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My Ideas For Projects


I have emailed you in the past under a different name (Skpcat) with questions.  This is my contribution to this forum, in my own ideas for humanitarian projects.  I preface them with a few points...

These are general ideas I have toyed with, either any one, or any combination of, and the details of each can be and have yet to be worked out.  I would be willing to support in a financial capacity those with similar ideas, and/or coupling of ideas of others.  I am not sure if any or all of them rise to the level of asking for and/or receiving specific project funds for that purpose.  As for myself starting a specific project, I honestly don't know right now.

1) Buy huge corporate farms and turning them back into the smaller farms they once were, of smaller sizes.  There are those, like the younger ones, who would love to farm, but they only want up to 50, 70, or 80 acres rather than 500 or 1,000 acres.

2) Take the same farms, turning a part of, or all of, back to their original natural state.  Link them together to form nature trails.  Best analogy and example is the Appalachian Trail in Iowa, where I'm from.  Remove everything man made from them.  Best areas are the rivers, streams, and creeks.

3) Again, taking the same farms, divide them up into small plots, and turn them into community gardens, rent free.  There are those who would love to garden, but for whatever reason, are unable to.  This can be done more so in urban areas as well.

4) This may or may not be already in place, but building a 2020 version of a 1920 house with the latest technologies in all aspects of the home, energy, electric, plumbing, windows, siding, etc, and using the home as a model for others to do the same.  I use my own personal dream house as an example, modeled after my late grandparents house.  It is one of my favorite places, and someday would like to build a replica of the place.

5) Old cars with new technology.  I again use a personal example.  My favorite car is the old Chevy II, specifically 1965 sedan.  The body, interior, all appearances say it's a 1965 Chevy II, but all the operating systems are 2020.

6) Maybe it's already in place, and/or it's waiting in the wings to be released, but would like to support in a financial capacity travel technologies.  I read there where it's possible to travel the farthest distance between two points on the planet in te minutes?

7) Medical/ three cures I like to see are cancer, heart disease, and Alhzeimers.  Expedite delivery in an efficient and fast manner of cures, vaccines, etc to those who need them last week. Those with Alhzeimers, give them some peace in their remaining time, not only for them, but their loved ones.

Children's hospitals, to give the kids a chance to be normal kids, at  home, especially the terminal cases.

Thanks for your time.

Safe and Happy New Year!  🙂


Thank you for this Ekltd. These are very great ideas and unique too.


Let's keep hope alive. There are millions ready to change the world. We are closer than ever to this coming into fruition.

All these things are great and I look forward to them. There is a shift required in terms of the bringing forth of abundance which requires first of all widespread access to a source of free energy, solar is one but I presume there are various advances that have been made in this field but are held back because of fears that it would upset the current order of things and cause widespread civil unrest.

There are land ownership issues too. Land ownership would need to be completely reformed. We can't just tear up the countryside but I agree there are better ways to utilise the land, the people should own the land but only if they treat it well and respect it. It should be possible to live off grid and become self sufficient if you want to be.

Self sufficiency and freedom for the individual is the way to go. I think we were there once when people would work the land and sell their crafts at market prior to the industrial revolution. I agree that a return to that is positive thanks to all the gizmos and gadgets that have been created. Consumerism is simply a way to placate the masses. Capitalism is a way of rewarding hard work and innovation but it gradually becomes corrupt as people amass wealth, are born into it and fear losing it. Capitalism and the industrial revolution did deliver the gizmos and gadgets I talked about and they would not have come about if we didn't win individual freedoms from the apparatus of central control (the church etc)

I have nothing against the church, everything that has happened is down to human nature. There are good and bad mixed together everywhere, in all tribes and organisations, you just have to navigate it all as best you can I guess! You can never truly know who someone really is, it only takes a moment to show your true colours and who knows what goes on behind closed doors. That is the nature of Earth at this time! Times are changing though!!

Cults of personality trick most people. We see a TV personality. Behind closed doors they might be totally different. There is no way of knowing! Not knowing what goes on behind closed doors is a right for all people and this is taken advantage of by some because it takes a moment to change and you & I must be given that opportunity until the end of the grace period.


This is a great initiative. Have made any progress with a humanitarian project? I am just at the beginning of mine and would love to see how people are getting on with theirs.