professor Temin of MIT earlier. I think those quotes are already very convincing.

On top of that, I’ll just let HItler explain his ideology. This quote, and the second Hitler quote from later in this message, were taken from https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler#:~:text=We%20are%20not%20internationalists.,state%20and%20race%20are%20one


“Socialism is the science of dealing with the common weal. Communism is not Socialism. Marxism is not Socialism. The Marxians have stolen the term and confused its meaning. I shall take Socialism away from the Socialists. Socialism is an ancient Aryan, Germanic institution. Our German ancestors held certain lands in common. They cultivated the idea of the common weal. Marxism has no right to disguise itself as socialism. Socialism, unlike Marxism, does not repudiate private property. Unlike Marxism, it involves no negation of personality, and unlike Marxism, it is patriotic. We might have called ourselves the Liberal Party. We chose to call ourselves the National Socialists. We are not internationalists. Our socialism is national. We demand the fulfilment of the just claims of the productive classes by the state on the basis of race solidarity. To us state and race are one.”

Let’s look at one more Hitler quote to drive this point home:

To put it quite clearly: we have an economic programme. Point No. 13 in that programme demands the nationalisation of all public companies, in other words socialisation, or what is known here as socialism. … the basic principle of my Party’s economic programme should be made perfectly clear and that is the principle of authority… the good of the community takes priority over that of the individual. But the State should retain control; every owner should feel himself to be an agent of the State; it is his duty not to misuse his possessions to the detriment of the State or the interests of his fellow countrymen. That is the overriding point. The Third Reich will always retain the right to control property owners. If you say that the bourgeoisie is tearing its hair over the question of private property, that does not affect me in the least. Does the bourgeoisie expect some consideration from me?… Today’s bourgeoisie is rotten to the core; it has no ideals any more; all it wants to do is earn money and so it does me what damage it can. The bourgeois press does me damage too and would like to consign me and my movement to the devil.
I will tolerate no opposition. We recognize only subordination – authority downwards and responsibility upwards. You just tell the German bourgeoisie that I shall be finished with them far quicker than I shall with Marxism… When once the conservative forces in Germany realize that only I and my party can win the German proletariat over to the State and that no parliamentary games can be played with Marxist parties, then Germany will be saved for all time, then we can found a German People’s State.

So the Nazis had price controls and central planning boards. Hitler called himself a socialist and talked about the socialisation of the economy. He talked about nationalizing all public companies. He says that “the good of the community takes priority over that of the individual.” Hitler says that the “state should retain control” and that “every owner should feel himself to be an agent of the State.” Hitler talks about “controlling property owners” and fighting the “rotten” bourgeoisie. Hitler talks of winning over the proletariat and founding a German People’s State.

Does this sound left-wing or right-wing to you? To me, this is clearly left-wing.

Also, in the conventional narrative, Nazism is fascism which is far-right. In that narrative, it was always somewhat strange that Hitler called his party the national socialists, and Italy’s Mussolini started out as a socialist — but then suddenly they both turned far-right. Having two apparent left-wingers suddenly go far-right seems rather odd. Of course, this is much less odd if Nazism and fascism aren’t actually far-right in the first place.

Moreover, it is weird that both Italy and Germany allegedly went far-right and most of the population went along with that. It’s not very common for entire countries to suddenly become far-right and to have their populations go along with that. Sure, some people argue that Germany went far-right because of the unfairness of the Versailles treaty, but many people don’t think that sufficiently explains why the highly educated German population allegedly went far-right. That argument also doesn’t explain why Italy allegedly went far-right.

Well, under my explanation, there is no weirdness with fascist Italy and Nazi Germany and their populations suddenly going far-right, because they didn’t actually go far-right at all.

So, I have made my case why I think that Nazism is left-wing.

Finally, I think a reason why the left is so resistant to accepting that Nazism is left-wing is that the vast majority of the current left doesn’t want to do anything close to Nazism. Which is true, but they also don’t want to implement Stalinism, yet Stalinism was still left-wing.

The left is correct that many people on the current right are nationalist. However, as we have argued, that’s not inherent to the right. There exists the nationalist right (Trump), the globalist right (the mainstream corporate republicans), the nationalist left (Stalin) and the globalist left (the current left). So it’s more accurate to say that nationalism vs globalism is yet another political dimension, rather than saying that the left = globalist and the right = nationalist.

Furthermore, yes Trump was a nationalist and the Nazis were nationalists, but that doesn’t mean that Trump was even close to being a Nazi or a fascist. This is the same fallacy that the right commits when they say that the current American left is communist.

I think it’s important for people to see their shadows — and in this case, I think it’s important for the left to acknowledge that the left can create awful, authoritarian societies. I understand that facing this may be hard for some, however facing your own shadows is an important step towards becoming emotionally safe for other people.

Moreover, hopefully the “Trump is a fascist, and Putin is basically Hitler” narrative can die down a bit once more people realize that Nazism was actually left-wing.

I hope that was informative. I love you very much and I wish you a very good week.

Your star sister,

For Era of Light


**These channelings are exclusively submitted to Eraoflight.com by the channeler. If you wish to share them elsewhere, please include a link back to the original post.

