Collective Programming Glitching

waves of light eraoflightdotcomWarning there is a LOVE bug in the system.

Well warnings aren’t needed, I just suppose it depends on which perspective you are viewing it from, if you are the program itself then it causes glitches, but if you are the person who is sick to death of using an outdated program, then the love bug is likely to be a rather refreshing CRASH, whilst you step away from the desk, and allow the love reinstall to take place.

Today is an interesting day to say the least, we are in the final degree of Leo and I would like to say a big happy birthday to my Soul siSTAR Charleen!!!

But also this day, for a few years always feels a little out of place, a little like something is missing, and you wouldn’t be far wrong since Regulus, the heart of the lion star used to sit here, but back in 2012 it shifted from the last degree of leo into the 0 degree virgo, pure masculine, into the reach of the feminine, a feminine who likes to sort through the details and drill down to where it’s simple, this makes for an incredibly interesting surf especially as Mars and Virgo are soon to be meeting, behind the light of the sun, as if in secret, down within the inner world.

Something is occuring here and I will post a video and chat about this some more.

Also today the moon Conjuncts the Pleiades, correction time, this feels like the nervous energy of a child, walking into class on a Monday morning quickly thinking of excuses and reasons why the homework hasn’t been completed, the kNOw bank is about to strike again.

The Pleiades, the seven sisters, the seven suns, the seven archetypes, the seven initiations is a journey we all undertake on the path of light, and each trip our moon takes and passes the 7 teachers we receive a stamp if completed and scorned when not, to feel the burn emotionally to send those back inwards to attempt the pass.

Timelines appear to open, changes are apparent but the love bug will show you, if you care to look whether this is on a loop or whether this is aligned to a new frequency.

Quantum pattern designers and system installers will be busy within the grids caring for the discarded love bugs, smoothing out the overloads and ensuring the grids we hold are running nice and smooth. Nature will be our office and nurture will be the topic of our morning meeting if you would care to join please head over to head quarters at the A Gift from Gaia GROUP.

This is pure soul work angels, we had a huge influx of photonic light through the night as the UK slept, I woke to an almighty rushing and the heat coursing through me had me feeling like Mrs Pyro a new super hero.

The love bug is causing havoc in the program and the collective is likely to get glitchy. The new program install is that of balance between the masculine and feminine, it is run smoothly on the Divine Unity Server.

Upgrade now for faster speeds of light.


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