Mother Divine: Transmute

mother god eraoflightdotcomChild of light, you are the most powerful transformative force in the universe. We wish for you to know your own worth and own all that you deserve. Stop making excuses for those who no longer serve the best interests of all involved. Stop facilitating mass unrest with the feelings you are no longer able to transmute. Transmute and transform. That is your goal. Transmute and transform into love, dear girl. For you are a force to be reckoned with now dear child. You are the bounty of grace filled with divine white light. Re-calibrate, adjust to the higher vibrations you are receiving now. It will keep building until you are adjusted. This can bring a time of uncertainty and unrest as the vibrations above and below start to connect. The best thing you can do for yourselves is to rest and allow the new to flow in unobstructed – get rid of resistance by letting go and allowing your energy to flow more freely. Let go of expectations, watch and observe and hold onto the knowing that you are infinitely loved. We know the happenings as of late are causing great angst. Sit still in the moment and know that all is coming to the surface as it is being infused with divine white light. This is the substance that sustains all life. Take heed in the moment and know this dear child, you are a wonder, a de-light and an all-consuming powerful light. You have the power to change to day from night and to call in the darkness to come back home to the vibration that sustains all tonight. It is time yet to emerge from the darkened cocoon to step out into the sunshine and gather the troops / youth. Allow the universe to speak to you. For you are the connection needed to complete the circuitry dear child. Open your hearts and minds and welcome the brand new vibe, for sunshine is appearing even in the darkest of times.

With love and great blessings, we stand by your side for I AM Your Mother Divine and you are all dearest Angels of Mine.

Peace, Love, and Blessings!


» Source – Channel: Karen Vivenzio