37 Replies to “Tunia: Nazism was left-wing”

  1. Henry

    nazism was wan projects of deep state, So the left and right wing are those projects of that deep state,

  2. Nameless

    They can’t rescue, they can’t eliminate, they can’t protect, they can’t separate, they can’t explain properly, they can’t understand properly.
    What on earth are they doing?
    They clearly knew about the harp tendency and put it on the original, so there’s a problem. It’s their problem.
    So, did you think the half beings would get along well with the originals? Even though you know this situation, do you still make that kind of judgment?
    Do you guys not want to kill them? If you don’t want to kill them, either educate them thoroughly or save them among yourselves. But of course, problems may arise later. Don’t you know that those races only do things like poisonous mushrooms? Please come to your senses. If it were me, I would change everything or kill them all. Because we didn’t completely separate them from the original, we’re still suffering. And whether you kill those races or not, why do I have to be in the same space with those races, so I made them suffer. Don’t let others get tangled up in your decisions. Have you figured out what race the original is??

    1. Nameless

      So I was attacked by those tribes. Those races are what caused me pain.

      When I used a translator, the meaning of the sentence was translated as if I had caused the pain, but it turned out that I had suffered. Because of half of them

  3. John

    Ah yes, understanding what a shadow is and why it is projected is arguably one of the most important tasks of the Psychology student.

    Anecdotally, in Jung’s richly illustrated “Man and his Symbols” there is a photo of Hitler during a speech and the caption reads:
    “For over five years this man has been chasing around Europe like a madman in search of something he could set on fire. Unfortunately he again and again finds hirelings who open the gates of their country to this international incendiary”

    The fun part is that while reading the main text about projection you learn that the quotation was Hitler’s description of Churchill.

    1. Klaudia

      Hey John… in case you’re interested in adding this little piece of the puzzle to your equation:

      During phase one of my job as a “dotconnector” I understood “the meaning of Hitler” from or for “ascensions pov”… which had absolutely nothing to do with politics… but maybe only bc “I KNOW NOTHING about politics”?

      1. John

        Oh politics alone is indeed a very poor POV to look at Hitler’s ‘meaning’, but there are SO many different ways to see it I wouldn’t dare to call one ‘the’ meaning – I assume by “ascension’s POV” you mean the ‘broader psycho-karmic role’? Knowing nothing about politics is the best trait to deal with it.

        I’m always interested; I can only guess he was karmically ‘scheduled’ to redeem some high-profile collective crap from Atlantean times regarding abuse of power, and drove along a whole lot of sympathetic/complementary fates. Interestingly, his esoteric endeavors suggest he was at least partially aware of it.

        1. Klaudia

          Oh wow John, today I’m really LOVING my intuition for making me say what I wrote… I let google translate your words into german and THOSE WORDS THEN triggered SUCH WARM EMOTIONS within me!! 🙏🙏😍 (I’m actually quite puzzled from that effect 😳)

          I so agree about the many ways to look at everything yet what you presumed what I meant about Hitler is basically correct but specifically “THE IMPACT he had on us Germans related to patriotism” was AN IMPORTANT “sideeffect” for those last ~10 years of integrating the higher I AM ENERGIES subconsciously… (hope that makes sense without context 🤪)

          1. John

            Well, that’s essentially what Hitler did: he tapped into the ancestral feeling (through the Archetype of Wotan) of an united people, of a lost paradise and a quest for freedom, then TRANSLATED it into German cultural/political values – which are true and endearing.

            However, as a person he had not yet integrated his own shadow – hence magnetizing a whole swarm of people into (most impressively) blindly enacting the opposite of these ideals upon a projected enemy.

            The same polarization is resurfacing these last few years all over the world due to an increase in frequency bringing up subconscious unresolved feelings, but the ‘us versus them’ narrative is collapsing on itself as individuals grow aware of their own projections.

          2. John

            I’m always reminded of the emotional context by this ’85 music lyrics by Propaganda:

          3. Klaudia

            “On your way to ascension you loose everything” in my case also included MUSIC!!!!!… it must’ve been back in 2017 when “I last could get away from this brutal ruthless mental process” VIA MUSIC and feel SUPPORTED&CARED FOR because that’s what music has aaaalways done for me… it’s like having to live without a heart&”my god is my dj”…

          4. John

            Ah yes, that is too usually a challenge for the mind of a chronic procrastinator (we prefer the term ‘escape artist’). I wouldn’t say it’s like living without a heart though, more like having to keep pressing it like a manual blood pump.

          5. Klaudia

            Wow John… FINALLY very enlightening as always… Houdini is saying “TY FOR BRINGING ME UP” and in return promises you a precious lecture regarding “CHALLENGES for a mind” respectively “WHERE “PROCRASTINATION” is coming from!”… not bad is it? 😎😘

          6. John

            Well, if I can’t make free time to listen to a spirit who devoted a significant time of his life to debunk Spiritism lecture me about procrastination; I’m afraid we both might crush under the weight of the irony.

          7. Klaudia

            I ONLY NOW received the resonance to your “crushing under the irony” remark deeear John 🙏🙏🙏🙏 and whilst I normally always at least hint at what ppl are giving via their comments this one is too long… but if you want it you know “where I AM @” 😍😍

    2. Matteo Brustolon

      It makes surprise just because of the matrix that told us Churchill was “the good”…they all served the same masters, just to find something to destroy, to sacrifice.. enough to look at the bombing of Germany when the war was strategically over.. Dresda over all.. it was all a satanic ritual..

      1. Yup

        There were probably multiple reasons. One of which was to destroy evidence of the old world.

      2. Klaudia

        Not bad Matteo… I read your comment and “SATANIC” is giving me a huge bodyfeedback that I immediately understood as the answer to a question I’m having atm… this is the 1st time I can see my naivety as a protection… so thx for that.

  4. Hiromant

    It’s good to get political commentary from totally real sex kittens from space. Meanwhile the satanic ruling cabal is still trying to enslave us all with no end in sight.

    1. Diamond Lil

      First sentence, 😂🤣‼️ Second sentence, we will free ourselves using every possible opportunity 🙏🏻. Blessings to you, Hiromant.

  5. Christopher

    This Matrix Order World 😮🌍 Woman Fembots, Man, whatever e hell yeah, 💯 programmers it is, a Damn Skippy Matrix Originators F, ING Founded Kabookery Kharzaran Corporation Virginia Company Corp, lier. These illusions, hidden controllers groups programmers come on here. With Hopum, Bullshit Dum Dum Dum Masses are distracted. Trumpy and Biden, dupes and, distractions. Cohan Daniels, FBI windshield wipers washing Kabookery. Trump has the White Hats. F, Ked the white hat’s, chicken patties, shit hat’s, Caucasians Elites Boy’s and Girls Hats. Jesus God, this. Gotta be born again. Biden dupes Dem’s trying to take away are, freedoms pleasures. What the hell is freedoms pleasures , we are still in a matrix. Regugetatated, Mindset Windshield Wipers Washery Kabookery Hypno Thinking Fluids. This bitch AI VR Game 🎮🎯 Headset Construct, fascinating how many people fall for slimy shit.

  6. Viktor

    What difference does it make whether these people are Hitler, Stalin, Trump, Biden, Putin and others – right or left? What benefit does this have for our 5d ascension? This whole old political system is part of a disappearing 3D world. Considering that in 5D the basis of everything will be Unconditional Love, a new policy must be formed on its basis. Perhaps in 5D there will be no such thing as politics at all, since there will be no meaning in it.

    1. the_complaint_department

      Since ‘our 5d ascension’ is essentially about understanding that it does not make a difference, seems weird to expect such without an actual learning process.
      Lower Densities do not disappear upon discovery of higher ones, ‘Unconditional Love’ is about overcoming perceived differences, not ignoring them.

      1. Viktor

        Did you come up with this yourself? Most messages say that Earth/Gaia is moving into 5D and 3D will not exist on this planet. Those who do not comply with 5D will be moved to other planets with 3D. Therefore, there is no point in being distracted and focusing your attention on the political swamp in 3D. Jesus Christ did not need to study the politics of the Roman Empire in order to Ascend.

  7. Charles

    The Left-Right political spectrum is a false dichotomy. This false spectrum is a divide-and-conquer strategy of the Powers That Be. It has people fighting over political theories where the extremes of both sides of the political spectrum are totalitarian and virtually indistinguishable. As Tunia points out, both the “far left” and “far right” are essentially the same. A far better political spectrum would put ALL types of totalitarianism–Stalinism, Nazism, Fascism, Communism–on one side and freedom on the other. With this political spectrum, people may fight against all forms of totalitarianism regardless of whether it is “Left” or “Right” and in favor of freedom.

    1. Francis Bacon

      Yes, I fully agree. Especially, totalitarianism (i.e. the state may control each individual, who has no rights, and WE (the top politicians, again ruled by people like George Soros and Bill Gates), decide what is good for all, and what you must therefore do) is the suppression of INDIVIDUAL rights. But if the individiual has no rights, then NOBODY has any rights. Anyone who says that the state / the group’s welfare takes precedence over that of the individual shows he’s a totalitarian, for the group cannot fare well, if its members has no rights.

    2. Yup

      If there aren’t rules and protection, who will protect the innocent from those who would take advantage of them using their “free will”? Free will here as been a double-edged sword to be sure. It isn’t like we’ve had a third option as, like you point out, it just has been pretty much one looking like two except for those who engage and yet are either ignorant or truly trying to overthrow as in the whole Trump theory and his participation in politics. If the vibration goes high enough and people have more love and accept more loving ways, maybe we can truly go for the freedom thing, until then I believe I prefer some policing and that means some kind of government.

      1. Dana Francesca Mark

        Oops, I meant this as a Reply to Charles – that a much better political spectrum being ALL forms of totalitarianism on one side, and freedom on the other.

        And that a “Left-Right political spectrum is a false dichotomy…that just plays into the divide-and-conquer strategy” of the Deep State.

